Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 743 Return to Nature

Chapter 743 Returning to Nature ([-])
Two days later, the banquet was held as scheduled.

For a relatively large hotel like this, there are at least three or more banquets held on the same day.

However, happy events such as wedding banquets and birthday banquets are generally staggered with funeral banquets.

Luoxi's half-year-old birthday party was held on the second floor, a newlywed couple upstairs, and an old couple's golden wedding on the fourth floor.

The specific information is written on the red sign at the entrance of the hotel, and guests can know which floor to go to at a glance.

And Luo Quan sat at the entrance of the banquet hall on the second floor, kept records of all the visiting guests, and then smoked and sugared.

Generally, this kind of thing is left to the adults. After all, the adults can recognize all the relatives, and it is not easy to make mistakes when doing things carefully.

But my mother has to take care of my sister, grandparents have to greet guests, and there is no one else in the family, so she can only do it.

Fortunately, there is Wen Xia next to her, so she won't be in a hurry.

As for those relatives, Luo Quan didn't remember much.

But as long as they have met face to face, there will be more or less impressions left.

In addition, my mother is also watching from the side, so as not to be unable to scream when relatives come.

We eat at twelve o'clock, and relatives arrive one after another at ten o'clock.

Most of the people who came to the banquet this time were family members, less four or five people, and more directly seven or eight people.

Here Luo Quan is really glad that he has booked 55 tables, otherwise it might not be enough.

"Oh, this is Luoquan, it's so hot in a blink of an eye."

Luo Quan was lowering her head to write the guest's name and gift money when a sharp voice sounded in front of her.

Looking up, it was the second aunt who hadn't seen her for several years.

It's a relative from my grandmother's side. I have invited my family many times before, and the relationship is quite good.

"Second aunt, you're here." Luo Quan grinned brightly and got up to greet her.

"There are not many young people who can still remember us old guys." The second aunt praised Luo Quan very happily.

Today's young people are afraid of everyone. When they meet relatives who don't see each other very often, they are like a piece of wood. They often don't say a word and seem very rude.

In fact, it's not that they don't want to call people, the main reason is that they really can't remember what to call them.

Fortunately, Luo Quan's memory is quite good, so far he hasn't missed it yet.

After welcoming the second aunt, a group of young people followed, and when they came up, sister Luo Quan shouted.

Everyone is holding a mobile phone, but they are not looking for her to take a photo. After all, who among the young people nowadays can't leave their mobile phones?

These brothers and sisters Luo Quan also met several times when they were visiting relatives before, so they were not familiar with each other.

But she yelled so enthusiastically, Luo Quan also greeted her with a smile, and everyone gave a lot of her favorite white rabbit toffee and Alps.

This is the standard configuration in Yuzhou. In addition to this, every family also has a box of zongzi worth 888.

This is the discount given to her by the manager yesterday. She gave more than 100 boxes in total. She couldn't finish eating rice dumplings by herself until Luoxi's first birthday, so she just gave it to her relatives as a favor.

So far, the relatives who come here belong to ordinary families, and the gift money they give is about three or four hundred.

But there are ordinary people, and naturally there are also extremely rich people.

At eleven o'clock, a young man in a famous brand led his family up the stairs, and when he came over, he gave a big red envelope of 10 yuan.

The young man looks talented, but he has already become an anchor with a selfie stick.

Judging from his tone of voice, all kinds of old iron 666, there is nothing wrong with it, it should be broadcast live in Kuaishou.

If you want to talk about where the most fun people are, it must be Kuaishou.

She watched a lot of videos stolen from Kuaishou on station B, and the taste of the earth is earthy, and the funny is really funny.

In the past, users of station B often mocked Douyin Kuaishou, thinking that the users of these platforms were low, and changed to plagiarism.

But since Houlang's video, there has been basically no such argument.

Everyone is just for fun, but the platforms are different, so what is the distinction between high and low.

"Sister Luo Quan, are you free to say hello to the fans in my live broadcast room?" The boy asked Luo Quan politely after giving the gift, the camera was still on himself.

"No problem." After Luo Quan recorded it, he asked the boy to point the camera at him.

"Hello everyone." Luo Quan waved his hand with a smile, and the barrage in the live broadcast room was full of:
Fuck!Really Luo Quan,

The anchor is amazing, he is actually a relative of Luo Quan,
That's great, who is hosting today?

