Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 734 The first wave of photos

Chapter 734 The First Wave of Photos ([-])
Luo Quan chose nothing but the duck seat that Wang Lan said had a high degree of difficulty.

"The first wave of photos has come out. If there are no accidents, this should be the cover of the new photo."

After Luo Quan finished typing, he posted the pictures together.

Just a post that doesn't seem to have a lot of content, and it only took 10 minutes to mention the number one hot search on station B, with more than [-] comments and [-] likes!

This kind of traffic is rarely encountered a few times a year at Station B, which has far fewer people than Weibo.

Countless fans and netizens have left their own marks in the comment area with the words that most immediately come to mind and express their inner excitement:
"It is indeed the first wave of photoshoots, the undisputed first wave in the world."

"Help, this is not the car to go to kindergarten!"

"I've come in to see the photos, what car do you care about?"

"After reading the photo, my evaluation is: Mom."

"The whole family is filial to the family."

"I really don't understand what's wrong with girls these days. They can take pictures like this. Where's the morality? Where's the bottom line? Where's the contact information?"


Station B is mostly sand sculpture brothers who are working hard on program effects.

The answers to related questions on Zhihu Hot Search are slightly more professional:
"In this photo of Luo Quan, I can see the intertwining of desire and rationality, the contrast formed by this pure and charming, possessing a unique beauty.

She has such a pure and innocent face, but her figure is like a demon that seduces the world. She is the good that saves everything, and the evil that makes everything fall.

But no matter what the ending is, I am willing to sink into it and never extricate myself! "

This is the first highlighted answer.

"Before I saw the photos, I had actually predicted that Luo Quan would not take photos just for swimsuits and for Lu.

Including the large-scale photos taken for public welfare before, it seems full of artistic sense.

But last time, it paid tribute to Venus with a broken arm through the clever use of light and shadow, and this time it uses body language and eyes to tell the silent artistic language to the audience.

Of course, this is a photo of a swimsuit full of benefits. The flawless white skin, exquisite figure, and healthy vest line all make people imagine.

But in addition, it also has a very high technical content, which is not something that ordinary photographers can shoot with ordinary models. In the field of portrait photography, this photo is enough to be used directly to participate in international big names ! "


Both answers were blowing up Luo Quan.

This photoshoot really satisfied fans and passers-by alike.

This is just the first one. For Luo Quan's previous photo albums, it took hundreds of gigabytes to download all of them on the hard drive.

This time it is estimated that there are so many, and there will be new photos to see every day.

In Bilibili and Zhihu, where there are more boys, it is not surprising that Luoquan gets such a high evaluation.

But on Weibo, this time the comment area is basically more positive, especially for girls.

"I'm really envious of Luo Quan's figure, it's just too good."

"Yes, this skin looks like milk, white and silky."

"I usually don't pay attention to her live broadcast. I didn't expect that she would be so exaggerated in a swimsuit. She really looks thin when dressed, and she looks fleshy when she undresses."

"With such a hot body, to be honest, a girl like me is a bit greedy."

"Sister, you are not alone. (cover face)"

"There is a body building tutorial in the personal space of Luoquan Station B. If you are interested, you can take a look, although it may not be guaranteed to be effective."

"Is there such a good thing? I want Kangkang!"


The long-lost three-site hot search reached the top. I remember that the last time I reached the top was because I won the Oscar.

And this time it was because of the photo shoot.

Fortunately, she has always followed the international style, so someone put an open label on her forehead.

So after the swimsuit photo was released this time, I didn't encounter too many criticisms from moralists.

Even if there were, they would be rushed to delete by countless comments within a few minutes. Some of them were reported too much, and their direct accounts were gone. The strength of netizens is simply staggering.

But it's normal to think about it. These defenders have no ball skills all day long, and they have more B words than culture.

When I see celebrities taking some larger-scale photos, I come out and say that the atmosphere is bad, and I will teach the children badly.

If the scolding really made people stop filming in a fit of anger, then who will the majority of netizens look at in the future?Do you see these defenders?

Therefore, in order to avoid this kind of situation from happening, netizens naturally have to confront these people with the most intense attitude, not you banning me.

