Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 739 Across the Ocean to See You

Chapter 739 Across the Ocean to See You

"Fans, the farming life you are about to watch may start soon."

Looking at the camera, Luo Quan announced the news that everyone was surprised by this incident:

"Ah, didn't you say you're going to America to shoot "Joker"?"

"Why did you suddenly change your plan?"

"But that's good news."

"Okay, I suggest live streaming every day!"

"Did something happen?"

"The United States is not very peaceful recently. Many rich people have been shot, probably because they don't want to take the risk."

"This is like saying when the United States was at peace."

"That's true, after all, it's an old area for gun battles."


Looking at the complaints in the barrage, Luo Quan also laughed: "It is indeed because of the frequent shootings that my mother, sister, younger brother, and younger siblings will come over to China for a while, and take a look at the two an old man."

Upon hearing the news, fans immediately posted barrage in surprise:

"So my sister is coming!"

"Sister, hey my sister."

"Luoxi is mine, don't steal it from me!"

"Your? You are really punished, Baoyou."

"Little Angel Luoxi belongs to everyone in our live broadcast room. It is suggested that 24 high-intensity live broadcasts will be made in the future. Watching my sister and I eat more deliciously."

"Without my sister, I would almost die, and now I can finally see it again."

"So Luo Bao, you can feel at ease as a live broadcast tool for your sister in the future. I don't care how you fish."



As soon as he heard that his sister was coming to China, Luo Quan's status immediately began to decline rapidly.

Knowing that men like the new and dislike the old, Luo Quan didn't know that these guys actually like the new and dislike the old so quickly.

"Sure enough, love will disappear, right?" Luo Quan looked at the camera with a kind smile.

"Although you are also very good, I still think my younger sister is cuter."

"When my sister debuts ten years later, we uncles and aunts can also say that we have watched her grow up. (狗头)"

"What uncles and aunts are brothers and sisters!"

"Haha, when I was born in 95, I would be called uncle when I met those born in 00. My sister is born in 15..."

"Children nowadays are indeed very polite, but their words are often not very polite."

"By the way, is my sister planning to debut?"

"What does such a young child know? Just play with peace of mind. With her sister around, isn't it easy to do what you want to do in the future?"

"That's true."


As soon as the younger sister is mentioned, the fans in the live broadcast room seem to have a high desire to discuss, as if there are endless topics to talk about.

Obviously that little guy hasn't come yet.

Seeing that the fans were so concerned, Luo Quan also explained a little bit: "It's not certain that Xiao Luoxi will make her debut, but if she has been exposed to it since she was a child, and if her own conditions are not bad, she probably will choose this line of work."

"Don't worry, Luoxi will definitely be prettier than you when she grows up."

"It's cuter than you now."

"As the saying goes, the waves behind the Yangtze River drive the waves ahead, so I don't need to say what will happen to the waves ahead, right?"


"You guys are enough." Luo Quan pretended to be angry with a sullen face, "I can't guarantee other things, but as far as appearance is concerned, it is definitely under my control. I won't be able to find it in 500 years." Find someone prettier than me.

If so, please give examples. "

"In 500 years, are you the Monkey King who made trouble in the Heavenly Palace?"

"One thing to say, Luo Bao is indeed unrivaled in terms of appearance."

"Indeed, although Luoxi looks pink and tender, she is also very beautiful, but I don't know what she can look like."

"Just look at Luo Quan and Leon. This gene is outrageous."

"Yes, the whole family is Yanshen."

"So when will my sister come to Huaxia? Is there a specific time?"


"What's the date today?" Luo Quan didn't bother to look through the calendar, and asked the fans directly.

"Number three."

The barrage replied in unison.

"July 2019rd, [-]...then they should arrive the morning after tomorrow." Luo Quan calculated the days when his mother would leave and came to a conclusion.

"When the time comes when my sister picks it up, don't be in a hurry to start the live broadcast, Xiao Beibi is exhausted, so take a rest."

"Yes, don't be like a capitalist, grab the wool and grab it."

"Don't tire our sister."


"Damn it!" Luo Quan couldn't hold it anymore, and pointed his middle finger at the camera, "Why didn't I see you so distressed when I was doing things before, now that I know I need to rest more, I really admire you guys .”

