Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 746 Farming

Chapter 746 Farming
"Did you see that not a drop of water fell in?" Amidst the pattering rain, Luo Quan held up his mobile phone to check and accept the results of the past few days for the fans.

"It's really amazing. It's amazing that one person can build such a beautiful and rainproof house."

"Have you recorded all the video material? When the time comes, the clip will be released, and it will be easily played by millions."

"Millions? Look down on Luo Bao too much. There are more than this little data in station B alone."

"Listen, it sounds like thunder."


Originally, the barrage was still discussing the video playback, but the sudden thunder attracted everyone's attention.

During this period of time, Yuzhou is sunny, the climate is very dry, and wind is rare, let alone rain, especially this kind of thunderstorm.

Speaking of which, Luoquan has not seen the rain in Yuzhou for a long time.

After the thunder sounded, she just sat by the window, looking out quietly.

Amidst the wild roaring thunder, boundless rain and dew quickly fell and poured on the hard ground.

Luo Quan held up his mobile phone and listened quietly to the raindrops hitting the roof of the bamboo house, making a soft sound like rain hitting plantains.

At the beginning, the rain was not too heavy. The raindrops were just like pearls, rolling down from the eaves one by one, and there was a light "pop" sound on the ground, which was quite rhythmic.

But after a while, as the rolling thunder intensified, the pouring rain finally came.

All of a sudden, the patter of raindrops hitting the eaves can be heard endlessly.

The water splashed everywhere, but quickly gathered under the action of gravity, and finally the raindrops turned into water lines, weaving a pearl curtain under the eaves in front of the window.

Soon, a white lightning pierced the sky and lit up the entire sky.

The thunder suddenly appeared in the silent place, but it was quickly drowned out by the sound of continuous rain.

This back and forth continued for 10 minutes.

"It seems to be passing clouds and rain." Luo Quan came to a conclusion when he heard the sound of thunder fading away and the sound of rain becoming quieter.

Clouds and rain come and go quickly, but it is the most precious time in the sweltering summer, which relieves the scorching heat of the sky and the earth, and brings uncommon good scenery.

"The waterline falling from the eaves just now is so beautiful, it's like returning to nature."

"It reminds me of when I was a child and went back to the countryside. I was just as comfortable, and my heart was filled with unreasonable happiness."

"Without the hustle and bustle of carriages and horses, only the natural leisure is left. This is probably the charm of the countryside."

"I can't wait to see Luo Quan farming, I want to see her harvesting cart after cart of grain."


Amidst the fans' discussions, Luo Quan stepped on his slippers and opened the door.

"The rain has stopped, and the air is much cooler than before." Luo Quan stretched his slim waist to his heart's content, making a group of fans in the barrage show drooling and envious expressions.

Luo Quan's body is so exquisite no matter what clothes he wears.

The wide T-shirt and the fluffy skirt can't cover up her increasingly voluptuous figure.

Just like the wind in autumn will only bring a good harvest of fruits, the power of time exerted on Luo Quan, who is in her early 20s, can only make her gradually mature.

This kind of maturity is a change from a girl to a woman.

Just like a boy turning into an indomitable man, sometimes it only takes one sentence to wake up.

And when a girl becomes a woman, sometimes she only needs to wait for the time to ripen, and everything about her will be transformed unconsciously.

In 2019, Luo Quan, who is 21 years old, should have completed this transformation.

Compared with the youthful and innocent appearance three years ago, now she only needs one look to fascinate people.

Her eyes are still clear, but compared to other parts of her, the eyes have become insignificant.

"The appearance of Luo Bao stretching his waist is really beautiful."

"It's like a peony bud emerging from a seed, and like a writhing enchanting snake, beautiful and dangerous, exuding a charming sin, I really want to embrace her fiercely in my arms, crush her and stuff her into it." heart."

"You're full of rainbow farts, you want to take the postgraduate entrance examination, right?"

"Go on, Luo Bao likes everyone to praise her the most."

"This literary talent, it would be great if I could write novels."

"I'll write it right away. The heroine is Luo Bao, and I'm the hero."

"I think you look ugly and want to be beautiful!"

"Don't do that kind of thing!"


There are many fans, and there are many people with fantastic ideas.

But this kind of inadvertent small action can cause such a big repercussions, which is beyond Luo Quan's expectation.

