Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 75 Guarantee

Chapter 75 Guarantee
Guangtai trotted all the way into the gym, and before anyone arrived, the voice came first: "Master Liu, there is a sister named Luo Quan outside the gym, saying that she is a friend of Sister Junzi."

"Luo Quan......" Liusheng Yanzhai stroked the short beard on his chin, and after a moment of thinking, he suddenly had an impression: "Invite her in, I often heard Junko mention this before, this Luo Quan is the best in her high school. friend."

Kotaichi is happy: "Yes!"

Soon, Luo Quan and Wen Xia were led into the gym.

Liusheng Yanzhai was located in the reception room of the gymnasium, and next door was the swordsmanship room where the disciples practiced. The two rooms were only separated by a thin wooden sliding door.

"Hello, senior!" Luo Quan trembled for no reason when he saw the mighty old man kneeling in the center of the room.

"Don't be so afraid of me, I don't know how to eat people." Liu Sheng Yan Zhai laughed and raised his hand to motion for Luo Quan and Wen Xia to sit casually.

There was a small coffee table in front of him, and the coffee table was covered with all kinds of tea utensils, which seemed to be making tea.

The tea ceremony in Japan is a very elegant thing, and many people regard making tea as a kind of practice, so some seniors like to use tea to temper their mood, and Yangyu Yanzhai is of course no exception.

Seeing that Liu Sheng Yan Zhai was so good at talking, Luo Quan didn't dare to relax at all.

These old people are all smiling tigers without exception. On the surface, they are smiling at you, but in fact, turning their faces is faster than turning over a book. One second, they made you feel like a spring breeze, and the next second, they were directly furious.

However, the situation in front of him was unclear, so Luo Quan naturally sat down as he did.

Sitting in Japan is actually kneeling, but it is a little different from Huaxia's kneeling. In Japan, the buttocks are placed on the heels. The body is not completely relaxed, and it is a very common daily action, which does not mean humiliation.

In fact, this habit originated from ancient China. It was the Chinese who first developed the posture of kneeling and sitting, but it was later spread to Japan and passed down. The Chinese themselves have long since stopped kneeling like this.

"I heard that Junzi has been living in your house all the time. I have really taken care of you during this time." Yanzhai Liusheng said that he poured a cup of hot tea for Luo Quan and Wen Xia, and he was very polite.

Luo Quan hurriedly waved his hand: "Don't say that, she and I are very good friends, there is nothing to take care of... By the way, has Junko returned to the Kendo Museum?"

Luo Quan asked carefully, his eyes always paying attention to Liu Sheng Yan Zhai's expression.

Liu Sheng Yanzhai nodded, his face calm: "Yes."

Luo Quan breathed a sigh of relief: "Then I'm relieved, but I want to see Junko. She still hasn't made it clear to me. I need to ask her face to face."

"Is there anything else to ask?" Liusheng Yanzhai frowned, but because Luo Quan was Junzi's good friend, he didn't think much about it.

Besides, the name Luo Quan has been very popular in Japan recently. Even Yanzhai Yanzhai, who doesn't surf the Internet very often, has often heard of it. After learning about some of her deeds, I feel that Junko can make friends with such a girl is definitely beneficial. Harmful.

"I'll have someone call her." Liusheng Yanzhai said, raising his head to wink at the disciple beside him, who immediately turned around and walked into the house.

While waiting, Luo Quan and Wen Xia were holding cups and sipping hot tea. They looked very calm, but their hearts were already starting to feel up and down.

"Izumi sauce!" A surprised shout came from inside the house, and Junko, who was wearing a thin kimono, ran to Luo Quan with a happy expression on her face.

"Ask if you have any questions." Yanzhai Liusheng coughed lightly, making Junko's expression gloomy.

Luo Quan smiled slightly and said to Junzi: "Junzi, I want to ask you, are you still going to chase your idol dream?"

"Of course!" Junko nodded without hesitation, nodded halfway, then turned her head to look at her grandfather.

At this time, Liusheng Yanzhai's face was already dark. He didn't think that Luo Quan was going to ask this question. If he had known earlier, it would have been impossible for Junko to come out!

"What kind of idol, he is simply not doing a proper job! Even if you don't know the swordsmanship in the school, you have to study hard in college. How can you say such irresponsible words?!" Yanzhai Yanzhai patted the coffee table heavily, shaking the tea set. He jumped straight up, hot water splashing all over the place.

Junko raised her head stubbornly, her eyes very firm: "Being an idol is my biggest dream, how can this be irresponsible? If you want to follow my own wishes, please help me, Grandpa!"

"Impossible!" Yanzhai Liusheng's tone was even more decisive than Junko's. He didn't believe that becoming an idol was a good way out. In his opinion, whether it was going to college or inheriting family education, it was [-] times better than being an idol. , What's the difference between the kind of career that is scratching and sing-along on the stage and those firework girls in Kabukicho!
Seeing this, Luo Quan quickly persuaded: "Lord, you don't need to have such a big prejudice against idols. This is a serious profession, and it is also Junko's dream. Why can't you support her?"

"Support?" Liusheng Yanzhai laughed angrily, staring at Junzi and said, "Then I'm going to ask you, can you be as famous in Japan as your good friend Luo Quan? You have this talent. Do you want to be the top in this industry? Do you have the strength to guarantee that you will be welcomed by the public?"

The three questions were raised one by one, each of which made Junko's face pale.

Wen Xia, who had never spoken, suddenly said, "I can help her with this guarantee. With me, even if Junko can't become the top in the industry, she can definitely be in the top level! I used to be the level of top idols, So my remarks are definitely not open mouth!
Junko's talent and hard work are better than ordinary people, as long as he gets the correct teaching, he can become a high-quality idol! "

"I can help too!" Luo Quan also quickly added.

Yanzhai Liusheng took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice: "Even if you can provide Junko with so much help, what if she still fails in the end? Don't tell me that she will succeed, who will tell you about the future? Right? I want to ask, if Junko fails in the end and no one cares, how will she make up for the years she wasted in the end?"

Junko raised her clenched right fist: "I'm still young, I can leave school first and come back later!"

Liu Sheng Yanzhai said angrily: "Is this your plan? It's not that you spend your time at will because of your youth. In the final analysis, you are still irresponsible to yourself, just wasting your time just to pursue an illusory dream!"

"I can help make it up!" Luo Quan held Junko's shoulders and took the responsibility on his own. "Have you heard of Beichen Yidaoliu?"

(End of this chapter)

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