Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 752 Good Luck

Chapter 752 Good Luck

Facing the complaints from fans, Luo Quan once again expressed aggrievedly that he was not violent at all.

Although she does have the powerful force to kill a cow with one punch, she will not kill a cow for no reason.

Except when the personal safety of herself or her family is threatened, she will display her unparalleled force.

The rest of the time, she hardly does anything.

Besides, no one wants the public to think of her as a violent madman, right?

However, her overly powerful fighting power has left a deep impression on fans in this regard, and she always likes to mention it.

Here, Emperor Shi hit someone at the New York Film Festival awards party, and Luo Quan on the other side of the ocean was used by fans to make fun of him, saying that if Luo Quan was hosting the show on stage, probably this would not have happened.

Although the truth is such a truth, it always feels like canceling her.

"Why are we making fun of you? You are so cute, and you can fight so well..."

"Indeed, I even think this is a compliment to you, Luo Bao."

"Not everyone in this world has the opportunity to become the pinnacle of human force, especially in this era of extremely developed thermal weapons."

"Actually, I really envy you. I envy you for having such a strong combat power. If I can be as strong as you, I can realize the dream of being a hero since I was a child."


Seeing the fans' explanations, Luo Quan curled his lips in disdain: "It's not that simple to want to act chivalrously now. In a society ruled by law, personal force cannot be used to enforce your so-called justice, unless it is to stop the atrocities that are happening. And too much can cause problems too.

Therefore, I suggest that you should use it cautiously after obtaining force, so as not to accidentally turn into violence. "

After some exhortations, the barrage repeatedly agreed.

However, most of them echoed the voice, and few of them listened.

After all, how can it be so easy to obtain such a thing as force?

The introductory detailed explanations of the few boxing techniques that Luo Quan filmed have been played more than ten million times, and few of them can persist in practicing.

People nowadays are just talking about it.

How many people say that starting tomorrow they must exercise, study, and lose weight.

But how many actually put it into action?In the end, when you are about to go to bed at night, remind yourself what you must do tomorrow, and then repeat this idea again and again.

Therefore, Luo Quan's reminder was completely overwhelmed.

The topic about Shi Huang slapping the host has become the most popular topic in the world as the video spreads.

The New York Film Festival, which was originally not well-known, has also become famous because of this.

While eating melons, many people also wondered if this was a play that the New York Film Festival had negotiated with Emperor Shi.

If you want to stand out in the traffic era, you need to be eye-catching and popular.

Such a superstar slapping others is enough to cause a sensation even if it is not under the watchful eyes of the public.

What's more, it is still on the big stage of the global live broadcast, and there are so many entertainment stars sitting in the audience.

After the slap in the face, the New York Film Festival became the biggest winner after being listed on the hot search for three days.

It is foreseeable that when it is held next year, the ratings of the New York Film Festival will definitely be higher than this year's!
As for Emperor Shi, he didn't gain any benefits from this huge traffic, instead he got a bad reputation on the Internet.

Because her wife gave her a cuckold, he smiled and said it didn't matter. When others made a joke that his wife was bald, he couldn't bear it and just remembered beating people.

Isn't this the turtle man?It was a big joke for people all over the world.

What's more interesting is that the Best Actor Award at the New York Film Festival is about to disappear just now.

The organizer said in the award rules: All forms of violence are strictly prohibited.

Although it is estimated that few people will read those specifications, it does not mean that they are ineffective.

As soon as Emperor Shi hit someone, the organizers immediately condemned this behavior, and planned to withdraw his title of Victory Goddess Best Actor and give it to the second pick, Leon.

At this awards ceremony, Lyon won a lot of praise for his wonderful acting skills in playing the role of Forrest Gump, and became one of the candidates for the best actor.

Unfortunately, he is not an American, nor is he a black American, so in the end he failed to defeat Spike in the face of increasingly serious political correctness.

As a result, it was self-defeating, Spike slapped the actor who got it,
What's even more uncomfortable is that because of this slap, he was also boycotted by Oscar's boss, because Oscar also opposes violence.