"Haha, you guys are really awesome, you have forced Luo Quan to swear."

"It's the first time I heard Luo Quan talk about my old lady, and it feels quite unique."

"Keep scolding, I like to hear beautiful women scolding."

"Old M, why don't you be so condescending."


Looking at the brown candies in the barrage, Luo Quan was completely helpless.

It is too exaggerated to swear in public. After all, she is a person of quality, and now that she is so famous, the media praises her as a role model for young people to learn from. You still need to pay attention to what you say and do.

So although Luo Quan was MMP in his heart, he still had to smile.

Fortunately, the fans were actually joking, and after the joke was over, they begged Luo Quan for forgiveness with nasty words.

But she didn't like this, and said directly: There will be no cosplay photos in the second half of this year.

As soon as these words came out, the fans exploded instantly.

The joke is open and it's off.

Although Luo Quan has a good temper and can take jokes, he hardly gets angry.

But that doesn't mean she won't retaliate.

All of a sudden, everyone's weakness was retaliated, and a group of fun people suddenly complained.

And most of the female fans are applauding for opening champagne, they don't have any demand for cos photo or anything, and they can't express their anger when they see Luo Quan being bullied.

Now Luo Quan can be regarded as helping them to breathe a sigh of relief, and his mood is so happy.

Although the male fans immediately began to apologize and knelt down and sang Conquer, Luo Quan stopped talking about this topic after talking about the punishment, and started playing games. It seemed that he was determined to restore his majesty as an idol.

After that, it is estimated that fans' attitude towards her will also be restrained a lot.

Seeing the barrage gradually returning to normal, Luo Quan felt much better.

That's right, how can there be fans who play with idols every day, if you don't clean up, you really think I'm a muddleheaded person?

With a slight smile, Luo Quan devoted himself to starting the road to the canyon.

Two days later, Luo Quan drove to the parking lot of the airport, and then came to the lobby to wait.

There were a lot of people coming back this time, so the car I drove was also a six-seater commercial vehicle.

It was not easy for the transoceanic flight to arrive on time. From a long distance away in Luoquan, I saw my mother holding my sister, Mia beside me, and Leon dragging all the luggage.

"Daughter!" Luo Ni raised her hand happily after seeing Luo Quan.

"Ah!" Luoxi didn't know if she had sensed her sister's presence. She was lying quietly in her mother's arms, but suddenly she turned her head and started looking around, even laughing happily twice.

Be prepared, Shanghai is very hot in July.

As Mia spoke, she took off her shirt, leaving only a T-shirt.

The flight attendant had already mentioned them when they got off the plane, and now she reminded them again.

"It's not too hot here, it's just the temperature that should be in summer. After I go to Yuzhou in a few days, I will show you what a stove is." Luo Quan smiled and vaccinated the two foreigners.

After receiving the person, Luo Quan led everyone to the parking lot.

Leon had a suitcase in each hand and a bag around his neck. His tall and straight body was bent forward, like a little old man.

"Is it so heavy?" Luo Quan saw his younger brother's appearance, and reached out to lift the bag around his neck.

"I'll go, it's a bit heavy." Luo Quan's eyes jumped, and he quickly put the bag into the trunk, "What's in it?"

"Cosmetics, milk powder, canned food, nutritional products... In short, what is needed is stuffed in." Leon said with a bitter face, "I almost broke my neck."

"Isn't it just to carry something? If you say you're fat, you're still out of breath." Mia curled her lips, but she still reached out and kneaded her boyfriend's shoulder for a while.

"That's about the same." Leon smiled with satisfaction.

Luo Quan, who was fed a mouthful of dog food unexpectedly, was a little speechless, and asked, "Where is Seifert, didn't he come together?"

Leon came here this time, on the one hand to hide from the limelight, and on the other hand to come to China to carry out activities.

If you want to say where artists make the most money, there is no doubt that it is Huaxia. The whole world knows that the salary is the highest here, and the money is surprisingly easy to earn.

While it may sound disrespectful, it is the truth.

With Leon's current position as a celebrity, if he shoots a variety show or guest-stars in any show, he can easily earn tens of millions.

