Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 760 Shadow World

Chapter 760 Shadow World

In a dark room, around a round table sat more than a dozen people whose faces could not be seen clearly.

They wore uniform suits, and the holographic projection deliberately blurred their faces, including their voices, so that their gender and age could not be heard at all.

"The meteor shower in the Mayan prophecy came seven full years late, and we also waited seven full years longer."

"The collision this time was much bigger than expected. According to calculations, only a small part of the meteor shower will graze the moon, and more than half of it will hit the seal."

"The matter of the sun, the moon and the stars is beyond the control of human beings. This big collision far beyond the plan will definitely release all the power in the seal. At that time, the whole world will be bathed in this extraordinary power. It is better to think about how the ancestors One step, stand on the top of the pyramid."

"What else do we need to plan? We have collected so many ancient cultural relics, aren't we waiting for today? With the revival of spiritual energy, we will definitely be the group that progresses the fastest."

"Since this is the case, then we will wait until it becomes more expensive at the top of the mountain."

Amidst a burst of laughter, the holographic projection was turned off, leaving only a golden triangular eye in the center of the round table...

"It's too chaotic abroad these days."

In the living room, Wen Xia looked at the phone and muttered.

In fact, these are common questions.

For example, Europe was hit by a wave of refugees. Germany, France, and Britain were fooled by the white left and accepted a large number of refugees from Africa and the Middle East.

Will these homeless strangers, coming to the stronghold of the murderer who destroyed their hometown, be as docile as a sheep and obediently obey the law?

The answer is obviously impossible.

The big men launch wars for their own interests, but it is the common people below who suffer in the end.

Of course, these ordinary people are all innocent and need to be viewed dialectically.

As for the problem in the United States, it is easier to analyze. The whole world knows it, but it is completely impossible to solve it.

Racial discrimination has lasted for more than 200 years. The history of the United States is as long as racial discrimination has lasted. It cannot be eliminated with a few parades and a few speeches.

Especially now that the parade has turned into zero-yuan purchases or even smashing, looting and burning, this will only intensify the contradictions.

Especially in the past few days, there have been shooting incidents during the parade, and it will probably be a gun battle in a while.

Anyway, since the beginning of this year, the number of gun purchases in the United States has broken through a new high.

In fact, these are nothing new, and there will be a hot search every now and then.

It's just that it used to happen once a week before, and I feel that the frequency is not that exaggerated.

But in recent days, all the brains have popped up, which makes people feel that the chaos abroad is suddenly outrageous.

In fact, it has always been ridiculously chaotic.

It's just that China is peaceful, so everyone doesn't feel it.

Luo Quan himself has a deep understanding. Every time he shoots a movie abroad, he is always delayed for a few days because of the parade.

There were also two shooting incidents that I personally experienced, and ordinary people would have been scared out of their minds.

These things are placed in Huaxia, and most people may not necessarily encounter them in their entire lives.

But for Americans, it can be said to be a daily routine, especially in those cities where the security is not so good, such as Chicago and Detroit.

Therefore, regarding Wen Xia's exclamation, Luo Quanyong smiled and said: "This is the case in a beautiful country. If the conflict between black people and the police is not eased, there will only be more violent cases in the future."

Wen Xia was puzzled: "Didn't it mean that the "Forrest Gump" you filmed made the stocks go up? The society has also stabilized a lot, can't this problem be solved?"

Luo Quan smiled helplessly: "If I'm really that powerful, can there still be black people hacking me on the Internet?

These are just coincidences, just happened to happen.

It may be possible to lower the stock price for a while, but it cannot solve the core problem, what should happen in the near future.

As for social conflicts, if I can solve them, I can win the Nobel Peace Prize. "

Of course, this kind of talk is just a joke in my spare time.

After the arrangements for the concert were made, Penguin was already planning to find a dance studio for everyone to rehearse the show first.

Wait until the days when the bird's nest belongs to them are up, and then go to the field for rehearsal.

Luo Quan's performance style is known for its flamboyance, because there are too many clothes, basically singing a song to change clothes.

