Chapter 738

After waiting in the hotel for a day, the case did not repeat much, and the police station did not let Luo Quan go again.

The prisoner who was seriously injured was out of danger after being treated, but it was hard to say when he would wake up, even if he woke up, he would probably be a disabled person.

But it's not a pity, this gangster has at least one life in his hands, and he deserves his death. Luo Quan is doing justice for the sky.

In the evening, Luoquan continued to broadcast the live broadcast, and Zhihu had a hot search about her at noon.

"How do you evaluate Luo Quan's idea of ​​going to farm?"

Some people are not very optimistic. After all, Luo Quan's image has nothing to do with farming.

But the omnipotence of the past made netizens dare not draw conclusions completely.

There is no way, Luo Quan has been slapped in the face many times after being questioned. When people think she is not good, she will show you right away, and she can do it better than most people .

Therefore, although the matter of Luoquan farming sounds outrageous, most people are still neutral and decide to look at the specific situation before drawing a conclusion.

As for Wang Xiaojiu, who was originally the leader in this industry, he has stopped updating for almost a year because of a lawsuit with the company behind him.

If nothing else, this lawsuit will take two or three years to come to a conclusion.

And during this period, it is estimated that she will not see her update.

There is no way, after the establishment of Wang Xiaojiu's brand, the profits it can make are too great, and it is impossible for all stakeholders to let it go easily.

And after Wang Xiaojiu withdrew temporarily, it is not that no one has entered the market and released similar videos through imitation.

However, because the quality is generally not high, none of them can reach Wang Xiaojiu's original height, not even a third.

But after Luo Quan came, it was different. Her ability was absolutely unquestionable.

And with her current fame, even if she just went to the rice fields to dig snails and lobsters, some people would be willing to watch her.

Of course, if this is the case, there is no cultural output at all, so there must be some content.

As for what Luo Quan will do, we have to wait and see.

Right now, netizens are still gathering in Luoquan's live broadcast room, looking forward to her live broadcast in a swimsuit when she was in Hawaii last time.

Such a huge benefit may only be given once a year.

Although Luo Quan said, it is impossible to do this again with the current strict review.

But who let her be at the seaside now, everything is possible.

It's a pity that Luo Quan was live broadcasting for a day, but he was still wearing a T-shirt and shorts.

Coolness is very cool, and the big white legs that are more than one meter long are really eye-catching.

But that's all.

Besides, every summer, Luo Quan never hesitates to show off his beautiful legs.

In comparison, fans still feel that black silk looks better, and that kind of mystery is incomparable to direct exposure.

It's a pity that the review criteria are here.

Although Luoquan has had some relatively large-scale language and content in the past, it has not been gank.

But that was before, and the current network environment is obviously harsher than before.

Moreover, Luo Quan also said that he was reminded that if he commits crimes against the wind, there is a high probability that the live broadcast room will be darkened.

Although it won't be sealed forever, it is indeed a headache to see that there is a suspension of broadcasting and rectification.

In order to avoid this situation, Luo Quan could only become more careful.

Although the fans are uncomfortable, they can't blame anyone.

After all, there are many children at station B, so we really need to pay attention to the scale and influence, although the children may know more than adults now.

After the swimsuit was gone, Luo Quan became a guide with peace of mind, taking fans on a tour of Haizhou Island.

In the evening, I definitely want to watch the bonfire show here, such as fire breathing, forging iron flowers, and throwing torches. The fans in the live broadcast room are all shouting 666.

It's a pity that Luo Quan waited for a long time, but he didn't wait for the legendary show of hand-splitting durians.

Probably this really only exists in legends and TV dramas.

"No one is performing, you can go up and hack one."

"Yeah, I think this shouldn't be difficult for you, right?"

"Try it, it's definitely worth watching."

"Try and die!"


The barrage encouraged Luo Quan, and he looked down at the thorny fruit, and grinned: "You think I'm stupid, don't you, if you slap me, it won't pierce it?
I am good at chopping durians with a knife, so forget about chopping durians with your hands. "

It was a pity for a group of fans in the live broadcast room to see Luo Quan not being fooled.

