Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 748 Breeding and Handicraft

Chapter 748 Breeding and Handicraft
Before planting vegetables, Luo Quan bought a dozen chickens from the city, three males and nine females.

When the house was being built, there were some extra bamboo pieces. It would be a pity to burn them as firewood. Luo Quan surrounded the house as a chicken coop, and built a board in the corner so that they would be safe when it rained. place to hide.

"Is this ready to be fattened and killed?"

"These chickens look good, please be sure to put more chili."

"I'm kind-hearted, I can't look at these things, I'll come over and have a look when the dishes are ready."

"What kind of vegetables have just been bought, no matter what, they have to be raised for a few days."


The barrage joked about these chickens that Luo Quan would eat in the near future.

"The main reason is that I want to eat eggs. The ones bought in the supermarket are not as fresh as the ones now available." Luo Quan chuckled, sprinkled a handful of feed into the chicken coop, and poured some water into the basin.

After doing this, Luo Quan went back to the field and pulled out all the last weeds left.

Luo Quan stood with his hips akimbo, standing in the completely new field: "It's finally finished."

"So what are you going to plant, have you decided?"

The barrage asked curiously.

After thinking for a while, Luo Quan replied: "It should be leeks, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, Chinese cabbage, etc. These cook faster, and they are all my favorite dishes."

"Is there anything you don't like?"

"I feel like you are a foodie. Every time I see you eating, I can eat with gusto, and you are not picky at all."

"Is there a possibility that every time Luo Quan cooks the dishes she likes?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible."

"Haha, the truth will be revealed by accident."


"Except for bitter gourd, there are no dishes I particularly hate." Luo Quan replied without thinking.

She likes most of the melons, but only bitter melons, and she can't get used to the taste no matter what.

But looking at the barrage, she is not the only one who can't get used to bitter gourd, and there are quite a few of them. There are many people who can't get used to bitter gourd just like her.

"By the way, tonight I will eat bean curd, which is the most famous bean product in Yuzhou." Luo Quan put away his sickle, predicting what she would eat tonight.

"What is bean curd? Is it called tofu nao in Yuzhou?"

"Douhua is not tofu nao, the former takes longer to make and has a harder texture.

The most important point is the contest between sweet and salty bean curd, because no one in Yuzhou will eat sweet bean curd. "

"Speaking of which, I have to mention one thing. Except for the salty tofu brain, everything else is heresy."

"Fart, sweet tongue is justice!"

"Next, invite players from both sides to enter the arena."

"Fight up, fight up!"


Just talking about a bean curd that is related to tofu nao, everyone's attention is focused on arguing whether the salty taste is better or the sweet taste is better.

Luo Quan opened his mouth, wanting to say that they are actually quite delicious.

But seeing everyone arguing so vigorously, I didn't bother to come out and uphold justice.

Just quarrel, on the Internet, it is too difficult to convince the other party.

As for eating bean curd, Luo Quan has been preparing it since noon.

It's still a versatile takeaway, and I bought a lot of freshly picked soybeans.

Compared with the ones that have already been peeled, this kind is slightly cheaper, and it is more reassuring to peel them by yourself, although it is a bit troublesome.

After pulling out the weeds, tomorrow's job is to dig the soil.

In the afternoon, Luo Quan sat on the steps of the bamboo house, carefully peeling soybeans.

Because I wanted to eat this time, not to make a video, so after peeling and soaking for a few hours, Luo Quan smashed the beans with a soymilk machine.

Next is the process of filtering the soy milk. Luo Quan used the most traditional method, using a bamboo cross to hang a layer of white cloth, and put the smashed soy milk in it and kept shaking it, which made the fans dizzy.

Cooking is like this, the process is always boring, if it is a meat dish, it will be full of blood and violence.

Only after the dish is out of the pan and stuffed into your mouth can you taste its beauty.

If you start from the beginning, it's easy to get bored.

Fortunately, it was Luo Quan who was cooking, and just looking at her was already satisfying.

"I don't know why, but looking at Luo Quan's face, I can't help but want to call her mom."

"What brings a filial son?"

"It can't be helped. Our Luo Bao has the attributes of a good wife and mother, which is simply perfect."

"It's not uncommon to see a good wife, good mother?"

