Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 758 Butterfly Wings

Chapter 758 Butterfly Wings
"I heard that the meteor shower is coming soon, do you plan to take a look at it tonight?"

In the live broadcast room, Luo Quan chatted with fans as usual.

The only thing that is a little different is probably the pink makeup around her eye circles.

Under normal circumstances, she does not wear makeup, which will damage the skin, and it is more troublesome to apply and remove.

Except for more formal occasions, Luo Quan always wears no makeup.

These days, the Internet has been talking about reconciliation with plain makeup, that is, taking a selfie after removing makeup and posting it, revealing the true self.

When Luo Quan saw it, he said it straight: If he was really incited to take pictures without makeup after a few advertisements, he would be completely wronged.

Because you don't know whether other people really have no makeup, or they have painted a no-makeup makeup.

She thinks that no matter makeup or plastic surgery, it is just a human yearning for beauty.

As long as it doesn't hurt others, it doesn't matter what it is. On the contrary, the mentality of those who attack makeup and plastic surgery is a big problem.

She holds a neutral attitude towards these things. Although she doesn't wear makeup herself, it's not that she hates makeup. It's just because it's more troublesome, and she's also afraid of hurting her skin.

After all, cosmetics are all chemical substances. No matter how natural and harmless they are, they are not scraped directly from plants and bottled for sale.

Moreover, even if it is really natural, it will still cause problems after years of use.

So, if she can use it, try not to use it.

As for putting on eye makeup now, it was a last resort.

Fortunately, the method Wen Xia said really had some effect. Coupled with the covering of eye makeup, she did not cause any problems even in the live broadcast, but fans felt that she had put on this eye makeup and seemed to be more beautiful than usual Some.

However, his attention was soon attracted by the meteor shower Luo Quan was talking about.

A few days ago, the International Astronomical Research Organization published an article stating that there will be meteors visiting the earth tomorrow night.

The scale is quite large, which belongs to the level of meteor explosion, and there are some relatively large ones in it, which will shine brightly when they rub against the atmosphere.

This time the meteor shower erupts, the central to western part of China is the best place to observe it, and it becomes clearer as it goes west.

Generally speaking, these meteors will basically be burned up after passing through the friction of the atmosphere, but sometimes one or two will still fall.

But as long as you avoid crowded residential areas, it won't cause too much trouble.

The meteor shower this time is expected to fall on the grassland, which happens to be sparsely populated. You can enjoy the rare scenery without worrying about hitting people.

Luo Quan has seen astronomical landscapes such as meteor showers and aurora many times in film and television materials.

But haven't experienced it myself.

I have seen a total solar eclipse once, but that was when I was very young.

At that time, when the sun was dark, the sky and the earth were dimmed, and sand and stones flew away.

She opened her eyes and looked up to the sky, but was instantly dazzled by the smoke and dust.

When she opened it again, the total solar eclipse was over, which was a pity.

As for the meteor shower this time, she wanted to see it.

However, Shanghai is located in the eastern part of Huaxia, so you may not be able to see it very clearly, but if you are lucky and the visibility is high, you may still be able to see it.

This meteor burst, which is rare in more than ten years, naturally attracted many astronomy enthusiasts from all over the world.

Huaxia is the best place to observe, so many foreigners have come here during this period, and related news has been searched several times.

Luo Quan mentions it here again, anyone who has the conditions naturally plans to take a look.

Anyway, as long as the weather is good, you can look up on the rooftop to watch it, and you don’t need to spend money. Taking a photo to match the copywriting and posting it on Moments will get a lot of likes.

"By the way, what wish do you plan to make after seeing the meteor shower?"

"A happy family makes a country rich and strong."

"This can be."

"For me, I hope God can send me a girlfriend like Luo Bao."

"This is not a wish, but wishful thinking."

"Anyway, it's all about making a wish, it doesn't matter if you are a little bolder."

"If I come, I hope I can change my luck. My luck will improve. Whether it's wealth luck or luck in drawing cards in the game, it's fine. I won't choose."

"Indeed, I just need a little luck to be content."


The one who makes the most wishes in the barrage still wants good luck.

