Chapter 736

According to the curve on the treasure map, Luo Quan led the girls through the quiet and complex cave.

Although Luo Quan vowed that the treasure could be found, the "spiritual incident" that happened just now still gathered over the girls' heads like a dark cloud, which could not be lingered at all.

Despite being reminded countless times that there are no such things as ghosts and ghosts in this world, Wen Xia and the others still seemed a little scared, and they held Luo Quan's arm tightly when they left, not daring to let go.

After walking for about ten minutes, Luo Quan stopped.

"Why did it stop?" Wen Xia raised her head and asked.

"The treasure map shows that this is the place, and there is no way ahead." Luo Quan asked the female bodyguard to shine the flashlight around, and found that there was a dark rock wall ahead, with a dead end.

"Maybe it was taken away by tourists or the police a long time ago. This cave has been on fire for so long. If there is a treasure, how could it be kept until now?"

Wen Xia looked around solemnly, afraid that a monster would suddenly appear from somewhere: "If it wasn't for us, let's go back."

"Yes, yes, it's getting colder and colder." Su Yu also nodded quickly.

"Wait for a while, something seems wrong." Because of his occupation, Luo Quan's ears are much more sensitive than ordinary people.

Echoes in caves are very special because it's hard to tell where the source is coming from by bouncing around.

But what everyone said here, the echo is obviously different from before.

Luo Quan walked to the edge of the rock wall where there was no way forward, put his ear on it, and knocked.

There is indeed a problem!
Luo Quan stretched out his hand to touch it again, and found that the touch was obviously different from the rocks he had touched before.

"Get out of the way." Luo Quan twisted his arm, swung it and punched the rock wall.

Normally, she could easily bend an arm-thick iron pillar with one punch.

But because she didn't wear gloves, she didn't dare to use too much force, lest the uneven rock wall hurt her hands.

But this punch, which didn't use much force, still punched a big hole in the rock wall.

"It's actually a brick wall. I said why the voice is wrong." Luo Quan became excited, threw his arm away and punched again.

With just two punches, this wall made of two rows of bricks was collapsed by her.

All the girls stared at this exaggerated scene, and only lamented in their hearts that the humanoid female tyrannosaur really deserved her reputation.

While everyone was still dazed and surprised, Luo Quan stepped in with a mobile phone flashlight.

Before going in completely, she still used the light to illuminate the environment inside quite cautiously.

After seeing it clearly, she showed a surprised smile: "My god, we really hit it off this time."

Behind the brick wall, there are various cultural relics piled up.

There are rusty and mottled bronze wine vases, bronze chime bells, and beautifully shaped porcelain. Look at the color, look at the color. Could it be the legendary Ru Kiln?

When Wen Xia saw these treasures, her eyes became straight: "I'm going, I won't really dig up the grave of some prince or emperor, right? Why are there so many antiques!"

Luo Quan frowned: "How can the emperor's tomb be bronze wares from the Warring States Period and porcelain wares from the Song Dynasty?"

"You mean..." Wen Xia covered her mouth in surprise, "Could it be that these are the dirt of grave robbers?"

"It should be." Luo Quan nodded, and when he was thinking about how to deal with this, he suddenly heard a rush of footsteps behind him.

"Don't move!" A familiar voice came, and Su Yu felt something sharp on his shoulder.

By the light, Luo Quan saw two middle-aged men in volunteer clothes holding Su Yu hostage with sharp weapons.

"You were the ones who played tricks just now, right?" Luo Quan frowned, "I never thought you would still be volunteers here."

"Hey, I would like to thank you for helping us find a treasure that we hadn't thought of for so long."

The middle-aged man showed a fierce smile: "We have stayed in this ghostly place for so many years, drilled so many holes, and ended up behind this wall. Work hard."

Luo Quan looked at the two tomb robbers, and said in a deep voice, "Let them go, you can take these treasures as you like, and I'll pretend I didn't see them."

"Little sister, you are too naive. If there are so many burial objects, they will be shot if they are spread out." The middle-aged man who held Su Yu hostage smiled, and did not intend to bargain with Luo Quan at all.

Wen Xia became nervous: "Then what are you going to do? As long as you don't hurt her, you can say anything."

