Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 742 Return to Nature

Chapter 742 Returning to Nature ([-])
I don’t know if I don’t see it, I’m taken aback.

The relatives and friends accumulated over the years have already filled more than a dozen pages before I knew it, some from my grandpa's house and some from my grandma's house.

Then the two families spread around like tree roots, with complex branches.

The key point is that they are not relatives who are unfamiliar. Many of them are Luo Quan's own impressions, and they often walked around when they were young, so they must be invited.

"If there are five or six people in this family, it may add up to four hundred." Grandpa helped his eyes to study for a while, but he didn't expect it to be so many.

The last time I had a treat was more than ten years ago, and there were only a little over 100 people at that time, and there was no need to invite neighbors or anything.

Luo Quan reassured his grandfather: "Then please, don't try to save me money, just singing a song is enough to do it several times."

Having said that, the old man boldly called these relatives whom he hadn't contacted for a while.

The format of the chat is basically fixed, and after some pleasantries, they are invited to have dinner the day after tomorrow.

Called one after another, tossing all morning, the phone was almost dead.

When the old man was on the phone, Luo Quan was not idle, and took the time to go to the Oscar Hotel in the city center five kilometers away.

The name sounds amazing, but it has nothing to do with the Oscar ceremony. It is said that the owner of the hotel likes to watch movies, so he named it Oscar.

This five-star hotel specializes in Sichuan cuisine and Cantonese cuisine, especially seafood.

However, the characteristic of seafood is that it is expensive, and there is less meat.

The meat of lobster and crab is definitely fresh, but it is not as good as hard dishes such as braised pork and elbow.

Considering the taste of Yuzhou, Luo Quan plans to go to the hotel to order some dishes.

Although the set meal given to her by the hotel was slightly cheaper, [-]% of it was seafood, so she was not particularly satisfied.

Once again, I experienced the extreme speed of a taxi in Yuzhou, and it was delivered to her in 10 minutes from the originally scheduled 13-minute journey.

To tell the truth, even if Luoquan is driving a sports car in the suburbs of Shanghai, he would not dare to drive so fast, and here is still in a busy street. You must know that the traffic flow in Yuzhou is not less than that in Shanghai.

"Master, your driving skills are really wild." Luo Quan got off the back seat and sighed while scanning the QR code.

"I'm one of the slowest drivers in this line of work. People make fun of me for just graduating from driving school." The driver was modest, but sounded like he was in Versailles.

After paying the payment, the driver stepped on the accelerator and disappeared.

Luo Quan stood at the entrance of the hotel and observed the environment first.

The courtyard outside is magnificent, with several sculptures and delicate reliefs on the walls, which seem to be telling stories from Odyssey.

The inside of the hotel is also resplendent and magnificent. In the center of the hall, there is a golden Cupid's wishing pool, which contains coins from various countries.

And the design of Cupid in the pool is also very ingenious, holding a bow in his hand, and the arrows resting on the bow are replaced by water.

But what he and she didn't expect was that, with such a western-style decoration, the staff's attire inside was completely Chinese-style. The women were all cheongsams, and the men were all Chinese tunic suits.

"Hello, are you here for a meal or a banquet?" A waitress saw Luo Quan standing at the entrance of the hotel for a while, and came up to ask kindly.

"I have an appointment, and I'm here to order a banquet." Luo Quan highlighted the order on his phone,
"Ah, you are Miss Luo." The waitress suddenly realized.

Luo Quan was wearing a mask, so he didn't recognize him at first glance.

But at first glance, he has blond hair and his name is Luo Quan. If he still can't recognize him, it would be outrageous.

"I'll inform the manager right away, why don't you take a rest on the sofa first, and do you want tea or a drink?" The waiter stretched out his hand and led Luo Quan to the rest area on the left side of the hall, with a very enthusiastic attitude.

"Just take a bottle of mineral water." After standing at the door for a while, Luo Quan already felt a little hot.

Drinking tea does not quench thirst, or mineral water is the best.

"Okay, please wait a moment." The waitress turned around and left quickly.

One minute later, the mineral water and the manager of the hotel arrived in front of Luo Quan.

"Hello Miss Luo, I am the manager of this hotel. What are your specific arrangements for the dinner the day after tomorrow?" The manager held a notebook in his hand, and the waitress behind him brought a bottle of imported mineral water Put it in front of Luo Quan.