The boys didn't take up too much of Luo Quan's time, saying hello was just saying hello.

After sitting for a whole morning, the banquet started on time at twelve o'clock, and steaming hot dishes were served from the back kitchen by a waiter with a pretty face in a cheongsam.

The toasts were staggered, the bowls and chopsticks touched lightly, and everyone started to eat with a smile.

Grandpa, grandma, and mother had already hugged their younger sister and came to the stage to thank relatives and friends, while Luo Quan stretched his neck and looked downstairs.

"Shouldn't there be any relatives who haven't arrived?" Luo Quan said to himself.

He lowered his head and played with his phone.

Although no one is there, she can't leave now.

If there are relatives coming later but no one greets them, it would be too impolite.

As the host, you must wait until all the guests have finished eating before starting.

I don't know if it was due to the younger brother who started the live broadcast just now, "Luoquan Banquet" became a hot search on Weibo.

"No wonder there's been no live broadcast these days, so it's a banquet."

"I think there are at least 100 tables in this scale. The decoration and the dishes will cost [-] million at noon and night!"

"It's outrageous, it's less than [-] yuan to hold a show in our hometown."

"This is a five-star hotel. It's not at the same level as rural water seats."

"By the way, who is this for?"

"Luo Quan's younger sister, Luo Xi, is half a year old."

"It's so grand for half a year old, why can't he hold a hundred tables for him when he's one year old?"

"If the family has money and it's not illegal, there's nothing wrong with it."



In the comment area of ​​Weibo, some people could be heard to be slightly sour.

As for the news related to Station B, one-third said they wanted to come to eat and join in the fun, one-third wanted to see my sister, and one-third urged her to give everyone a farmhouse.

The so-called farmhouse is actually not a farmhouse in the conventional sense, but a happy time in the countryside.

Didn’t I say that I want to shoot a video of farming for everyone, and now everyone has returned to their hometown in Yuzhou, although everyone also wants to see how Luoquan reclaims the barren land as soon as possible.

"Don't worry, I'll go to the mountain tomorrow, and I'll let the table go today." Luo Quan quickly replied in the comment area, and then synchronized to the news.

It won't be long before fans who have been following her will put her in the front row.

"Alright, I can finally watch Luo Quan digging."

"Speaking of doing farm work when it's time, are you wearing ancient clothes or modern clothes?"

"The long fluttering clothes of the ancients were not clothes for farm work. The ancient farmers were actually short pants and short sleeves."

"Speaking of which, Yuzhou is so hot now, what are you going to plant?"

"Watermelon, it's easy to grow and delicious."

"Good idea, but I want to see Luoquan grow some difficult crops."

"Then tomato."

"Haha, then the technical content is too high. Many old farmers can't grow this stuff well."

"That doesn't mean that our Luoquan technology is high."

"Looking forward to..."


Fans, what you say to me is mainly based on ridicule.

As for Luo Quan herself, she really didn't know what to plant.

Once you get your hometown, you can make a decision after looking at the environment.

But before going, she needs to prepare all the equipment for the wind, meal and camp.

Grandpa said that the old house had collapsed, and there must be no place to live if we went directly there.

There may be no shortage of water, but gas and food need to be prepared in advance, or you will have to come out in despair as soon as you enter the mountain.

She has already bought everything, as for how to bring it in.

Considering that the mountain road is difficult to walk, motor vehicles may not be easy to walk.

The capacity of the bicycle is slightly smaller, so it seems that a tricycle should be the best choice, and no driver's license is required.

Just thinking about it, my mother came out with my sister in her arms: "Go in and eat, there should be no relatives coming."

Hearing this, Luo Quan and Wen Xia stretched together, and sat down at the wine table where the host's house was.

In addition to grandparents, Wen Xia's mother and her grandparents were also there.

The two families have lived together for more than ten years. Although they are not a family, their relationship has long been indistinguishable from each other, and they are closer than any relatives.

After seeing Luo Quan and Wen Xia coming over, the whole family hurriedly pulled up chairs and passed chopsticks.

The most discussed topic at the banquet was naturally the lifelong affairs of Luo Quan and Wen Xia.

The girl is in her early twenties, and she doesn't need to worry about her studies and career, so the family can only work hard on this.

