Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 735 The Trace of the Treasure

Chapter 735 The Trace of the Treasure

ps. This chapter will be a bit scary, it is recommended to read it during the day.


In the next few days, Luoquan will basically take pictures in the morning when the weather is good, and find a place with fewer people to lie down and bask in the sun in the afternoon.

If it rains, play cards with everyone in the room.

I come to the beach for vacation, but the number of times I actually go to the sea is not many.

During the period, I also met fans, and after chatting for a few words, I found out that they came to Haizhou Island to find me.

And they were not the only ones who came, there were quite a few of them.

For this situation, Luo Quan had expected it, but as long as he didn't stay in one place for too long, he would basically not be chased and intercepted.

Rejecting the fans' request for a group photo, Luo Quan just signed it.

It was raining this morning, Luo Quan didn't go out, stayed in the room and slept late.

After breakfast, she came to Wen Xia's room and wanted to organize everyone to play Werewolf together.

But as soon as he came in, he heard a crisp bang.

"What's the matter?" Luo Quan walked in and asked.

A look, the ground is full of glass shards.

"It's the drift bottle I picked up a few days ago. I wanted to study it, but I didn't catch it." Wen Xia covered her nose, worried that there was something dirty inside.

However, after the bottle was broken, neither the gas nor the liquid could be seen, and the dark thing inside was like a scroll, neatly placed on the ground.

After recruiting gloves and a mask to put on, Luo Quan carefully unfolded the scroll.

Drawn on the scroll are islands and arrows marked with dotted lines.

Below the scroll, there is also a winding and winding solid line.

Another rather abstract pattern, with five holes, looks like the five Olympic rings, and it is completely impossible to guess what it means.

"This looks like a treasure map." Seeing the pattern, Wen Xia immediately thought of Pirates of the Caribbean.

Could this be the treasure location left by some pirate?

Luo Quan laughed immediately: "What are you thinking, how dare there be pirates in Huaxia? The ashes will be thrown away for you every minute!"

"That's true, but this thing looks mysterious, maybe there is something good hidden in it?" Wen Xia was still very curious about this thing, and was eager to try to find treasure.

Luo Quan was silent for a while, thinking that he was out for a trip anyway, and he was free, so let's go and have a look.

According to the sign on the map, the place where the treasure is buried is not very far away, just north of the hotel, called Yandong Bay.

Luo Quan remembered that many people went there before, but because there were too many people and the quality of tourists was not good, the water quality was polluted after a short time, and gradually no one went there to play.

However, after such a long time, nature has restored the dirty sea water to cleanliness through the accumulation of purification, so many tourists have come back.

However, this time the Tourism Bureau pays great attention to the environmental protection of scenic spots. Volunteers are often arranged in Yandong Bay to remind tourists not to litter, and at the same time, they also help clean up the garbage on the ground.

With this initiative and a lot of publicity, Cave Bay is now gradually becoming a popular tourist attraction again.

In the afternoon, the rain gradually stopped.

Wen Xia suggested to follow the treasure map to explore, only Su Yu responded.

Luo Quan felt that this was a good subject for photo shoots, so he took Wang Lan and Li Yuan with him, planning to take some photos when the time came.

To ensure safety.Luo Quan also hired three well-built female swimming coaches in the swimming entertainment department, each holding an electric shock harpoon.

This thing is used to deal with sharks, and it is also very effective against people.

After the preparations were completed, a group of eight headed for Yandong Bay in a mighty manner.

Because it just rained, there were not many tourists in Cave Bay.

There are only two volunteers cleaning up the trash.

"Uncle, how do I get to the cave in Yandong Bay?" Wen Xia walked up and asked one of the middle-aged volunteers.

"Why are you going there?" the volunteer uncle spoke Mandarin with a very strong frontal nasal sound.

Wen Xia smiled: "I just want to go inside and take a look, and take this photo by the way."

The volunteer uncle stretched out his finger: "Go straight in that direction, turn a corner and you will be there.