Facts have proved that more people are more powerful.

There are tens of thousands of reports, and even accounts with millions of fans are blocked as soon as they are said.

Speaking of which, Luo Quan's first Weibo account was blocked in this way, although it was unblocked soon after.

But that's because her reputation has improved, and it's hard to say whether these defenders will get the same treatment.

Just when his photos reached the top of the three hot spots, Luo Quan had already boarded the rented luxury yacht.

She got this yacht from the top domestic yacht charter company with a black card.

It is more than 20 meters long, has a variety of entertainment facilities, and is quite beautifully decorated.

Originally, the yacht had already arrived in the morning, but to go to sea, it was necessary to file an application with the Maritime Safety Administration in advance, so there was a slight delay in going through the formalities.

When traveling in Haizhou Island, the place where tourists are cheated the most is the water sports.

This includes yachting, diving, sailing and the like.

Those coaches who are responsible for taking tourists to play often use various methods to fool tourists into buying additional items. If they don’t buy them, many water sports will be castrated versions, and they will not be able to enjoy themselves at all.

Similar situations have been reported many times, but few have actually been dealt with.

Luoquan couldn't change the status quo, and couldn't tell who had a conscience and who didn't, so he simply didn't search locally, and hired professionals to lead the team at a high price.

All kinds of water sports, the yacht is also equipped with everything.

In fact, Luo Quan is not afraid of spending money, but he just doesn't want to spend money, and in the end he is cheated.

After everyone boarded the yacht, they quickly headed towards the sea.

However, although the weather forecast is good today, the yacht is not too far from the shore.

After all, they are all girls, and they don't play often, so there is no need to go to such a deep position.

Wen Xia prefers diving. After putting on the equipment, she followed two instructors to dive into the water.

The deepest part of this sea is only tens of meters, which is not considered a deep dive. It is a place that novices can control, not to mention that there are two instructors.

On the other side, Su Yu was trying out a watercraft, a machine that could spray water downwards by stepping on his feet.

If you want to get started with this kind of thing, you need a period of training, otherwise it's easy to do splits in the air, or become an invincible Hot Wheels, and you'll make a fool of yourself.

Before Su Yu came, he had talked about this machine many times, saying that he must play with it.

Now that I have really played it, I realize that it is not as simple as I imagined. I can't even master the most basic balance, let alone fly to the sky to do fancy moves.

In short, people are very addicted to food, but anyway, no one will compete with her, so she can play whatever she wants these days, and it may not be long before she can get started.

As for Junko Yoona and the others, because they had so much fun at the beach in the morning, they were exhausted.

So when I got on the boat I just sat on the deck and had a drink.

Luo Quan wandered around on the boat, but couldn't find anything interesting.

Standing on the deck and watching for a while, he directly pulled Wang Lan over:

"Why don't we take a photo of Tianshui here?"

"Good idea, but for this kind of thing, I have to shoot from the bottom up in the water to find the final angle. And you have to jump a few times and take a few more shots."

"No problem." Luo Quan made an OK gesture, and then asked the crew to release a lifeboat and tie it to the yacht, so as to prevent excessive shaking and affect the shooting.

After Wang Lan adjusted the machine on the lifeboat, she yelled at Luo Quan that you are ready to jump, and then raised the camera and pointed it at the protagonist.

Luo Quan, on the other hand, took a deep breath, looked at the endless ocean in front of him, and inexplicably remembered the scene from "Titanic".

"Jack, you jump I jump." Luo Quan smiled and jumped off the deck.

Most people don't know how to dive, or they fall vertically and their butts enter the water.

Or it was smashed down sideways, causing huge splashes.

Although the height is only a few meters, there is no big problem how to enter the water.

But since it is a photo, the pose must be good-looking.

So Luo Quan changed to a diving specialization before jumping.

After jumping down, she stretched her waist and folded her arms, her slender body drew a graceful arc in the air, and then plunged straight into the water, creating a tiny splash.

But it didn't end there. After entering the water, Luo Quan also used the inertia of free fall to dive several meters into the sea.

