Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 755 1 serious

Chapter 755

"Oh, it's actually the Great Sage!"

"This is really rare."

"Not only is it rare, it is obviously the first time it has appeared."

"I thought it would be Athena or Venus or something."

"Foreign gods can't do it, they have to be our Chinese gods."

"What Iron-Blooded Wolf Warrior?"


Appearing in the center of the screen is the mythical figure well-known in China, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Monkey King.

The popularity of Journey to the West does not need to be repeated. When Journey to the West was on the air in [-], the whole family stayed at home to watch The Great Sage. It was a national-level TV series in the true sense.

As the protagonist of Journey to the West, Dasheng may also be the first hero in the childhood minds of most post-90s, and his status is much more stable than those superheroes of Marvel.

Luo Quan was actually quite happy to find out that he was such a hero.

Because she also likes Dasheng very much, according to the analysis of reading comprehension, Dasheng symbolizes rebellion, freedom, unyielding, dares to resist power, hates evil like hatred, and has powerful mana, which has 72 changes.

Almost perfect, except for being a little grumpy.

Of course, this is the image of the Great Sage in the [-] edition of Journey to the West, which is quite different from the original version of the Great Sage.

But how many people nowadays have read the original work?
Most people's impression of Dasheng starts from this TV series, and it is limited to this TV series.

But that's enough.

At least such a Great Sage is a flawless image of a hero.

"To be reasonable, this drawing is quite good." Luo Quan praised the drawing of the great sage on the screen sincerely.

Every Heroic Spirit on the website has a high-quality portrait. This one of the Great Sage is exactly the same as the handsome image of the Monkey King in the TV series, and even added a lot of dazzling special effects, the visual effect is quite explosive.

Although there are suspicions of being gaudy, but the Monkey King, there is nothing wrong with being prettier.

If you think about it carefully, there are quite a few similarities between the Great Sage and her.

For example, the value of appearance.

Humans evolved from monkeys, and she is the most beautiful in the world, she can also be called the Monkey King.

"That's what it feels like." Luo Quan finished his fortune-telling and closed the website.

"Isn't this the same way as those tarot constellations on the street? No one even has a rigorous logical basis. I don't know why it became popular."

Although he was counted as the Monkey King, Luo Quan honestly made a general evaluation of this website that exploded overnight.

There are many people who have the same idea as her in the live broadcast room, but they don't think it's interesting.

But the current Internet is like this, a thing becomes popular quickly, and it also cools down quickly.

When it first came out, it was discussed all over the Internet, and it could be seen everywhere.

But it won't be long before it will gradually become uninterested.

The results of the evaluation were quickly forgotten by Luo Quan.

Now the album promotion is in full swing, and her first zombie TV series has also started promotion.

Due to limited energy, Luo Quan did not plan to shoot this TV series himself, but handed over the script of the first season of "The Walking Dead" to Netflix, and asked them to find another director to shoot.

Although the setting of "Resident Evil" is under the same world view, the time period of "The Walking Dead" is after the explosion in Raccoon City.

"The T virus leaked, zombie frenzy appeared on all continents of the United States, and the end of mankind has come.

The policeman Rick was injured in the hospital because of his mission, and when he woke up, everything in front of him changed drastically..."

This is the introduction to the first season of "The Walking Dead", which can be seen as the end of "Resident Evil 2", continuing to tell the story after the outbreak of the zombie virus from a new perspective.

In the movie, Alice, as the perfect fusion of the T-virus, is omnipotent, and her physical body is so strong that she can face the tyrant head-to-head in close combat.

Although the picture of the blasting hammer zombie looks really enjoyable, it still lacks some tension and horror.

And "The Walking Dead" is entirely from the perspective of ordinary people, letting everyone know how to survive in this dangerous doomsday world without strong force.

Because the popularity of "Resident Evil" 1 and 2 is too high, a huge number of zombie fans have been formed at home and abroad.

Everyone has very high expectations for this TV series with the same worldview.

In particular, it was clearly informed that Jill, a highly popular character, would appear in the TV series, which made Jill's fans want to see the TV series as soon as possible.

