Chapter 757

A simple long sound and a blue picture became the main theme at station B tonight that kept countless people awake at night.

Because the cover of the last song of Luo Quan's new album is a blue picture of her with her mouth open to the sky.

The material comes from the previous trip to Haizhou Island.

At that time, she did not dare to challenge the challenge of hand-splitting durians, so she chose to hand-splitting coconuts as the next best thing.

I slapped it down and found that it was broken, so I bought an empty one for ten yuan.

Luo Quan, who was overturned in the live broadcast, raised his head to the sky and "screamed", expressing his inner dissatisfaction.

As a result, this scene was intercepted by fans and made into an emoticon package.

For things like emoticons, she has actually contributed a lot.

As long as it is not a malicious P picture, she is also happy to see fans make and use these emoticons.

And this photo was originally just an ordinary emoticon package.

But after the release of "Ultramarine", Luo Quan found that this expression was very consistent with the "ah" at the beginning of the chorus.

So I directly took it and dyed it in ultramarine blue (the oldest and most beautiful blue), and used it as the cover of the song.

As a result, the combination of this picture and music is too magical, attracting countless Up masters to imitate ghosts and animals.

It's just such a surprised expression, there are too many materials in the whole network, just cut one and add it to the chorus of "Ultramarine", it is an extremely magical and hilarious ghost video.

This expression, just overnight, has become a popular Geng that can be compared with "White Horse? Make him come and go".

Now the number one most searched item on Station B has been dominated by Ultramarine for a long time. When I clicked in, I found that it was all kinds of Ultramarine ghost animals, which had already been played by netizens.

Luo Quan did not expect that the most popular song would be this one.

Originally, she thought that whether it was "Love Song in Taoyuan" or "A Disease Named Love", it would be the one that dominates the hot searches on station B.

As a result, the last released "Ultramarine" came from behind, and the number of plays and related second creations surpassed the previous two songs within a day.

Of course, the data of these two songs is not bad, and they are still one of the hottest songs on station B.

Luo Quan is naturally very happy that the song is liked by the fans.

But what made her even more happy was that there was a beep from the system that hadn't moved for a long time.

"Congratulations to the host for achieving the famous Asian golden achievement, and the number of fans has exceeded 3000 million!"

Luo Quan was stunned for such a sudden achievement, originally she thought that the number of fans should have been reached long ago.

But if you think about it carefully, although this result is not too exaggerated on Weibo, let alone 3000 million, there are many people with 5000 million, and there are several [-] million.

However, the system emphasized that these 3000 million are real fans, which surprised her a little.

A total of 3000 million people in Asia have become her fans, not counting those passers-by who have a good impression.

These are potential fans.

It would be quite an exaggeration to add it all up.

"After so many years of debut, it can be regarded as a small achievement." Luo Quan lay on the bed, the corners of his mouth curled up triumphantly, and his two round big white legs were erected backwards in the air, swinging left and right, so unhappy.

"Congratulations to the host for achieving the achievement and getting a chance to draw randomly."

The rewards of the system are not much different from the previous achievements. They are drawn randomly and all depend on luck.

"I hope I can get an promotion card." Luo Quan prayed silently in his heart, and then drew it.

"Congratulations to the host, you have drawn a high-level random promotion card!"

Luo Quan was puzzled: "High-level? Is there any difference between this and ordinary ones?"

The system replied calmly: "A random upgrade card can raise the attribute from S to S+, which is a small level.

However, the high-level random promotion card can promote S to SS, and directly promote a large stage. "

"That's too strong, one card is worth three cards." Luo Quan smiled happily, it seems that her luck is not bad.

Afterwards, this hard-won card was used directly.

With so many attributes, to be honest, Luo Quan never expected to be promoted to that attribute by such a coincidence.

However, maybe there is God's will in the dark, the aperture of the high-level random promotion card falls on a pink peach heart in several attributes such as singing skills, acting skills, military strength, and wisdom.

This pattern represents the value of appearance.

Originally, after the "?", her appearance lost its level and became five empty energy slots.

The system says that it will not change until it is full, and to be full, at least five promotion cards are needed.

However, the high-level promotion card directly increases the large level regardless of the small level.

