Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 753 Listing?

Chapter 753 Listing?

The sudden advertisement made Luoquan's fans a little unexpected.

These days, Luo Quan broadcasts live every day, but she has never heard of this incident.

But accidents are accidents, fans still enthusiastically contributed clicks.

Although it may not be affordable, it doesn't cost money to click on the video anyway.

After watching the ad, the fans also expressed their opinions:
"The neck is very pretty. It is as white and slender as a swan. It would look even better with a red bow."

"What strange xp is this? And leg rings belong to one understanding?"

"The necklace is also very beautiful, and it is very expensive."

"I think Luo Bao looks better. (shy)"

"You are not alone."

"I just went to the official website to see that the local price in the UK is 1200 US dollars, and the imported ones in China are more expensive, nearly [-] soft sister coins."

"Good guy, another rich man's toy."

"That's why Luo Quan said that if you are interested, you can take a look, but you didn't say that you must buy it."

"The advertisements that Luo Bao has put up never seem to say something like buying it, but movies and music have said something like asking everyone to support the genuine version."

"After all, movie tickets and albums are cheap."

"Haha, are you all so real?"


It doesn't cost money to go whoring for free. This is the consumption concept of many young people today.

It was mainly the time when piracy was rampant at the beginning of the century, which made this kind of thinking too deep-rooted.

Fortunately, the awakening of copyright awareness in recent years has allowed more and more people to have the concept of payment, and the life of content creators has also become easier.

However, it is limited to those creators who have popular works, and more unknown singers still live in poverty.

Engaging in music is a dead end, not just for fun.

Only a top singer like Luo Quan can be said to have made a lot of money.

And compared to other stars who go on variety shows and live broadcasts, the money they get from selling albums is really not that much.

"What kind of album are you still doing? Now you don't make any money making albums."

In the live broadcast room, Luo Quan, deeply aware of the market downturn, shook his head helplessly, and said in a joking tone.

"Come on, you don't have an album, why should we listen to it?"

"Although I can't afford a diamond necklace, I can still support you if you release an album."

"If each album comes with a swimsuit photo, I'll buy ten directly!"

"Ten! As long as they don't repeat, one hundred!"

"Did you go to listen to the music?"


The words of the fans made Luo Quan dumbfounded: "I'm just joking, the album will definitely be released, this is the basic set that made me reach the pinnacle of life, no matter what, I can't let it go."

"When will it be out?"

"Yeah, it's been a long time since I released a new album."

"Last time it was English, so it should be Japanese this time, right?"

"Without listening to Luoquan's new Japanese songs, I feel like I'm sick and dying."

"It's not an exaggeration at all, I am in such a state now."

"For the sake of the A-shares not falling today, Luo Bao should hurry up and release a new song."

"Haha, today's A-shares are really up to date, the whole line is red, and the situation is very good."

"This is just a false prosperity, and it will collapse again soon."

"Speaking of which, does Luo Bao's company have plans to go public?"


"IPO?" Luo Quan blinked, lost in thought.

Among the current artist management companies, one counts as one, but anyone with a little capital will want to go public.

After listing, the value of the entire company will be emptied like a balloon and skyrocketed by more than ten times.

And as an artist, you only need to maintain popularity and traffic, and then withdraw high-quality works regularly, and you can definitely keep the stock price strong.

Now domestic artists, even those with a bit of ability, want to start their own economic companies, and then strive to be easy to list.

But having an idea is one thing, having the ability to do it is another.

At present, only three entertainment companies established by artists themselves have been successfully listed, and only one of them is still maintaining an upward trend, while the other two have shown a slight decline.

And Luoquan's Quanshui Entertainment has always been the fourth artist management company that can be listed on the market.

There are so many artists in the company, including East Asia and the United States. There are big traffic players like Wen Xia, and internationally renowned actresses like Luo Quan and Carrie Lian. It can be said that they want popularity and popularity. pick.