However, "The Walking Dead" has only just started filming, and the director is not Luo Quan, who is known for his speed, so it is a bit unrealistic to see it in a short time.

Fortunately, there were no big scenes in the first season, and the main protagonists still fought wits and bravery around supplies, rescue and zombies.

The plot is tense and exciting, but it is not a special test of acting skills.

If you insist on testing your acting skills, it is also a test of the acting skills of the zombie ensemble performers.

So if there are no accidents, we should be able to meet the fans at the end of the year.

If this momentum is maintained, there will be one zombie film and television work a year.

If it lasts for three or four years, with a few more impressive and full-bodied characters, then the zombie universe will have achieved initial results.

After the fans are large enough, it is not impossible to shoot some commercial blockbusters with grand scenes and explosive special effects, and then stir up the popularity to become the second place in Marvel.

If it is just "Resident Evil", it is definitely not realistic, but this zombie movie is not the only one in her mind.

Classic zombie movies like "Train to Busan", "World War Z" and "I Am a Hero" can also be incorporated to create a sense of crisis that the world is occupied by zombies.

And with Resident Evil as the prologue, the outbreak of zombies in these subsequent movies will not appear abrupt, and the story will become well-organized.

Of course, this is a large stall, and it is not an easy task to fully spread it out.

This year's goal is definitely to get all the personal honors in order. She has the queen of actresses, but she is short of a best director and best picture, and her younger brother is short of a best actor.

If nothing else, "Forrest Gump" should satisfy all three needs at once.

As for the other "Joker", which has not yet started filming, judging by the battle in the United States, it is estimated that it will not be filmed for the time being.

Originally, she wanted to wait for a while, and then go to make a movie after the situation over there calms down.

As a result, the stock market started to go down after a while, the society was in turmoil, zero-dollar purchases were everywhere, and the conflict between black people and the police was growing day by day, and it was already in dire straits.

Rednecks in some southern states even began to buy guns on a large scale, calling on white people across the United States to meet the coming impact.

As for who the shock came from, it can only be said that everyone who understands understands it.

In short, the matter of racial discrimination is estimated to be a day that will never be resolved.

In fact, most people know it is like this, but a small number of people still have illusions.

The next day, the album's fourth and fifth tracks were released.

They are "Beautiful world" (originally sung by Hikaru Utada), and "Loser" (originally sung by Kenshi Yonezu).

The former is a tender and soothing song. The seamless switching between true and false sounds in the chorus part once again showed fans his strong control ability in singing.

Showing off skills is one aspect, and being good-sounding is another aspect, completely taking both into consideration.

As for the following "Loser", the rhythm is quite lively.

Fans feel that it might be better if there is a dancing MV for this song.

During the live broadcast, Luo Quan said: You can dance your favorite dance steps to the music, even if there is no rhythm or even aesthetic feeling, as long as you move according to your heart, it will be the best effect.

Soon someone tried it according to what Luo Quan said, and found that it was true.

Just dancing to the music is really exciting, with a kind of unrestrained joy.

It was shaking too hard, which made my head a little dizzy.

For fans of Luoquan, the past few days are undoubtedly extremely happy.

There are new songs to listen to every day, and new happiness can be harvested every day.

Especially while listening to the new song and watching Luoquan live chat and blowing water, one piece of happiness can instantly become two pieces of happiness.

But when I think that more than half of this kind of happiness has passed, and there are only three new songs left, it makes people feel a little disappointed to leave.

There is no way, Luoquan's diarrhea-style update will make happiness come and go very quickly.

When other singers release new albums, they can't wait to release one a week. It takes at least a month from preheating to release of an album, which directly fills up the fans' expectations.

Luo Quan is good, more than half of it has been released in less than four days, if you are more ruthless, it will be released tomorrow, and then the new album will be announced, and you can continue to be salty for several months.

"Damn it, why is the happy time always so short?"

"Obviously Luobao can create more happiness."

"When will the next new album be released? I can't wait."

