Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 750 The Joy of Harvest

Chapter 750 The Joy of Harvest (Luo Bao's Birthday Today!)
ps. As in the title, Luo Bao's birthday, book friends recommend a monthly ticket.


After digging the soil, the most tiring part is actually over.

Next, you only need to sow, water, and fertilize. The various crops need to be cooked at any time. The ancestors have used thousands of years of experience to arrange all the details clearly.

This kind of thing does not require any inspiration, just follow the book step by step.

Because the workload is not as heavy as the previous few days, Luo Quan basically gets up to work at dawn. From the hottest ten o'clock, he stays in the bamboo hut to embroider.

And this kind of schedule also made the fans feel distressed, saying that it was too early to wake up, so pay attention to your body.

And Luo Quan's answer was: "Which farmer in the world doesn't wake up early and work late?"

When these words came out, the fans were somewhat at a loss as to how to respond.

In fact, most people subconsciously regard this trip to the mountains as a show, and they don't really think that this is a serious farming.

In addition, most of them are urban people, and they don’t have a specific idea of ​​what farming is like. They think it’s like driving a planter in the fields like in Europe and America, which looks pretty cool.

Modern agriculture is indeed very convenient, but in China, there are still quite a few farmers who, like their ancestors, completely use manpower to sow seeds with their lumbar spine and sweat.

As for getting up early and staying late, that's even more commonplace.

In order to avoid the hottest time of the day, many farmers even get up at three o'clock in the morning to go to the fields.

It can only be said that Luoquan does not grow a lot of food and vegetables, and it does not need to be so hard.

But just like this now, the fans are no longer complaining about her.

"To be honest, after watching this live broadcast, I feel like I have taken a lesson."

"Who knows dishes on the menu, A Journey!"

"I don't dare to waste food anymore."

"Luo Bao is really ruthless, and he can get used to it with a smile."

"Do you think that a goddess can be called just because of her good looks? You have to be excellent in all aspects!"


Fans praised Luo Quan for looking up from time to time.

Most of her attention was still on the clothes in her hands.

This time she has chosen the theme of her embroidery, which is to make a golden dragon robe.

She said before that she wanted a dragon robe, and she would wear it when she attended the party in the future, so it shouldn't be too cool.

However, she has not mentioned this idea to Chanel yet, and there is no plan to design and produce it personally.

Now that she was just about to shoot a video, she embroidered the dragon robe directly, killing two birds with one stone.

She hasn't told the fans about this yet, and everyone can only see Luo Quan threading needles and threads on the golden silk satin extremely skillfully, leading the thin needle with both hands to swim away, as dexterous as a fish in water.

This technique is definitely not an ordinary embroidery worker.

And Luo Quan also did a little Versailles: "I also studied a little before making the video, but I didn't expect that it would be easier to do it than simulate it in my mind."

"Everyone don't need to lie, isn't this a routine operation for Luo Bao?"

"Indeed, after all, you are a genius. How difficult is it to learn embroidery?"

"Speaking of Luo Bao's level of brain development, will one day evolve into a god like the heroine with a super body?"

"She is very close to God now."

"Luo Bao, the eternal god."


"Don't talk nonsense, God is not so easy to be. Call me a goddess, and I have to be a little more at ease." Luo Quan, as an ashes player of League of Legends, dare not steal the title of God.

Otherwise, all the platforms would have to make fun of her.

The days passed in a cycle of live broadcasting-farming-sleeping.

Fans don't understand why Luoquan sweats so little while it's so hot in the mountains.

Apart from this question, everyone didn't say any more distressing words. After all, this was her own choice, and she did eat and cry, and she was in good spirits every day.

For more than half a month, with the addition of powerful fertilizers comparable to Jinkela, most of the crops in the field have blossomed and bear fruit.

In the next period of time, Luoquan entered the harvest stage.

Cucumbers, Chinese cabbage, and leeks are the most mature.

Tomato is slightly slower, but it is already fast.

"Fans, see if the cucumber I grow is big enough?" Luo Quan plucked a green cucumber from the vine.

