Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 74 Under Mount Fuji

Chapter 74 Under Mount Fuji
Junzi's phone couldn't get through. Luo Quan didn't rush to call the police, but went to the monitoring room of the apartment to find out the situation.

After explaining the situation, the security guard in the monitoring room immediately called up the video of the apartment elevator from yesterday to today.

Fast forward since yesterday morning, and soon Luo Quan found a group of people dressed in weird clothes.

Four men in white kendo uniforms entered the apartment elevator at noon, each of them wearing a sword, the wood or the metal could not be seen.

The floor that this group of people left happened to be the floor where Luo Quan and the others lived. About 15 minutes later, this group of people entered the elevator again. The clothes of the four people were a little messy, and they looked like they had touched someone.

One of them was carrying the unconscious Junko on his back, and after entering the elevator, he unfortunately glanced at the surveillance camera.

Luo Quan pressed pause, pointed to the chest of the man staring at the camera and said, "Can you zoom in on this place?"

"Okay!" The security guard pressed a few times on the keyboard immediately, the screen was gradually refreshed and enlarged, and the indistinct pattern on the man's chest became clearly visible.

"Liu Sheng..."

Luo Quan suddenly realized.

"Miss Quan Shui, do you need us to call the police?" the security guard asked.

"No, it's my friend's family." Luo Quan shook his head, thanked the security guard, and took Wen Xia out to take a taxi to the bottom of Mount Fuji.

"Luo Luo, what the hell is going on? How do you know this is Junzi's family?" Wen Xia was still a little confused in the car, and asked worriedly.

"You forgot that Junko said that her family owns a kendo hall? These people's kendo uniforms have the word Liu Sheng printed on them, and they must be the disciples sent by her grandfather to arrest people!"

"Then where are we going?"

Luo Quan took a deep breath and said, "At the foot of Mount Fuji, Yagyu Kendo Hall is the first Kendo Hall in Tokyo, and it is located at the foot of Japan's No. [-] Holy Mountain."

Wen Xia frowned: "Listen to this group of people, it's not easy to mess with, are you sure it's just the two of us and we won't find someone?"

"If you're lucky, it only takes the two of us."

"And what if you're unlucky?"

"Bad luck, it's useless to go to many people!"

Wen Xia stopped talking, and could only pray silently for their good luck in this trip.

Tokyo is hundreds of kilometers away from Mount Fuji, and it takes an hour and a half for a taxi to drive without any obstacles. Japanese taxis are world-famous for their high prices, at least tens of thousands of yen.

Fortunately, for her current worth, these are considered petty money, and if she hadn't been anxious about Junko, she wouldn't have wasted such a waste.

The one-hour drive passed quickly, and they could already see Mount Fuji standing between the sky and the earth through the car window.

As the most sacred mountain in Japan, Mount Fuji looks like a flat triangle from a distance, and the summit is covered with perennial snow.

Although it was summer, the whiteness did not mean to fade at all, and still covered the scenery on the top of the mountain, like a beauty wearing a veil to cover her beauty.

But today the veil seems to be too big, and the "corner of the veil" even goes beyond the mountain.

As the taxi got closer and closer to Mount Fuji, Luo Quan finally saw that the veil was just a huge white cloud. It appeared in the right position, blocking Mount Fuji behind him, and he became the top of the snow.

"It's here!" The driver stopped by the road at the foot of the mountain, not far from the road up the mountain.

After paying by card, Luo Quan and Wen Xia got off the station to the roadside.

"What's the next step?" Wen Xia looked at the surrounding scenery, and could see almost every family, and the rest were basically holiday clubs.

"Yagyu Kendo Hall is at the foot of Mount Fuji, and it's not very far from here." Luo Quan quickly located the location of Liuyu Kendo Hall on Google Maps, which is only more than 500 meters away.

The two women walked for 10 minutes and came to the foot of a small hill.

There is a tall torii at the entrance of the road on the mountain. Looking up along the bluestone stairs, you can see a black eaves at the end of the road.

The two sides of the stairs were leisurely and quiet, and the breeze was blowing slowly. From time to time, you could hear a few crisp bird songs. If you listen more carefully, you can even hear the sound of the gurgling stream.

It is a stream formed by melting the snow on the top of Mount Fuji and flowing to the bottom of the mountain. It is the clearest and natural clear water, and it has hardly been polluted by humans. It is said to be sweet and delicious, but most of it is false.

The reason why the spring water is sweet is because it is rich in minerals, and these streams are all flowing down after melting ice and snow, no matter what the taste is, it can't be sweet.

Climbing the steps, what appeared in front of the two women was a magnificent building complex. The tall fence completely blocked the prying eyes from the outside world.

Only in the middle there is a door with a width of [-] feet. On the door is a plaque. The plaque reads "Liusheng Kendokan" in large ink-like characters. The font is flying and wild, and the ink is connected into a single stroke. The sophistication of power.

There are two little boys sitting at the entrance of the gymnasium. They are less than 1.3 meters tall but wearing a kendo suit that can be used as a bathrobe for themselves, which looks very funny.

Under the scorching sun, two elementary school apprentices hid under the eaves and dozed off with their backs against the wall. One of the children had a sparkling saliva from the corner of his mouth, smiling, and he didn't know what good things happened in his dream.

"Simi Masai!" Luo Quan shouted loudly, and the two children trembled and stood up from the ground, crawling and crawling, shouting in horror: "Senior brother, don't hit me! Don't hit me!"

Luo Quan smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, we are friends of Junko Liusheng, and this time we came to her specifically."

"Sister Chunzi's friend?" The boy on the left saw Luo Quan's appearance clearly, his eyes were straight, and the saliva from the corner of his mouth was wiped.

"What a beautiful foreign sister." The boy murmured.

"Guita, don't be in a daze!" The boy's partner yelled loudly, stopping his partner's rude behavior.

After reacting, Kota blushed and quickly apologized: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Luo Quan didn't pay attention to these details, just asked: "Surely Chunzi is at home now, is it convenient to call her out?"

The two boys glanced at each other and whispered, "Sister Chunzi was brought back by Brother Liangjie and the others yesterday, and not long after that, she had a big quarrel with Master Liu.

Now Junko sister has been completely grounded by the master, even if you are her friends, you can't come out to see you. "

Luo Quan's heart sank when he heard this, knowing that this time things might be difficult to handle.

Kota added: "But you can go in and see Sister Junzi, and Master Liu should not refuse."

Luo Quan nodded: "Then please spread the word, just say the person who came to visit is called Luo Quan."

(End of this chapter)

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