Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 741 Return to Nature

Chapter 741 Return to Nature
"So you really plan to farm?" In the living room, Luo Ni asked in surprise after knowing her daughter's next plan.

Luo Quan took a bite of the egg fried rice in the bowl and nodded: "Yeah, after all, no one makes this kind of pastoral-style video, and there are indeed people who like to watch it abroad, and it seems quite promising.

In addition, Mom, go ask your grandparents if our hometown has been developed, and how many fields can be planted. "

Luoquan's grandparents all came from the mountains. When they used to go to school, they had to walk two hours on the mountain road to go to school in the next town.

Now the town is getting bigger and bigger, but there are no people in the mountains anymore.

Because the mountain roads are difficult to walk and no one repairs them, the young people go out to work directly after they grow up, and the old people in the mountains also stay in this land forever with the passage of time.

That is to say, when I was young, during the Chinese New Year, Luo Quan would be taken by my grandparents to the mountains to worship the ancestors, otherwise she really couldn't remember that there was actually a big piece of land at home.

This kind of land is actually not uncommon in Yuzhou. There are many mountains there, and people rely on mountains to eat mountains. However, most young people still hope that the government can use their own land when planning new buildings. The land is also enclosed.

Now the safest way to get rich overnight is probably to pay compensation for demolition.

Hearing her daughter talking about serious business, Luo Ni also took out her mobile phone and started a video chat with her mother at home.

The video call went through, and it was my grandfather who answered at home.

Luo Ni and her daughter first expressed their concern and greetings, and told their grandfather that they would bring their two granddaughters back to visit the elders soon.

Then I asked about my hometown.

"My hometown?" Grandpa Luo Quan replied after thinking for a while: "It is said that many young people have gone back now, and they are all doing live broadcasts in the mountains, on that fast-moving and slow-moving platform, and the battle is very big!"

"That didn't take up our land, did it?"

"No, I went back with your mother during the Ching Ming Festival. The earthen house of our house has collapsed, but the fields behind are still there, and the trees and bamboos have not been cut down. They are still in good condition.

By the way, why are you asking this? "

"Your granddaughter also wants to make videos for live broadcast, saying that she wants to promote Chinese landscape and pastoral culture." Luo Ni patted her daughter on the shoulder.

The old man shook his head straight after hearing it: "Didn't you say that you are doing music very well now? You are an international star, why are you still making these things?
Those spiritual guys on Douyin Kuaishou are like Tianbang (dialect, which can be understood as sand sculpture), Luoquan, don't learn it! "

"Grandpa, you misunderstood." Luo Quan couldn't laugh or cry, "The content on me and those short video platforms is still a little different. Those are all pretending to be crazy to sell silly eyeballs. I am serious about farming."

"You still farm?" Grandpa grinned and almost laughed his teeth out, "You don't look like a farmer like this. The hoe is so heavy, how many times can you swing it?"

The corner of Luo Quan's mouth curled up: "Don't underestimate your granddaughter, I am stronger than you think. As for farming, you can learn it with a little effort. It's not like you don't know how smart your granddaughter is."

"Okay, okay." The old man nodded again and again, "Then you go plant it, and I'll see what you can plant when the time comes."

The old man must be very happy when his daughter and granddaughter come back. As for farming or something, to be honest, he didn't take it to heart at all.

How many young people today can farm?It's pretty good to be able to understand cooking. It's all about the young lady's life and the maid's heart.

After hanging up the phone, Luo Ni looked at her daughter and laughed: "It seems that your grandfather is not optimistic about your career."

"That's because they don't know what their granddaughter is capable of." Luo Quan smiled triumphantly, and continued to eat the rice in the bowl.

The plan has been drawn up, the situation is almost understood, and Luo Quan is also preparing to leave immediately to return to his hometown in Yuzhou to start live broadcasting.

My mother, sister, and Wen Xia walked together, Leon stayed in Shanghai to prepare for the filming of the program, and Mia wanted to go to the capital for a stroll and feel the atmosphere of the Chinese capital.

The next day, the four of them arrived in Yuzhou by plane in the morning. The morning in July was unbelievably hot.

Even though I have lived here for more than ten years, I still can't get used to it no matter how many times I experience it.

