Chapter 740 Rap
At noon, Luoquan made a few hard dishes to cleanse the mother and the others, and everyone had a big meal.

After a full meal, my mother took a lunch break to make up for sleepiness.

Luoxi cried a few times at night on the plane, and my mother didn't sleep well, and yawned after lunch, so she went directly to rest.

The heavy responsibility of taking care of the younger sister fell on the elder sister Luo Quan.

"Come on, say hello to everyone." Luo Quan lifted Luo Xi to the camera.

Luoxi stared at her big shining eyes, smiled and looked ahead, and babbled and swung her arms.

"Is my sister home so soon?"

"Still as cute as ever."

"Doesn't the baby take a lunch break?"

"Unexpectedly, there would be a day when I would become a strange sorghum."


After saying hello, Luo Quan put his sister back in the cradle: "This little guy has been sleeping on the plane for a long time, now he is full of energy, why is he sleepy?"

Speaking of which, Luo Quan opened the game, ready to play a ranking game.

And the younger sister is in the cradle behind her, but because of the height of the camera, half of her face can be seen directly.

But even so, fans are pretty happy.

As long as you see your sister and sister in the same frame, you will feel a kind of satisfaction that cannot be described in words, as if you are filled with happiness and joy in your heart.


The crying of a child is like the rain in summer, it comes when you say it.

As soon as Luo Quan entered the game, Luo Xi suddenly burst into tears.

Luo Quan quickly dropped the game to see what his sister was crying about.

As soon as I walked in, there was a smell, it seemed that it was time to change the diaper.

Picking up his sister, Luo Quan stood at the stairs and shouted: "Leon, come and help me finish this game!"

Leon, who was playing with his mobile phone in the living room, ran up: "What's the matter?"

"Luoxi pissed, I'll change her diaper, you can do it for me." Luo Quan said as he went downstairs, found a diaper in his mother's luggage, and went into the bathroom.

Changing her sister's diaper had already been done many times when she was alone with Luoxi, so it can be said that she is familiar with it.

But this time, something unexpected happened.

"Oh, you are so real." Luo Quan looked helplessly at his wet clothes and pants, amused and helpless.

I just opened the diaper for my sister, but she was lucky and gave herself an anti-aircraft gun.

I used to cry a lot before, but now I can't stop giggling.

"You're quite proud." Luo Quan felt helpless, and could only poke his head out of the bathroom, asking Wen Xia to find a change of clothes for her and her sister.

Originally, I only needed to wipe and change a diaper, but now I just need to take a shower.

Then Luoxi clapped her hands happily and smiled like a child.

Ten minutes later, Luo Quan put his hair up like a lazy sheep, wrapped his sister in a bath towel, and came out.

Luo Xi, who just took a shower, smiled very happily, and wondered if the crying just now was simply because she sweated too much on the plane and felt uncomfortable.

But children can't speak, so I can only guess whether it is right or not.

But Luoxi's bathing is easy, but she herself is more troublesome.

The main reason is that the hair is long and thick, and it is more troublesome to wash.

It took a while to dry my hair after I came out, and it was already half an hour after I returned to the room.

After entering, I found that Lyon was singing rap, and the atmosphere seemed quite high following the BGM.

"Where's my promotion?" Luo Quan asked, seeing that the League of Legends had been closed.

"15 shots, the jungler on the other side is too good, and my teammates are all caught." Leon looked at the elder sister with a straight face: "And you know, I only play the happy man, the blind monk is real Won't."

"It's just your 0-21 windy guy." Luo Quan sighed, "I shouldn't have asked you to fight... By the way, are you singing rap for fans?"

"Yeah, the audience said it's been a while, and they want to hear me sing a song." Leon pointed to the camera and explained, "I think everyone likes rap quite a bit. It seems that rap is very popular in China."

"There is indeed a market, and there are more singers than listeners." Luo Quan put the well-washed younger sister back into the cradle, dragged a stool and sat by the computer.

And this rant made all the bullet screens in the live broadcast room stunned:
"Luo Bao, if you say that, our rapper will diss you."