Is she already so attractive now?Just a stretch that makes fans almost go into heat?
It's a pity that there is no mirror by her side, otherwise she would really have to take a good picture.

"It's the most suitable time to do farm work after it rains, but the bamboo house is completed today, so let's rest for the rest of the day, and show everyone my cooking skills later."

At this moment when Luo Quan was speaking to the fans, the vegetable delivery she ordered when it was raining just now was already on the way.

The stove has been repaired, so there is no need to eat self-heating rice.

Fortunately, she had the foresight to cut a large amount of firewood and pile it in the kitchen yesterday. Otherwise, it would be much more difficult to bring it back and light it if it rains now.

In the kitchen, apart from the two earthen stoves, there is also a large iron pot with a diameter of nearly [-] centimeters on each of them, and there are several newly bought steamers beside them.

In fact, she can do all of these by herself, but rural life is not a diary of primitive people, there is no need to do everything by herself, just buy ready-made furniture.

Before cooking, first prepare a pot of boiling water.

Although the mountain spring next to it is not polluted, it must be sterilized before it can be used safely.

Disinfect it now, and use it for cooking and cooking later.

Half an hour later, the takeaway Luo Quan ordered arrived.

It is a variety of seasonal vegetables and fresh meat, mainly tomatoes, loofahs, potatoes, and green peppers. The fresh meat is a piece of half-jin pork.

There is no refrigerator in the mountains, so you can’t make too much meat, and you must eat it all in two meals at most.

In addition to these, a one-meter-high wooden barrel was also transported from the delivery car, and all the goods were placed here, and Luo Quan brought them in with a tricycle.

"Luo Bao, what is this big wooden barrel for?"

"I still have to ask? It's obviously a bathtub."

"Okay, then I have to find something to prepare."

"Brother, what are you looking for?"

"Flower petals, don't beauties in ancient costume movies use this thing when they take a bath in a wooden barrel?"

"By the way, can I start a live broadcast? The main reason is to watch the petals."

"Do you want to see the petals? I'm too embarrassed to click pe on you."


This big wooden bucket Luoquan is indeed used for bathing.

She hasn't showered for four days, and it's still summer, so she can be said to be extremely itchy right now.

She hadn't been this sloppy in all these years.

"Let's make fried shredded potatoes and shredded pork with green peppers tonight."

Luo Quan poured the boiled water into a plastic bucket for later use, and began to wash the ingredients after the water cooled down.

It was getting late, and the smoke curled up from the top of the bamboo house, and the tempting fragrance permeated the whole room.

"It's really fragrant, but it's a pity that you can't smell it." Luo Quan held a plate of shredded potatoes that were glistening, and took a deep breath of the aroma.

"Just for you, you don't want me to praise you again today, unless you let me take a bite too."

"My mouth is already open, please feed."

"This dish looks very appetizing."

"Luo Bao's culinary skills are not a problem, and even ordinary ingredients can make a high-end look."


While speaking, Luo Quan put the shredded pork back into the pot and stir-fried it for a while.

Although the pot is much heavier than those used in ordinary households, with her arm strength, she can still handle it easily without too much effort.

Under the "catalysis" of the dry wood fire, a plate of shredded pork with green peppers wrapped in steaming heat came out of the pan. The lines were clear and the oil was shining.

Served with a pot of steamed rice in a bamboo bucket, it will make people appetite at a glance.

"You may not know that this kind of rice in bamboo tubes is ridiculously hard, and it's quite choking." Luo Quan shaved a big mouthful of meat mixed with it, stretched his snow-white neck, and swallowed hard.

After swallowing it, Luo Quan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "However, this is the most delicious rice I have ever eaten, and this taste cannot be imitated by any rice cooker.

Nowadays, few restaurants generally use bamboo tubes to steam rice, and they all use rice steamers, but in those old restaurants, or in rural areas, it is still edible. "

Before Luo Quan finished speaking, he started to eat again.

In the past, she cared more about eating appearance, but this time she became much more casual.

However, fans didn't think that Luo Quan's eating was rude. After doing heavy work, people were in a state of extreme hunger and weakness, and could only recover by eating and sleeping.

Anyone who does the heavy work for these four days will gobble up meals like Luo Quan.

