Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 745 Survival in the Wilderness

Chapter 745 Survival in the Wilderness ([-])
"Let's finish here today." Luo Quan came out of the half-meter-deep pit, his face already covered with dust.

After the bamboo for the house is cut, the foundation has to be laid.

Before laying the foundation, you have to dig a hole, put the "foundation stone" in and bury it.

There are no foundation stones in the barren mountains and ridges, so Luoquan can only settle for the next best thing, and bury five bamboo piles in a bundle to make load-bearing columns for the bamboo house.

However, this was not something that could be done overnight. After a busy afternoon, Luo Quan only dug holes for five load-bearing columns.

According to the plan, fifteen more must be dug.

It was getting late, and Luo Quan, who had been working all day, was also a little tired. He climbed up from the pit and walked eastward with a basin in one hand and a mobile phone in the other.

"There used to be a well here, but it has been filled, but there is a pool a little farther away. The groundwater gushes out from the spring on the mountain and converges here along the stream. It is pure natural."

While speaking, the camera followed Luo Quan to a clear pool.

The pool is half a meter deep and has a radius of more than 40 square meters. It is crystal clear, but there are no fish.

What's interesting is that it's summer, and I didn't see any mosquitoes, and I don't know whether it is clean or not.

However, even if the water was really clean, she would not dare to drink it directly. This time, she came here to simply wash her hands and face.

"Don't you take a shower?"

"Yes, the clothes are so dirty."

"And after a day's work, it's not comfortable to sweat so much."

"Yes, yes, wash it quickly, we won't peek, whoever sees who is a puppy."

"Wang Wang Wang!"


Luo Quan glanced at the barrage, and was immediately laughed at: "Do you want my live broadcast room to be blocked?"

It's just a joke, no one will take it seriously.

As for the most important resource for survival in the wilderness, the quality of water in Luoquan naturally attaches great importance to it.

In the future, I will need to use it in many places for shooting videos. Although the mountain spring water gushing from the ground is theoretically relatively clean, there will be no major problems if there are no factories nearby.

But there is no problem if you are careful, so the water quality detector exchanged from the system was inserted into the pool for a test.

The conclusion is that there are more bacteria, but there is no pollution such as heavy metals, and there is no problem after boiling at high temperature.

In fact, grandpa and grandma have drank the water here for decades, and they are still in good health, and have not seen any problems, so she can continue to use it when she comes over.

As long as it boils it won't be a big problem.

At the place where the spring water flowed into the distance, Luo Quan reached in and scrubbed for a while, then took a basin and sat on the ground to wash his feet.

For clothes and so on, she specially bought the cheapest street stalls this time. A set of T-shirts and trousers cost less than 20 yuan. If it is dirty, it will be dirty. Anyway, you can continue to wear it after washing it.

It's not as expensive as those other big-brand clothes. If she fiddled with it like this today, it would probably be ruined directly.

After washing his feet, Luo Quan went back and poured mineral water into another blue basin, finally cleaning his face.

As for the sweat all over the body, because the conditions do not allow it, we can only do this first, and let it stick a little bit.

"Fans, the kitchen hasn't been built yet, so there will be no fire in the open area, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble." Luo Quan said as he took out a box of self-heating rice, and set up a camping tent while soaking. stand up.

"It's probably going to be like this for a few days, but it will be much better after the bamboo house is built."

Sitting cross-legged in the tent with bare feet, Luo Quan spoke to the fans on his mobile phone.

After a busy day, although Luo Quan has changed into new clothes, his hair is still a little messy, but there is no trace of fatigue in his eyes, and he looks like he is looking forward to tomorrow.

"Your spirit is really good. If I were tired all day, I probably wouldn't be able to eat."

"It's really versatile. I used to know that you are proficient in all kinds of musical instruments, and you are superb at cooking. I didn't expect that even such rough work is easy. To be fair, even a young and strong man may not be able to finish the workload you have today. "

"It's not necessarily, it's definitely not! Luo Quan really deserves to be a girl with strange powers. I can hardly lift a bamboo so big and long. She can resist several of them by herself!"

"What is the purpose of fighting so hard? Isn't it good to blow air-conditioning in the air-conditioned room in summer?"