"You go back to back first, and let my companions tie you up." Saying this, the tomb robber threw out a tendon rope.

"Don't think about playing tricks, I don't have eyes with this knife!" said the tomb robber, stretching his arms and pointing at Luo Quan as a threat.

It was this moment that allowed Su Yu to escape from the threat of the knife on his neck for a short time.

Luo Quan seized this opportunity, quickly raised his leg, and kicked the half of the brick flying out of the ground.

Relying on his shooting skills, which were many grades higher than those of the national football team, the brick hit the tomb robber directly on the head.

The vicious wretch didn't even make a sound, and just fell to the ground like a puddle of mud.

Seeing this, the accomplice next to him rushed towards Luo Quan brandishing the knife in his hand.

Luo Quan can easily deal with the gunman, not to mention the one who just holds a knife.

Luo Quan could easily dodge the random attack with his eyes closed by listening to the sound.

I saw Luo Quan flying up, dodging, catching, grabbing the knife, and throwing it over his shoulder in one go.

In less than two seconds, the two gangsters lay on the ground, motionless like dead dogs.

"Papa." Luo Quan clapped his hands and it was done.

" this settled?" A group of girls widened their eyes, thinking that this is too soon.

Including Su Yu, it took less than a minute from being held hostage to being dealt with, so she didn't even show any fear.

"What's so difficult about taking care of the two tomb robbers?" Luo Quan said with disdain on his face, he said that he could even hammer the double bonus red sticks. She felt like she was being bullied.

Originally, if it was just a uniform, it wouldn't be so heavy, but who let them hold Su Yu hostage.

For Su Yu's safety, the life and death of these gangsters must not be in her consideration.

"Call the police and hand over these two guys to the police."

"Then what about the treasures inside?" Wen Xia looked at the dazzling array of antiques inside with a look of reluctance.

"Do you still want to take this kind of dirt for yourself?" Luo Quan was amused by Wen Xia's hair-plucking financial obsession, "Comrade Wen Xia, it seems that your ideological awareness needs to be improved."

Wen Xia scratched her head embarrassingly: "I just think it's a pity. Anyway, we also helped to recover so many antiques. At least two of them can be used as rewards or souvenirs, right?"

"I know you don't understand the law as soon as you hear it." Luo Quan picked up the tendon rope on the ground and tied up the two gangsters who had passed out on the ground. Take one or two pieces, the cheapest of these antiques is estimated to be hundreds of millions of RMB, it is impossible to give them to us."

"Oh, it turned out that the bamboo basket fetched water in vain." Wen Xia sighed for a long time.

Soon, the police came, but not because Luo Quan and the others called the police.

It was the two female bodyguards who pretended to be ghosts to scare them away when the two tomb robbers tried to scare them away.

Although the two female bodyguards failed their duties, they still cared about the safety of the people inside after they ran out, and called the police immediately.

After all, the female bodyguards are not professional, let alone helped to call the police, so Luo Quan didn't blame them.

Originally, the police thought it was just a simple tourist getting lost, so they notified the reporter and planned to see what kind of fools these dead guys were.

As a result, when they arrived, they were notified that the case had been upgraded to a major case of smuggling of tomb objects and wounding people with weapons.

What's even more outrageous is that the notice said that the gangsters had been subdued, and that they were to be responsible for "scrubbing the ground", that is, finishing it.

"This year's tourists are really fierce." The reporters stayed outside the cave and raised their cameras, trying to take first-hand pictures of these heroic citizens.

Soon the police brought the criminals out.

To be precise, it was carried out. Both criminals lost consciousness, one had a swollen forehead, and it was not known whether there was a skull fracture.

The other arm seemed to be dislocated, and the two hands were obviously not the same length.

"This tourist is a bit ruthless. Could it be a Sanda champion somewhere?" The reporters thought in their hearts. If this is the case, the news will be more dramatic.

Two stupid thieves threatened tourists with knives. Who knew there was a Sanda champion among the tourists!
This title is very click-through rate!
However, what the reporters never dreamed of was that it was a delicate girl who subdued these gangsters.

A group of hot beauties in swimsuits came out following the police.

The reporters froze for a moment, then widened their eyes: "Isn't this Luo Quan!"