"First of all, the number of tables. You may only be able to sit at 55 tables, and there may be a little more at that time. Let's book [-] tables." Luo Quan estimated the number of possible relatives and friends, and gave a compromise number.

Originally, she wanted to talk about sixty tables, so that she would definitely not be unable to sit down.

But it is likely to cause unnecessary waste, so five tables were reduced.

"Okay, 55 tables, a total of 110 tables for lunch and dinner, we will increase according to the actual number of meals at noon, and then make the final calculation, do you think it's okay?" The manager took out his notebook and looked at Luo Quan and asked .

"No problem, that's it." Luo Quan approved the plan.

"In addition, you said that you don't want the dishes provided by our hotel, so what suggestions do you have? Although we are relatively good at Sichuan and Cantonese cuisine, we can cook all eight major cuisines, including French and Japanese cuisine."

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome." Luo Quan tapped his phone a few times, and a menu appeared on it.

"Three soups, four vegetarian dishes, five cold dishes and sixteen meat dishes, a total of 28 dishes, plus two desserts and a fruit platter."

Luo Quan listed all the dishes in great detail, and even wrote down the specific taste of each dish.

"You are an expert." Although the manager is not a chef, he is quite knowledgeable after working in this industry for so many years.

Luoquan's menu is basically hard dishes of famous Chinese dishes, which are not easy to cook, and it is even more difficult to make them delicious.

"You're still in our hotel. It's hard to say if you can do half of it if you change to another hotel." The manager said proudly.

"So everything can be settled?" Luo Quan laughed.

"Of course you can, but compared to the discounts offered by hotel packages, these dishes require special preparation, and the time is relatively tight, so the cost is slightly higher."

"How much?" Luo Quan asked bluntly.

Then the manager lowered his head and began to count, only to see that he didn't even need a computer, and he was counting with his fingers, writing down numbers at the back of each dish.

After all calculations, all the expenses including the use of the hotel venue are sent in. Each table is 7888, and if there are 110 tables, it is about 87.

"Where's the wine?" Luo Quan looked for a long time but didn't see the type of wine.

The manager smiled slightly: "You need to provide the brand for the wine, and we will prepare it. In your capacity, I suggest wines from Burgundy wineries, which are low-key, luxurious and have connotations."

Why don't you say Royal Salute?

Luo Quan rolled his eyes in his heart: "Huaxia people don't drink foreign wine anymore, let's store all the Moutai 1988 in the cellar, one bottle for each table, after all, not every table can drink it, if there is not enough, add more."

"This model of Moutai costs 3000 a bottle, and comes with a 2L bottle of orange juice, cola, and soy milk, so the price per table is 10888, and 110 tables is 1197680."

The manager checked the calculation again with a computer, and it was the same number as he typed out with the Void Abacus.

"Are there any activities or discounts?" Luo Quan picked up the account details and looked at them, and asked.

"The Dragon Boat Festival is not long past. Every time you book a table, you will get a box of high-quality rice dumplings with a market price of 888." The manager smiled like a shrewd fox.

It is said that the market price is 888, but if it is sold for 300, it is not bad.

"It would be great if there was a discount." Luo Quan complained in a low voice.

The manager pretended he didn't hear it, and said: "If you apply for a VIP card, you can enjoy a 150% discount, and there will be great gifts during the New Year and holidays. You only need to spend [-] million a year."

"Let's prepare like this." Luo Quan pretended not to hear, returned the account, and paid a deposit of 20.00% of the total amount.

If there is a breach of contract, these deposits will be left by the hotel to make up for the loss.

After finishing it, Luo Quan went home, just in time for grandpa and grandma to make lunch.

Because I'm a little busy, I don't have lunch until one o'clock.

"Is it ready? How much did it cost?"

Grandpa poured a glass full of medicinal wine into his glass and asked.

When Luoquan's father came over last time, he brought a lot of wine for the father-in-law, both domestic and foreign.

But those are all locked in the cabinet by the old man, saying that they will drink it when there are guests.

What I usually drink is medicinal wine soaked in various Chinese medicinal materials in white wine, and these white wines are far inferior to the good wines bought by my son-in-law in terms of taste and quality.

