Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 737 About the Pastoral

Chapter 737 About the Pastoral
Netizens are more willing to pay attention to Luo Quan's swimsuit style than how many cultural relics Luo Quan has recovered.

Compared with videos, swimsuit photos are still after all, without movement, without visible ups and downs, and still lack a bit of taste.

It's a pity that this time in front of the camera, Luo Quan was standing still, which was not much different from a photo shoot.

But in any case, the hot search this time is also because of doing good deeds and making great contributions.

I just don't know what the specific details of the case look like, and I have to wait for the police to reveal it later.

After Luo Quan's whereabouts were completely exposed, he simply stopped hiding and started a live broadcast directly at the hotel.

Of course, the live broadcast at station B must not be so casual on the beach. There are also a lot of shorts and T-shirts on the body, but because they are relatively light and thin, the looming adds a bit of mystery and charm.

"I'm using my holidays to broadcast live to everyone, so I can't say I'm lazy anymore, can I?"

Luo Quan's first sentence after the live broadcast was to emphasize his diligence.

"As long as you can take pictures of swimsuits every now and then, I will never say you are lazy. (狗头)"

"Isn't it in Haizhou Island? Swimsuits are awkward."

"What bathing suit to wear inside the house?"

"Please hurry to the beach, don't waste your good time, and don't turn off the live broadcast when you go."

"Okay you guys."


Facing the speeches of a group of lsps, Luo Quan was not surprised: "It's not that I don't want to go, the main reason is that I was notified before, and you should pay attention to the scale during the live broadcast. The live broadcast of real boat swimsuits will probably be regarded as a typical one the next day. Block it."

"The current network environment is like this, there is no way."

"That's all right."

"Hey, I can only wait a few days to read the photobook. Fortunately, this one won't be blocked."

"Then just do a live broadcast of tourism. We usually don't have the conditions to travel. Luo Bao, you can show everyone."



"That's no problem." Luo Quan fully agreed to the request, "But I have to wait until tomorrow. There may be details about the cultural relics case that I need to go to confirm, so the police told me to stay in the hotel and wait for the news."

Speaking of cultural relics case, fans immediately became interested:
"Luo Bao, what's going on this time, can you tell me?"

Seeing that the fans were so curious, Luo Quan also adjusted the camera and sat up straight: "Oh, actually, Wen Xia found a bottle in the sea with a treasure map inside.

We followed the treasure map into the cave, and found that it was left by a group of tomb robbers, and the so-called treasure was actually the cultural relics they dug out from the tomb.

There are bronze wares, jade wares, porcelain wares and so on, which can be said to be priceless! "

"Wow, there are so many treasures, it would be great if I could keep one as a collection."

"You are really punished."

"Mom, this isn't good for collection, Baoyouer."

"If you want to keep the treasure, unless you silence the tomb robbers, the worst thing is to make them unable to speak. It's a pity that Luo Bao has only done half of it."

"This kind of national treasure must be handed over to the country. The things used by princes and generals are still tomb objects that ordinary people are not so easy to get."

"It's a joke. I, Luo Bao, am the former owner of the Chuan Guo Yuxi. No matter how powerful these treasures are, can they compare to the Chuan Guo Yuxi?"

"That's true."


The fans joked about each other, most of them still regret not being able to keep one as a souvenir.

In fact, Luo Quan really has a lot of precious cultural relics in his hands, such as the set of Ru kiln porcelain that his mother in Leon gave him before.

But those were all placed in her castle in England, and she didn't bring them back. It is estimated that they will either be handed over to the country in the future, or they will be placed at home as decorations.

After chatting about the cultural relics case, the fans chatted about recent hotspots as usual and asked Luo Quan to comment.

And the most topical news hotspot recently is naturally "Old Tan Sauerkraut".

This matter is almost full of noise, that is, Luo Quan is traveling in Haizhou Island and has no time to broadcast live, otherwise the fans would have asked her to chat.

In fact, this incident is not uncommon in China. In the early days of tainted milk powder, gutter oil, Sudan red, and in recent years, food hygiene and safety have always been a serious problem.

In the final analysis, the punishment was not heavy enough.

