Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 744 Survival in the Wilderness?

Chapter 744 Survival in the Wilderness?

"Here we come, the long-awaited rural life." Luo Quan stood at the junction of the plain road and the muddy mountain road, holding up the camera and pointing at the rolling green hills in the distance.

"It's really going into the mountains."

"The environment looks good, and I feel relaxed."

"Which mountain is Luobao in Yuzhou? Is there a lot of people?"

"Seeing that there are still a lot of tire marks on this muddy road, it means that the mountain is not too desolate."

"So you're going to start farming today?"

"It is recommended to prepare a few more camera seats, so that you can appreciate it from various angles."

"Awesome brother."


The barrage was making jokes, while Luo Quan was pedaling hard on the tricycle.

The workers who delivered the goods only sent her here, and then said that the road was too bad, and it was really difficult for motor vehicles to move, and no amount of money would let her in.

Although this was obviously to increase Luo Quan's price, she didn't accept it either.

The road in the house in my hometown is not far away, only a few hundred meters, and it is at the foot of the mountain, so it doesn't take much to ride in by yourself.

So Luo Quan paid the bill directly, then moved all the tools to the tricycle, and stepped on the pedals to get in.

It is really difficult to drive with a lot of cargo and dirt roads. It is still difficult for Luoquan people to pedal on three wheels.

"I... now... I know... why I want to get rich... build roads first."

Luo Quan stood up, heaving his body from side to side: "This road is so bad... that cars can't get in, and agricultural products can't get out. It's really not good for economic development."

"No way, do you feel like crying so soon? (Funny)"

"Hurry up and go back before you enter the mountain. In this summer, all the mosquitoes will kill you."

"Promoting Chinese pastoral culture doesn't have to be done by yourself, it's just a matter of thought."

"Yes, there is no need to suffer for the sake of suffering."


Before Luo Quan said that the fans didn't feel sorry for her at all, no, the distressed bullet screens came out one after another, all telling her to go back to the city quickly.

"Which ear of yours is listening to my suffering?" Luo Quan couldn't laugh or cry, "I just lament the impact of bad roads on the rural economy. This amount of exercise is less than one-tenth of my usual training. I'm not that delicate yet. what."

Chatting and chatting, Luo Quan arrived at his old house.

Just off the side of the dirt road, at the end of a grassy road covered by bamboo forests.

Luo Quan turned the car around and drove straight in. After passing through the long and narrow forest road, everything in front of him suddenly became clear.

The old house is surrounded by a bamboo forest. The three-meter-high earth house has completely collapsed, and even a quarter of it has been turned into dust, and the remaining standing part looks precarious.

In front of and behind the house, there is a large half-person-high barren grass farmland, which adds up to at least one mu of land. It is said that these are all grandfather's land.

How much would it cost if it were in the city?

But in the undeveloped barren mountains and ridges, such a large piece of land is almost worthless.

"Let's take a look, this is the place where my grandparents and their parents and mothers have lived for decades." Luo Quan raised his phone and slowly showed the fans the surrounding situation.

"I'll go, it's still desolate, there won't be any wolves, right?"

"I'm more afraid of ghosts than wolves."

"How old are you still afraid of this? If you really meet someone, you may be afraid of someone else."

"Indeed, Luo Quan's force value is in ancient times, and he is also a door god."

"Are you going to laugh at me to death?"

"Don't laugh, Luo Quan seems to really plan to farm here."


I saw Luo Quan began to unload the luggage piled high on the tricycle to the ground.

This time she came to buy a lot of tools, including live broadcasting, farming, and house building, and basically thought of everything that can be used.

"Family, the condition is worse than I imagined. It will take a while to repair it. I think it will take about five days to make this place look brand new. What do you think?"

Luo Quan took out a one-meter-long hammer from his tool bag, leaned on it and said with a smile: "The first thing is to demolish this uninhabitable earth house first, and then use local materials. Use the bamboo here to build a bamboo house."

With that said, Luo Quan fixed the lens of the mobile phone with a bracket, then picked up the hammer and walked towards the earthen house.

"Tudang: Don't come here!"

"I sheltered your ancestors from wind and rain for decades, but now you want to do something like this."