And compared to when I was a child, the summer in Yuzhou is getting hotter and hotter now. Last year, it even reached [-] degrees for a while, and the weather forecast directly issued a red warning for high temperature.

In that kind of weather, if one faints from heat stroke on the road, it is really possible to be cooked.

However, the situation this year seems to be slightly better than last year. Compared with the same period last year, the temperature has dropped by about two degrees, and it is not so hot.

But even in the coolest mornings and evenings, the temperature is above [-] degrees, and it is impossible to live without the air conditioner.

Fortunately, Luo Quan had obtained a bottle of Ice Muscle Jade Bone Paste from the system before. Applying it once a day for ten days can permanently improve the skin quality and speed up the skin's heat dissipation function.

This is why Wen Xia said before that her body was icy and slippery.

Originally thought it was a tasteless ointment, but now it seems that she was too hasty.

In the hot weather of the universe, it is really comfortable for the skin to dissipate heat faster. Although it doesn't make you feel like you are in an air-conditioned room, it doesn't make you sweat profusely when you sit still.

After taking the car for nearly 10 minutes, Luo Ni, mother and daughter, returned to the community where the second elder lived.

Two elderly people were chatting with a group of old friends under the tree. Because their backs were facing each other, they didn't see their daughters and granddaughters coming back.

"Grandpa and grandma." Luo Quan patted the old man's shoulder lightly and shouted.

"Oh, Quanquan, you are finally back!" Grandma grabbed Luo Quan's arm in surprise, with a smile on her face.

"This is Luoquan, my God, it's so big." A group of old neighbors also looked at Luoquan in surprise.

Luo Quan has been living in this community since she was born, and these neighbors have lived in it even longer than her, so it can be said that they watched her grow up.

Back then when Luo Quan was playing in the community, the neighbors said that this girl was quite a beauty, and they didn't know what she would look like when she grew up.

Fast forward six or seven years, and the little girl has indeed turned into a beautiful woman who is slim and graceful.

"Hello, Granny Wang, and hello, Granny Liu." Luo Quan remembered these old people clearly, and greeted them warmly.

"It's incredible, Quanquan, I haven't seen you for a few years, you are so beautiful now, what a transformation!" Granny Wang looked at Luoquan, shaking her head and sighing repeatedly.

Granny Liu asked with a smile: "Forget it, Quanquan, you will be 21 this year, do you have a boyfriend?"

Sure enough, as long as they return to their hometown, the object of marriage is one of the most concerned matters of the three aunts and six wives.

As for Luo Quan, who is so beautiful, if she has a partner, people will be even more concerned, because what these retired aunts like to do most is to play as matchmakers.

"Not yet." Luo Quan could only laugh and shake his head for this question.

Granny Liu said earnestly: "You can talk about it. If you can't talk about it in college, it will be even harder to find it outside the society."

"What are you talking about?" Granny Wang directly interrupted the words of the old best friend, "Quanquan, what kind of condition can you find that you can't find?"

"That's true, you two are really enjoying life now." A group of neighbors looked at Luo Quan's grandpa and grandma and laughed.

Having such an outstanding granddaughter is probably the greatest happy event for the two elders in their later years.

In the past ten years or so, their daughter, Luo Ni, was of great concern to them.

Fortunately, Luo Quan really helped them up. He was obedient and sensible since he was a child, and he also earned them a lot of face when he grew up.

Some time ago, Yuzhou TV station often came to interview them, not for other reasons, but because they are Luo Quan's grandparents, everyone wants to know how they raised Luo Quan from a young age, so that she grew into what she is now International musician.

In addition, the street neighborhood committees also come to give them gifts and condolences during the holidays.

Although they don't lack this now, this enthusiasm is really very gratifying.

And these are all brought by the granddaughter.

Now when someone mentions Luo Quan's name, the second elder will not mention how proud he is.

"Grandma Wang and Granny Liu, we will have a banquet in two days, and everyone will come." After exchanging pleasantries, Luo Quan greeted the neighbors before returning to their homes.

"Okay, definitely come." Everyone smiled and nodded.

After returning home, Grandpa Luo Quan asked curiously: "What kind of banquet are you going to host? Why haven't we heard anything about it?"

"I'll do it for Yaomei. I didn't do it on the [-]th and half year of the full moon. This time I'm going back to Yuzhou, so I have to make a one-off supplement."

