Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 749 Breeding and Handicraft

Chapter 749 Breeding and Handicrafts ([-])
"Luoquan digs the soil to find the heirloom!"

Because it was a live broadcast, this matter quickly became a hot search.

If it's just an ordinary family heirloom, such as a family book or genealogy, it won't be popular in a while.

But all the treasures in the box are worth tens of millions, so that is not a concept.

For the Ru kiln alone, there are currently only 65 known pieces in China.

Six pieces were unearthed here in Luoquan at once, which is worth one-third of the Palace Museum.

Such precious cultural relics not only amazed fans and netizens, but also made the cultural relics police contact Luoquan in the first place.

The main reason is that at least 10,000+ people witnessed this scene during her live broadcast, and the matter is so big that it is impossible to hide it. It is very normal to be contacted.

However, as long as the letters left by Luo Fusheng's ancestors were identified as being written at the beginning of the last century or at the end of the last century, it would be able to prove the Luo family's legal ownership of these porcelains.

After all, no matter how precious the cultural relics are, as long as they really belong to them, they are sacred and inviolable.

Whether or not to hand it over to the state depends mainly on personal consciousness.

It's just that after donating the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, Luo Quan doesn't plan to hand it over to the country this time.

After all, this is something left by the ancestors, and the love in it cannot be measured by money. She wants to keep it and give it to her grandparents, mother, and even the descendants of the Luo family.

Previously, the Luo family had a single line of their own. Fortunately, Luo Xi was born, so there is probably no need to worry about the issue of incense.

As for these Ru kilns, after the cultural relics police arrived, they only took away the letters of Luo Fusheng's ancestors and went back for research.

If there is no problem, then these Ru kilns and bronze wares belong to her, as long as they are not sold abroad, they can change hands at will.

"Compared to Ru Kiln, I actually like this golden sword better." After the cultural relics police left, Luo Quan continued the live broadcast.

Porcelain is an ornament after all, unlike this sword, which feels mighty and extraordinary in the hand.

I don't know how old it is, but there is no rust on the sword body.

Luo Quan tore off a piece of hair and put it on the blade of the sword and blew it lightly, and it broke in two immediately.

"Damn it, I'm afraid this is the legendary quick-wittedness!"

"A magical weapon, I'm afraid Goujian, the king of Yue, was nothing more than that."

"If this is used to chop vegetables, how useful it is."

"You use such a good sword to chop vegetables?"

"Then how else can you walk around the world with a sword and fight for justice? This environment has long since disappeared."



The bullet screen was filled with regret, and Luo Quan was very happy that he had gained another magic weapon.

She also found a long sword on the back mountain of her grandfather's castle, which was also extremely sharp.

It's just that the sword is bigger, and this one is a little smaller.

It's a pity that with such a divine sword, one cannot become a sword fairy.

Luo Quan sighed in his heart, and turned his eyes to the few books left by his ancestors.

They are "Tao Te Ching", "Nanhua Jing" and "Jade Emperor Jing". There are three books in total. The pages of the pages are very fragile. Luo Quan turned them very carefully, for fear that a little force would break these books into pieces.

These are all Taoist scriptures. After checking these scriptures in Baidu Encyclopedia, there is no difference in content.

The system told it that these scriptures contained extremely tiny energy fluctuations.

It proves that they are all "truths" that can make people cultivate immortals hundreds of years ago.

No wonder the ancestors would restore them and never sell them, the reason is here.

It's just that time has passed, and the scriptures have already lost their aura, and the only thing left can no longer play any role, and even the system doesn't bother to absorb it.

"It's a pity, whether it's the Chuanguo Yuxi or these scriptures, it seems that every time I encounter it, it's a little bit worse. Maybe I still don't have a fairy fate after all." Luo Quan sighed secretly, and put the scriptures back into the box.

As for the bronze Sinan, it is probably also a magic weapon, but now there is no remaining aura, and it has been reduced to a mortal thing.

In addition to the golden sword, after all, there is only commemorative significance left.

Luo Quan put all the items back into the box, carried them back to the room and put them away.

At this moment, she drew her sword and looked around in a daze.

However, she was not dazed for too long, and quickly made a scabbard out of bamboo, inserted the golden sword into it, and hung it on the wall.