"Is there no need for rescue? I haven't collapsed yet."

"Destroy it, hurry up."


Luo Quan couldn't see the live barrage. She put on her gloves, stretched her waist, and smashed the round hammer at the earthen house.

With a "bang", the hammer passed through the wall directly, and brought a large piece of the wall down.

She really didn't use much force this time, because the earth house has been exposed to the sun and rain for so many years, and it has long been decayed. After all, this kind of rural earth house cannot be compared with modern reinforced concrete houses.

With only [-]% of her strength, she hit a wall directly.

After finding out how easy it was, Luo Quan didn't stop, hitting with a hammer.


"As expected of a girl with strange powers, a wall collapsed with a hammer."

"I think I'm really good at it. This earthen house has been here for decades, and it feels like it can be knocked down just by pushing it."

"Indeed, it feels like it can be completely done in less than an hour."

"Hey, Luo Quan in a T-shirt, shorts and flip flops is wet with sweat, and he has a good figure. (Drool)"


"Shou Shou Wei, everyone is paying attention to Luo Quan who is working. I really want to see the new swimsuit photo."


After working for more than ten minutes, under Luo Quan's chaotic cape beating method, the earthen house has been smashed into evenly sized pieces, each piece is big enough for even a junior high school student to hug.

After smashing, Luo Quan wiped off the crystal sweat on his face, and took out a stainless steel folding wheelbarrow from his luggage bag. According to the instructions, he opened and installed the various parts, and then began to transport the soil clods. .

There are more than 100 yuan in total, and Luoquan can transport two to three yuan each time and pour them into the bamboo forest tens of meters away.

After going back and forth dozens of times, it was finally all done.

It was much faster than the estimated time of the barrage, and the collapsed earthen house was completely removed in four to ten minutes.

Now there are only deserted farmland and dense bamboo forests left in front of my eyes.

Luo Quan pulled an old newspaper and sat on it, sweat quickly pattered on the newspaper, leaving round black watermarks.

Doing physical work in summer is indeed a bit tiring, but fortunately, after her body has been improved by the system, it is far beyond the comparison of ordinary people.

Now she can easily run marathons. Although her speed cannot be compared with those of professional athletes, her endurance is not a problem at all.

The physical work in front of me is actually not as tiring as I imagined, but the weather is too hot, and the sweat will not stop flowing out after a little exercise, and no air conditioner will work.

No wonder the workers on the construction site like to work shirtless so much, they really can't wear clothes.

It's a pity that no matter how tired she is, T-shirt and shorts are already the limit.

The only thing that makes her lucky is that her skin is thick enough.

After more than half an hour of hard physical work, her palms were only slightly red, and the blisters and broken skin that fans had predicted did not appear.

If the skin is not injured or deformed, it is quite difficult to grow calluses.

Once again, he wiped his face carelessly with a towel, Luo Quan unscrewed the 2L bottle of Nongfu's Three Fist mineral water and took a sip.

It is said that this mineral water has also been rumored to have quality problems, but all rumors have been refuted, and it has not been listed on [-], which shows that it is still trustworthy.

Of course, if it wasn't too troublesome to buy from abroad, she really didn't plan to use domestic ones.

In the past, she was quite supportive of domestic products, and felt that there should be no big difference between domestic and foreign products.

But ever since the old altar sauerkraut incident came out, she was basically in despair.

The quality of foreign food is not necessarily good, but they are punished heavily, and the probability of quality problems is much lower than that of domestic food.

That is to say, the price is too expensive to buy, otherwise most of them will probably choose foreign products.

Supporting domestic products is one thing, but you can't treat Chinese people as fools.

Quite here, Luo Quan sighed softly.

The barrage thought she was tired, and immediately became concerned:

"What's the matter, Luo Bao, why are you sighing?"

"Don't do it when you're tired, take a break."

"Removing a mud house in more than half an hour is already very aggressive. You don't plan to build the bamboo house directly today, do you?"

"Don't strain your muscles."


Seeing that the fans misunderstood, Luo Quan showed a warm smile: "Thank you for your concern, but I sigh not because of this, but because of another matter, it's not a big deal, so don't worry too much about me."