The whole body is as graceful and vigorous as a mermaid, leaving a string of pale air bubbles behind her, and her soft, boneless legs swing up and down, swimming effortlessly.

And this scene was also photographed by Li Yuan who was underwater.

If the underwater photos are taken well, the beauty can surpass any other scenes.

The scene where the sun illuminates people through the sea surface vividly embodies the harmony of the integration of man and nature.

Such a textured picture, Wang Lan will definitely not let it go.

In order to shoot this theme well, Luo Quan danced three times before it was done.

Tired is a bit tired, but after seeing the photos taken, Luo Quan still thinks it's worth it.

After finishing the busy work here, Wen Xia has already come up there.

"You have gained a lot." Luo Quan saw a dark object in Wen Xia's hand, and thought it was a fish she caught in the sea.

"I dug it out in a sand, it's a bottle." Wen Xia washed its pitch-black exterior with water, but soon found that the inside was dark, not the outside.

"Do you want to open the cork and see what's inside?" Wen Xia suggested curiously.

"You know what's inside and you just open it? What if there happens to be some germs, wouldn't it be over?" Luo Quan was always cautious, and immediately stopped Wen Xia's act of trying to kill him.

"Forget it, go back and find a way to study it." Wen Xia lost interest after hearing what Luo Quan said.

At the seaside, people often throw this kind of drift bottle.

Some are stuffing some letters in the bottle, and some are stuffing all kinds of rubbish, anyway, it's just a bad taste.

This kind of bottle, when picked up, probably won't contain anything interesting.

However, judging from its rather simple style, it is estimated that it has been around for some years, and it still has some research value. It will not be too late to open it after you go back and wear a mask.

After going to sea for two hours, everyone was finally satisfied and set off for the voyage back.

As soon as I returned to the hotel, I found several familiar faces in the lobby.

They are basically stars in the entertainment industry, both third-tier and second-tier, both male and female.

A large number of people went to the lobby to check in, but they were told that the guest room was full and they were asked to live elsewhere.

When he came out, he bumped into Luo Quan's group who were coming back.

Luo Quan was recognized immediately because he was not wearing sunglasses.

"Hey Luoquan, why are you here? Are you also here to participate in the Haitian event?" The leading female celebrity showed a surprised expression.It was as if she couldn't believe that Luo Quan would appear here.

"What kind of grand event in Haitian?" Luo Quan was stunned for a moment, "I'm here for tourism, and by the way, I took a swimsuit photo. Didn't you watch the hot search today?"

"We just got off the plane, and we haven't had time yet." The female star smiled awkwardly, "I misunderstood, I thought you were here to participate in the grand event in Haitian."

"So what exactly is that grand event in Haitian?" Luo Quan asked curiously.

"Um..." The female star's eyes were a little dodgy, "It's a business exchange meeting held by the rich in the country. Some celebrities with business relationships will be invited to join in. It's an annual event, and it's quite lively."

"Oh..." Luo Quan nodded thoughtfully.

"If you want to come, I can introduce you. The participants are all super rich, and you can meet many famous people." The female celebrity proposed to Luo Quan with good intentions.

"Forget it." Luo Quan waved his hand, "I don't have any other plans this time, I'm still busy taking swimsuit photos."

"That's fine, I wish you a trip." The female star didn't bother too much, and took her away after being polite.

"Haitian Grand Meeting, do you know Wen Xia?" Luo Quan turned to look at his friend beside him.

Wen Xia shrugged: "I know, the price is clearly marked.

However, after being rectified, it is estimated that they dare not do this anymore. "

"Hehe, who can say for sure." Luo Quan smiled coldly, and asked where this grand event will be held later, within a radius of one kilometer is directly marked as a restricted area, and absolutely do not approach.

Luo Quan has always believed in making the Ten Thousand Years Boat carefully. This kind of social activity with a criminal record, no matter how much media attention is paid to it, and under the banner of no matter how high-sounding, she will avoid it as far as possible.

It is estimated that many reporters will take pictures at the event this time. If they are photographed, whether they participate or not, it may cause misunderstanding.

So the best way is not to give the reporters a chance to take pictures.

(End of this chapter)

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