Digging out the heirloom is just a small episode, and her current main task is to reclaim the wasteland.

The weather forecast said it would rain tonight, Luo Quan planned to work harder and finish digging the soil today.

It is a relatively long process from farming to harvesting, and the second episode of the program cannot wait that long, so Luo Quan intends to show the harvest scene in the last episode.

As for the next issue, Luo Quan has already thought about what content to produce.

"Shu embroidery, one of the four famous embroideries in China, is produced in Shuzhou. It is known as the treasure of Shu. In ancient times, it was more expensive than gold. It is famous for its bright colors and exquisite shapes."

Luo Quan sat in front of the camera and said with a smile.

"Well said, so what do you mean by putting a guqin in front of you?"

"I didn't see any Shu embroidery either. Do you want to play a piece related to Shu embroidery?"


The barrage didn't quite understand Luo Quan's posture, so he asked a question.

"Of course not." Luo Quan shook his head lightly, "The embroidery tools will arrive tomorrow, and now I'm just giving an advance notice, and then I'll play the piano to cheer everyone up.

As for the song, let's play "Hair Like Snow" first. "

With that said, Luo Quan moved the venue outside the bamboo house.

The night was deep, the moon and stars were sparse, and the cries of unknown birds could be faintly heard from the forest.

It was obviously in the barren mountains, and it was still in the middle of the night. No matter how you looked at it, it looked like a strange environment that might happen.

But when the fans saw the smiling Luo Quan, they felt a warmth reflected in their hearts, and all the tension and anxiety were swept away in an instant.

It's not because of how strong her force is, it's just that she thinks that such a beautiful girl, even if there are ghosts, would never have the heart to hurt her, right?

"Is "Hair Like Snow" a new song? It sounds familiar."

"It's an old song from Luoquan, but it's a little less popular because it's a Huaxia style."

"The hot songs on Luoquan's charts are all love songs, such as "Bubble" and "Suffering". There are many covers and the popularity is high."

""Hair Like Snow" is very nice. I've always wanted to hear a live version from Luo Quan. I didn't expect that this time it would be accompanied by Guqin directly."


Because there are so many fans, everyone's taste for songs is actually different.

In fact, many people prefer Luoquan's English and Japanese songs. As for Mandarin songs, they are not particularly popular.

Maybe it was collected because of the surprise for a while, but it basically doesn't exist when I listen to it often.

So Luo Quan is singing "Hair Like Snow" now, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a new song.

And some songs have different singing effects in different environments.

Hanging the torch on the eaves, Luo Quan sat on the steps, stroking the strings with both hands.

The bright light shone on Luo Quan's blond hair, which magically made it white.

This is a visual error, but it is wrong, and it reflects the song that is about to be sung.

"The wolf tooth moon, Yiren is haggard

I raised my glass and drank the wind and snow

Who overturned the previous life cabinet and caused dust


With just a few words, grief suddenly arose.

Bamboo eaves hung on the moonless moon, revealing a touch of cold desolation.

The audience now knew why Luo Quan sang this song. Tonight's moon is indeed quite appropriate.

And at this angle, you can clearly see the crescent moon above your head.

An old song, in such an environment, sang a new meaning.

"Your hair is like snow, sad and beautiful, parting

Who is touched by my burning incense?

Invite the bright moon, let the memories be bright
love is perfect in the moonlight


Luo Quan's "silver hair" swayed slightly at will as she plucked the strings. The fans had no other emotions except admiration.

Obviously it's just an ordinary performance, but it creates an artistic conception that is enough to move people to tears.

Everything looks so beautiful.

At the end of the song, Luo Quan smiled with satisfaction, amazed by time.

"I haven't sung to everyone for the past few days. I just don't feel very tired tonight, so I will sing a few songs. By the way, everyone still likes it?"

"I like it, I like it so much."

"I love white hair so much, I suggest dyeing it white in the future."

"After all, there are many white hairs controlled, and the market is huge."



"White hair?" Luo Quan was stunned for a moment, and quickly checked his appearance with his mobile phone, only to find that her hair became brighter under the direct light of the flashlight.