However, Luo Quan told his family very early on that he would not consider these things in a short period of time. As for how short this short period of time is, no one knows.

As for Wen Xia, she said that she wanted to take another look and wait, and she hadn't encountered anything that particularly moved her.

She didn't intend to consider people in the entertainment industry, but she usually came into contact with people from here, so she fell into a deadlock.

I can only talk about it later when I have time.

Hearing the answers of these two, the elderly in the family also sighed.

After taking care of their granddaughter, they all want to take care of their great-granddaughter.

Luo Ni and Wen Xia's mother, An Ran, also want to have a granddaughter, but unfortunately, these two daughters are not planning to give their mother such an opportunity.

Every time I go back to my hometown, lifelong events are the favorite topic of the family, which cannot be avoided.

However, the two of them can always find the best way to deal with it, that is the "dragging formula", everything can be delayed, and a year will pass after it is delayed.

Procrastinating and procrastinating, half a lifetime will pass.

Of course, the lives of the other two of them have just begun, and there are too many things waiting for them to do. It would be too feudal if it was just for carrying on the family line.

Halfway through the meal, the uncles among the relatives who are good drinkers all came over to toast with wine bottles and glasses.

This is the time for Grandpa to show his talents.

I saw that he never refused to come, and everyone filled up their small wine glasses and drank them all in one gulp.

Others get dizzy the more they drink, but the more they drink, the more energetic they become. Everyone who comes to toast leaves with a sentence of good drinking capacity.

To be honest, Luo Quan was really envious of his grandpa's pride.

This is probably her only weakness. It is said that many wine table cultures in China are dross, but the wine culture has a long history. It would be a good thing if she could really write a hundred poems about wine like Li Bai, leaving a legend of heroism.

But now, she can only watch her grandpa show off his power.

"Come on, let's fill it up too." Wen Xia filled her own and Luo Quan's bowls with soy milk, looking as if she wanted to have a drink with Luo Quan.

"Eat vegetables, will you be full after drinking this?" Luo Quan said so, but he still raised his cup to touch Wen Xia, and then drank it all in one gulp.

The dishes prepared by the hotel this time are all big fish and big meat.

Among them is a Buddha jumping over the wall that she specially ordered, which is said to be made by a famous chef in Guangdong, Guangdong.

As a contributor to this recipe, the Buddha Tiaoqiang made by her is still a legend in the Chinese chef circle.

Because no matter how later people imitate and cook, and push all the details to the extreme, they will not be able to see the golden light at the moment when the lid of the pot is lifted.

The Buddha jumping wall made by Luoquan is fine. People analyze that it is an illusion created by the heat and soup under the reflection of the light. Normally, it can be seen every time.

However, only the Buddha jumping wall made by Luoquan has the kind of looming golden light, and according to diners who have eaten both kinds of Buddha jumping wall, the one made by Luo Quan himself is completely different from the one made by others.

After eating Luoquan's cooking, eating anything else is just tasteless and hard to swallow.

It's a pity that Luo Quan said that cooking this dish is too exhausting, and he won't cook it easily. The genuine Buddha Jumping Wall will become a swan song for a long time.

However, although what she made herself is a delicacy, other chefs carefully made Buddha Jumping Wall according to this recipe. The taste is also worthy of the name of the first dish in China, and it is delicious and refreshing.

This time Luoquan specially ordered a dish, just to let relatives and friends also try something new.

Too much abalone and lobster is boring, but if there is no specification at all, it will be slightly lower.

And the one pot of Buddha Jumping Wall contains more than a dozen kinds of seafood, and the taste is also in line with the public's preferences, so there is no problem in letting the hotel serve this dish directly.

I just don't know how the chef does it.

At the end of the evening banquet, Buddha Jumping Over the Wall was finally served on the table.

All the guests took their bowls and served themselves a spoonful of this famous dish.

After taking a sip, they all showed enjoyable smiles.

At this time, it doesn't matter how different this dish is from the one I made, as long as the guests like it.

After all, not everyone in the world can enjoy the so-called absolute taste in the world.

Ordinary deliciousness is the majority.

After the sister's banquet was over, Luo Quan also led a few workers into the mountains more than ten kilometers away on tricycles.

(End of this chapter)

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