By chance and coincidence, the energy tank was full in an instant, and the appearance attribute that was not likely to be active or static in a year or two.

The pink peach heart is directly added with a circle of shiny silver edges, which means a further step.

And the level of appearance has also changed from unknown to [Yueying].

"What does this mean?" Luo Quan asked the system.

"Explained from a scientific point of view, when the mass of an object is large enough, it will gradually attract the surrounding objects.

Your current appearance can also be understood in this way, it is so beautiful that even the moon in the sky is attracted by you and comes to you to welcome your favor! "

"Huh..." Luo Quan frowned and shivered.

This description is too nasty, and you still welcome my favor, am I such a casual person?

After the numbness was over, Luo Quan thought of another serious problem:

"But if this is the case, wouldn't the earth be doomed? If the moon hits the earth, there will still be people alive?"

"No, the moon just has a tendency to come towards you.

According to the law of universal gravitation, all people in the world will have an attraction to the moon, but it is so small that it can be completely ignored.

And your attractiveness is much greater than that of any earthling, but compared to celestial bodies such as the earth and the moon, it is still almost negligible.

Not necessarily, though, if you can make it to the next level. "

"The next stage?" Luo Quan felt a little better when he heard that the earth and the moon would not collide because of him.

I also heard the system say that my appearance can be improved, and I am also interested.

After checking it, I found that [Yue Ying] has a total of twelve energy slots, and it is specially noted that the high-level promotion card can only increase three slots at a time.

Advancing to the next stage is more than twice as difficult as reaching [Yueying], and it may not be completed within five years.

And after hearing the system's explanation, she didn't dare to go any further.

If he really sucked the moon over, wouldn't he become a sinner who destroyed mankind?

"However, the way I am now is honestly quite criminal."

Luo Quan stood in front of the mirror, looking at his appearance after being promoted.

The figure hasn't changed much, but the skin quality has improved a bit, and it looks like it can be broken.

The most important face, there have been changes, but mainly in terms of temperament, other things such as the size of the nose and mouth have not changed at all.

However, Luo Quan found a big problem with his eyes.

"Why have I become such a peach-eyed Shen Xingyu? It feels like everyone is seducing!" Luo Quan asked the system dumbfounded.

"It's normal. You, the host, can attract the moon. Is there anything incomprehensible about seducing a human being?"

"But I don't want to be like a vixen, throwing sarcasm at everyone." Luo Quan opened his eyelids, trying to correct the shape of his eyes.

But I found that it had no effect at all. After I let go of my hand, it should burn or burn.

"This requires you, the host, to adjust your temperament. Throughout the ages, there are many people who are naturally obsequious, but as long as you pay attention to your demeanor and calm your mind, the situation can be effectively alleviated."

"Let me try." Luo Quan took a deep breath, tried to calm himself down, and then, like Mona Lisa, put on a dignified and quiet posture.

"It's really an effect." Luo Quan smiled pleasantly.

As soon as the smile came out, I realized that it was a little bit broken.

Hurry up and tighten your face.

"Damn, this is to make me keep Sima's face." Luo Quan was a little speechless, thinking about what to do with his live broadcast and filming in the future.

"Actually, there is another way. If there is a problem with the eyes, just put on thicker eye makeup to cover it up. Although the symptoms are not the root cause, as long as the makeup is maintained, it will not have too much impact on daily life."

"Damn, I didn't say it earlier!" Luo Quan had something in his heart that mmp didn't know if he should say it or not.

"You didn't ask again..." After the system answered, it resumed its deep sleep.

According to the system, Luo Quan painted himself a somewhat thick smoky makeup.

It won't make you ugly, and it can cover up your peach blossom eyes well.

Although the charm still remains, it is much better than before.

"Try the effect." After putting on makeup, Luo Quan walked out of the room and came to the living room.

Wen Xia was dressed coolly and nestled on the sofa.Watch variety shows while eating melon seeds.

He raised his eyes and looked at Luo Quan: "Yo, I painted a new make-up... This little wink, do you miss a man?"

"You're the one who misses a man." Luo Quan gave Wen Xia a blank look.

"Hiss!" Wen Xia took a deep breath: "Yeah, you little hoof, I haven't seen your skills in a few days!"