However, the old man has been drinking this taste for decades, and he is used to it. No matter how good other wines taste, it is okay to taste occasionally, but it will still get tired after long-term drinking.

"Why do you have such a big glass again?" Luo Quan saw that his grandfather had poured himself a full glass, and said angrily, "You don't know that drinking can hurt your liver, and you can't like it so much."

"Usually I only drink half a glass. Isn't it happy today." Only at this time, the old man will admit his mistake like a child.

Luoquan didn't like his grandfather drinking since he was a child. The main reason was that the upstairs neighbors at that time, the husband was also an alcoholic, and he would beat his wife when he was drunk, and he could hear roars and wailing from the ceiling every now and then. Mental shadow.

Fortunately, although my grandfather also drank every day, but he had a good capacity for alcohol, and the quality of the wine was good. In my memory, I never saw him get drunk.

In this alone, I don't know how many drunkards are better than the world.

Speaking of which, Luo Quan is really envious of this skill.

Because she herself has a physique of falling down when she touches alcohol, alcohol works as well as an anesthetic for her.

If Grandpa has the capacity to drink, he can save a lot of trouble when going out to a banquet in the future.

Hearing Grandpa's explanation, Luo Quan also softened his tone: "I know you're welcome, but you still have to control the amount.

In addition, the physical examination should not be sloppy, especially the liver and pancreas, which are the most likely to be injured by alcohol. "

Grandma explained: "We went every time the community hospital notified us, but we couldn't find anything every time."

Luo Quan smiled slightly: "It's a good thing if you can't find anything, but it has to be a report from a big hospital."

After eating and drinking, Luo Quan and his mother went back to the room and sat down.

"Daughter, how much did you spend this time?"

Just now outside, when Luo Quan's grandfather asked about it, Luo Quan said that it cost less than [-] yuan, which made the old man very distressed.

However, Luo Ni has seen much more about the world than the old man, and knew that a five-star hotel cannot be so cheap, so he asked again after the room.

"A million or so." Luo Quan reported truthfully.

"Hiss!" Luo Ni gasped, "If your grandparents find out, if you didn't lose your breath on the spot, your legs will be broken on the spot."

Losers have to lose like this.

Luo Quan originally wanted to imitate Brother Dali's words, but she didn't dare to be shy when facing her mother: "This is the price for a five-star hotel. After all, there are many guests invited this time, so the total price will go up.

Besides, we have been invited by others for so many years, and we have almost never invited us. Now it is a bit exaggerated to return it all at once. "

"That's too exaggerated." Luo Ni complained in a low voice.

"You are such a rich young lady, your husband, daughter and son are all making money like money printing machines, why worry about it, enjoy the rest of your life, and then you should be concerned about bringing this little guy up." Luo As Quan said, his finger lightly touched Luoxi's chubby little face.

This collagen-filled face was even more elastic than her own, and it jumped up quickly after touching it.As dynamic as jelly.

"Yeah." Luoxi grinned like a flower.

"Speaking of which, should Luoxi wear some festive clothes? After all, it's a birthday party, even though it's not yet her birthday."

Luo Quan said, counting with his fingers: "You were born in the early 19th year, and you are a dog. When the time comes, will you wear a red dog hat?"

"bia!" Luoxi pursed her mouth in disgust, and the sound of bia sounded like she was saying no.

"But you belong to this. Even according to the new calendar, you are also a pig. Which one do you like at this price?" Luo Quan pinched his sister's face. She herself was a tiger in 98, and said this There is no pressure at all.

Luo Xi didn't speak, but turned her head and hugged her mother tightly.

"Why is that hat so ugly?" Luo Ni glanced at her daughter reproachfully: "When I turn one year old, it happens to be the New Year, so I will wear a red dress then, and now I will wear the same as usual."

For the youngest daughter, Luo Ni dotes on even more than the eldest daughter.

Probably because all the debts owed to Luo Quan in the past have been transferred to this little guy.

But Luo Quan has nothing to be jealous of.

After all, Luoxi was 20 years younger than her. She was a younger sister, or half a daughter.

After all, the eldest brother is like a father, and the eldest sister is like a mother.

When there is too much age difference, that kind of competition for favor is unlikely to happen.

After all, when Luoxi was in her teens, she would be in her 30s, how could she have such thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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