Before Luo Quan complained that fans didn't feel sorry for her, but when they started to feel sorry for her, Luo Quan felt a little uncomfortable.

Seeing the fans' questions, Luo Quan showed a bright smile: "As a content creator, if you want to create excellent works, you must endure hardships.

Just like I want to shoot the pastoral scenery of China, you don't think that just the whole farmhouse and the country roads where chickens and dogs hear each other are pastoral, right?

Rough work such as farming, carrying water, and chopping firewood is the countryside, without which you cannot survive.

In fact, everyone in the live broadcast room can regard my situation as a safe version of survival in the wilderness. There is no need to fight wits with wild animals, but to use the gifts of nature to build a warm home of your own.

This is actually the core of farming. "

"It makes sense, next time I'll find Mr. Bei to join forces with you."

"Haha, these two must be very interesting together."

"Speaking of which, does Luo Quan dare to eat bugs raw? High protein and nutritious."


"Don't even think about it!" Luo Quan immediately replied decisively, "I won't eat this even if I starve to death."

"True fragrance warning."

"If a person is extremely hungry, he can eat anything, let alone worms."

"Looks like you haven't been hungry yet."

"Give me a little cumin chili powder, and I can eat leather shoes with relish."

"The taste is still a bit heavy, it's not enough."


Luo Quan interacted with the barrage and chatted with fans while having dinner.

Half an hour later, Weibo and Zhihu finally had Luoquan-related hot searches.

"How do you evaluate Luo Quan's hard work in the mountains for a day?"

There are quite a few people participating in the answer this time, among which the highlighted answer is as follows:

"Actually, if we put aside Luo Quan's previous experience of repeated slaps in the face, I don't believe that she can endure this hardship and have the ability to take care of the rural area by herself.

However, a goddess is a goddess, and she once again explained to us what it means to go out of the hall, go down to the kitchen, do farming and mulberry, and build a bamboo house.

She did it all by herself, which can only be done by a team of several people in the countryside, and she hasn't said a word of tired until now. Her tone seems to be enjoying the process of labor.

It can only be said that Luo Quan is indeed not an ordinary person, and her omnipotence is really amazing. "

The second highlighted answer is an extension from Luoquan:
"I think that Luoquan can reap the great success of today, and today's live broadcast has clearly revealed the mystery of it.

First of all, everyone should be clear, why did she go into the mountains in the summer, suffer so much and sweat so much?
Because she said before that she wanted to shoot Huaxia's pastoral life, and went to the Internet to promote Chinese culture like Huaxia on the tip of her tongue.

In order to strive for authenticity, she started from scratch and did everything by herself, in order to make the most authentic pastoral videos.

Is it bitter? It must be bitter.

But as a heavy physical worker, farmers are indeed suffering. Even with the assistance of various high-tech products and semi-automated planting, it is still very difficult.

Not to mention this kind of pure manual work without any high-tech products, it is simply a pain in the sky.

However, it also makes the video feel incredibly real.

And this kind of truth of excellence is also the reason why Luoquan can achieve great success.

Everyone said that Luo Quan was very talented, and God chased after him to feed him.

But if you are too lazy to open your mouth, even if God is willing to help you, you will not be able to get up.

So many people on the Internet say that Luo Quan is lazy, like a salted fish. I am absolutely unfair. In places we can't see, her hard work and sweat will definitely not be less than her talent.

If these stars in the entertainment industry had [-]% of her efforts, they wouldn't be so popular with actor ratings. "


Incomparably disgusting praise and praise, and at the end, by the way, I also cue those little fresh meats in the entertainment circle.

When Luo Quan secretly saw this comment, he felt so happy in his heart.

As the saying goes, "Thousands of clothes, ten thousand clothes, flattery and no clothes, no one doesn't like to listen to good words and praise from others."

Especially this kind of high-quality rainbow fart, it is simply never tired of hearing it.

As for the content of her live broadcast today, there is nothing commendable, after all, it has just begun.

After the bamboo hut is built, the show will officially begin.

"Okay, good night everyone, it's time for me to go to bed." Luo Quan stretched his waist, his bones crackling.

