Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 759 The hottest pop music

Chapter 759 The hottest pop music

"I admit that it's all Luo Quan's fault~~"

On the sofa in the living room, Wen Xia hummed the falsified lyrics very enthusiastically.

"How could it be my fault?" Luo Quan was helpless.

"Don't everyone say it's your fault, if you want to blame it, blame you for singing so well." Wen Xia swiped her phone with a smile.

After singing those two songs last night, Luo Quan, who was riding the meteor shower's popularity, turned out to be much hotter than the meteor shower in the end.

The main reason is that this meteor shower is anticlimactic. It looks good, but it didn't meet everyone's highest expectations, and it was far from the epic splendor.

But it's really rare to see a concert in Luoquan's live broadcast room, and all the songs are sung.

Also taking advantage of last night's aftertaste, fans were asking when the concert will come.

It was agreed that there will be three concerts this year, the one in Tokyo, Japan has already been sung, and there are two remaining.

Now that you are in China, you can't go to the United States to sing first and then come back to sing, right?
Now at the beginning of August, the temperature is hot and dry. Wouldn't it be nice to have a midsummer concert at this time?

Anyway, in the comment section this morning, it was full of Luoquan fans asking about the concert.

However, it should be done.

If it's about the Lunar New Year, then there's plenty of time, but fans don't recognize the new lunar calendar, and probably won't buy this kind of wordplay.

In the end, Luo Quan posted a sentence on the feed: "It will be done before the end of the month!"

As soon as the news came out, Huaxia fans were naturally overjoyed.

Looking forward to the stars and looking forward to the moon, it finally came to Pan, many fans immediately spent a lot of money to buy a plug-in program for grabbing tickets, and the introversion had already begun.

As for Luoquan, they are contacting the Beijing Bird's Nest Stadium to ask when they will be free this month.

Unfortunately, because many singers want to hold a concert at the end of the summer vacation, more people will come.

So I have almost no free time in the Bird's Nest this month, either at a concert or rehearsal.

Fortunately, from the 21th to the [-]st, there will be a free time period.

It was also the only time slot, Luo Quan didn't pick it, and set it on the 21st.

Before holding a concert at the Tokyo Dome, it was Sony who was in charge of organizing.

This time, we are going to hold a concert in Huaxia, and the news has just been posted, and Penguin's manager Zhou Yangwen approached him immediately.

The two haven't been in touch for several months, and the last chat was about Wen Xia's contract.

Although Wen Xia has now left Penguin and entered Quanshui Entertainment, the relationship between the two parties has not broken down because of this, and the cooperation in all aspects has been carried out steadily.

This concert is Luoquan's first in China, and the box office and ratings are expected to break records. It should be easy to fill up [-] seats, and it will be tens of millions in one night.

Adding broadcast fees and advertising endorsements, it starts at [-] million a night.

There is no need to question Luoquan's commercial value. The live broadcast room is always popular with 4000 to [-] million people. Even if they lie in bed and sleep hard, some people are willing to watch it, let alone the concert that they have been looking forward to for so long.

Therefore, Zhou Yangwen is quite concerned about this project, after all, it is [-] million.

Like Sony, Penguin is also one-stop this time, and the logistics of Fuhuadao are all arranged by them.

On Luoquan's side, they only need to rehearse the show.

The lineup of the last Tokyo concert, Luo Quan is going to do a re-enactment directly.

It just so happens that Lyon is in Huaxia, so we just need to bring the rest of the Philharmonic Orchestra over.

Of course, even though he is an acquaintance, Luo Quan will not deduct anything from the price, and will give as much as he should.

Because there are many stars invited, so don't look at the estimated box office is very high, but the cost is actually equally outrageous.

In order to make more money, Penguin also raised the lowest price of concert tickets to 580 a piece.

The lowest price of tickets for the stars holding concerts at the Bird's Nest this month is generally around 300 yuan, and Luo Quan is almost twice that of these people.

As for the tickets for the infield, one ticket is as high as 4000, and there is a high probability that the original price ticket cannot be bought.

Unlike the one held in Tokyo, this time the concert in China will probably be unavoidable for scalpers.