This is a large cucumber 25 centimeters long and six centimeters in diameter.

Judging by the standards of Luoquan's newcomers who are farming for the first time, this is already a pretty good level.

"Let's eat cucumber slices and leek omelette tonight." Luo Quan put the picked cucumbers into the basket and walked to the leek field again.

"Okay, I'm finally going to start cutting leeks."

"It sounds weird."

"The secret to cutting leeks is not to cut too deep. Every time you leave a piece, it will grow back after a while."

"It's like in the stock market, don't kill all retail investors, right?"

"Old stockholders, it is said that A shares have fallen again recently."

"It's just a technical adjustment, it's not a big problem."


I don't know why the topic went to the stock market. It may be that the fans feel that they are very similar to leeks.

Seeing Luo Quan harvesting one by one with a knife, I feel a little sad.

But after seeing the fried leek omelette, everyone's mouth was drooling.

For more than half a month, the videos uploaded by Luo Quan basically focus on eating.

The second session is Douhua plus Yuzhou hot pot, and the third session is the production and tasting of sausage and bacon.

During the period, a lot of pictures of her working in the farmland will be interspersed, and at the same time, she will seriously explain the knowledge of the 24 solar terms.

The 24 solar terms can be said to be the supreme classic of weather in China's agricultural activities. Even the International Meteorological Institute has praised this, and South Korea wants to apply for it.

Fortunately, this thing Huaxia moved faster, and applied for the world heritage first, which prevented others from succeeding.

It's just that after the success, there was not much publicity. Few people in foreign countries know about it, and they have no idea about the 24 solar terms.

It wasn't until Luoquan made a video to analyze the cultural connotation and scientific basis in detail, that a group of foreign viewers were amazed that China has such a practical and poetic division of seasons and climates.

In fact, there are many more similar.

But without an effective external communication channel, no matter how many good things there are, others will have no way of knowing them.

Luo Quan can't stay in the mountains all the time to do these contents, so if he doesn't adjust his publicity strategy, he will still suffer a lot in this regard.

Of course, these are not something she can solve as a star, just do her own thing well.

On the last day in Dashan, the tomatoes were finally ripe. The huge tomatoes were so bright red that Luo Quan picked them all and made a plate of scrambled eggs with tomatoes that fans had been thinking about for a long time.

As one of the most delicious dishes selected by netizens, scrambled eggs with tomato has an unshakable important position in the hearts of many people.

This sweet and sour meat dish, mixed with rice, can create an irresistible appetite for people.

Luo Quan's lunch at noon is a simple plate of scrambled eggs with tomatoes. After frying, he pours the rice into it and stirs it a few times. After every grain of rice is dyed red, he scoops a big mouthful of Sai into his mouth.

Hardness and moistness collided between the lips and teeth, and the sweet juice burst out from the tomato under the pressure of her tongue, filling the entire throat in an instant, and flowing down the esophagus into the stomach.

This is a delicacy that does not need to be savored to produce great satisfaction.

The nationally-renowned gourmet side dishes are indeed not covered. I remember a while ago, this was her favorite food, and she ate this bibimbap every day at noon.

Now, after a long time, she tasted it again after many days, and it really made her laugh happily.

Of course, another reason for the laughter is that the fourth video has finally been recorded, and we will pack up and leave the mountain this afternoon.

In the bamboo house, she didn't plan to take most of the things away, so they put them here.

Maybe one day when grandpa and grandma go to the grave on the mountain, these pots and pans can still be used after washing.

As for the unplucked crops in the field, without her care, they probably wouldn't last long in such hot weather.

But it’s not that there are no ways to survive. The vitality of plants is sometimes very tenacious. Maybe next time you come, you can see cucumbers or leeks all over the mountains and plains.

After coming out of the mountains, Luo Quan also went back to visit his grandparents.

My mother took her younger sister to visit relatives a while ago, and now she has returned to Shanghai with Wen Xia.

She left late because she was going to make a video.

Now that everything is settled, she also went back to explain to the second elder before she left.

After growing up, the family basically gathers less and leaves more.

