Chapter 747

(I wrote this with a fever, the seasons change too fast, please pay attention to adding or removing clothes)

"Huaxia on the pastoral, shocking release!"

On the Youtube homepage, Luo Quan holding a hammer suddenly appeared where everyone could see.

Before that, Luo Quan had already unlocked many shapes and poses.

What pure desire, sexy, magic, swimsuit, it can be said to have everything.

But this is the first time everyone has seen such a look of doing heavy work on the construction site.

But it feels really interesting. Looking at the tight and powerful muscles on the arm, it makes people feel like looking at ancient Greek sculptures.

Luo Quan's appearance used to be said to be Venus with arms.

But this time, I should see Athena.

Only this goddess of war can embody her strength and beauty.

It's a pity that there are no "88 Ten" stalks in foreign countries. If there are, it can add a sense of joy to the barrage.

At the beginning of the video, Luo Quan introduced the program:

Summer is here, and I have returned to my hometown on the mountain where I have been away for many years. In a place far away from the bustling and hustle and bustle of the city, I will start a primitive life here and show you the pastoral life of Chinese people hundreds of years ago.

In fact, similar videos are no strangers to foreign viewers. Long before Luoquan, Wang Xiaojiu had already made similar content, and it was quite popular.

It is indeed unexpected that the idyllic scenery that few people see in China has unexpectedly become popular abroad.

It's just that because of the trademark dispute, Wang Xiaojiu has been on a break for a long time, and he hasn't come to fill the vacancy for a long time.

Until Luo Quan appeared.

She is from China like Wang Xiaojiu, and she is more well-known. Although her appearance may make people feel a little unsuitable, no one will doubt her level of Chinese studies.

Huaxia on the tip of the tongue has already made a good proof. So far, it is one of the highest-rated variety shows on Netflix, attracting countless foreign foodies to Huaxia to taste the taste of this ancient country for thousands of years.

After less than a year, Luo Quan once again put forward a new content - Huaxia on the pastoral.

It can be regarded as a sister chapter of China on the tip of the tongue. Regardless of the form of expression, the main purpose is to promote the culture of China and let everyone see this unique oriental beauty.

Of course, from the beginning of the program, except for Luoquan and the green hills stretching into the distance, everyone has not seen beauty yet.

I saw Luo Quan standing in front of a half-collapsed mud house, stroking the ruins and sighing softly: "This is the place where my grandfather lived for decades, and it has collapsed due to disrepair.

It would be troublesome to restore it and continue to use it, and it was unnecessary, so I decided to smash it and rebuild a house from the bamboo here. "

After speaking, Luo Quan picked up a sledgehammer and hit him hard.

In front of her, the earthen wall seemed to be half of paper, and it collapsed completely after being hammered a few times.

"Opening Lightning Strike!"

"It's hard to imagine that a girl can achieve such power with a hammer. Luo Quan did it."

"She's not a girl, she's a goddess, a real goddess."

"I feel that the theme of the video is very similar to Wang Xiaojiu's. Is there any reference?"

"Let's talk about it after reading it. Luo Quan is only in his twenties, so he hasn't run out of inspiration yet."


There are always doubts, but compared with Wang Xiaojiu, Luo Quan is undoubtedly more hardcore.

At least Wang Xiaojiu can't hammer a pile of walls like Luo Quan, and then carry several bamboos on one shoulder.

The four-day construction time was condensed by Luo Quan to four 10 minutes.

Among them, the mortise and tenon structure displayed by Luoquan is probably the biggest highlight.

She didn't use a single nail during the whole process, but only through the inlay of the bamboo joints and the binding of the key parts, a bamboo house was erected.

From the outside, this three-bedroom house is exquisite and beautiful, and it is a harmonious whole.

Zooming in, you can see only a thin line at almost all connections.

"This is China's unique mortise and tenon building. Except for a little trouble to make, it is almost perfect." Luo Quan shook it for a while, proving its firmness and reliability.

The following thunderstorm is the climax of the entire video.

Luo Quan stayed in the room quietly, lying down and listening to the rain and the wind.