Although there are also scalpers abroad, at least they are not as rampant as in China, because many domestic scalpers are insiders.

Even though Luo Quan had clearly told Zhou Yangwen to deal with the scalpers if he could.

He agreed wholeheartedly, but it's not clear whether he can do it or not, Luo Quan felt a little in suspense.

At noon when the news was posted, an advertisement "Tickets for Luoquan Midsummer Concert on sale" appeared on the homepage of Penguin Music.

It was also very popular on Weibo, and the number of views exceeded 3000 million in a short time.

In addition to fans, many passers-by are actually very interested in Luoquan's Huaxia concert.

Although it is not necessary to spend a high price to listen to it live, it is still willing to watch the live broadcast.

After all, the name Luo Quan is the hottest singer name in China now. Her songs can be heard in almost every corner of the Internet, and her popularity is simply ridiculous.

The only bad thing is that Luoquan's Chinese songs are not often heard offline.

Generally, places such as shampoo shops, Internet cafes, schools, and supermarkets appear more often, because there are more young people.

But compared to her in Japan, the grand occasion surrounded by radio, cell phone ringtones, and TV is still quite different.

Luo Quan felt that by taking this opportunity, she might be able to accomplish what she achieved in Japan in China.

Before, she always said that music should be down-to-earth and cater to the general public.

But her songs are only for the general public on the hardcore Internet.

Although Huaxia now has a very large mobile phone coverage, more than half of the people who do not use Weibo, play Douyin, or browse Bilibili still exceed half.

Jingshang Yuesen seems to cover the prosperity and trend of most of China.

But in fact, the area here only accounts for 7000% of the whole country, and the population is less than [-] million.

Counting all the first-tier cities, in fact, only three percent of the area.

On the remaining 97% of the land, there are about 300 prefecture-level cities, 3000 county towns, 40000 townships and 66 villages.

About 84% of the people in the country consume and grow here.

Many of them may not understand what a trend is, or the difference between popular and earthy.

In their view, there is not much difference between elegance and vulgarity. As long as the music is high enough, they can dance with it.

Mozart and Beethoven are not popular here, because these music are far less touching than the beats.

The earthy taste that everyone ridicules on station B is actually a portrayal of the lives of many people in China.

Certainly not most people, but the number of this group definitely exceeds the population of most countries in the world.

Therefore, Luo Quan has never had a sense of superiority or contempt for these things.

As long as it does not rely on self-harm or violation of moral laws, there should be soil for its existence.

Even if it's grandstanding, it's being a clown.

But isn't most of the forms of comedy like this?
Many people like to say that the core of comedy is tragedy.

But Luo Quan thinks that comedy is comedy, and its mission is to bring laughter to everyone.

If they don't agree with her, then these people must be very satisfied with the sketches of the Spring Festival Gala.

Because the Spring Festival Gala skits in recent years have always added preaching, touching, and sensationalism to comedy, in an attempt to give comedy a nobler and more valuable meaning.

That is to say, the core of comedy is tragedy.

Luo Quan would not say that this idea is wrong.

Because she is not a comedian or a sketch actor, if she is not engaged in this line of work, she has no right to speak.

But if she wants to make a comedy movie in the future, it will definitely make the audience laugh, and the ending must be a happy ending, and she will resolutely not use any "comedy core" to sublimate the theme.

Perhaps it is because she is cheerful by nature that she especially hates sadness.

Or maybe she is more emotional sometimes, and can't see these things that might make her eyes moist.

In short, the song Luo Quan will release next may be criticized by many music critics, thinking that she is going backwards and is a bitch.

However, Luo Quan felt that once this song came out, there would be no more popular song in China.

In this situation, even Jay Chou couldn't do it at his peak.

But in Huaxia in the previous life, there was a combination that successfully unified the country's square dance BGM and cell phone ringtones.

Maybe many people don't like this song and think it's too earthy.

But its popularity and nationality must be the highest.

That is to say, older people don't know how to hit the charts, otherwise its ranking is definitely the well-deserved number one in Chinese pop music.

The combination of this song also belonged to thunderous ears in the previous life.