Luo Quan didn't like to eat durian, so after watching the performance, she bought a coconut, asked the vendor to peel off the pulp inside, inserted it into a straw and drank it.

A coconut only costs about ten yuan, but this kind of coconut egg is sold for dozens of dollars, which is a complete IQ tax.

However, the fans in the live broadcast room wanted to see the peeling process of the coconut egg, so Luo Quan could only pay for it.

Fortunately, it is not particularly expensive, and it is acceptable.

For the next few days, Luo Quan took his fans around with a selfie stick.

During the period, I also went to several Internet celebrity restaurants, including seafood buffets, barbecue restaurants and the like.

Luoquan went to Luoquan at the request of fans, and finally came to the conclusion that those who went to these places were purely taken advantage of, and the dishes were scarce and did not look good.

Of course, these are not what Luo Quan said, but the evaluations made by fans themselves, and she keeps saying: it’s okay, it’s okay.

However, everyone knows that Luo Quan is saying this politely without causing any bad influence to the merchants, but the facts speak louder than words. The food in these online celebrity shops is just not good, and it may be that the business is too good and the service attitude is not good.

Aside from the food and drink, other tourist attractions are still very satisfying to fans.

As a domestic tourist attraction with a history of decades, Haizhou Island has developed all its scenic spots to be quite beautiful.

There are crystal-clear shallow swimming beaches, lush green virgin forests, and colorful gardens. It can be said that there are beautiful scenery everywhere.

Luo Quan took the fans to check in and visit one by one, and saw the scenery that could not be appreciated only by pictures and descriptions.

Unknowingly, half a month of travel vacation is coming to an end, and Luo Quan and his party are preparing to return to Shang Hai.

But before going back, Luo Quan had to take one last shot.

Her photobook has been shot, and Wen Xia and the others' respective photos have also been taken a few days ago.

What I'm going to shoot this time is a MV.

It's a pity if I don't sing a few songs after traveling for so long.

As for the recorded MV, it is based on Luo Quan's journey on Haizhou Island.

Since it is at the beach, the most important lens is naturally at the beach.

Because it's a MV, Luo Quan didn't need to consider so many scales. He went straight into the swimsuit, and then ran on the edge of the beach on a sunny morning, stepping on the churning waves.

Of course, not running like a [-]-meter sprint.

Instead, Gu Pansheng, who looked back while running, greeted a beautiful day with the brightest and most innocent smile.

Sunshine and hope are the themes of the MV.

After filming, Luo Quan quickly edited it, recorded the song, and posted it to the personal space of station B before boarding the plane.

When she turned on the phone again, it was already three hours later.

Luoquan's new song "Blooming Flowers All the Way" and its MV have been on the hot search on Bilibili, and the number of views has exceeded 200 million.

The song is still a pleasant and dynamic melody, as always, the kind that you will fall in love with after listening to it.

The lyrics are quite warm and full of hope. With the scene of Luoquan advancing on the picturesque Haizhou Island in the MV, it is even more inspiring.

In the climax part, Luo Quan's smiling face running in the waves was directly called a famous scene by the seaside by the majority of netizens at station B, it was so beautiful.

Obviously this time Luo Quan finally went abroad in a swimsuit at the request of fans, but the discussion about her figure was unexpectedly much less.

Everyone is saying: I'm crying, the picture is so beautiful that I dare not look at it, I can't help but want to show a knowing smile after watching it, the world is so beautiful.

This is probably what Luo Quan hopes to happen the most. Fans evaluate with appreciation instead of just focusing on the aspect of "color".

Overnight, Flowers All the way became a hit song on the Internet, and it was the kind that exploded on a hot day.

This kind of song with excellent melody and lyrics can be used in many video BGMs, and it makes people feel comfortable listening to it.

However, such excitement is just the calm before the storm.

Why do you say that, because the second part of the much-anticipated Luoquan swimsuit photo shoot is finally coming.

After returning to Shanghai, Luo Quan organized all photos and videos into a compressed package, and then made them into seeds and network disk links.