"Have you not seen Dai Luoxi? I ​​think it's about the same."

"Indeed, in the past few days, I was also shitting and peeing."

"Haha, why does it sound so joyful?"


Luo Quan pushed Douhua, chatting in the barrage, discussing Luo Quan's various attributes.

Compared with many "little princesses" nowadays, Luo Quan seems to be the ultimate form of the significant other in many boys' hearts.

Not pretentious, gentle and independent, and all housework can be arranged properly, and they are so rich, they are still economical.

It would be great if she wasn't so beautiful and outstanding, and maybe the boys still have the possibility to catch up with her.

Although there is still little hope, but now I can only regard her as my wife in my imagination.

While talking and laughing, the tofu curd was ready.

There is no other dish tonight, just to eat bean curd. The dipping sauce is Luoquan’s favorite red oil chili. In the wild without air-conditioning fans, using this dipping sauce is like taking a sauna. After eating, the whole body is already sweating wet.

After the main meal, Luo Quan took another big mouthful of soy milk, and couldn't help but burp a little: "I'll be here tonight, I'll get up tomorrow to dig the soil."

After speaking, the live broadcast was turned off without waiting for fans to complain about her hiccupping appearance.

When she woke up the next day, an emoji of her hiccupping appeared on the Internet.

Since the mouth of the abyss, it can be regarded as finding another photo that destroys the image of her goddess.

But now she is doing physical work every day, and she has materials every day, so she really doesn't care about it after a while, just do it if she is made into an emoticon package, and what if she can send a lawyer's letter?

It seemed that the sun also knew that Luo Quan was going to dig the soil today, and felt sorry for her. The sun was far less intense than the previous few days, and there was still a refreshing wind in the air.

It looks like it's going to rain again, and I hope to dig up all the soil before it rains.

Originally, Luo Quan was thinking of doing a big job, but it took less than 5 minutes to smash it, and it seemed that she had dug a stone when she went down with the hoe, and she was numb from the shock.

"What?" Luo Quan pulled out his hoe, rubbed his hands, and squatted down to observe.

"Isn't it the family heirloom that the ancestors buried in the soil?"

The barrage said half-jokingly.

"How is it possible? For several generations of poor peasants in my family, there has never been a landlord in the past 200 years." Luo Quan categorically denied it.

The gap was too small to see what was underneath, so Luo Quan could only continue digging with a hoe, but this time he had to be more careful so as not to damage the things underneath.

Five or six times later, Luo Quan dug a hole in the ground.

A pointed object, like the corner of a box, was exposed.

"Hey, it looks like it's really a family heirloom left by our ancestors." Luo Quan grinned, and estimated the approximate size of the box to speed up the excavation.

Ten minutes later, Luo Quan pulled out a wooden box with a diameter of half a meter from the soil.

This box has been buried in the soil for an unknown number of years, but its appearance is still intact.

The box is precious in dark reddish brown, with irregular and messy patterns, but it smells sweet.

There is a scratch on the upper left corner of the box, which was dug out by Luo Quan with a hoe just now.

Although she exerted so much strength, although it was cushioned by the soil, it only left a not particularly deep mark on the box, which shows how hard it is.

Generally speaking, the harder and denser the wood, the more valuable it is likely to be.

The one in front of him, Luo Quan weighed it carefully, at least it weighed seventy to eighty catties, and he didn't know if it was so heavy in the first place, or if there was something big in it.

"This wood looks a bit like the huanghuali from Haizhou Island?"

"Damn it, can you see it with so much soil?"

"Based on Luo Quan's description, combined with the appearance, I can't guess, but whether it is true or not, I have to wash it clean and then observe it carefully and closely."

"If it's really Haizhou Island huanghuali, how much is it worth?"

"Currently, the market price of huanghuali in Haizhou Island ranges from [-] to tens of thousands of yuan per kilogram, and the older it is, the more expensive it becomes.

If this is made of century-old huanghuali, it would be five or six million at least. "

"I don't know if it's because I've been watching Luoquan's live broadcast for a long time, and I feel that 60 to [-] is all that matters."

"It's really not very good. My dreams are basically tens of millions."

"Haha, you guys have to come to brag."


