Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 751 Which is the best fighting skill

Chapter 751 Which is the best fighting skill
If you can't go out, you won't go out, even if the New York Film Festival invites Luo Quan, you won't go.

Before this year, the world's most famous film festivals were Venice, Cannes and Berlin.

And this year, the American film union organized a large number of stars, actors, and directors from all over the world to hold the first New York Film Festival.

In the past, film festivals and Oscars came almost in reverse, especially the Cannes Film Festival.

Those who can win awards in Cannes basically cannot compete for Oscars by default.

In the nearly [-]-year award-winning history, there are only a few films that have won Cannes and Oscars at the same time.

However, this time the New York Film Festival came in the opposite direction from the other three major film festivals, and was revealed by many industry insiders as the wind vane of the Oscars.

In other words, if you get the Goddess of Victory Trophy at the New York Film Festival, which is a special trophy for the New York film industry, you will have a high probability of winning the Oscars next year.

Of course, the organizers have never acknowledged this, and it is all rumors from some so-called industry insiders on the Internet.

However, the specifications of this New York Film Festival are very high. Almost all the stars who participated in the Oscars at the beginning of the year came to participate, and even quite a few veteran film and television stars were invited. The gold content is even higher than the Oscars in recent years. few.

Those stars who were still waiting to see the organizer's efforts finally came to the scene of the film festival on their own initiative.

Although the film festival is an invitation system, it is only for people who are likely to win awards.

During the festival, anyone can also come and watch the movie live.

And if there are vacancies at the award ceremony site, you can also enter it by contacting the organizer.

Probably the organizer also thought that this is the first session, and those stars might not agree to it immediately, so they left a way out for them.

As early as when Luo Quan was still feeding mosquitoes in Dashan, the film festival had already started, and an invitation was sent to her in advance.

She was in the mountains at the time, so she didn't go.

It came out later, and I heard that "Forrest Gump" was shortlisted for the best picture competition, and she only asked the assistant director to help participate on her behalf. If she won the award, the assistant director would go on stage to receive it.

It's really not that she's lazy, it's mainly because she just came out of the mountains and has been tired for a month, so she really doesn't want to travel again.

Don't say it's just a film festival that doesn't have much fame and gold content, even if it's Oscars or Cannes, don't try to drag her out of the room.

In the live broadcast room, Luo Quan explained it to fans in this way.

"I think you are simply lazy!"

"Anyway, it's an award, and so many big shots have gone, it doesn't feel as bad as I imagined."

"It's definitely not bad. The specifications are on par with the Oscars in all aspects. It feels like the people from the Oscars have come up with it to compete with the three major film festivals."

"It doesn't feel right, and there's nothing to talk about."

"This kind of award still depends on time and word of mouth to accumulate fame."


In the face of Luo Quan's "sophistry", fans must not accept her at all, because she has said similar excuses many times.

But seeing that she had really worked very hard the previous month, everyone didn't say anything more, and focused all their attention on the scene of the awards ceremony.

After so many days, the New York Film Festival has come to an end.

In all fairness, the quality of the selected films that have been broadcast these days is quite high.

And because the focus is international, you can see movies in even minor languages, including Thai and Turkish ones.

Of course China also has it, and that is "Farewell My Concubine".

When this film project was established, it was to win awards. This is what the leaders told themselves clearly.

The quality of the movie is there, and people at home and abroad can appreciate the sadness and beauty in it and empathize with the characters.

Therefore, "Farewell My Concubine" not only won the box office runner-up of Huaxiba Spring Festival, but also gained a very high reputation abroad.

Especially when it was released in Japan and South Korea, it won the box office champion for three consecutive weeks.

At the Cannes Film Festival in May, "Farewell My Concubine" also lived up to expectations and won the Palme d'Or.

It's just that Luo Quan was in New York preparing for the finale of "Forrest Gump" and couldn't get away.

So it was also the assistant director who went to France to attend the Cannes Film Festival.