Luo Quan's words reminded the two old people that Luo Quan was not the only granddaughter who came back this time.

The main reason is that they have never hugged Luoxi before, they only saw it in the video before, so they ignored it all at once.

"Honey, I almost forgot about you." Grandma Luo Quan held her little granddaughter in her arms and teased her for a while.

"Yeah." Luoxi grinned happily, not admitting to life at all.

Sure enough, they are intergenerational relatives. How could Luo Quan get such a good treatment when he hugged his sister for the first time.

"By the way, isn't the banquet organized by a rich family? Wouldn't it be too extravagant and wasteful for us to do this?" Grandpa has always been low-key and simple. He has eaten a lot of banquets in the past, but he rarely hosts banquets for guests.

"We are now a big family." Luo Quan sat on the sofa, not knowing how to explain to the elder how big her household is now.

Leaving aside her father's property, the money in her own hands alone is enough to enter the rich list.

Originally, she planned to let her grandparents move to a better new community to enjoy, but the two elders were reluctant to part with the old neighbors here, so they didn't change.

Probably because they have lived a normal life for too long, and the two elders never realized how rich they can be.

As the saying goes, returning to your hometown without being rich is no different from traveling at night in brocade.

In the past, when relatives invited guests to dinner, there was never a time to reciprocate the invitation.

Now that you are developed, you should ask for it once, both emotionally and rationally.

Of course, although the running water mats in the countryside are good, there is no open space near the community that can fit them, so Luoquan plans to hold the mats in the hotel.

Not grounded enough, but at least stylish enough.

"Then I will set an auspicious day for the zodiac." Grandma said, looking for a suitable day for the banquet on the multifunctional paper calendar distributed by the community.

"You don't have to read it, I've read it all, it's the day after tomorrow." Although Luo Quan wanted to say that as long as he has a good attitude, every day is auspicious.

However, the old people are more convinced of this, so they conducted research in advance, and the day after tomorrow is suitable for travel and banquets.

"Really." Grandma nodded, then turned to look at her wife: "Go and call those relatives and let them come the day after tomorrow."

Grandpa took out his reading glasses from the drawer and put them on: "How much, please, can a dragon fit in the community?"

"What's the one-stop service?" Luo Quan waved his hand, "Eat in the hotel, invite as many people as you know, as long as you have a good relationship, you can come. You may not be able to sit down, but you may not be able to invite you."

"To make some money, the tone of speech is different now, no matter how much money you have, you must save it." Grandpa also educated when he heard his granddaughter talking so nonchalantly now.

"It's been so long since I invited you once, so there must be more people to be lively." Luo Quan hurriedly explained: "Usually I spend my money very economically, and I'm not as extravagant as you think."

"That's the best way to do it. Remember that no matter how much money you earn, you must not forget your roots." Although my grandfather has never taught, he is still a college student. He definitely understands the principles of life better than Luo Quan, and his teachings are resounding.

As for grandma, she thinks it's okay to be extravagant once in a while.

Now that the granddaughter is capable, it's not a bad thing to treat her to celebrate.

"I didn't say no." Grandpa flipped out the phone numbers of relatives written in the notebook, "Please invite them all, then one or two hundred will come, and those neighbors, that's thirty seats, or Eating in a hotel would cost tens of thousands."

Luo Quan smiled and said nothing.

If it is an ordinary hotel, it is indeed tens of thousands.

But she booked a five-star hotel, 4000 per table, and the consumption is estimated to be more than [-].

These things must not be told to the elderly, and they will probably be criticized again.

Although this amount of money is nothing to her, to the two old people, it is a huge sum of money that they may not be able to save for retirement for several years.

So faced with his grandfather's complaints, Luo Quan quickly comforted him: "You have to collect a gift money when you come to the banquet, and it won't cost much to come here."

"Most of them are poor relatives. How much can they get? The family will give you 200 yuan." Grandpa said the market price of the older generation in Yuzhou.

For dinner, there are basically so many gifts.

If it's a good relationship, or something important, you can raise it up, but it's only a thousand or two thousand at most, and he hasn't seen much higher ones.

But remembering that my daughter and granddaughter are not short of money now, so I didn't struggle anymore, but started to invite guests one by one according to the records in the notebook.

(End of this chapter)

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