As long as the company is listed, the stock will rise without falling for at least one or two years, and buying it is making money.

However, so far, Luoquan has not revealed any news about going public.

Although many people on the Internet were urging her to go public to make a lot of money, she ignored it as if she hadn't seen it.

But this time the fans took the initiative to mention it, so she can no longer pretend not to see it:
"I actually don't want to go public in my heart."

Luo Quan's words set the tone for his thoughts.

"If we don't go public, all of us sisters can make decisions about the company, and we are free, we can shoot and play as we want, there is no hard target.

But it will be different after going public. There will be a large number of shareholders who will dictate and even intervene in the company's operations.

I can accept advice, but I can't accept being judged by others, so let's forget about going public. I would rather make less money and I prefer the feeling of being in charge of everything. "

"What a great feminist!"

"Freedom is indeed more important than money."

"Who doesn't yearn for freedom, but how many people can really get it?"

"I used to look forward to poetry and distant places, until I was crushed by reality."


For most social animals, freedom is indeed too much of a luxury.

Luo Quan's speech aroused a wide range of emotions.

Because there are too many fans, in addition to students, there are quite a lot of migrant workers in her live broadcast room.

And I don't know why, although Luo Quan is a wealthy cashier, the worker can always empathize with her.

It's probably because her usual words and deeds are too down-to-earth, and she never shows her eyes above the top or out of the crowd in her daily discourse.

Everyone knows that Luo Quan is rich, but in front of the camera, she always behaves like a girl next door, beautiful and approachable.

Probably, this is where she attracts fans the most and makes people feel most comfortable.

Unlike other stars, fans feel so far away.

"It's my birthday today, Luo Bao. I saved 100 yuan. I'll give you a captain. Can you dance?"

Suddenly an advanced barrage appeared at the top of the screen.

"Is it your birthday today, so I wish you a happy birthday, but dancing..." Luo Quan looked a little embarrassed: "Every day there are fans celebrating birthdays, if everyone comes to drive a captain and dance, then I won't be exhausted?"

"I don't think there's anything wrong with making an exception once in a while."

"Indeed, just this time, okay? I remember that you haven't danced the house dance for a long time."

"The last time I did a house dance was at a concert."

"Any dance is fine, it doesn't have to be a house dance."


As the No.1 favorite fan, Luo Quan was finally shaken by the repeated requests from fans.

"Since everyone wants to see it so much, then I will dance once with difficulty. The fan who celebrates his birthday doesn't need to collect gifts, and save himself a good meal."

Luo Quan said, turned off the live broadcast and went to change clothes.

In the live broadcast room, everyone was cheering and celebrating another victory.

Luo Bao is like this, although he will refuse a lot of requests because of laziness.

But as long as the fans keep speaking soft words, sooner or later there will be a day to impress her.

Fans know that Luo Bao has never been a hard-hearted person. On the contrary, she seems to be strong but actually has an extremely delicate and soft heart.

Twenty minutes later, the live broadcast room reopened, and all the fans' eyes suddenly brightened.

At this time, Luo Quan was wearing a dark red oiran suit, with thick and gorgeous makeup on his face.

Just like a rotten apple, revealing the beauty of depravity and temptation.

"When I saw this dress, I knew what Luo Bao was going to dance."

"Not long after quitting, are you coming again?"

"Welcome back, big drug lord at station B!"


Obviously, the fans thought Luo Quan was planning to dance to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss.

But she doesn't like the character of lying on the credit book and sitting on the mountains. No matter how good things are, they will feel tired after too many times. Creating a sense of novelty is what she has always pursued.

"What I want to bring to you this time is not the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, but "Love Song in Taoyuan"."

Luo Quan's words surprised the barrage.

"Actually, I have already started preparing for the new album that everyone just mentioned. I originally said that I planned to save up three songs and then release them as a surprise for everyone. But since everyone wants to watch dance and listen to new songs, it is better to choose another day Hit the sun, let's make a debut together today."