"The digital version of the photo has been compressed, and the link is below for everyone to download by themselves. There are three versions of 5G, 50G, and 500G. The resolution is different but the content is the same. The name of the photo is: Secret of the Ocean.

In addition, reprinting or malicious secondary creation and other profit-making activities are not allowed without permission, and offenders will be investigated for legal responsibility! "

This text was posted on Bilibili News, Weibo and Twitter, with three download links attached below.

This behavior of blatantly releasing resources has caused the gathering and carnival of countless fans:

"Alright, it's finally time!"

"By the way, looking at this dial link, why do I have a strange feeling? (dog head)"

"If it was a Japanese title, wouldn't it be in place?"

"Enough! We just appreciate art with the eyes of appreciation, don't think too much."

"Let's not talk about it, today's Station B is here."

"So it doesn't have any virus, does it?"

"What are you thinking, why did Luo Quan install the virus map in this compressed package?"

"I see, she must have some plans for me!"

"Get out of the way, I pee a lot!"

"Haha, even if there is a virus, I will download it, and I won't lose money after seeing it."

"I'm all right."

"Damn, is it so fast?"

"Don't get me wrong, it's downloaded."



Luo Quan, who used to read the comments, didn't read the comments after posting this time, because she knew that many people would work hard.

After the release of the swimsuits this time, fans will probably be able to stop for a long time.

The next step is to rest at home for a few days, and then prepare to go to the United States to shoot the clown. The logistics can already start preparations.

But before she could act, a piece of bad news came from the United States.

Because of the increasing racial conflict, the number of shootings in the United States is now double that of last year.

It's only been half a year, and it's impossible to imagine how many people will be killed by gunshots at the end of the year. This thing is not like fighting. Some people may only be slightly injured in the end even if they are stabbed several times.

And once the trigger is pulled, many parts will be killed in a short time with just one click.

What's even more outrageous is that some wealthy people have also become victims of frequent shootings.

Although their residence is fortified, there will always be time to go to other places, and it is impossible for them to have various bodyguards around them like the president.

Presidents have been assassinated, not just one, not to mention these rich people.

Now several wealthy people have been retaliated by bankrupt investors because of stock disputes. Some people lost their lives and some were seriously injured.

Although none of these rich people can be considered extremely rich, they only have assets of several hundred million yuan, and some of them are personal grievances, which have nothing to do with the recent frequent shootings.

However, such news in this situation is hard not to say that it is the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

Anyway, the rich people in the United States are getting a little nervous now. Those who should wear bulletproof vests wear bulletproof vests, and those who travel abroad are trying to protect themselves.

From this point of view, "Forrest Gump" has temporarily solved the problems of the stock market, but it cannot solve the problems of American society.

These are not something that can be solved by a single movie, and the person who tied the bell needs to be untied.

In this environment, the United States also calls on residents to stay at home as much as possible on weekends and go out less to avoid accidents.

but.These appeals are directly taken as fart by citizens.

With frequent shootings, many people also took to the streets to protest and call for gun control.

Because they have to go to work from Monday to Friday, citizens specially choose weekends to take to the streets to parade.

In this kind of social environment, if the clowns are photographed, Luo Quan is really afraid that those people whose lives are not satisfactory will directly take out their guns and start American-style accommodation on the pedestrians on the road, just like the protagonist of the film festival.

"Forrest Gump" can have a positive impact on society, revive the stock market, and even temporarily stabilize society.

And "Joker" can also add fuel to the fire, making the current situation of porridge even more chaotic.

It was absolutely predictable.

In view of this, Luo Quan decided to delay the filming time of the film, and planned to wait for a while.

On the other side of the United States, Dad also felt that it was really not peaceful these days, so he packed up and sent all his mother, sister, brother, and Mia to Huaxia.

They said they came here to stay for a while and visit grandpa and grandma by the way, but in fact it was to avoid the limelight.

He can take care of the bodyguards alone, but not necessarily the others, so he simply sent them all to Huaxia.

(End of this chapter)

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