Of course, because the last time I was in Japan, many of the songs I sang were anime ops or eds. To suit the occasion, I changed into cosplay costumes to sing.

There are not so many reasons for her Chinese songs, so the number of dress changes will not be so frequent.

And the clothes they changed were mainly the gorgeous evening dresses provided by Chanel, not the various cosplay clothes that the two sting apes prefer.

It's just that at the last concert in Tokyo, she basically cosplayed all the hottest two-dimensional heroines. If she does it again, the fans probably won't be too cold.

So this time she plans to wear some ordinary beautiful clothes honestly.

However, just being honest about the clothes, the whole job still has to be fought for.

Since it is in Huaxia, it would be a pity not to have a few Chinese costumes.

In addition, you have to design your appearance. If you fall from the sky wearing a chivalrous suit, like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, the effect will definitely be shocking.

As a concert that holds three concerts a year, Luo Quan does not want to see them as mediocre to fans, so he wants to come up with as many tricks as possible.

Dressing up as a heroine and falling from the sky, you will definitely need a high-hanging Wia.

Ordinary singers might not dare to play like this, but she felt that since she was so strong, as long as the protective measures were taken well, there would be no problems.

Therefore, when planning the concert process, Luo Quan boldly proposed this way of appearance.

However, descending from a height of tens of meters, just for the so-called sense of elegance, would it be too risky?
Wen Xia and Su Yu were the first to raise objections.

"You are so courageous, you dare to come out with such a high risk, I don't agree!"

Wen Xia unceremoniously rejected Luo Quan's proposal.

During this period of time, it is not uncommon for singers to have accidents at concerts. Some broke their bones on the ground, and some fell directly into the lifting platform.

Although there were no major problems, after all, they didn't do anything that fell from the sky, so the risk was small.

But Luo Quan was planning to float down from the sky, even if he was hanging on the wire, it would be too hanging, Wen Xia didn't think Luo Quan would take this risk.

"Don't worry, as long as the safety is properly checked, there will be no problems. Otherwise, what should we do if those TV dramas want to hang on to Wia? Don't they film it?"

Luo Quan said and looked at the director on the other side: "Director Huang, tell me, is Diao Weiya a regular form of performance?"

"It's really good. As long as you are careful enough, there are usually no problems, and there have been no major problems in this industry for a long time." Director Huang nodded, echoing Luo Quan.

As a tool man, he came this time completely waiting for Luo Quan to make arrangements, and he didn't have much right to speak.

He just agrees with what Luo Quan says, because if Luo Quan is not satisfied, he can immediately change to another obedient toolman.

"Since you insist on this, then I won't stop it, but the height must not exceed ten meters, and the center of the stage must be made of soft materials. If you fall on it, it will at most break your bones."

Wen Xia has a serious expression, and wants to have a three-chapter agreement with Luo Quan.

Luo Quan frowned: "It's only ten meters, if it's too low, the effect may not be reflected."

Wen Xia shook her head without hesitation: "Then I don't care. Anyway, this is the bottom line. To be honest, I think ten meters is too high, but with your perverted physique, it probably won't be a problem if you fall five or six meters , if it is ten meters, it may be half disabled, and with the soft floor, it will not fall directly to death."

Luo Quan was speechless: "Can't you expect me to order?"

Wen Xia chuckled: "How can I wish you well if you want to die yourself? I can only prepare for the worst."

"Don't worry, my luck is so bad." Luo Quan patted Wen Xia's shoulder, trying to comfort her suspicious heart, but the latter snorted, still a little unhappy.

The matter was settled like this, and the follow-up schedule was also listed, and the next half month was basically rehearsal.

Because I have an experience, the task of this rehearsal is not so heavy.

The only problem is that in summer, the weather is hot, even if the air conditioner in the rehearsal room is full, it will still be hot.

After each rehearsal, everyone's clothes are soaked.

This is still indoors with full air conditioning, and the on-site rehearsals and official performances are all outdoors. Even in the afternoon and dusk, it will still be ridiculously hot.

But having a concert in summer has to face this, and everyone is already ready to sweat profusely.