When making movies, Luo Quan's assistant directors were all tool people, basically not involved in the production of the movie, sometimes no different from a mascot.

But when a movie wins an award, the assistant director can come in handy.

Because a crew, apart from the producer and director, is the biggest assistant director and screenwriter.

Luo Quan's films are all produced, written and directed by himself, and the assistant director has become the second person.

So at the Cannes Film Festival, the assistant director of "Farewell My Concubine" also brought a group of leading actors to the scene.

The ending of this award is also surprising first and then happy. When the best film was read, the award presenter first read the name of another film.

The faces of all the Chinese and Chinese guests in the audience changed drastically.

Because those Chinese directors in the Cannes jury all vowed to tell them that "Farewell My Concubine" is safe and won the Palme d'Or.

The domestic cowhide has already been blown out, and the media has even written the news congratulating "Farewell My Concubine" for winning the Cannes Grand Prix, and they are waiting for the results to release news to grab the heat.

The result is this result.

No matter how self-cultivated you are, you will inevitably show some expressions of surprise or disbelief at this time.

It was not until a full seven seconds later that the presenter, who deliberately created suspense, revealed the name of the second film that won the Palme d'Or.

It is "Farewell My Concubine", which is highly rated internationally.

It turns out that this Palme d'Or has a double yolk egg for the first time.

The judges felt that the two award-winning films were so good that they couldn't bear to abandon anyone.

Simply break the routine and award both of them directly.

The two films won the same award, which does not mean that the gold content has been reduced.

On the contrary, because of the unprecedented double yolk eggs, they are even more legendary.

Many years later, most of the Cannes Palme d'Or awards may be remembered without inserting information.

But the only double-yolk egg will definitely be fresh in my memory.

All in all, "Farewell My Concubine" has won this time, exceeding the goal assigned by the superior.

As for next year's Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, although it is quite attractive, it is theoretically impossible to win, so everyone has no expectations.

Anyway, it is already very good to win Cannes.

After many years, Huaxia won the best prize in this kind of international film festival again, and the domestic box office has also hit new highs repeatedly, which proves that the domestic film industry is thriving and everything is developing in a good direction.

After Cannes, is the New York Film Festival.

Although "Farewell My Concubine" was not invited this time, another social-themed film from China participated in the selection.

The movie is very good. Luo Quan has never seen it in his previous life. It tells the story of a good old man who was raped by the Internet because of malicious editing, and finally committed suicide by jumping off a building.

During this period, his relatives and friends had many opportunities to save him, but they all chose to remain silent because the maliciously edited video was too real.

In the end, until the protagonist jumped off the building, the malicious video editor did not appear to clarify the incident.

The righteous people on the Internet did not feel guilty at all, but turned their attention to the next innocent person.

The plot and ending can be said to be quite dark.

The domestic version has been modified, and the ending is that the malicious editor publicly clarified that he would not accept legal sanctions, and those keyboard warriors also apologized for the good guys.

Could this be the case in reality?

Luo Quan hadn't seen much anyway.

She herself has been framed many times before, and every time rumors arise, it is mostly keyboard warriors who come to enforce justice.

When the truth finally came to light, few were willing to admit their mistakes and apologize to her.

In this world, the most difficult thing to look directly at is the human heart.

Whether it's your own or someone else's.

This movie called "The Crowd" undoubtedly portrays the sentient beings in the new era of the Internet environment extremely well, and it can be called penetrating, profound and spicy.

It would be perfect if the final ending didn't change to Wei Guangzheng like this.

If she were to shoot, according to her character, she should blacken the protagonist and get rid of the bastard who framed her.

But if it is shot like this, then the movie probably won't pass the review.

In any case, the quality of this film is very good, and it is definitely qualified for the awards.

It's just that the main creator of the crew doesn't have any contacts in New York, so it's much more difficult to win an award than "Farewell My Concubine" won in Cannes.