"What is your specialty?" Luo Quan pretended not to understand.

"Pretend to be innocent with me, right?" Wen Xia scratched her short head twice, a little confused.

He leaned close to Luo Quan and sniffed it carefully, his brows furrowed even tighter.

"What are you doing?" Luo Quan was also a little confused.

"It doesn't smell like a smelly man either." Wen Xia murmured.

"Fuck you." Luo Quan pushed Wen Xia away directly, "Where can I find some stinky man? Don't you know who I am!"

"That's weird." Wen Xia grinned: "Then why do you look dissatisfied with desire, as if you were possessed by Pan Jinlian and Su Daji?"

"I don't know." Luo Quan pretended to shake his head blankly.

"In short, when it's raining and your mother wants to get married, there are some laws of nature that cannot be suppressed by willpower.

As the saying goes, blockage is worse than sparseness, if desires are not released, sooner or later there will be floods.

I don’t know if you are really abstinent to the end or you plan to become a nun. If not, then you can solve it appropriately. If there is no tool, I can give you an online shopping link, which is absolutely easy to use and absolutely confidential.

Don't look embarrassed, this is human nature. According to surveys by foreign organizations, the proportion of girls and boys in this regard is actually about the same. "

Wen Xia shook her head and gave Luo Quan a long speech, like a life mentor.

Looking at the proficient appearance, he should also be an expert.

"Hearing you say that, you understand it very well?" Luo Quan rubbed his chin and said half-jokingly.

Wen Xia gave herself a thumbs up: "Just kidding, I understand very well, okay?

I'm just telling you and me, and it's not urgent that we can't talk about it.

Besides, you plan to be single for the rest of your life, and you are reluctant to let others come, so you will not be reluctant to let yourself come, right? "

"Understood." Luo Quan nodded thoughtfully.

Now it seems that there are still some problems with her eyes, which cannot be completely solved by makeup alone.

If you try it according to what Wen Xia said, it may work, or it may not.

But this seems to be the only way.

"Send me the website address you mentioned later." Luo Quan said with a poker face, pretending to be very reserved.

Mainly I'm a little embarrassed.

"What are you pretending to do with me?" Wen Xia slapped Luo Quan's ass.

"Why?" Luo Quan was puzzled.

Wen Xia glanced at her: "You are sitting on my phone!"

"Oh, what did I say that is so disgusting." Luo Quan reached out and took out the phone.

Returning the property to its original owner, Wen Xia wiped it with a wet paper towel pretending to be disgusted.

Luo Quan gritted his teeth when he saw this scene: "It's only a short time, are you still afraid that I will let it go?"

"Who knows." Wen Xia shrugged, "Smelly farts don't make noise, loud farts don't stink."

"It can't be repaired!" Luo Quan directly opened his hands, a hungry tiger was about to let Wen Xia taste her power.

"The golden bell cover is complete, right?" Wen Xia stared at Luo Quan's waist sharply, and stretched out two fingers, as if about to poke it.

Thinking of his only weakness, Luo Quan shrank back instantly, becoming extremely obedient.

It's just that she is cute on the surface, but she still says aggrievedly: "Hmph, sooner or later, I will practice the indestructible body of a king kong, and it will be up to you when the time comes!"

Wen Xia grinned grimly: "Let's talk about it after you've practiced, this door is open for a day, so don't try to do anything reckless with me!"

After playing around, Wen Xia sent the link to a friend.

"Elysium..." After reading the name of the store, Luo Quan felt a big mouthful stuck in his throat and didn't know how to spit it out. "This sounds like a dragon that undertakes weddings and weddings."

Wen Xia chuckled: "I don't know whether it's red or white, but it's quite happy to be happy."

"Really?" Luo Quan dubiously flipped through the recommended products.

Wen Xia looked at his friend helplessly: "It is one of the best online stores in China, and many of them are imported from abroad, ultra-high temperature sterilization, vacuum packaging, safe and reliable, so you don't have to worry about it, just buy it with confidence. .”

"What are you panicking about, you have to choose carefully, right?"

Afterwards, Luo Quan spent half an hour selecting goods in the store.

In the end, she still bought a special gift package with the most favorable comments, which cost her nearly three thousand oceans.

(End of this chapter)

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