In the distance outside the window, there are mountains in mist and rain, which make the atmosphere so quiet and serene.

At this moment, the foreign viewers who are watching the video have a little understanding of the so-called artistic conception that Chinese people often say.

This is a state that can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words. Human vision and hearing feel a different kind of charm in this sound ink painting.

After the rain stopped, Luo Quan lit a fire to cook.

She whetted everyone's appetite with the most common dishes.

The camera zooms out gradually, and a curl of cooking smoke rises from the bamboo house, leaning towards the green hills in the distance.

This section can be called the finishing touch, making people feel as if they are in this quiet and leisurely mountain.

And the first phase of Huaxia on the Pastoral also came to an abrupt end.

Just when the audience was still unsatisfied, the ending song sounded:
"The plain embryo outlines the blue and white brush strokes from dark to light.

The peony depicted on the bottle is just like your first makeup

Sky blue is waiting for misty rain and I am waiting for you

The smoke from cooking rises thousands of miles across the river

On the bottom of the bottle, the Han Li imitates the elegance of the previous dynasty

Just when I foreshadowed to meet you


The blue and white porcelain that was originally sung by Ru Kiln sounded here, but it didn't seem out of harmony at all. On the contrary, it added three points to the artistic conception of the video.

In less than an hour after uploading, the number of views of the video has already exceeded 800 million, which is obviously going to exceed [-] million.

In the comment area, audiences from all over the world also express their true feelings here:
"The scene of the rain reminded me of my hometown in Norway.

, It was a winter, I lit the fire and lay quietly on the rocking chair in my log cabin, next to my loyal and elderly dog.

The crackling of firewood and the whistling of wind and snow are all ringing in my ears, but my heart is indeed peaceful and peaceful like never before, as if the whole world has stopped time at this moment.

After all these years, I have never had such peace until after watching this video.

Really, thank you very much Luoquan. "


"This is probably the so-called Huaxia Garden, there is no thrilling scenery, no magnificent momentum, but only the deepest touch of the heart and the leisurely way to see the big from the small.

However, Luo Quan has only lifted a small corner of this beautiful veil now, and I look forward to the next program, so that I can truly see the beauty that belongs to the Chinese countryside. "


With more than [-] comments, except for some disgusting words in Korean: tenon and tenon joints are actually Korean traditional crafts, people from other countries have a very high evaluation of the video.

The professional scoring website also gave the data, 9.5 points, a pretty good score.

On the other hand, domestic discussions on this video are also quite heated.

Although Luoquan is not the first of this type, it is definitely the best and most authentic one that can be seen so far.

To Wang Xiaojiu, when he posted the first video, he was questioned that there is a huge team behind it, but in fact it was just a fake.

She herself also responded that she can't do a lot of farm work by herself, and she must have a team, but most of the work is done by herself, and there is absolutely no fraud.

As for what the real situation is like, after she stopped updating, no one has discussed it anymore.

As for Luo Quan, no one has questioned her for being fake.

Because in the past four days, except for sleeping at night, the live broadcast was always on.

The audience watched her clearly, how she built the house piece by piece.

Although the video was edited by Luoquan, the whole video of the live broadcast is in the personal space of station B, and you can watch it at any time.

It can be said that Luoquan completed all the work by himself, and one person is a team.

This patience and ability is really amazing.

When Weibo was full of praises, including GQT giving her likes, Zhihu started the discussion behind the video here.

"How do you view the phenomenon of Huaxia on the pastoral exploding abroad?"

The highlighted answer is this:

"This once again proves that the beauty of my China can actually be empathized by foreigners.

The so-called cultural barriers and aesthetic differences are really not as big as everyone imagines.

Wang Xiaojiu did it before, and now Luo Quan has done it too, which shows that as long as you make it with your heart and avoid those things that are too mysterious and mysterious, even if you just shoot some farm gossip, you can still gain huge attention.

In this world, after all, ordinary people make up the majority, and not everyone is well-educated, and down-to-earth content is sometimes more marketable than the so-called elegant and sage words.

