Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 756 Suggestions for a world

Chapter 756
The topic returns to the Tokyo Olympics.

It can be said that Japan has invested a huge amount of manpower and material resources for this grand event that was finally applied for.

Hundreds of millions of dollars were invested in the opening ceremony alone.

As a country with one of the best attainments in modern art in Asia and world-class music and movies, the whole world is actually looking forward to it.

The Japanese government also looks ambitious and wants to take this opportunity to make a comeback.

The so-called comeback actually refers to the fact that after the Tokyo Olympics in 1964, the Japanese economy skyrocketed with the help of the Olympics and entered a golden period of development.

Ten years later, in Japan, Japan's economy once had a frightening trend of catching up with the United States and the United States.

At that time, Japanese aunts could be seen shopping everywhere in European and American countries. These nouveau riche from Asia waved seemingly inexhaustible banknotes, buying whatever they saw, and spending money to the extreme.

At its peak, the Japanese even claimed to be able to buy New York, which shows how strong the economy was and how inflated their mentality was at that time.

However, there is a saying in Bewitched Boy, if you come out to mess around, you will have to pay it back sooner or later.

Will the U.S. watch helplessly as Japan rises to the top after being ripped apart?
Obviously impossible.

The ensuing economic sanctions directly broke the backbone of the Japanese economy.

With the rapid plunge of the yen exchange rate, the economic bubble, which was originally a castle in the sky, was also burst.

At that time, the stock market crashed, and there were too many people who jumped off the building.

I'm afraid that even if Luo Quan was put in that era to sing, it probably wouldn't be able to save that crazy society.

Because the damage done to Japan by the shattering of the instant noodles economy has not recovered until now. People in the first half of Heisei enjoyed extreme enjoyment, and people in the second half worked hard to pay off their debts.

Fortunately, after half a century, Japan finally waited for the Olympics again.

Many Japanese believe this is their chance to take off again.

The grandparents of the last century were able to do it, so there is no reason why they cannot do it in this century!

Gambling on the fate of the country is a common practice in Japan, and its entire modern history has been betting on the fate of the country.

The gamble is successful, develop for decades, and dominate Asia.

If the bet fails, the consequences will be irreversible.

But even so, they never hesitated in this regard.

After all, resources are too scarce, and there is no other way but to gamble.

Therefore, despite the high national debt and the new low birth population every year, the government still puts all its energy on hosting the Olympic Games.

As long as it is done well, it may be another golden decade.

But if it is not done well, it will be a continuation of the forgotten 30 years.

I remember that China's huge influence in the world also started from the Beijing Olympic Games in 08.

The economy and national strength are also rising step by step.

This is a very positive example.

The Japanese wanted to achieve the same effect.

To this end, they spent a lot of money, invited a lot of people, and rehearsed a lot of programs.

Exactly what it is is yet to be known, but it will be known by this time next year.

As the first group of invitees, Luo Quan originally had the opportunity to be the music director and creative director.

However, due to well-known reasons, Luo Quan chose to refuse and stay at home to enjoy life.

But she didn't do nothing. In addition to writing a song, she also made a suggestion to the director team of the Tokyo Olympics:

"Be sure not to bring out any art forms related to Japanese-style horror, she won't say which ones, you know it in your heart, in short, let the scene be sunny and positive.

If you really don’t know how to do it, it’s very interesting to move those game and anime characters to the opening ceremony and hold a Two-dimensional party.

This is the most influential cultural product in Japan right now, nothing else works like this, and young people all over the world have a very high acceptance of it.

After all, the nickname of the Two-dimensional country is not just for talking. "

Because he didn't think too carefully, Luo Quan's suggestion was actually rather general without specific details.

But there is no problem in the general direction.

Looking at the Japanese cultural style, sometimes I always like to come up with some weird things on important occasions, so that a group of audiences can't figure it out.

In comparison, although the game and animation festivals have a shorter history and are not as rich as Huaxia, they are well-known.

But anyone who plays video games, who doesn't know Super Mario or arcade.