Just like in the Laotan sauerkraut incident, those to be sent abroad are all produced in formal factories, and the sanitary environment is qualified, and the quality of employees is no problem.

For domestic use, they are all pickled directly in the open air, and employees use their feet to step on it, so hygiene is almost out of the question.

The reason for this difference is that if the product is found to have problems abroad, it will be fined [-] yuan, but if it is found in China, it is only a few thousand.

The intensity is inconsistent, and it is not difficult to understand such a situation.

Facing the fans' questions, Luo Quan also began to answer seriously:

"What do you think of Laotan sauerkraut? Now I am both shocking and disgusting.

Although the last time I ate this brand of instant noodles was a few years ago, but I ate a lot during that time to save trouble, and thinking about it now is really disgusting.

Anyway, now I won't eat this brand anymore, everyone who has stocks of this company should sell them quickly. "

"Actually, a lot of sauerkraut is stepped on with your feet. After all, it is convenient. As long as you wear protective gear and pay attention to hygiene, it doesn't matter."

"Indeed, it is said that soy sauce and distiller's grains are made in a similar way."

"For example, Maotai's distiller's grains are said to be trampled out by highly educated female universities."

"No wonder there is a difference between the fragrance type and the sauce type."

"If Luo Bao stepped on it himself, then I can't accept it."

"Then it must be the fragrance type."

"Heavenly! But I am the same."


"I'll go, do you want to do this?" Seeing these outrageous remarks, Luo Quan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I often become incompatible with you because I'm not perverted enough."

"Hey, I think it will be very interesting that one day Luo Quan can make some pickles or dig fields like Wang Xiaojiu."

"By the way, I haven't seen her much recently."

"There is a dispute with the company, and the update is suspended."

"Unfortunately, this is China's largest cultural output other than Luobao. It allows foreign countries to see the unique pastoral culture of China. It is really outstanding."

"Once something is stained with money, it will become full of copper smell."

"Luo Bao can come and try it out. It will be very pleasant to dig the fields and grow vegetables."

"Let's not talk about Luo Bao's ability to grow, just this kind of epic lazy dog, if you let her get up early in the morning, face the loess and back to the sky, wouldn't that kill her?"

"Haha, that's true."


The fans were discussing on their own, and inadvertently cue her again.

For such misunderstandings, Luo Quan of course denied it: "Once again, I want to reiterate to you that I am not lazy, I just use my limited life to do limited work, this is called combining work and rest.

Also, who said I can't farm? "

"With your figure, you can see that you are very fertile.

Your slender and slender hands, at first glance, look like a young lady in fine clothes and well-fed food, but they don't look like working hands. "

"Haha, my brother is still a cow, I will live in Bengbu directly."

"If you can talk, talk more."

"This time I left Luo Bao speechless,"

"Come on, Luo Bao, let's see how you respond."


She didn't intend to respond to whether she had a baby or not, after all, how would she know if she hadn't had a baby before?

As for farming, she really knows:
"Should I tell you that when my grandparents went to work in the field when I was young, I always followed them to help?

I haven't done it for a long time, but as long as I get the tool, I know how to use it. "

Fans immediately dissatisfied:

"Can you show me an excavator?"

"It shouldn't be difficult, right? To be fair, transplanting, fertilizing, watering and other things are not low-tech. If you make a mistake in one step, you will lose everything."

"And now in the east, there is not much private land, and even less fertile land."

"Luo Bao's hometown is in Yuzhou, and there are still many mountains, forests and fields there."

"We can make a special topic on farming, called Huaxia on the Pastoral, and then there will be another wave of cultural export!"

"Good idea."


One thing to say, the fans' chattering discussion really pointed out a way for her.

She also said before that if possible, she is willing to make a contribution to China's cultural output

In terms of food culture, she has made a lot of achievements. Now that Huaxia cuisine is mentioned abroad, although it is not synonymous with high-end and noble, she still feels that it is worthy of difficult, delicious, mysterious, and high-quality food. The description of grade.

Compared with food, China's pastoral culture is actually the foundation of the nation.

After all, it is farming civilization, and no one can do without farmers in this 5000-year history. Farming is the foundation of this ancient country.