A group of brothers and cowhide kings enlivened the atmosphere, while Luo Quan had already researched the lock on the top of the box, but she gave up quickly, and directly found a bamboo strip, tore off a small piece, and then inserted it into the box. Lock it in the keyhole of the chest.

"Don't tell me you can pick the lock too."

"Is there any skill you don't have?"

"What's the matter with Fei? When you go down with a hammer, all the locks will be opened."

"Why is it so violent, do you understand what technical content is?"


With a "click", Luo Quan poked the lock open just like that.

Opening the box, Luo Quan took the first step and covered his mouth and nose, showing a very good sense of protection.

However, there is no strange smell in it, and it is still the sweet fragrance that you can ask just now.

There are a lot of things in the box, including porcelain that looks like Ru kiln, a golden sword, and a few books.

"These things look like babies."

"Honey, we seem to have made a fuss this time!"

"It's too deep into the drama, it's obviously my wife!"

"Don't care about the wife, now I have to confirm whether this blue porcelain is Ru Kiln, it is worth hundreds of millions!"

"Damn, it's a whole bottle, two pots and three bowls. It's not too small. It adds up to a billion, right?"

"Don't bark yet, there's more to come!"

In addition to the six pieces of porcelain above, there is also a bronze compass underneath.

In terms of age, it is at least 2000 years ago.

"In the future, whoever tells me that Luoquan's family is three generations of poor peasants, I will be in a hurry with whoever!"

"How many years can this sentence be?"

"If this was dug out by the grave robbers, it would be enough to be shot."

"But it was dug out from Luoquan's own field, as long as it can be proved that it is a treasure from his family."


Maybe because he saw the discussion on the barrage, Luo Quan took out a note in traditional Chinese characters after searching for a while:

"Traveling north and south for decades, I didn't have a lot of money. I only saved Ru kiln, golden sword, and ancient Qin Sinan'er. If the descendants of my Luo family need urgent needs, they can exchange them for silver. However, a few ancient books should not be cheaply disposed of. In any case, it needs to be collected well and kept as a family heirloom.

——Luo Fusheng"

Good guy, I have even thought about the proof, as long as the identification is old enough, then all these treasures belong to me.

However, she has never heard of the name Luo Fusheng. Her grandfather's name is Luo Sen, with the radical of gold. She and her mother are from the water family, so one of them has rain, and the other is directly spring.

In other words, two generations use one character.

The ancestor of this Luo Fusheng was more than 200 years ago, at least.

However, I don't know if this analysis is correct. I feel that this paper looks quite new, like a product of the Republic of China.

In that case, they are just grandpa's grandparents.

But no matter what, this should be my own thing.

It is estimated that it has been buried for too long, or it has not been taken seriously. Grandpa and grandpa's father have forgotten that there is such a box.

If these things had been taken out earlier, her family would not have been poor peasants for three generations.

"What a windfall, fans, digging up so much good stuff.

With my eyesight to recognize Chuan Guo Yuxi at a glance, I can tell you responsibly that these porcelains have a history of at least several hundred years, and they were definitely before the Ming Dynasty. "

The system has actually identified it, it is Ru Kiln.

I have seen the real Luoquan before, there is no difference, only the style is different.

But the fans don't know that she has a system, so they can only say that.

"It's a windfall."

"Is this a fool's blessing, or is the koi's physique showing up again?"

"Then the question is, how did your family become three generations of poor peasants with these antiques?"

"Typical sitting on a treasure mountain without knowing it."

"Thinking about it this way, I suddenly regained my balance. The current Luoquan family should not be short of such porcelain."

"Probably this is fate, when you should be poor, you can't get rich even if you step on your baby.

When it's time for you to be rich, even luck can't stop you. "

"But to be honest, Luoquan is like an antique magnet. How many antiques have you encountered here? Chuanguo Yuxi, and those in Haizhou Island, plus a few here."

"It is suggested that Luobao go to the Yangtze River and the Yellow River for two laps in the future, maybe you can find Jiuding. If that happens, we will basically have all the treasures of Zhenguo in Huaxia."



Seeing the ridicule from the fans, Luo Quan laughed: "What a coincidence, it's hard to say whether Jiuding exists or not. If you can find the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, you are already blessed by your ancestors."

(End of this chapter)

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