The game consoles of the new century, Sony and Nintendo are also two mountains that cannot be ignored.

Through these two platforms, too many excellent and classic works have been produced, and I can't finish talking all night.

If we say that the second half of the last century was the era of movies and music.

The first half of this century was undoubtedly the era of anime and games.

At least for young people.

And these two, Japan has advantages that other countries can't match.

Therefore, as long as the program is designed around these two elements, it will be basically stable.

As for the thickness of culture, it is indeed worse.

After all, compared with Huaxia, the existing civilized countries in the world count as one, and none of them can be compared with Huaxia.

After all, it is the only country with an ancient civilization that has not been broken down, and it is indeed unique in this respect.

As for whether it can reach the height of the opening ceremony of the 08 Olympic Games, it is unknown.

The plan given by Luo Quan is not perfect, it can only be said to be a stable strategy that will not fail.

But it is hard to say whether Japan will adopt her opinion.

Most likely it shouldn't.

After all, she is just an idler now.

But after the release of the new album "Red Pepper", it still received a lot of praise in Japan.

This kind of music sung entirely in children's voices hits the sweet spots in the hearts of the people. The melody of the song is also catchy, and the lyrics are positive. It is a superior work among the cheering songs.

Of course, compared with "Don't Give Up" in which she "saved Japan's national destiny in one fell swoop", it is still a bit worse.

The status of this song in Japan is now at the level of the second national anthem. All primary schools will play it on a loop when they hold sports meets. Although students are not required to learn it, most children can basically sing it, even better than Japan. The national anthem is even more beautiful.

This incident also became interesting on Twitter, and was finally reported back to China, attracting a lot of ridicule.

Such an effect can be produced mainly due to the right time, place and people, just in time for such a time.

As the saying goes, the times create heroes.

The hero Luo Quan was created under the crisis of "the sinking of Japan" at that time.

Now that I think about it, it's actually pretty amazing.

The new songs from the album have been released here, basically meeting the expectations of the long-awaited fans.

It's not comparable to "Rite of Coming of Age", which is a masterpiece, but it is still a well-deserved number one among the Japanese albums in the past two years.

Because it is too good, even though there are still two songs to be released, this album will be no. [-] by default. It is estimated that next year's record awards will also be soft.

Since Luo Quan's debut, she has almost monopolized the music-related awards in Huaxia, Japan and the United States, and she can be seen sweeping thousands of troops every year.

So much so that netizens jokingly said that Luo Quan received the award on stage as if she had returned home, and they have never seen a singer more frequently than her.

Luo Quan wanted to say to this: Actually, I also want to keep a low profile, but the conditions do not allow it.

Every time Luo Quan said such things during the live broadcast, fans would dismiss her for a while, saying that she was shameless, that she was a good girl when she got a bargain, and that she could give you what she could.

But the complaints are the complaints. Once there is a little voice outside the station saying that Luo Quan has received too many awards and does not give his peers a chance, the fans will definitely have zero tolerance and attack them.

Luo Bao can make complaints as long as they can blame her, but outsiders must never say that she is half bad, especially this kind of completely unreasonable accusation.

This kind of extreme protection, with the addition of a huge number of Luoquan fans, made Luoquan the most difficult star in China.

And none of them!

Few people in the entertainment industry dare to provoke her now. At most, there are a few young men in Huaichun who can't stand Luo Quan's temptation. Category.

This situation has happened many times, and Luo Quan and fans have no objections.

It is human nature to yearn for beauty, as long as it is not too frequent.

And fans are quite tolerant of such behavior.

Put yourself in their shoes, if they met Luo Quan, wouldn't they be impatient and want to go up and ask for an autograph or a group photo?
After all, this is Luo Quan. Which boy can resist her temptation?

Therefore, in most cases, Luoquan's fans are relatively mild.

When Luo Quan was broadcasting live, he often reminded fans not to go to ky in irrelevant places.

She is already very well-known now, if she is mentioned everywhere, it will only annoy passers-by.