I have to admit that connections are sometimes as important as strength.

In other words, connections are strength.

Under such a premise, domestic movie fans did not have too many expectations for the film "The Crowd" to win the award, and watching the awards show is completely a spectacle.

After eating at noon, Luo Quan also turned on the live broadcast, and gave Fen Rong a live broadcast and a sharp comment.

The content of her sharp comments has nothing to do with the movie, but the appearance and status of the female guests.

There are many well-known actresses attending the party, ranging from 17 years old to 70 years old.

It is said that European and American women have a short shelf life, and they start to fall off a cliff at the age of 30.

But in fact, as long as it is well maintained, some 40-year-olds still look very young.

It's just that there are too many people who like sun exposure, so the skin is very vulnerable to damage and aging.

This is one of the reasons why there are so many skin cancers there.

In comparison, Luo Quan's habit of staying in the room without light all year round is very effective in protecting the skin.

If this goes on like this, other people at the same age will have 30-year-old skin, and she probably still has the same skin in her early twenties.

After sharply commenting on several actresses who appeared on the screen, the party officially began.

Similar to the Oscars, the host also came to the stage to tell a few jokes to liven up the atmosphere, followed by the singer's performance, and then it was time to present the awards.

Everything was planned, and guests and fans alike were waiting for the comedian-turned-host's jokes.

However, when the host really teased a female guest at the scene, the husband of the female guest went directly to the stage and gave the host a big mouth.

After stepping off the stage, he even cursed a few foul words, making people realize that this was not the effect of the show, but that he was really angry.

The beating husband is not an unknown person, but an extremely well-known black actor in the United States. He belongs to the level of a national veteran actor in China, and his popularity is also quite high, which belongs to the power flow.

Such a gaffe made by this kind of coffee is indeed beyond everyone's expectations.

Although the host did offend his wife by teasing her about her hair loss disease caused by taking medicine, as a husband, he should be angry.

But what's interesting is that the black actor obviously couldn't stop laughing from ear to ear at first, and only after seeing his wife's gloomy face did he step onto the stage and beat people up.

what is this?Isn't this a typical strict wife control?
Netizens said: If his wife hadn't flinched, he would probably still be able to keep laughing.

Of course, these are all guesses.

The fact is that the actor named Spike hit the host who is black. Because he is also black, he does not have to be accused of racial discrimination. This is a blessing in misfortune.

Unfortunately, he may be disqualified by the Oscars for his violent behavior.

Especially after netizens broke the news that his relationship with his wife was not that good at all, the reputation of this top American began to decline rapidly.

On the contrary, the reputation of the New York Film Festival also began to rise rapidly because of this slap.

At that time, after the slap, the number of people in all live broadcast rooms increased by at least 30.00%.

The U.S. broadcast was delayed by 5 minutes. After editing, beatings and swearing were no longer visible.

Fortunately, due to network problems, Luo Quan watched the broadcast in Japan, without editing, and the whole process was high-definition and uncensored.

After the slap, not only her, but also the friends in the live broadcast room were stunned.

No one expected that the famous Emperor Shi would do such a rude and violent thing.

The countless positive images he had established before also collapsed in an instant.

"I think that as long as the host doesn't do anything, you can swear back, but it's definitely wrong to hit someone first.

If the host is serious, Emperor Shi is probably going to get into the game. "

After the beating, Luo Quan came to sit and talk without back pain once, with a high-hanging attitude that he had nothing to do with himself.

"Then what would you do if the host really scolded you?"

"Does anyone really dare to scold Luo Bao in front of him?"

"Yes, but they all ended badly, either in prison or in the hospital."

"There should be no such warriors now."

"Indeed, which one has the best fighting skills? Huaxia Yuzhou Luo Boxing Champion!"

"Who dares to block this 20-year-old technique?"


The fans said a few words, and then pulled the firepower on her. She could only smile helplessly at this.

"How can I be so violent? Don't spread rumors, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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