If there is no accident, the muscles all over my body will probably be extremely sore tomorrow.

After all, it's been a long time since she's been tossing around like this.

"Good night, Lobo."

"Nice dream."

"You are allowed to stay in bed tomorrow and rest for a while, don't be too tired."


After reading the fans' good night barrage, Luo Quan turned off his phone.

After only closing her eyes for 5 minutes, she fell asleep deeply.

The next day, although fans allowed her to sleep late, her biological clock still woke her up at eight o'clock.

When she first opened her eyes, she only felt that her body was not her own, and she felt like she was floating in the clouds.

A few seconds later, a clear pain came from the limbs.

"Oh, it's so damn sour." Luo Quan frowned and sat up from his sleeping bag with difficulty.

Fortunately, her physique was indeed far superior to that of ordinary people, and after experiencing the initial soreness, it soon eased.

Facing the morning sun, Luo Quan took off his coat and wiped his body carefully with a towel.

They say they don't take a bath, but they sweat so much on such a hot day, if they don't take a bath for two or three days, they will accumulate a thick layer of dirt.

So Luo Quan simply wiped it before the live broadcast started.

It's still not as good as taking a shower, but it's still better than doing nothing.

After the cold water rubbed his body, the remaining drowsiness was completely expelled.

After rinsing his mouth, Luo Quan turned on the live broadcast and sat in front of the camera drinking milk:

"Good morning everyone, a new day is coming, and the remaining work from last night will continue. We will strive to lay the foundation today, and then put the floor of the house in place."

Luo Quan shifted the camera to his half-launch project, proving that no one would secretly work overtime at night.

After breakfast, the construction continued.

For the next three days, Luo Quan kept working hard.

Shovels, rulers, and saws went into battle together, and a three-room bamboo house was built on a flat ground.

The bamboo house is divided into three parts, bedroom, kitchen and utility room.

The stove in the kitchen was built by Luo Quan with hay and live mud. The raw materials are extremely simple, but the shape is also decent under Luo Quan's skillful hands.

When the flames ignited in the stove and the smoke wafted from the chimney of the bamboo house, the fans in the live broadcast room directly brushed their "tears" on the public screen.

After a total of four days, Luoquan finally built such a bamboo house. Although it is not big, it has all internal organs.

And because the bottom is supported by bamboo piles, which is a little higher than the ground, there is no need to worry about the floor being flooded after it rains.

As for the roof, it is also completely built according to the tile-roofed houses of the Chinese people. As long as it is not in a violent storm, there is no need to worry about water entering the house.

Perhaps God wanted to test the quality of this bamboo house in Luoquan, and within two hours of its completion, the sky was already covered with dark clouds.

Seeing this, Luo Quan hurriedly moved all the tools into the utility room, then sat on the bamboo floor in the bedroom with his mobile phone, waiting for the rain to fall.

"Sitting on this in summer feels almost like a summer mat." Luo Quan touched the bamboo floor beneath him.I am also quite satisfied with my craftsmanship.

She split the thick bamboo into thin and narrow bamboo pieces, which would cause a considerable amount of work when laying the floor.

But the advantage is also obvious, that is, it is flat, no matter whether you are standing on it or lying on it, you will not feel panicked at all.

Of course, this is also related to her superb skills, but for those who are a little clumsy, the floor laid out will be warped on one side and concave on the other.

Not to mention lying on it, if you accidentally walk, you will stumble.

Which is the same as the one in front of me, as flat as a concrete floor.

"If someone marries you, you don't need to prepare the wedding room. It's wonderful."

"With such a beautiful wife, who would be willing to let her build a wedding room? You have to buy one even if you sell everything."

"Only one room? Are you so stingy? You need three rooms!"

"Five rooms are enough?"

"I'll go directly to a building!"


While chatting, the barrage began to roll up, arguing fiercely about the amount of bride price that should be paid for marrying Luo Quan.

At the same time, there was a rattling sound from above.

"It's starting to rain." Luo Quan was also a little nervous.

Then it was time to verify the quality of the bamboo house. If the water in the house was rushing down, then her craftsmanship was still flawed, and the bamboo house was not successful.

Fortunately, her works never overturned.

(End of this chapter)

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