If it was her, it would not be difficult to understand how miserable these gangsters were.

In the United States, she hangs and beats more than a dozen pretended beings with her bare hands. She is known as the last card of Huaxia Chuanwu, the humanoid Gundam, and the world's number one martial artist!
After a short moment of stupefaction, the reporters swarmed up, and the camera was aimed at Luo Quan for a while, and at the same time, they handed the microphone in front of Luo Quan:

"Luo Quan, may I ask what happened inside??

"Luo Quan, is it the gangster you subdued?"

"May I ask how you got here?"


Knowing that he couldn't escape, Luo Quan stopped and answered seriously:
"I originally came here for tourism, but a few days ago I went into the sea and found a drift bottle, and found a treasure map inside.

I have nothing to do today, so let's follow the instructions of the treasure map to hunt for treasures here.

Who knew that this treasure was left by the tomb robbers, and those two tomb robbers disguised themselves as volunteers and guarded nearby. After seeing us find the antiques, they wanted to kidnap us and take away the cultural relics.

Everyone saw what happened after that. "

Luo Quan tried his best to briefly describe the situation at that time.

After dealing with the reporters, she was taken to the police station to make a statement.

Tossed back and forth for about an hour.

Soon, the prisoner who was thrown over his shoulder woke up, and after interrogation, he quickly confessed his criminal experience.

It turned out that there were three people in their tomb robbery gang, and they were active in various deep mountains and old forests in China, and they also obtained a lot of precious cultural relics in the past few years.

But then the sale of stolen goods became a big problem.

The boss of the gang proposed to smuggle the cultural relics to Haizhou Island to hide them first, and then transport them to Southeast Asia to sell the stolen goods after the limelight passes.

As a result, as soon as the boss finished XZ, the second and third children were ready to cheat.

After all, two people are always more comfortable than three people.

However, the boss also kept an eye out. He only told the two of them the approximate location of the treasure, but the specific location was drawn on kraft paper in the form of a treasure map.

During the fight, the boss threw the treasure map into the sea, but after many years, Wen Xia picked it up by mistake.

The criminal confessed to his acts of robbing graves, killing people and throwing corpses.

As for the other one, he is still being rescued in the hospital. It is said that he suffered a skull fracture and a concussion, and his injury is a bit serious.

However, according to the situation at the time, Luo Quan was a legitimate self-defense, not to mention a fractured skull, even kicking him into a vegetable would be fine.

After finishing the record, Luo Quan left the police station.

Looking at the phone, I found that this matter has already reached the top of the list.

"Luoquan has made remarkable achievements in Haizhou Island, helping the country recover dozens of precious cultural relics!"

Click on the hot search to see a video, the content of which is Luo Quan's answers in an interview outside the cave.

Luo Quan appeared in a swimsuit, and his hot body was undoubtedly revealed.

"I'm going, it's the first time I've seen such a large-scale lens on the news."

"Isn't this coded? How can you pass the trial if you don't code? (dog head)"

"I'm getting more and more daring. I dare to dress like this for such a serious news program. I don't dare to think about how to wear it when I get home."

"Haha, from this point of view, Luo Quan's good figure has never been posted. After all, the reporters in charge of shooting news are not in the habit of helping with pictures."

"It is indeed lordosis and back warping, and the skin is as white as milk, it must be quite silky."

"Is everyone talking about the body? No one discusses this case?"

"There's nothing to discuss. Compared with Luo Quan's previous one, these antiques are not worthy of carrying shoes."

"Don't you forget, Luo Quan recovered the Jade Seal of Chuan Kingdom before, and that is the real treasure of China."

"To be precise, it is a donation. It was obtained by Luoquan through a legal auction, and it is a legally protected holder."

"It's no wonder that you can dress like this and get on the news. It turns out that there is a backstage."

"Haha, it's reasonable to travel in Haizhou Island, and it's on the beach. It's normal to wear this look."

"And Luo Quan said that he was still taking swimsuit photos at the time, so he didn't expect to encounter such a thing."

"Let's not talk about it, just appreciate Luo Quan's newly released photo and it's over. It's true every day, and I can't keep up with my nutrition."

"Please put down your needlework."


(End of this chapter)

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