"What caused you to be unable to finish a complete sentence in Chinese?"

"Of course it's real, what else can it be?"

"Rappers play with authenticity."


Leon's Chinese is pretty good. After looking carefully at the barrage, he found that everyone was joking. He wondered, "Why are everyone mocking rap?"

Luo Quan explained to his younger brother: "Because there are many rappers in China, they only learned the form of rap, but did not learn the criticism of rap.

The lyrics are full of pornographic gangs like those in the United States, but I don't want to think about whether there is any soil for these things in China. It's all good and not bad. "

Because I just took a shower, my head was a little hot, and I said a lot in one breath, and I said everything that should be said and should not be said.

However, there is basically nothing wrong with Luo Quan's words, and the fans in the live broadcast room basically agree.

As for Lyon, what Luo Quan said was not only about China, but American rap was actually the same.

As the birthplace of hip-hop, in the early days of American rap, there were actually many high-quality works with a spirit of criticism and realistic irony.

However, with the development of the times, singers have become more and more commercialized, and their works have become shitty.

Of course, it has also sung many songs with a strong commercial flavor.

But every time an album is released, at least half of the length will be written by him, with critical songs.

It's a pity that only a small number of people are willing to appreciate these songs, and most of them prefer "Baby" or "Love the way you lie" sung with their sister.

But Leon also took it easy, his songs are already very good if someone appreciates them, there is no need to force everyone to listen to them.

And so many people don't like it, which also shows that his level is not as high as his sister's, and he still needs to work hard and improve.

After the elder sister came back, Leon gave up the position to the rightful owner.

After a little explanation of why he had been away for so long, Luo Quan resumed his journey to the top.

But because of what he said just now, Luo Quan quickly became a trending topic on Weibo.

"Luo Quan criticized the domestic hip-hop circle!"

The title is simple and crude, and it seems to make people in the circle feel uncomfortable.

Soon, a hip-hop singer with more than 300 million fans posted a Weibo:
"A pop singer, why criticize the hip-hop circle? I heard arrogance and prejudice against the hip-hop circle in her words. I feel very uncomfortable. She should give hip-hop singers an apology."

This singer debuted from Huaxia New Rapper before, and his name is Zhang Chao.

Because of his flamboyant personality and straightforward speaking, he is called true temperament.

There are many fans who like him, and many people who hate him.

This time, he was the first to jump out and "speak out of righteousness", and he was quite a young bird who was shot.

Therefore, Luoquan fans quickly granted his wish:

"Aside from other things, although Luo Quan doesn't have a few hip-hop songs, any one is harder than yours, right?"

"Her words are not aimed at a certain person. Don't take it for granted. The current Chinese hip-hop circle is indeed like this. After getting traffic, many people have forgotten their original intentions."

"It's not a big problem for the singer than to listen to many of these words."

"The song "In the Name of the Father" has killed the entire hip-hop circle. Luoquan is the No.1 of the new generation of music, not the No.1 of pop music. You can experience the difference for yourself."


The fighting power of Luoquan fans is not comparable to that of a singer.

What's more, there are many passers-by who don't like hip-hop culture at all, and the form is completely one-sided.

In the entertainment circle, Luo Quan was notoriously hard to mess with.

Didn't you see that after this hot search came out, few singers spoke up? Everyone knew that they couldn't be offended, so they all chose Congxin.

On the other hand, Zhang Chao, he is really the same as other people's evaluations, he is really straightforward, and he will say what he has.

But after the words are spoken, it is normal to be blasted.

Fortunately, Luoquan quickly posted a post to let fans not react too violently, and people should be allowed to question and refute.

After all, the Internet is not just for everyone. Sometimes she may be biased when she speaks, and she will point out her mistakes. As long as she makes sense, she will admit it.

After this news was posted, Zhang Chao's Weibo environment became better, and everyone was waiting for him to make reasonable doubts.

Then came an apology: "I didn't read Luo Quan's remarks before, her problems do exist, and I have mentioned them before, so it is not wrong at all.