Not to mention the face of such a delicious meal.

Although everyone can't smell it, Luo Quan cooked it herself. There is no need to describe her cooking skills, and she is officially recognized as the number one in China.

As for whether it is number one in the world, anyway, Huaxia fans think so, and what foreigners think is not too important.

Seeing Luo Quan eating so deliciously, it was dinner time, and the fans were also relishing the rice in their own bowls.

Just looking at Luo Bao made me feel quite hungry.

After eating and drinking, Luo Quan first cleaned the bowls and chopsticks, then lit two stoves at the same time to boil water.

Although it didn't say it, everyone knew what it was going to do next.

"Okay, that's the end of today's live broadcast. Let's rest early and recharge your batteries. I'll start watching my farming tomorrow. If you have anything else you want me to plant, you can leave a message in the comment area. Maybe I will adopt it. .”

After speaking, regardless of the fans' efforts to persuade them to stay, they directly turned off the live broadcast.

Soon, the water boiled.

Two large pots of boiling water were poured into a newly purchased wooden barrel, and then added to cool boiling water for neutralization.

Tried the water temperature, just right.

But before entering, Luo Quan threw a sachet in.

It's not flower petals, she's not coquettish enough to throw flower petals as soon as she takes a bath.

There are many Chinese herbal medicines in this sachet. It is said that after soaking, it can relieve fatigue and drive away mosquitoes.

Although there are mosquito nets on the doors and windows of the bamboo huts, the huts are not tightly sealed, and mosquitoes may get in when the wind blows.

Although her skin is not immune to bites, it is still annoying to be missed by these things, so I use this sachet that is said to be very useful on the Internet to solve it, and see if it is as magical as it is said.

After throwing it in and stirring it twice, Luo Quan undressed and sat in the barrel.

When the warm water passed over his shoulders, Luo Quan let out a relaxed and comfortable moan.

"Finally I can take a bath~~"

Not taking a shower for four days is not only a physical torture, but also a psychological torture.

Fortunately, I can come here once every night.

Because it is summer, the hot water cools down slowly.

Luo Quan soaked in it for half an hour before coming out.

After coming out, the originally clear surface was also covered with a layer of light gray dirt.

It's all accumulated by her in the past few days, and it's really goosebumps all over her body when she thinks about it.

Fortunately, this is only one time, and it is estimated that this situation will not happen again in the future.

Afterwards, Luo Quan poured all the evidence that affected the flawless image of its goddess into the soil, completely destroying the body and leaving no traces.

After returning to the house, the first thing is to check the stove.

Although the bamboo house is not so flammable, it is made of wood after all.

The safety check had to be done well. She used iron tongs to poke the stove full of charcoal ashes. After confirming that there were no sparks, she poured half a ladle of water into it, and then returned to the bedroom with confidence.

After taking a hot bath, the body is indeed much more relaxed, and the bones feel soft.

Thinking of the many things to do tomorrow, Luo Quan went to rest early without checking his phone for too long.

I still woke up naturally at eight o'clock the next day, which was more punctual than the alarm clock.

First put the portable solar rechargeable battery on the eaves to charge, after washing, Luo Quan opened the live broadcast room again.

"Fans, farming will officially start today. In addition, at noon, the first issue of Huaxia on Tianyuan will be almost finished. At that time, it will be released on all platforms. Foreign ones can be watched on Youtube, and domestic ones can be watched on station B. , everyone please like and collect to support it.”

Luo Quan is quite familiar with this kind of request, and will say similar things to fans every time he releases a new work.

But she usually didn't force it, and said that those who are interested can click to play.

The main thing is that those who can watch her live broadcast are usually interested, so there is not much difference between saying this and not saying it.

And the fans' answers are the same:
"Since you've said that, then next time you'll be sure about the one-click three-link thing. (Funny)"

"Next time it will be determined."

"By the way, what is the content of the first issue? Is it just building a house?"

"What else do you want? This directly shows the core gameplay of Minecraft."

"To be fair, there should not be many people in this world who can build houses by themselves."

"There are a few on Youtube, but it's not the same number as Luo Bao."

"Looking forward to ing, there is only one scene in the live broadcast, and you can't actually see it in many places."


At noon, Huaxia on the pastoral area was released on time.

(End of this chapter)

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