If you start from farming and shoot a few related videos, it should also have a good effect.

"You really reminded me that this matter is really quite feasible." Luo Quan squeezed his sharp chin, looking thoughtful.

"I'll go, you really plan to farm."

"It is possible, but the painting style feels a bit weird."

"You can think about Luo Quan wearing a farmer's clothes, with two barrels of farmyard manure on his shoulders..."

"Okay, don't talk about it, this is simply burning the piano and boiling the crane!"

"Beauties should stay away from this kind of rough work, it's a bit of a sight."

"You look down on farming, don't you? Everything you eat and wear doesn't come from the fields."

"You can go and experience it, it's not a bad thing anyway."


Seeing the worries in the barrage, Luo Quan laughed: "It's so old that we still use farmyard manure.

Although this is indeed pure natural, and the effect is very good, but the agricultural chemical fertilizer is not bad, and I don't grow it for sale, and I don't need to pay so much attention to it if I eat it myself. "

"So you really plan to go farming?"

"Yes, it's okay to take everyone to experience the idyllic scenery. I have seen too many high-rise buildings. It's just a change of taste."

"I look forward to seeing Luo Quan digging with a hoe."

"It's a pity, this delicate little hand will soon be covered with yellow calluses."

"Haha, it's not possible. (laughing and crying)"

"Ordinary people don't. However, Luo Quan's skin is so tender that it will break out on the first day, and calluses will form soon after a long period of time."

"There is a thing called a glove..."


Fans are discussing enthusiastically, while Luo Quan has already begun to think about how to shoot this show.

If she was really asked to open up wasteland and farm, she might not be able to do it in a year or so.

Her time is not allowed to spend so much on it, so she has to think of a compromise.

But in any case, this matter has been settled. After returning from Haizhou Island this time, after finishing the filming, we can consider farming.

Speaking of which, this year seems to be the only movie left. She has written the script of The Walking Dead and how to shoot it in detail. By then, Netflix will not need to spend too much effort to find a director who is obedient and capable. It can be reproduced.

"In short, let's talk about farming after a while. You have to finish the work at hand first." Luo Quan said while looking at the camera.

"Indeed, taking swimsuit photos is the top priority."

"Yes, no matter how hard it is, you can't suffer children."

"Shouldn't it be hard?"

"Stop! This is not the car to go to kindergarten!"

"By the way, Luo Bao has such a good figure, do you want to go to the Victoria's Secret Angel Show to show off your figure?"

"Baoyou, it's not fun to go."

"It feels okay. It's quite a gimmick. It's a feast for men all over the world."

"Didn't you just get sued a while ago, saying that you only look for slim and good-looking female models, and there are no plus-size models who are fat, saying that this is discrimination, and you have lost a lot of money."

"And the Victoria's Secret Angel Show is getting worse every year, and it's almost impossible to continue."

"Indeed, there's really nothing to do."


Danmaku always has various ideas, but Luo Quan will always explain it patiently when he sees it:

"Victoria's Secret angel show this, people have been looking for me a long time ago, and more than once.

Once I was asked to go to the catwalk, and the other time was asked to be a guest singer, but I didn't agree.

The main reason was that I was busy filming at the time, so I couldn't get distracted to do other things.

As for now, Victoria's Secret probably can't afford to spend that money to hire me. "

The Victoria's Secret brand has been going downhill in recent years, and has been hyped with Angel Xiubo's eyeballs, but sales have plummeted all the way, and it is said that it will go bankrupt soon.

Hearing what Luo Quan said, the fans agree:
"Indeed, there are not many people who can afford to hire Luo Quan now. It's not just about money, it's mainly because of the cards."

"I have to mention Dabao sod honey. This is a high-quality skin care product recommended by Luo Bao, and it is also the only skin care product she uses when traveling at home."

"Use Dabao, he likes me too."

"Haha, I made a mistake."

"It's reasonable, if Victoria's Secret is going to collapse, Luo Bao can consider taking over to make Luoquan's secret. If you shoot an advertisement with this figure, no matter how the sales are, the traffic will definitely explode."

"Good idea, but almost impossible."



(End of this chapter)

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