It's not easy to talk about this kind of thing in the live broadcast room, and it's easy to get out of rhythm when it's said, so she just found an excuse to get over it.

After resting for 10 minutes, Luo Quan continued to get up, took out a saw, and prepared to saw bamboo.

In fact, it would be more convenient to use a chainsaw, but this is not to be retro and return to nature, so the tools used by Luoquan are the most common types, and if they can not reflect the modern atmosphere, it will not be reflected.

There is no need to protect or not protect the bamboo forest at home, and use it as it should.

I saw Luo Quan throwing off his flip flops, stepping on the bamboo with his bare feet, exposing his muscular arms, and cutting back and forth on the bamboo.

The bamboo that is as thick as the mouth of a bowl takes an average of half a minute. After a few songs, Luoquan sawed nearly 30 bamboos, and replaced three saw blades during the period.

"I'd call you the Ranger Grim Reaper."

"It's really my own stuff, I don't feel bad no matter how I do it."

"What a beautiful bamboo, how many pandas can be fed."

"Are there pandas in Yuzhou?"

"Isn't there only one person in the countryside of Shuzhou?"

"Indeed, that's how it is in our place. Every household raises pandas."

"I'm curious what kind of bamboo house Luoquan plans to build."


Luo Quan stopped and looked at the barrage, and said with a smile: "This is the content of our first issue of Huaxia in the Garden, and that is the display of the mortise and tenon structure.

As a unique architectural structure in China, the mortise and tenon structure is durable and beautiful in appearance. It is the crystallization of the wisdom of ancient construction workers.

The only disadvantage is that it is a little troublesome to prepare, not as simple and straightforward as nailing through.

But as a characteristic of Huaxia architecture, it must be shown to everyone here.

However, before creating things, we have to go through a process first.

As the so-called tall buildings rise from the ground, if a house wants to be solid, it must lay a good foundation.

Therefore, our next job is to dig a hole and prepare to bury bamboo piles. "

Luo Quan stood up with his hands on his hips, with a serious look on his face.

To be honest, it is the first time for her to do hollowing out. This thing looks simple, but it is actually very technical. Some people can't dig too deep even after a long time.

She has never learned the relevant technology before, and it is estimated that this thing will not be taught in the Agricultural University, and she does not know if there is any relevant knowledge in the system mall.

Fortunately, the system's shopping mall is indeed all-inclusive. Although she can't practice soaring in the sun, she has all the life skills.

This includes digging and farming, and the heat value that needs to be consumed is also very cheap.

Speaking of it, if it is just to demonstrate the process of building a bamboo house to fans, laying the foundation is completely unnecessary.

Just put the bamboo together and fix it with a rope.

But this time, she intends to stay in the mountain for a while, and she also needs to make a video for foreigners to watch. It must reflect the characteristics of China, and it cannot be perfunctory.

Therefore, the bamboo house built this time must not only be beautiful, but also solid and reliable.

Therefore, the foundation must be laid, and the procedures in all aspects are much more cumbersome than usual.

Thinking of this, Luo Quan couldn't help feeling a little tired.

It is really tiring to do this kind of heavy work by yourself.

Not only physically, but also mentally.

From video content, to shooting, to editing, everything has to be done by myself, and the painstaking efforts required are really immeasurable.

It's no wonder that Wang Xiaojiu was questioned about having a team and posing for pictures.

It is indeed difficult to convince the audience that one person has done these rough jobs.

If it wasn't for the live broadcast, Luo Quan's fans probably wouldn't have thought that she could build a bamboo house by herself.

Although there are quite a few videos on YouTube of a person building an earth house and a wooden house with his bare hands, they were all filmed over a period of several months. Who knows if modern machinery or construction teams were used to help.

The final product is indeed amazing, but it is not known whether it is real or fake.

However, Luo Quan broadcasted the whole process this time, and fans could see every process, so there was no falsification.

As for the feeling of exhaustion in my heart.

It was the same when she was filming a movie, she would have such a mentality when the task was heavy, but this love would not change the plan she had already made.

The hardship I found, I still have to bite the bullet and continue to eat.

She was never a half-hearted person.

(End of this chapter)

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