In addition, on the day of the concert, the organizer also contacted twelve ambulances in case of emergency.

The configuration of a general concert is eight, but Luoquan is very popular and there are many audiences, so naturally more ambulances should be arranged.

The best situation is definitely that none of them are needed, but from a rational point of view, 10 people gather in a stadium. The summer is so hot and the atmosphere is so fierce. Everyone is still beating and shouting under the condition of a large amount of water evaporation. Those with a slightly poor quality are very prone to heat stroke.

This happened to me when I held a concert in Tokyo last time.

There was actually no problem before twelve o'clock, but because of the enthusiastic request of fans, Luo Quan was asked to sing another hundred million songs, and then Luo Quan sang for hundreds of millions more hours.

During the period, several fans probably couldn't bear the physical strength and fainted to the ground.

Fortunately, this fan was located in the front, and Luo Quan had better eyesight, so he immediately noticed the situation, and immediately asked other fans to carry the unconscious girl to the open space.

Fortunately, it was just pure physical exhaustion, and it didn't take long to wake up.

However, there were five fans who fell into coma after that.

Luo Quan was afraid that something would happen if he continued like this, so he stopped the concert that should have ended long ago.

Fortunately, these fans couldn't stand it anymore, otherwise she would have to sing on stage, not necessarily until dawn.

She didn't know if she would sing until dawn this time, but with the experience of the last concert, Luo Quan prepared a medicine to protect her throat in advance.

With the enthusiasm of the fans, even if it's twelve o'clock, they probably won't let her go easily.

Instead of thinking about exiting on time to spoil the fans, it is better to prepare well and show the best of yourself to the fans at this rare concert.

The work of selling tickets was completed in one day, three days after the announcement of the concert plan.

I don't know how many fans are staring at the time and guarding the website, constantly clicking refresh and purchase.

When the ticket sales started at 30:[-] p.m., even Penguin's server was stuck for [-] seconds.

After just one minute and 30 seconds, the tickets were sold out.

Excluding the 30-second freeze and the time to fill in personal information, it is equivalent to selling out the concert tickets in one round. It means that more than 10 people are waiting to buy tickets, and there is no chance for latecomers.

Although I have tried my best to solve the problem of scalpers, even if I use real-name purchases, ID card admission and other means.

But scalpers are still making big bucks.

After all, as long as the mind does not slip, there are always more solutions than difficulties.

The entry-level tickets with an original price of less than 600 soared directly to 1500 under the hype of the scalpers, and the growth rate was comparable to the most profitable business practice this year - hoarding graphics cards.

And the VIP tickets closest to Luoquan are already at an outrageous price of 10000 a piece.

And there is still a price but no market, and it is still rising as the concert approaches.

According to estimates, there are more than 3000 tickets in the hands of scalpers this time.

Compared with the total amount of [-], [-] scalper tickets are relatively small, which proves that Luo Quan's entrustment to Mr. Zhou still had an effect, and Penguin still did something.

It is not realistic to completely eradicate scalpers.

After all, there is a market where there is demand. As long as Luoquan is still popular, there will definitely be local tyrants with good money waving banknotes to buy tickets from scalpers or other fans.

The truth is this, but those fans who have not bought tickets still greet the scalpers’ families on major platforms every day, and even hope that the tickets will plummet, let these profiteers lose their money, and then all go to be trapeze.

However, these ideas are estimated to be impossible to realize.

Because this time the concert is held by Luo Quan, she is hard to get a ticket for a world-class one, the number of concerts held is pitifully rare, this is the first time it will be held in Huaxia, it is impossible not to sell the tickets.

According to the usual practice, in the middle of the concert, she will draw some lucky audiences to give away autographed photos and autographed photobooks.

I won't discuss the value, after all, for the iron-blooded fans at the scene, these are priceless treasures that can be collected for a lifetime.

Thinking of this, the fans who didn't buy tickets became even more angry.

All of a sudden, the scammers were also popularly searched by excited fans.

It's not just scalpers who resell Luoquanhui, but everyone in this industry.

(End of this chapter)

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