Just like us in Huaxia, the most popular is definitely not the forum of hundreds of schools, but the various lives on Douyin Kuaishou.

You can say that this is a vulgar fast food culture without nutrition, but people nowadays are still willing to watch this.

After all, everyone is running around for their livelihood, and if they want to relieve stress and depression, they basically only choose these fast foods instead of listening to the saint's table to cleanse their souls.

I think this is a point that many content creators need to pay attention to now. "


This answer belongs to looking at the essence through the phenomenon, directly analyzing why the video became popular.

In addition to Luo Quan's own meticulous production, it also includes the fact that the threshold for appreciating the video is very low.

This does not mean that the video is low, but that anyone can watch it, and anyone can understand it, and there is no such thing as a look of incomprehension after watching it.

It sounds common to be suitable for all ages, but it is actually very difficult to really do it.

Fortunately, Luo Quan's artistic creations have always adhered to the concept of being suitable for all ages.

To use an anime to describe it is cat and mouse.

As the best and most well-known anime in the world, Tom and Jerry is suitable for all ages.

Whether it is a child or an adult, it only takes one glance to be attracted by the story of Tom and Jerry.

Behind this great animation is the result of tens of thousands of hand-painted original paintings by countless painters.

Down-to-earth and excellence, this is probably the shortcut to success.

Luo Quan grasped the essence of it and showed it to everyone.

Unfortunately, there are not many who can really learn.

Most people still just want to make quick money with shoddy or compiled Chinese works.

Let me ask, who can easily get paid by reciting 1234, who would like to go to the mountains to record in the summer like Luo Quan?
Isn't that asking for trouble?

"I'm not asking for trouble." Luo Quan explained with a smile when he saw the complaints from the fans.

After posting the video at noon, she didn't read the follow-up comments much, but devoted herself to the work of tending the farmland.

If the earth house is not repaired, it will collapse, and if the farmland is not taken care of, grass will grow, and the height is almost below her knees.

Compared with building a bamboo house, this kind of work of bending over and mowing grass is undoubtedly more tiring and torturous.

Not only low back pain, but also back pain after a long time.

As for why the back hurts, it can only be understood but cannot be explained in words. No matter how frantic it is, Luo Quan just put his hands on his waist and kneaded it after straightening up.

After more than an hour of cutting, Luo Quan, who couldn't bear it, finally hid behind the camera and kneaded his sore shoulders and back.

"It's really hard work." Luo Quan panted lightly, relieving the shortness of breath caused by chest tightness.

If it wasn't for the hot weather, she really wanted to wear that one on her back.

Although there is no science in that thing, it is completely relying on force to correct the body shape. I don't know whether it has more advantages or disadvantages.

However, at least its quality is still very good, and it can relieve her a lot of pressure after wearing it.

But because it is not breathable, if I wear that thing now, I don’t know how much sweat I will have to sweat.

After thinking about it, she decided to forget it.

Anyway, the soreness in her shoulders and back is only temporary, and her body recovers quickly. With more kneading and kneading, she will be able to devote herself to work soon.

After resting on the ground for 5 minutes, Luo Quan returned to the camera: "Just now I went to the bathroom, now continue to work."

Luo Quan put her hips on her hips, looking at the weeds in the farmland in front of her that had been half wiped out by her: "It's almost done in another hour. Although the field is not big, it is enough for me to grow a lot of vegetables."

"Yesterday you asked the eldest sister to suggest that I will ask directly, can I grow watermelons?"

"Watermelons are selling very well now, and they cost two yuan a catty in our place."

"Whats up, is your melon rind made of gold, or is the melon rind made of gold?"

"Do you think there are any melons now? They are all sold out and can't be bought. You think it's expensive and I think it's too expensive."

"Is this melon safe?"

"I'll fast-forward directly to Sarilang!"

"Haha, you are going to kill me laughing."


The barrage in Luoquan's live broadcast room never disappoints.

A watermelon directly caused a large-scale meme craze.

But Luo Quan smiled, but still said: "Watermelon ripens slowly, I don't have so much time to take care of it, so I can only plant crops that ripen faster."

(End of this chapter)

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