This is how many popular stars turned black.

It is impossible to completely eliminate sunspots, but it also wants to reduce the appearance of sunspots as much as possible.

"The last two songs will be released tonight. There will also be a lucky draw in the live broadcast room. All fans in the live broadcast room will have the opportunity to win a physical album of "New Style", including a new photo of me. The total number 1000, while stocks last."

Luo Quan said, setting up the lottery system.

As long as the audience has watched her live broadcast for more than an hour, they can participate in the lucky draw.

However, because it is a type of public welfare, in order to avoid the disappointment of fans who have not been drawn, the photo here is not a signed photo.

Her signature is worth a lot of money now, and the market price has stabilized at around $[-].

And it also varies according to the year of the signature photo.

For example, 16-year-old autographed photos are the fewest and most precious in existence.

In the eyes of fans, it represents the most youthful and pure period of Luoquan, and it is simply a priceless treasure.

The fans who can own the signed photos of Luoquan in this period are hardcore old fans.

At present, it is rare to see anyone selling it in the market, and they all post autographed photos for everyone to show off.

Speaking of which, in Japan, which has the largest number of signed photos in 16, there are thieves who investigate the addresses of the people who post photos, and then come to steal.

TV Tokyo even specially released several programs to track and report the psychological changes of those stolen Luoquan fans.

Most of the stolen items were recovered in the end, but there are still a few signed photos that have been sold abroad and cannot be recovered.

After this happened, these fans were looking for life and death.

When Luo Quan heard about it, he also signed a few sheets overnight and sent them over, lest these fans get overwhelmed and meet on the rooftop.

Up to now, such ridiculous thefts still happen relatively rarely.

It may also be related to fans' increased safety awareness.

Anyway, there is no autographed photo in this draw.

And this time, if you want to get a signed photo for the album, it depends on luck.

Luo Quan signed [-] photos, and they were randomly mixed among the printed records. Anyone could buy them, which is relatively fair.

Soon, the results of the lottery will come out.

Although the audience was not asked to post barrages to participate in the lottery, the entire screen was still completely covered by densely packed text of various colors.

Even with Luo Quan's fan base, the number of bullet screens exceeding 1 in one minute is still exaggerated, so much so that there were freezes in the live broadcast room.

After the results of the lottery draw came out, most people were adding the denominator to the odds of winning.

But there are always lucky people in this world.

"Congratulations to the 1000 fans." Luo Quan checked the list, "You should receive a text message on the site soon, just follow the prompts to fill in your address and contact information.

There are only these two pieces of information. Others that ask you to send money to fill in your bank card number or ID card are all fraudulent, just report it directly. "

"How do you make sure you're not a scam?"

"My good fellow, is this all grass and trees are soldiers?"

"Correct, the heart of guarding against others is indispensable, even Luo Bao cannot be completely trusted."

"My mother said that the more beautiful a goddess is, the more deceitful she is."

"Yes, I once suspected that Luo Bao was trying to cheat my heart. (shy)"

"Hello, I'm Director Tong from Shanghai Mental Hospital. How long have you had this symptom?"

"Are you trying to laugh me to death and inherit my money?"


Although most of them didn't get the record, but with this group of sand sculpture netizens who are always shaking their wits, the live broadcast room is always filled with joy.

While talking and laughing, the remaining two new songs of the album were finally released.

They are "Previous Past Life" and "Ultramarine".

The release of these two songs also made the evaluation of this album reach its peak tonight.

Luo Quan always likes to release big moves at the last moment, and this time is no exception.

The production of the two songs "前前前生" and "Ultramarine" is completely at the top level of Japanese pop music.

The composition is superb.

"I feel that there must be an interesting story hidden behind the song "Previous Past Life". I don't know if Luo Bao will finish telling this story one day."

Under the comment section of the new song, some fans said so.

Human intuition is sometimes so precise and terrifying.

As for whether to finish telling the story, Luo Quan felt that this opportunity would definitely not be missed.

(End of this chapter)

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