Not long after, Spike issued an apology and announced his withdrawal from next year's Oscar competition.

Forced by the situation, there is no way to make such a decision. After all, the Internet is full of criticisms about him now. If he doesn't do something to restore his reputation, his reputation will probably be completely stink.

But as soon as this decision was made, Lyon directly opened champagne to celebrate.

Originally, his biggest competitor for Best Actor Oscar next year was Spike, and this time the New York Film Festival Best Actor did not compete with Spike, which made fans very worried.

Now it's all right, Spike blew himself up, and Leon won an actor without doing anything.

Although the New York Film Festival does not have any gold content yet, its influence will definitely increase as time goes by.

As for the so-called Oscar wind vane, the legend is a legend after all, and it has not been officially certified, so it can not be said that Lyon's Oscar winner has been stabilized.

However, the withdrawal of Spike, the biggest competitor, really let Leon breathe a sigh of relief.

He is very confident in his performance of Forrest Gump, and feels that he has tried his best to perform the American Dream, which has also been unanimously recognized by fans and critics.

If he wins the actor, there will be no controversy.

But everyone in the United States knows that political correctness is a mountain that weighs on everyone.

If he really competed for the best actor with a black man, he would feel a little suspenseful in his heart.

Well now, Spike withdrew directly, and it had nothing to do with him, it was Spike's death.

Thinking of this, Leon couldn't help laughing in bed in the middle of the night.

If it wasn't for showing his style, he would have wanted to post pictures of champagne on Twitter like his fans.

Although rappers all pay attention to a real (truth), but at this time it is purely a brain twitch.

If you get the benefits, you can just know it yourself, don't get carried away, or you may encounter evil things.

For the next period of time, Seifert's job will definitely be to help Lyon with marketing and public relations, and strive to help him win the Oscar for Best Actor next year when the right time, place and people are available.

At that time, he will be the youngest and most handsome actor in the history of the Oscars, and his net worth will be doubled, let alone!
Of course, for Leon, it doesn't matter if you have more money or less money. This is just his dream, the career he pursues and strives for.

And like him, there is Karina, the cousin of Luo Quan and Leon, and the daughter of the fourth uncle Erwin, who is striving for the dream.

"Sister, how are you doing?"

Luo Quan, who was chatting with a group of fans in the live broadcast room, saw Karina, whom he hadn't contacted for a while, and suddenly sent her a message.

"Not bad, what's the matter, Karina?" Luo Quan replied quickly.

Going to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, Luo Quan knew that Karina must have something to do, so he asked directly.

Karina has a thin skin, if she doesn't take the initiative to ask, I don't know how long it will take.

"It's really something." Karina didn't expect her sister to be so straightforward, "I have an endorsement advertisement, and I want to find you as a model. I don't know if you are free."

If it is someone else, it must be empty.

She didn't even go to the New York Film Festival, let alone any commercials.

But if it's my cousin, I will definitely help if I can.

"Of course I'm free. I don't know what the commercial you want to shoot is about?"

"It's a necklace I designed myself."

Karina sent a photo of the item.

It is a rather exquisite diamond necklace, the diamond is not big, heart-shaped, small and exquisite.

It doesn't look like a luxury, or it's not particularly extravagant.

"How much are you going to sell?" After seeing the necklace, Luo Quan felt that even if he didn't need to endorse it, it should be popular.

"$1200. I think many diamond necklaces on the market are higher than this price, but my advantage lies in the workmanship and composition, which is more advanced."

When Karina spoke, Luo Quan heard the pride and confidence in her tone.

It seems that she put a lot of thought into designing this necklace, and she is very optimistic about this necklace.

"It's really pretty... Send me a message, and I'll shoot an advertisement for you directly in Huaxia."

"The endorsement fee..." Karina knew that her cousin is now a superstar, and many manufacturers did not agree to her endorsement. She wanted to shoot an advertisement, at least tens of millions of dollars.

She has saved for a long time but has not saved enough, so she wants to ask "humblely" if she can pay in installments, and then pay in full after the necklace is sold.