So, taking advantage of the lack of movies to shoot, Seifert planned to take Leon to Huaxia to have a soft meal.

Anyway, he has almost learned Chinese now. When he speaks a few words of fluent Chinese and sings two Chinese songs on the show, his fans will definitely increase rapidly.

As for the thunder points about Huaxia, you only need to pay attention to what your sister doesn't like usually, and you will know, after all, she is a Jagged Warrior.

"Seifert still has some work to do in the company, and he won't be here in about five or six days." Leon replied while sitting in the car.

Everyone sat in the back, and there was no one in the co-pilot, mainly because the weather was hot and they didn't want to wear seat belts.

"By the way, do you need to beat the jet lag?" Luo Quan asked at the door of the house.

"No, I already slept on the plane, I'm mainly hungry now." Leon rubbed his belly twice.

"It's still a little cold in the refrigerator... Forget it, I'll make it for you later, and you'll have a good lunch at noon."

Luo Quan opened the door, and a group of girls surrounded him.

"Hello, Auntie!" Several girls greeted Luo Ni in unison.

"Hello." Luo Ni smiled all over her face. Are you all friends of Koizumi just like Wen Xia Junzi?
Among these girls, Luo Ni knew Wen Xia and Junzi.

One is Luoquan's elementary school and junior high school classmates, and has been a neighbor for more than ten years, almost half a daughter.

Junko and Luo Quan have been high school classmates for three years, and they often come to their rental house in Tokyo as guests.

"We're all good friends. We're artists in the same company." Luo Quan deliberately didn't say that he was the boss, because he didn't want to turn the relationship into a subordinate.

"It's nice for us to live together, it's lively." Luo Ni nodded lightly, then walked into the house to observe the decoration of her daughter's house.

Compared with the Wall Street set, this set is quite simple, with not too many layouts and colors, but this is also my daughter's style, low-key, and I like everything to be simple.

In fact, she herself is not a particularly extravagant person. When she was taking care of Luo Quan by herself, she rarely used cosmetics, and used ordinary brands of skin care products, in order to save more money for her daughter's dowry.

It's just that she didn't expect her daughter to be able to make money so much before she graduated from university, let alone that she didn't plan to marry at all.

After greeting Luo Quan's mother, the girls all focused on Luo Xi in her arms.

When they went to New York before, they had already handed over to Xiao Luoxi.

But at that time Luoxi was just born, her face had not yet opened, and her skin was wrinkled like dumplings.

But now it is completely stretched out, the skin is as bright as pearls, like a delicate little beauty, and after seeing it, I can't help but want to hug it in my arms and kiss it.

Cute children can always inspire the motherhood of girls. Luo Quan has already experienced it before, and now it is Wen Xia's turn.

While everyone was teasing his sister, Luo Quan walked into the kitchen and started preparing lunch at noon today.

Leon carried his luggage to the second floor, and Mia walked in to help.

"I can't make a movie right now, what are you going to do next?" Mia asked Luo Quan while chopping vegetables.

She came to China this time, on the one hand, to accompany Leon, but the most important thing is to take this opportunity to come to this country that she has longed for for a long time.

The mysterious and ancient China has a completely different cultural background from the West. The people and things here are quite different from those in the West.

She once said that she wanted to come here to learn the "dragon slaying technique" and change America.

Now it's finally here, but it seems a bit at a loss, not knowing where to start.

"Me? I guess I'm going back to my hometown to farm." Luo Quan said in a half-joking tone.

"Farming?" Mia was stunned.

Although I know that farmers are one of the most important groups in China, but to be honest, I really can't imagine what it would be like for Luo Quan to farm like this, and it feels too out of harmony.

"Actually, the video is made in the way of farming, and then sent out to China for publicity, so that the world can better understand this country." Seeing Mia's surprise, Luo Quan explained with a smile.

"By the way, you said before that you want to learn the dragon slaying technique, right?"

Mia nodded: "Yeah, I also read "Anthology", but I feel that I only know half of it."

Luo Quan said with a smile: "Watch "Let the Bullets Fly". It's easier to understand. After watching this movie, many people will already understand it."

(End of this chapter)

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