Chapter 77

Liusheng Yanzhai, who was walking at full speed, was like a swift leopard. In the blink of an eye, he jumped in front of Luo Quan across a distance of ten meters. His right hand holding the hilt of the knife slammed upwards. It was Liusheng Xinyinliu. The sword-drawing technique!
The speed of the Japanese Juggernaut is really beyond human beings, and Yanzhai Yanagyu is indeed as he said, without the slightest mercy.
Liusheng Yanzhai aimed at Luo Quan's right shoulder. If he hit, Luo Quan would be knocked to the ground in an instant.

It is difficult for a normal person to make an effective counterattack in such a short period of time, but Luo Quan's kendo strength at this moment has been passed down by Beichen's first-class swordsmanship, and it is already a level that can be opened and taught!

In such a tense battle, Luo Quan's spirit has always been in a state of high concentration. The moment Liusheng Yanzhai raised his shoulders, she was keenly aware of this, and then slashed with the knife.

There was a crisp sound, and the blades of the two bamboo knives overlapped together. Luo Quan was shocked by the huge force and took three steps back in a row, while Liu Sheng Yan Zhai's expression was a little surprised.

The Liuyu family's sword-drawing skills have always been known for their "super speed". Many senior swordsmen can barely dodge when facing themselves. How can they have the courage to stand still and fight back?

And this girl not only did not hide, but also blocked it with a sword!

What surprised Yanzhai even more was that the bamboo sword in the girl's hand was not horizontally blocking her main sword, the blades of the two swords almost overlapped into a line!If it wasn't for this reason, Yanzhai Yanzhai would be able to blow the bamboo sword in her hand to the ground with the tremendous strength of her arm in the sword-drawing technique!
The girl's accurate eyesight and swordsmanship far exceeded Yanzhai's imagination. At the same time, she also believed that what the girl used was the legendary Beichen Yidao Liu.

It is recorded in the classics that Beichen Yidaoliu is famous for its precise and elegant swordsmanship, not to mention the bamboo sword, even the nail-thin blade of the iron sword can be blocked in the same way!

In order to further verify his own thoughts, Yanzhai Yanzhai did not use the sword-drawing technique anymore, but rubbed his body up and competed head-on with Luo Quan in the sword-drawing technique.

Yanzhai Yanzhai's moves are wide open and close, slashing horizontally, slashing and stabbing straight. Every swing of the sword is very crisp and neat, there is no extra place, and it is powerful and fast at the same time!

As a juggernaut, Yanzhai Liusheng has mastered these basic swordsmanship skills in addition to his own swordsmanship.

And Luo Quan miraculously survived this wave of suffocating attacks.

Every time Liusheng Yanzhai slashed, the bamboo knife in her hand would block it from an incredible angle. That is not a level that humans can achieve, that is the precision that only a machine can have!
Junko Liusheng looked at the side with awe. Although she came from a family of kendo, although she did not like to practice swordsmanship very much, her talent was definitely superior. At the age of nearly eighteen, she was already stronger than many senior brothers in the gym. To pick out a lot.

But when she saw Luo Quan who was playing, she realized what it means to be someone outside of you. There are days outside the sky. There are probably no more than two people in the entire Liuyu Kendo Academy who can fight with grandfather head-on for more than ten rounds of swordsmanship!
What's even more terrifying is that she and Luo Quan have been together for three years, and she doesn't know anything about her strength. If it wasn't for today's incident, she would never have known that Luo Quan's swordsmanship was so superb!
In fact, despite the fact that the two of them were evenly matched in the scene, Luo Quan was already rowing with Huanglian Haozi at this time - struggling.

Any kind of combat sports consumes a lot of energy and stamina. Professional athletes will be sweating and panting after only two or three minutes of playing.

Ordinary people can't even hold on for so long. Those with poorer physiques throw their fists at the air with all their strength, and at most they are exhausted in forty or fifty strokes.

Although the system gave Luo Quan a first-class level of swordsmanship, it did not change her physique. Although she always exercised, she was only a girl after all, and women were inherently disadvantaged in fighting.

Liusheng Yanzhai's continuous slashing was surprisingly powerful. If it wasn't for Beichen's swordsmanship, which was truly exquisite, and extremely suitable for this situation where the weak fight against the strong, Luo Quan would have been defeated long ago.

But it's not a problem to continue like this, and I don't know where this Liusheng Yanzhai got so much physical strength. As a defender, he is already out of breath, and his old man's face hasn't changed much. Obviously, this amount of exercise is very important for the sword. It's far from being intense in terms of saints.

We must find the breaking point!Luo Quan's mind quickly turned, looking for any details that might help her turn the situation around.

I don't know if it's because of God's help or because it's been used for too long.

After Luo Quan once again clenched his teeth to fend off Liusheng Yanzhai's attack, there was a crack in the bamboo knife in his hand, and the crack was right in the center of the bamboo knife!
Although Liusheng Yanzhai felt something was wrong, he did not realize that his weapon was damaged, and for Luo Quan, this was an excellent opportunity!

After being passively defended for so long, Luo Quan charged Liusheng Yanzhai for the first time.

Liusheng Yanzhai's face changed slightly, and he didn't understand why Luo Quan suddenly became so brave.

But the bamboo sword in his hand did not hesitate at all, and even slashed towards Luo Quan at a faster speed.

"It's now!" Luo Quan's entire body sank at the moment when the bamboo knife slashed to his shoulder, as if a swimmer standing on the shore had plunged into the water.

Quickly bowing her head made the blond hair on the back of her head float up and down in the air, and the following horizontal slashes split the golden glowing soft hair into the air.

Luo Quan, who escaped the blow, held her breath and stepped forward with her left foot giving her a huge force, causing her entire body to rotate upwards.

Turn around!Swing the sword!
Luo Quan's Jedi counterattack was completed in one go, and the top of the bamboo sword in his hand just hit the damaged part of Yanzhai Yanzhai's bamboo sword!

click!Liusheng Yanzhai's bamboo knife was cut in half by Luo Quan. Luo Quan, who was lying on the ground, used the inertia of rotation to directly make a rolling gourd, and quickly flipped back out, out of the attack range of Liusheng Yanzhai.

Although Luo Quan looked a little embarrassed in the end, but after a carp fought back and stood up again, she finally showed a smile.

Ps. The novel will be on the shelves tomorrow. I hope you can make a first order. I don't need much. Just a first order, a few cents, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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