Originally Jin Li's white hair color directly turned into pure white like Dragon Mother.

But this is just an illusion, stand a little away from the center of the light, and the color will return to its original state.

"Since you like it so much, I'll just sit here tonight." Luo Quan sat back amidst a burst of wailing.

Although I don't know why everyone is so obsessed with Baimao, but anyway, she didn't really dye her hair, and she didn't do anything to disappoint everyone.

The concert lasted for more than an hour, and Luo Quan sang all the songs that were slightly unpopular to him.

While the fans enjoyed it, these songs of hers once again dominated the charts of major music apps.

It's been a while since she released a new album, but her songs are still high on the charts.

And from time to time, there will be a few songs that suddenly become popular all over the Internet.

There is no way, after all, the quality of these songs is too high. When they were first released, they became a huge hit, but after a while they can always become popular.

And the opportunity, sometimes it's just that she sang once during the live broadcast.

"So when are you going to dance again?"

"It's been a long time since I saw you dance."

"Really miss your beautiful dance moves, please."


"Dancing?" Facing the eagerness of the fans, Luo Quan smiled: "Didn't you just dance during the Tokyo concert?
And when I was in Haizhou Island, one night at the bonfire party, I wore a grass skirt and danced a hula dance for everyone. "

Speaking of this incident, she still remembers it vividly now. When she participated in the Haizhou Island bonfire party, near the end, the organizer wanted to distribute gifts to random tourists.

She was drawn without any accident and got a beautifully crafted flower grass skirt.

In fact, grass and petals are hung on the outside of the swimsuit, but the appearance is still very beautiful.

With the new dress, fans naturally shouted for her to wear it and see how it looks.

After wearing it, it is indeed very moving, with a kind of wild beauty.

But it’s not enough to pose like a model, the fans have to push her forward and encourage her to do a belly dance, which is called a hula dance.

At first she refused, but seeing that the vacation was coming to an end, she didn't know when she would wear a swimsuit next time.

So Luo Quan did a belly dance seriously.

In fact, this type of dance also includes hip-shaking dance and X-shaking dance, which are quite sexy dances.

And Luo Quan said it was a belly dance, but because his figure is so good, the effect of the dance is equivalent to three dances in one.

What kind of effect is that?

Combining enthusiasm and sensuality, the beauty of the body is reflected to the extreme.

Fan's sharp comment: No matter how ascetic a person sees this dance, a flame will rise in his heart uncontrollably.

At that time, before the dance was over, it was shown that Chaoguan had entered the live broadcast room.

At this time, the barrage is full of words: protection, post, finished, mercy and so on.

But Chaoguan said very frankly: Don't be nervous, I just came to watch the dance and learn.

Then the fans were happy.

Are you here to study?We are all ashamed to point you out.

But Super Guan has said so, which proves that Luo Quan can dance without any problem.

Or maybe her status is too high, and the restrictions of general anchors cannot be applied to her.

Anyway, this shocking dance dance still miraculously survived in her live broadcast room.

Later, it became a hot search, and a group of professional belly dancers also commented that her dancing skills have reached a very good level. It is definitely not some female anchors on the live broadcast platform, but a serious belly dance.

The reason why the effect of the dance makes people so unbearable is mainly because the dance already has a certain hint.

Just like tango, it was originally a dance for courtship, and if a man and a woman danced a dance, wouldn't it be like a firewood and a look at each other.

Therefore, it cannot be blamed on Luo Quan, nor her figure.

Anyway, the audience reaped happiness after seeing the blessings, and Luo Bao gave the fans parting gifts, making the tour a perfect end.

Looks like there are no losers.

But this dance, and the subsequent live broadcast, there were many barrages that wanted her to dance again.

Some even asked her if she could make a tutorial, saying that they were girls and wanted to learn.

For these barrages, Luo Quan can only do it, they are simply shameless.

And now, the barrage made her dance again.

Luo Quan looked at the clothes on his body, and said helplessly: "How can you dance belly dance with this clothes, do you roll up the T-shirt?

Let's talk about it later, I danced this dance once, and my shoulders hurt for a long time. "

Fans feel regretful and at the same time have some doubts, why do belly dancers hurt their shoulders?

(End of this chapter)

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