"What are you talking about with my cousin?" Luo Quan interrupted Karina with a smile: "Just pay with the necklace that was shot in the advertisement, and you can send me the specific workmanship of the necklace when the time comes, Then I can write advertisements.”

Such a generous expression made Karenna couldn't help the joy in her heart: "Thank you so much, cousin!"

"It's all one family, it's a trivial matter." Luo Quan hung up the phone with a smile.

Four days later, the necklace named Beloved, designed by Karina, arrived.

Although it was said that there was only one, Karina sent a total of ten, worth tens of thousands of soft sister coins.

Coincidentally, Luo Quan directly shared with Wen Xia and the others, and each of them had one left.

"Where did this come from? It's pretty pretty." Wen Xia looked at the necklace in her hand, and then put it on her neck.

Luo Quan explained: "It was designed by my cousin. She wanted me to be a model for an advertisement. I thought they were relatives, so I didn't ask for an endorsement fee, so she sent ten necklaces over."

"Is there such a good thing?" Junko stared, "Actually, I also had a dream of being a designer when I was a child. If there is a chance in the future, Quan-chan, can you be a model for me?"

Luo Quan grinned, "You also want to design jewelry?"

"No." Junko shook her head, "Actually, she's an underwear designer."

"Get lost!" Luo Quan's nose almost twisted in anger. If you dare to ask the boss to do this kind of thing, you are not afraid of deducting your salary, right?

Hearing what Junko said, all the girls laughed together.

In the afternoon, Luo Quan came to the photo studio he used to frequent and took pictures of this advertisement that had been planned long ago.

The advertisement of the diamond necklace is actually quite easy to shoot. Just find a beautiful model with a good-looking neck and shoulders. After wearing it, walk around it to show its exquisite and gorgeous workmanship and bright cut surface.

Luo Quan's neck and shoulders fit this very well, his skin was as creamy and as white as snow.

In an evening gown, the view is unobstructed from the shoulder level.

Wearing the necklace, the snow-white and silver-white sparkles under the light, exuding a gorgeous and noble beauty.

After filming, Luo Quan performed post-dubbing.

The "Diamonds" I sang before was directly used as the BGM, which can be said to be very suitable for the occasion.

As for the slogan, in addition to the old-fashioned Hearts and Arrows cut, a sentence was added at the end: Diamonds are forever, and a diamond will last forever.

There is no De Beers company in this world, so naturally there is no such well-known diamond advertisement.

As one of the greatest marketing words in the last century, it successfully marketed a not-so-rare mineral as the most precious jewelry in the world, and its value has multiplied tens of millions of times.

Although it is now said that diamonds are a scam, artificial ones are of better quality and sparkle.

However, the price of natural diamonds is still high, and colored diamonds like pink diamonds and red diamonds often fetch hundreds of millions of dollars in auctions.

Including Luo Quan, she also has several diamond rings and diamond pendants in her own drawer.

She actually likes this shiny baby very much.

However, because the domestic environment is not convenient to show off wealth, so I haven't worn it much.

But Karina doesn't have so many worries about this necklace. The price is not particularly high, and it is also pretty, so she can wear it directly in the future.

In the evening, Luo Quan sent the edited advertising video to Karina, asking for her opinion, and if there was no problem, he would post it directly and start building momentum.


Karina only replied with one word and one symbol, but she fully expressed her inner surprise and satisfaction.

When Party A passed the plan once, Luo Quan cheerfully posted the advertisement on his domestic and foreign news:

"The diamond necklace designed by my sister, if you are interested, you can go and have a look."

In order to consider the time and budget of the advertisement, it is only a little over half a minute long, but it is basically enough to make people who like jewelry tempted.

What's more, the model for the advertisement is Luo Quan.

Her body is simply a perfect collection of models.

Related to feet, she has delicate and delicate jade feet.

Related to the legs, she has round long legs.

Related to her figure, she has curves that make Victoria's Secret angels feel inferior.

It can be said that there is no advertisement related to beauty that she cannot shoot.

(End of this chapter)

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