"Haha, this is called pushing an inch, although I really want to eat what's in the bowl and look at the pot."

"Human feelings are understandable."


Luo Quan can easily feel the conflicting emotions of the fans. After releasing a new album, he is satisfied but also a little dissatisfied.

I want to ask for more, but I am too embarrassed to ask.

This awkward mentality is precisely because she is so efficient.

But fans are embarrassed to blame her, because the method of squeezing toothpaste is really not very good.

Over time, such a weird situation of fans themselves pua has formed.

Luo Quan was helpless and didn't know how to persuade them, so he could only sing a few more songs during the live broadcast to comfort everyone.

"I can understand everyone's mood very well. If you really can't figure it out, just listen to my singing, and maybe your mood will improve."

The accompaniment starts to play, "You are not alone".

One of the title songs of the new English album a while ago, it still ranks second on the B chart.

The first is "This is America", which returned to the number one due to the special situation.

If it weren't for the black people's zero-dollar purchases, "You Are Not Alone" should have won the B-list weekly champion for more than ten consecutive weeks.

This music, soft as a lullaby, does have the magical ability to soothe the heart.

No matter how restless the soul is, after hearing Luo Quan's dreamlike singing voice, it will calm down and listen to her low-pitched singing.

The barrage in the live broadcast room gradually became rare, and it was not until the end of Luo Quan's song that it returned to normal, and then there were endless words of praise, saying that the mood was much better.

Then I took this opportunity to ask Luo Quan when he would release a new album, and after being ignored, he emo (sad) again.

The next day, new songs continued to be released.

The song this time is "Red Pepper" (originally sung by Kenshi Yonezu), but this time, for the first time, I didn't hear Luo Quan's singing, all of them were children's voices.

Later, Luo Quan explained that in addition to being a new song on the album, this song is also one of the support songs for the Tokyo Olympics.

Isn't it the Tokyo Olympics next year? The Japanese Olympic Organizing Committee originally wanted to invite Luo Quanneng to be the music director.

If possible, she can even be directly appointed as the chief director of the Olympic Games.

However, Luo Quan refused on the grounds that he had too much work to spare.

In fact, for what reason, fans all over the world know that it is laziness.

She also knew that fans knew about the laziness.

Fans also know that she knows...

In short, Luo Quan, who has become the king of salted fish, does not want to put in a lot of energy on such a big occasion, not to mention too tired, if it goes wrong, it will directly be the biggest stain in his life.

On the other hand, she is mainly from China, so it seems inappropriate to be the chief director of the Tokyo Olympics.

So the invitation was not accepted.

But the other side also made the best of the next best thing, asking Luo Quan to write a few promotional songs for the Winter Olympics, to cheer up the athletes, and to introduce Tokyo to the upcoming foreign guests.

Anyway, I have lived in Tokyo for a few years, and the singer's starting point is also in Tokyo, and there are so many fans who love her, this request cannot be refused.

So last year, she composed the song "The Sea of ​​Clouds under the Moonlight" (it is recommended to search on station B, it is a very nice song by Joe Hisaishi), and she wanted to use this chorus to give a shocking performance at the opening ceremony.

The song has not been released yet, just to give everyone a surprise.

Because "Moonlight Sea of ​​Clouds" will be used in the opening ceremony, and the promotional track needs to be produced, so Luo Quan has come up with "Red Pepper".

Anyway, it was created with the same mission in the previous life, and there is no sense of disobedience to continue using it here.

The children's chorus also made this already lively song more lively and full of vitality.

In the second year of Reiwa, such a song seems to have some meaning of a new era and a new atmosphere.

It's just that the group of young people in Reiwa are a bit too useless, even more crotch than Heisei fat boys.

After all, the fat house is also a man.

It's not so easy to tell whether Reiwa's is a man or not unless you look carefully.

However, women's clothing seems to have such a trend all over the world.

Not to mention Japan, women's clothing is also very popular here in China.

The first to bear the brunt of this is Station B.

This is the place where there are the most women's wear bosses on the entire network.

(End of this chapter)

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