In addition to the domineering and mighty name, he is also a record sales professional, the king of opening ceremonies in shopping malls, and the overlord of the soundtrack in the square vegetable market.

It combines rap, punk, post-rock, pop, and other elements into one?Unifying and integrating the aesthetics of music for middle-aged and elderly Chinese has become an inescapable legend in the history of Chinese pop music.

"Recently, I listened to the BGM of square dances in various parts of China, and they all use old songs from ten years ago, and they are not uniform.

I came up with the whole song on a whim, to see if I could get the square dancing world right. "

In the evening, when the fans were still immersed in the joy of Luoquan's upcoming concert, she posted such a post.

"Unified square dance? Tall tone."

"When it comes to square dancing, I get up and start dancing downstairs every evening. It makes my brain hurt!"

"It doesn't matter, if they are really unified, they will be listening to Luo Bao's songs from now on."

"Haha, Luo Bao's singing is not unacceptable. I always use her songs as alarm ringtones. I get excited when I hear her voice."

"I'd like to hear what kind of song it is."


Fans clicked on the video, unaware of the song they were about to hear.

"The Most Dazzling National Style, Singer: Luo Quan, Lyon"

(ps. I think there is more groundwork. If you don’t write it, everyone will know which song it is. As for who sang it, I won’t go into details. Everyone in Huaxia knows it.)
"It's actually two siblings singing together, it's amazing."

"Does Lyon speak Chinese? How can English songs unify Chinese square dancing?"

"Lyon's Chinese is pretty good. I even sang Chinese songs in the live broadcast a while ago, which is more accurate than I sang in ktv."

"Don't make noise, listen to the song first before talking about it."

"This prelude... feels a little high."


At the beginning of the song, the fans who still didn't understand the seriousness of the matter were joking with ease, until Luo Quan sang:
"the vast horizon is my love
The flowers are blooming at the foot of the green hills
What kind of rhythm is the most swinging
What kind of singing is the happiest

Many years later, when people see the lyrics again, no one can say it in Mandarin anymore, and they can't help but sing it out loud, and they can only sing it.

"Damn it, isn't the lyrics too straightforward?"

" feels a little weird, but it's not bad."

"It's very dynamic and very rhythmic."

"Keep listening."


Hearing this, fans have already noticed something is wrong.

But Luo Quan's song made none of them stop playing, they all thought it was a small wave before the climax, until...

"you are the most beautiful cloud in my sky
Let me keep you with my heart (Leon: Stay!)
Slowly singing the most dazzling national style

Let love sweep away all the dust

The arrival of the chorus seemed to give everyone a blow to the head, and there was an instant buzzing in their minds.

But just a second later, Luo Quan's brainwashing singing brought him back to sobriety, and he was immersed in the most dazzling national style.

Then, they go back and forth between "you are the most beautiful cloud in my sky" and "stay".

Never once has a song less than 5 minutes felt so long to fans.

Obviously its melody stopped catching ears, and Luo Quan and Leon's singing skills are also at the top level...

Lyon couldn't hear any singing skills in this song, because he didn't have a few lines in total.

However, it is outrageous for him to stay. After listening to it twice, it is completely burned in his brain, and he can't wash it off no matter how much he washes.

In short, it is very strange. At first, it feels a little vomit, like disco music at the beginning of the century.

However, the two names Luoquan and Lyon are completely unsuitable for the soil. At present, there should be no more international combination than this combination in China.

But the song she sang was so weird.

It’s fine if it’s unpleasant, but the key point is that this song is really touching, so that after everyone listened to it, they listened to it again, and then repeated it again and again.

Half an hour later, all the hot searches on Zhihu Weibo at station B were surprisingly unanimous, which was "The Most Dazzling Ethnic Style".

"It's over. My mind is full of the lyrics of this song. I can't calm down. I have to go to work tomorrow, so I can't sleep now!"

"You still want to sleep... The boundless end of the world is my love!

Now I just want to know how Luo Quan wrote this song... You are the most beautiful cloud in my sky!

It's outrageous...stay here! "

"Haha, I can't stop laughing, why is this song so magical."


Obviously, the comment areas of major platforms have fallen.

(End of this chapter)

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