However, the terrain in Yandong Bay is complicated, and the tourism bureau has set up signposts in relatively shallow places. Don't go in deeper places, so as not to get lost. "

"Understood, thank you uncle." Wen Xia was very polite, but she didn't tell the volunteers that they went in to hunt for treasure.

According to the directions, the group arrived at the location of the cave.

Cave Bay, of course, is the most famous cave that covers a vast area.

It is said that the space inside is quite wide, and you can come across several disconnected openings within a single step. Tourists who go inside to explore the secrets often ignore the advice of the Tourism Bureau and go into the unmarked openings. , in fact, is to die.

As a result, he got lost in it, and then the government sent a large number of police forces to rescue him, which was finally reported by the media and became a national joke.

Similar incidents happen several times a year, but no one has been killed so far, so it is relatively safe. Many travel friends who like to seek excitement go to this cave specifically, so a lot of farce has been caused.

However, because of the existence of this cave, it has stimulated a lot of economy here, and it is also a popular scenic spot, so the Tourism Bureau does not prohibit everyone from exploring.

"It should be here, it looks like a place where treasures are buried."

Wen Xia stood at the entrance of the cave with her hips akimbo, looking as if she was going to have a big fight.

There is a sign at the entrance of the cave, which reads: The terrain is complex, there is a risk of getting lost, please do not enter casually.

But due to the large number of people, everyone went in directly.

Following the signs given by the Tourism Bureau, Luo Quan walked in the front all the way, and sprinkled the special perfume exchanged from the system on the ground from time to time.

The scent of this fragrance is quite long lasting and takes a week to fully develop.

With her sense of smell, even if she gets lost, she can walk out along the scent.

In addition, she also exchanged a considerable amount of emergency supplies in case of emergency.

It was precisely because of these things that she agreed to come here to accompany Wen Xia to die.

Stop and go along the way, took two or three photos by the way, looking at the strange-shaped stone pillars in the cave, feeling the uncanny workmanship of nature, in fact, it is still somewhat interesting.

But as they walked, the atmosphere became a little strange.

"Luo Bao, do you feel that the air has suddenly become a bit cold?" Wen Xia rubbed her arms.

Su Yu next to him felt the same way.

"Have you ever been to an air-raid shelter?" Luo Quan was a little speechless, "This kind of terrain must be very cool, otherwise why does my family like to take us there to enjoy the coolness in summer?"

"It seems to be." Wen Xia scratched her head, "But I feel that this environment is very atmospheric, like a tomb robber's notebook, but don't wait for a monster to come out."

Su Yu smiled: "I'm not afraid of monsters, can they beat our boss?"

"You don't want the bonus, do you?" Luo Quan glared and took out a lighter from his backpack.

"People light candles, but ghosts blow lamps. I don't have candles, so I use this instead." He said and lit the fire.

But within a few seconds, it was blown out by the wind.

"The atmosphere is enough now, it seems that there is something that doesn't want us to continue exploring." Luo Quan laughed.

But she was just joking, and the current atmosphere is far from being as weird as a tomb robbery novel.

Besides, in the old stories around here, there is no such thing as a secret tomb, so everyone is not too worried, and continues to move forward happily.

After walking until the signs arranged by the Tourism Bureau disappeared, everyone stopped and began to leave signs in conspicuous places.

It is worth mentioning that they are not the only ones who left marks on the rock walls, and there are dozens of large and small marks.

In addition to some meaningless patterns, there are many weird words, such as:

"I don't want to die."

"let me out."

"Don't go there, there are..."

"Don't look back, or you'll see..."

The font is twisted and twisted, and they all talk a little, which looks very weird.

When Luo Quan saw this pretender, he just sneered and wrote on it with a marker: "Down with all monsters and monsters!"

The atmosphere suddenly changed.

"If it's managed well, it can be used as a haunted house to come to collect fees. It's a pity that I met you." After Luo Quan finished the painting, he nodded quite proudly.

But if she doesn't follow this, it doesn't mean that other girls are equally courageous.

In the deep and dark cave, there was a gust of wind, and with these weird patterns and characters, they felt a chill coming.

But with Luo Quan making such a fuss, it was somewhat relieved.