As he said that, Luo Quan clicked to play music, and then stood at a moderate distance from the camera, so that his whole body could be seen by fans.

Fortunately, the bedroom is big enough, otherwise it can only be used in the living room.

The singing sounded, and the melodious and coquettish erhu sounded, which was completely different from the pure land of bliss in the electronic music style.

Moreover, what Luo Quan dances is not the dazzling oiran butterfly step.

Her movements became more gentle, and her whole body turned into a seductive water snake, fully reflecting the flexibility of her willow waist.

Charming and charming, is the biggest feeling of all fans.

The dances and songs are clearly integrated with Chinese elements, especially when encountering, you can even see some shadows of classical dances.

And Luo Quan's limbs, strength and softness have achieved the most extreme expression at the most appropriate time, which is completely at the level of a professional dancer.

After a dance full of Chinese style, the accompaniment is Japanese songs. To be honest, the experience is really amazing and very innovative.

It has to be said that the nickname of Luoquan's No. [-] Whole Life Star is really not a bragging rights, she can always bring some new tricks to fans.

"How is it? Are you dancing well?" Luo Quan took a deep breath, lifted the oiran's clothes, and sat on the chair.

This flirt, originally just to prevent the buttocks from sitting on the hem of the clothes, but it happened to reveal a pair of long legs that were so white that it made people blush.

At this moment, in the hearts of many fans, the most annoying invention in human history must have a place for leggings.

As soon as the black leggings came out, it was no different from wearing a pair of hot pants. It was completely different from the scenery in the swimsuit.

Although Luo Quan's big white legs would still protrude from under the hem of his clothes when he was dancing just now, how could it be compared to now.

So the fans were annoyed, but they still gave out admiration like howling wolves:

"Just this pair of legs is enough for me to play for a year!"

"Isn't such a beautiful leg worth buying a [-] million insurance? What if it gets scratched?"

"It is recommended not to go out in the future, I don't want too many people to see."

"Haha, the brothers in the live broadcast room have already watched it. (Grinning)"

"Don't do this kind of thing! You are not allowed to look at Luo Bao! (Crying loudly)"

"Haha, why face-to-face NTR."


The fans are still doing the work, but from the admiration mixed in the work, it can be seen that they are satisfied with Luoquan's singing and dancing.

"To be honest, although there is no movement in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, the dance this time is actually very skillful."

"Indeed, it's not that professional dancers can't dance with Luo Bao's strength and softness. The Gu Pan's posture is so beautiful."

"I didn't know before. Does Luo Bao still have the foundation of folk dance? I feel that my body is so coordinated and soft."

"Haven't you seen Luo Bao's first swimsuit photoshoot? It's "Aphrodite by the Sea", in which Luo Bao showed many difficult yoga poses."

"I always thought it was made by special effects. How could people be twisted like that?"

"It's true, there are people who can do this, and it's not a problem to fold at a large angle from the spine."

"Can Luoquan show it?"


"Are you talking about twisting your waist?" Luo Quan stood up and did a simple backflip on the spot.

Her waist folded back, forming an acute angle less than thirty degrees.

In fact, her strongest lower back allows her head to turn back and pass between her feet.

For some folk dancers, this should not be a particularly slow thing.

But in the entertainment circle, her level is definitely one of the best.

After all, in addition to being a dance specialist, she is also an advanced specialist in Indian yoga.

That thing's control over the body is much more perverted than the dance, and the posture is even more strange.

Since Luo Quan mastered yoga, his back pain caused by sitting for a long time can be relieved by doing one or two sets of yoga.

However, this thing can't be practiced too frequently, especially the kind of movements that destroy the joints vigorously, which will increase the wear and tear of the body.

If it is just for health preservation, it is better to choose some relatively simple movements.

Luo Quan's little show of his hand also caused a kind of exclamation from the fans in the live broadcast room.

Especially after she changed into a loose dress, she had an extreme lower waist, which shocked everyone even more.

(End of this chapter)

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