"Then I wish you all your wishes come true." As a koi human body, Luo Quan also added another layer of buffs to fans here.

As for whether it has any effect, we will probably see it after tomorrow.

The next night, a large family came to the rooftop of Tan Palace.

This is a public domain, and everyone can go to the rooftop to see the scenery.

However, there were not many houses sold in the Tan Palace. There were only six families in Luoquan's building.

And only she and a few good sisters came here to watch the meteor shower at night.

My mother didn't bring Xiao Luoxi up because she was afraid that the strong wind would blow my sister cold.

Mia and Leon are not in Shanghai, so there are only a few girls on the rooftop.

It is said to be a rooftop, but the surrounding walls are still relatively high, nearly two meters.

It is estimated that I originally wanted to repair some things outside here, but in the end I gave up for some reason. It is a half-pull project.

"Is the meteor shower here yet? Fans, I can't see anything here."

Luo Quan raised his head and found that the sky was still empty.

"It's still a while, don't worry."

"Coordinate Yuzhou, the weather is fine tonight."

"Coordinates in Lanzhou, I also have rare good weather here."

"God is beautiful, it belongs to yes."

"It's reasonable, just looking at the night sky tonight is already very comfortable, the stars are twinkling, and the stars are brilliant."

"In this situation, isn't Luo Bao going to sing a song?"


Luo Quan, who had been looking at the barrage, lit up his eyes: "This is a good suggestion, everyone, wait for me."

Then, he ran down to get the guitar.

"I'll go, come right away?"

"Luo Quan is like this, as long as she likes to sing, there is nothing she can't sing."

"Okay, I can listen to new songs again!"

"Looking forward to..."

Two minutes later, Luo Quan returned to the studio again.

Wen Xia, Su Yu and the others also gathered around, preparing to participate in Luoquan's impromptu fan club.

"Before the meteor shower comes, I will sing "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky" for everyone. I hope that there will always be a star in your life to guide you forward."

As Luo Quan spoke, he plucked the strings lightly with his fingers, and opened his mouth slightly:
"the brightest star in the night sky

Can you hear the person who looks up

Loneliness and sigh

The tone is calm and the singing is clear. As soon as Luo Quan opened his voice, it seemed that the noisy world became silent immediately, and only her beautiful music was left, echoing in everyone's hearts.

The main song is shorter than everyone imagined, and the climax comes soon:

"I pray to have a transparent heart and tearful eyes
give me the courage to believe again

oh hug you over lies
Whenever I can't find the meaning of existence

whenever i get lost in the dark

Oh, the brightest star in the night sky

please guide me close to you


The catchy melody, fans can hum along with Luo Quan's strings after listening to half of it, and the whole body and mind are also relaxed surrounded by this beautiful singing.

That is, when everyone was immersed in Luoquan's singing, the meteor shower came quietly.

No one knew how long the meteor shower had been coming, but following the exclamation of the barrage, everyone raised their heads subconsciously.

"The meteor shower is coming!" Luo Quan stopped playing the piano and looked up at the rare beauty.

I saw countless light spots that were brighter than diamonds, drawing shining curves in the dark night sky, and flying quickly from the east to the west.

Before watching it, Luo Quan had no idea that the meteor burst would be so powerful.

Nearly one-fifth of the pitch-black night sky was covered by flashing white lines of light.

She's not even the best observation point here!

God knows how spectacular it would be in his hometown of Yuzhou.

Sure enough, the most miraculous landscapes in the world actually come from outside the sky.

"Everyone hurry up and make a wish!"

Seeing that everyone was just looking up to marvel at the beautiful scenery, Luo Quan forgot this tradition, so he reminded.

After she said this, the girls closed their eyes and prayed in low voices.

Barrage has also become much rarer.

"Hopefully everyone, every tomorrow will be better."

Luo Quan silently made such a wish in his heart.

When she opened her eyes again, the brilliant meteor shower was about to dissipate, leaving only a few left behind, eager to catch up with her companions.

"It's over so soon? Didn't it mean that the meteor burst will last for more than two minutes?"

Luo Quan was stunned, it was over in a little over a minute, could it be because of the location?
Looking at the barrage again, I found that the fans were also saying that it ended too soon. Many people had just half-spoken their wishes on the wish list, and the meteor shower was over.