After a slight pause, everyone still bravely continued to move forward.

On the next road, there is no signboard arranged by the Tourism Bureau.

Each of the five openings in front of you is marked with the words "Do not enter".

As before, Luo Quan dripped a little perfume on the ground every time he walked.

It's hard to judge the wind direction, sometimes from the outside to the inside, and sometimes from every side, which shows that the entrance of the cave is basically clear, and the space is not as large as imagined.

After walking four or five holes in a row, the searchlight flashed suddenly, and the bright road ahead suddenly became uncertain.

"What... what's going on!" Su Yu immediately became nervous.

"The flashlight is out of power." The female swimming coach in charge of security was also in a hurry, and hurriedly stood a spare battery in her backpack.

But just when the girls fell into the darkness, there was a sudden bang bang sound from the depths of the cave, like a human palm hitting the rock wall.

This voice made everyone's hair stand on end.

"Who, who's there!" Wen Xia shouted immediately.

But no one answered, and the knocking died away.

But within a few seconds, a sharp sound came, as if something was screaming.

"Light... light is not good yet!"

Su Yu was already in a cold sweat, and hurriedly urged the bodyguards.

Under the light of the mobile phone flashlight, the bodyguard also trembled and finally replaced the battery.

The light illuminates the way forward again.

But a sudden strange cry like a monkey made the girls who were already in a state of extreme tension completely unable to hold back, and they also screamed.

With this call, two female bodyguards were called away.

Only the one with the flashlight could bear it, but it was still shaking like a pendulum.

Among all the people, only Luo Quan remained absolutely calm.

The system has said that there is no environment for cultivation in this world, that is to say, there is no supernatural power.

So whether it is a god or a ghost, it will only exist in books and film and television works.

Since it is not a ghost, then who created this weird situation is about to come out.

Although I don't know who is scaring them, there must be something important in the cave, which makes this person stop them even if they pretend to be ghosts.

Maybe there really is some treasure inside!
"Luo...Luo Bao, why don't we go back, I feel like I haven't found anything after wandering around for so long." Wen Xia, who was not afraid of anything, relaxed now.

"Don't worry, there might be something really good here." Luo Quan became interested and wanted to go deeper to find out.

The main reason is that she is also a bold person with high skills, and feels that no matter what situation she encounters, she can easily deal with it.

"Don't worry, I'm here. I'm the most powerful female Tyrannosaurus on earth. If you encounter any situation, just hide behind me." Luo Quan comforted the girls.

After hearing what the real big sister had said, everyone felt a little relieved.

As Luo Quan said, her combat power can indeed handle most emergencies.

Shining the flashlight forward, the girls keep going.

However, after walking for more than ten minutes, I found that the cave in front of me seemed to be endless, and I kept drilling and drilling, but the surrounding environment didn't seem to be much different.

"It feels like we're spinning in circles." Wen Xiaqiang said with a smile.

"It's just spinning around in place." Luo Quan moved his nose and smelled the perfume in the air, which was the same smell as the one dripping from the passing by just now.

Su Yu was anxious: "Ah, did you encounter a ghost hitting the wall? Then what should we do next?"

"Let's go back to the entrance of the cave the same way first." Luo Quan frowned, feeling as if he had overlooked something.

Following the smell of perfume, Luo Quan took everyone back to the entrance of this complex terrain.

Looking at the terrain at the entrance and the holes, she suddenly had a flash of inspiration: "Show me that treasure map!"

"Here." Wen Xia hurriedly handed it over.

Luo Quan took it, looked down at the treasure map for a while, and looked up at the cave for a while.

After comparison, she found that the topography of the entrance plus the five holes was the meaning of the unknown pattern on the treasure map.

Since the pattern represents the entrance, does this meandering line represent the path through the hole?

Luo Quan carefully observed the curve on the treasure map, and found that it was quite similar to the route map of a dendrogram maze.

With such an analysis, everything makes sense.

"Sisters, we seem to be about to find the treasure!" Luo Quan said excitedly, and then led everyone into the depths of the cave again.

(End of this chapter)

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