This time I was sloppy, and I humbly accept everyone's criticism. "

After the apology was posted on Weibo, Zhang Chao gained countless followers overnight.

In the entertainment industry, such celebrities who know their mistakes and correct them are already very cherished. I didn't expect them to be in the hip-hop circle, which is really a bit ironic.

What's more interesting is that there is a rap show in Huaxia that publicly appeals to Leon, wanting to invite him to be a guest on the show and become a mentor for Huaxia's new generation of rappers.

Originally, his position belonged to another star.

However, the celebrity has already been imprisoned because of his lifestyle, but all aspects of the program are well prepared, and the arrow has to be launched.

Therefore, the production team has been looking for celebrities with traffic and strength.

As a result, I searched around and found that there is really no one who meets the standards in China.

Asking to find someone who can't sing very well, they will be ridiculed after the show is broadcast.

When it comes to swearing, everyone in the rap circle is more ruthless than the other.

So the situation is deadlocked.

But the sudden arrival of Lyon made the production team shine.

In terms of traffic, Lyon is the world's top superstar, and currently there is no top or second male star.

In terms of strength, the little rap king is no joke, and has also won several Grammy awards for best rap. This qualification is simply invincible among his peers.

If you are really invited, wouldn't it be that the heifer flies on the plane-it's awesome!

I just don't know whether Lyon is here for tourism this time, or to develop business in Huaxia.

After all, during the live broadcast, Luo Quan only revealed that he would come to play, and did not say how long he would stay, so the production team was also a little nervous when shouting.

As for Lyon, his eyes lit up when he saw a rap show inviting him.

After Zhengchou came to Huaxia, which program should I start, I immediately recommended myself.

After making a phone call with Seifert, Leon chatted with his elder sister again and wanted to ask her opinion.

"Huaxia has rap?" Luo Quan watched the show Leon was talking about.

This year's filming is the third season of the show. The show itself is quite famous in the rap circle. The first season also featured several rappers. Although there are many controversies, most of them focus on the promoters.

Now that Lyon is here as the sponsor, there is probably no controversy.

She knows how good her younger brother's verbal skill is, it's more than enough for a variety show, that's...

"By the way, can you sing rap in Chinese?" Luo Quan asked this question.

"Slower songs are okay, but too fast songs will make you talk." Leon shook his head: "The flat tongue pronunciation in Chinese is too difficult, and it is difficult to speak correctly What’s more, it has to be sung at the speed of rap, and I’m afraid it won’t work in three to five years.”

So this is the only difficulty, but you can also sing only English songs, as long as it is strong enough, one song can convince the audience. "Luo Quan doesn't have much opinion on Lyon's participation in this program.

Although the show's reputation is not particularly good because of the previous sponsor.

But that one is already cool, and now Leon is here to take over, maybe it can turn around the reputation.

"It's simple. When the time comes, I will write a song that shows off my skills, and it will be enough to calm down the scene at the beginning of the first issue." Leon also knows the principle of winning the first place, so my sister doesn't have to worry.

After settling down, Leon posted a reply on his Weibo account that he had applied for for more than two years but hardly used:
"No problem, see you on stage."

This question and answer directly became the number one hot search at the beginning of the explosive word.

"Lyon is coming to China!"

As the most popular male star in the world, Huaxia is the country with the second most appearances in Lyon.

As early as two years ago, he was on the show here, when he was a special guest of the girl group Girls' Generation, and now he is almost becoming the promoter of Huaxia You Rap.

His fans in Huaxia must have been looking forward to this opportunity for a long time to get in touch with their idols. Everyone was popping champagne to celebrate during the live broadcast.

And because of what Luoquan said in the live broadcast before, many people are wondering whether this is a deliberate hype.

Then the production team of the show grinned and posted a Weibo response to the rumor: "As far as the traffic of Luo Quan and Lyon's siblings is concerned, there is still a need for hype? Why spend so much money?"

This rhetorical question really made netizens laugh.

To be honest, the fame of these two really does not need to be hyped in this way.

It seems that this should be more like a temporary invitation, and Lyon just happened to be willing to come, so it happened.

(End of this chapter)

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