"It seems that you are too greedy. If you wish too much, it may not be effective." Luo Quan laughed.

"Damn, if you want to know, just make a wish and your wish will come true."

"You're worse than a wish list."

"Greedy is not enough, snake swallows like, it belongs to yes."

"Look at the trending searches on Weibo, we have found the reason why the meteor shower ended early!"


Seeing the barrage, Luo Quan immediately clicked on Weibo.

"The summer night meteor shower ended early! The reason is actually because of the moon!"

Clicking in, I found that it was an explanation just issued by an astronomical organization in China.

It turns out that this meteor outbreak ended early because many meteorites were blocked by the moon.

It turned out that the meteorite this time passed by the face of the moon and came straight to the earth.

But I don’t know why, this time their orbits deviated a bit towards the moon, causing a considerable number of meteorites to directly collide with the moon in advance.

This caused the meteor shower, which was expected to last for more than two minutes, to end after only one minute.

Astronomical predictions always have errors due to various reasons, which also reflects the mystery and greatness of the universe.

"So it's all the fault of the moon. Tonight's moonlight is too beautiful and attractive."

After reading the explanation, Luo Quan hummed a ditty with a smile.

No way, I really can't read the lyrics, I can only sing them.

This song directly made the fans unbearable:

"I'm going, why is it a song I haven't heard before?"

"This melody is so touching, you must have the full version, right?"

"I strongly suspect that you actually have a lot of stock right now, why don't you hurry up and take it out for me!"

"Yes, take them out quickly, or don't blame us for being rude, hiahiahia..."

"Don't be a weirdo, okay? Luo Bao, please sing the full version of this song quickly. Uncle will buy you a lollipop later."


"Are you poisonous?" Luo Quan scolded directly with a smile, "You treat me like a child, right? Although I am not very old, you may not necessarily be as old as me, right?"

"I'm sure you're older. Who told you to be the nineteenth sister?"

"Haha, I'm actually born in the 80s."

"Shall I tell you I'm 80?"

"Damn, the old man is so elegant, come to the Luoquan live studio to chase stars at night."

"It's you who is old and strong, right?"

"You guys have to do the whole job, awesome!"


When the weird atmosphere comes together, there are not many normal people in the live broadcast room.

However, Luo Quan herself is crazy by herself, the more excited the fans are, the more excited she is.

Tonight's meteor shower was a bit anticlimactic, and she and the fans were not enjoying themselves, anyway, they all sang a song, so let's do another one.

"Okay, I'll do another one tonight, but it won't be good enough on acoustic guitar."

With a "snap", Luo Quan snapped his fingers to Wen Xia and the others, signaling to go back to the room.

Two minutes later, Luo Quan entered the recording studio, and the instruments in his hands had been replaced by electric guitars.

The song is rock and roll, and it definitely needs an electric guitar to play it.

"It's all your fault, falling in love with me so easily
Let me unconsciously satisfy the vanity of being loved

it was all your fault

Your love for people is a kind of temptation


Taking advantage of the east wind of the meteor shower tonight, Luoquan's live broadcast quickly reached the top of the hot search list.

When I sang "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky" just now, it was already on the trending searches. As soon as the meteor shower ended, Luoquan's live broadcast became the number one trending with the support of huge popularity.

No one expected that Luo Quan would hold a concert with the theme of the moon and stars while watching the meteor shower.

It's even new songs that I haven't heard before.

This talent can only be described as monstrous.

Just when countless netizens entered the Luoquan live broadcast room and wanted to find out.

The climax of the song also happened to arrive.

"I admit it's all the moon's fault

That night is too beautiful, you are too gentle

In an instant

I just want to get to Baitou with you

When Luo Quan sang rock, his state was undoubtedly passionate and unrestrained.

It's like a peony in the prosperous age, blooming to all the audience with its youthfulness and brilliance that amazes time.

The blood rushed to the hearts of the audience in an instant, and all the peace was destroyed by this music angel immersed in singing, leaving only hey hey hey.

"I admit that it's all Luo Quan's fault.

That night is too beautiful, you are too gentle


(End of this chapter)

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