However, the two elders are already used to this kind of life, so when their granddaughter was about to leave, they didn't show much reluctance.

Or maybe he didn't want Luo Quan to see it and make her worry.

After returning to Shang Hai's home, the first thing Luo Quan did was to put on the dragon robe he had embroidered, as the last part of the fourth video.

This is the result of her more than half a month. This golden dragon robe weighing twenty catties was made by her stitch by stitch, inch by inch, and it took a lot of painstaking efforts.

Although it only took one or two hours a day to make it, but persisting for so many days also shows the huge workload.

Compared with the high-end luxury brand, this dragon robe is more durable, and it can be washed and worn repeatedly.

Although this dress is estimated to only have one chance to appear at the party, compared with those high-end dresses that are thrown away after wearing, the practicality is still much better.

The fourth and final issue of "China in the Pastoral" has been released.

Compared with the plain painting style of the previous three issues, this one is quite gorgeous.

The mysterious Hanfu that Luo Quan had been embroidering for more than 20 days was finally exposed. It turned out to be a luxurious robe embroidered with a five-clawed golden dragon.

This is a style that she has never worn before. It looks like men's clothing, and it has a domineering look that looks down on the world.

"Who can explain why Luo Quan's aura becomes so majestic after wearing this dress?"

"To popularize science, Luo Quan made a dragon robe by himself. In ancient times, this was the clothes that only emperors could wear."

"I feel that Luo Quan doesn't have any sense of disobedience in wearing this, it's quite suitable."

"It reminds me of the only female emperor in China."

"I really didn't expect that after so many days of embroidery preparation, it would be such a special dress."

"This time is really an eye-opener. Luoquan once again gave me a new understanding of Huaxia."

"I have already bought the air ticket to Huaxia, and I can't wait to explore this ancient and mysterious country."

"Have a nice trip."


"China in the Pastoral", can be regarded as a relatively perfect ending.

In fact, there are many things that Luo Quan wants to show.

Such as waterwheels, such as rice fields, such as brewing wine, and so on and so on.

It's a pity that time is not infinite after all, and she is indeed a little tired after staying in the mountain for almost a month.

If you do farm work frequently, this level of strength is nothing.

But she is not saying that she is delicate and expensive, mainly because she has never worked so hard before.

I can persist for a week and half a month, and I really can't stand it any longer.

In the few days before she was about to leave, she missed the air conditioner and the big soft bed in the bedroom.

In the mountains, the taste of the hard bamboo bed is really not very good.

In addition, there is no fan and air conditioner, and sometimes it is really woken up in the middle of the night.

In comparison, the small world in the bedroom is like heaven.

After returning, Luo Quan also swore that if it was not necessary in the future, he would never go through this hardship again.

Fortunately, after this hard meal, there is still a lot to gain.

First of all, the physical aspect has definitely been strengthened a lot.

After this month's experience, his already strong body has improved a lot.

Plus, I lost some weight.

It was almost 125 catties before, but now it has been reduced to 116 on the scale, and the effect is quite obvious.

But considering the upcoming movie, she will have to lose some weight.

Fortunately, the system has quick weight-loss medicines. After taking this medicine, she doesn't need to reduce her food intake or do crazy exercises to achieve the effect of losing weight.

As for after filming the movie, if you open your stomach and eat for a few days, you can basically return to normal levels.

Just like Lyon, when he was filming "Forrest Gump", he tried his best to get in shape, with eight-pack abs and mermaid lines, which made a group of female fans salivate.

Now that the filming is over, the pressure is gone, and the exercise is not as hard as before. The barbecue and fried chicken continue to be made. According to Mia, the abdominal muscles have returned to one.

But it doesn't matter, Leon also wants to take a vacation for himself after filming a classic, and being tense for a long time is not good for the body and spirit.

Just like Luo Quan, she will take a long vacation for herself every time she finishes her work.

This time after the filming of "China in the Pastoral", she directly posted a post saying: Next, I will be a house girl in the room, who don't want me to go out to bask in the sun again!
(End of this chapter)

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