Chapter 76 Beichen Yi Dao Liu

As one of the four major swordsmen in Japan, Yanzhai Yanzhai is the youngest one. Although his swordsmanship is not as good as the other three, he is far more knowledgeable than the three seniors in kendo-related knowledge. He is nicknamed "Dr. Kendo" ".

It is precisely because of his extremely profound knowledge of kendo that Yanzhai Liusheng reacted almost immediately when he heard the name "Beichen Yidaoliu".

In this time and space, Beichen Yidao style is a mysterious style of swordsmanship that was lost as early as a hundred years ago. Even in the oldest kendo books in Japan, it is difficult to find detailed information about this style. There are only some sporadic records. record.

In addition to these real records, the rest are those folklore that are indistinguishable between true and false. Legend has it that Beichen's swordsmanship is so exquisite that it is more of an art than swordsmanship.

In the era when it was not lost, it was the most powerful swordsmanship, but in the end it gradually disappeared in the long river of history for unknown reasons.

This has always been a major regret of Japanese swordsmanship, and Yansai Yansai, who likes to study the secrets of ancient Japanese swordsmanship, will be haunted every time he reads this.

Now suddenly a girl asked him if he knew Beichen Yidaoliu, Liusheng Yanzhai had great doubts in addition to his excitement.

This girl is obviously from China, and has lived in Japan for less than four years. Why does she know about Beichen Yidaoliu? You must know that many Japanese swordsmen do not know about this secret!
Liusheng Yanzhai frowned and glanced at Luo Quan, who looked confident, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Where did you know this news?"

"Check Wikipedia, you can find it online." Luo Quan raised his mobile phone, his expression seemed a little inexplicable.

Before she came, she searched for information about Beichen Yidaoliu, and found that it was a long-lost swordsmanship. She thought that if she took out this lost swordsmanship, it might be a gift for Liusheng Yanzhai. Nice chip.

But she didn't expect that Yanzhai Liusheng would question the way she got the information. Isn't this easy to find out?

"Let me see!" Liusheng Yanzhai took the phone from Luo Quan with a solemn expression, and flipped through the Wikipedia on Beichen Yidaoliu on the screen.

The result surprised him. The records about Beichen Yidao Liu in Wikipedia were exactly the same as those of the kendo books he had read before!
Yanzhai Liusheng smiled self-deprecatingly: "Fortunately, I still treat these materials as treasures. I didn't expect to use this Wikipedia to find out."

Returning the phone to Luo Quan, Liu Sheng Yanzhai said solemnly, "So what do you mean by suddenly mentioning it?"

"I know Beichen Yidao Liu, as long as you promise to let Junko become an idol, I can make it free of charge......"

Before Luo Quan finished speaking, Liu Sheng Yanzhai interrupted him with a smile and waved his hand: "This sword technique has been lost for more than 100 years, and no one even knows the name of the founder. How can you possibly master it? I I know you want to help Junko, but don't talk nonsense about such things."

"If you don't believe me, let's discuss it, and I'll show Beichen's sword style completely."

"Let's learn from me?" Liusheng Yanzhai seemed to have heard a big joke, "Did Junko ever tell you who I am?"

Luo Quan nodded: "I mentioned, one of the four major swordsmen in Japan."

"Then how dare you say such arrogant words to discuss with me?"

"I'm definitely not your opponent, but I definitely won't lose too badly." Luo Quan's expression was full of confidence.

Liu Sheng Yanzhai stared at Luo Quan, as if he wanted to see through this mysterious little girl. After a long time, he laughed: "Then I'll give you a chance, it's just been a long time since I've discussed with others, I hope you don't let it go. I'm disappointed."

Junko Liusheng saw that the two of them were about to start, and immediately came over anxiously: "Izumi-chan! Don't you only know karate, when did you learn swordsmanship! My grandfather's strength is even a bamboo sword. Be careful and you will get hurt!"

"Junzi, when do you think I've done something I'm not sure about?" Luo Quan gave Junzi a reassuring smile, and followed Liusheng Yanzhai to the empty training room next door.

"This is another relatively small training room. There are no disciples. It should only be open to the Yagyu family."

"That's a protective gear." Yanzhai Liusheng pointed to the kendo protective gear that was neatly stacked on the wall. The disciples of the kendo hall usually wear it when they spar.

Although Yangyu Yanzhai's swordsmanship has long been able to send and receive freely, but after all, the sword has no eyes, and if something goes wrong, it will be too late to regret it.

Therefore, he suggested that Luo Quan put on the protective gear first and then discuss it. As for himself, he didn't need to wear such a burden. Liusheng Yanzhai did not think that Luo Quan's sword could touch him.

"These protective gear will block my vision, I don't wear them." Luo Quan shook his head, rejecting Yanzhai Liusheng's kindness.

The latter didn't say much nonsense, just took two bamboo swords off the shelf and threw one of them to Luo Quan.

The Japanese sword actually refers to the sword, and the bamboo sword is the bamboo sword, but the blade of the bamboo sword is cylindrical, without an edge, and the material is light, so it does not have much lethality.

Of course, that is for ordinary swordsmen, and even a really powerful swordsman can kill someone with a bamboo stick!

Liusheng Yanzhai held the bamboo sword back at his waist and said solemnly: "Although you are young, you took the initiative to mention this time, so don't expect me to make you three moves."

Luo Quan laughed: "As you please, as long as you don't slap me in the face for the dirty master."

"For a beautiful girl like you, it's really a nerve-racking thing if your face is cut... Well, I'll try my best to pay attention."

"I'm relieved with your words." Luo Quan took a few steps back, holding the hilt of the tachi with both hands, the tip of the knife pointing directly at Liusheng Yanzhai.

"Then let's start." After Liusheng Yanzhai said these words, the spirit of the whole person changed instantly.

Before, he was just a thin old man with a mighty appearance, wearing a large black kimono, and he looked unremarkable.

But at the beginning of the discussion, an incomparably fierce aura suddenly came out, and swept towards Luo Quan with his eyes recklessly.

The hairs on Luo Quan's body stood upright at this moment, and she felt that the person standing in front of her was not a human being, but a lion that could violently hurt anyone at any time!

"Is this the aura of the Sword Saint!" Luo Quan's heart was shocked, fine beads of sweat emerged from the tip of her upturned nose, and the hands holding the hilt of the knife couldn't help but tighten.

After adjusting his breath, Liusheng Yanzhai gently exhaled a turbid breath, and bowed forward: "Let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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