Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 761 Concert

Chapter 761 Concert

The scalpers' behavior of buying tickets and leaving true fans with no tickets to sell is indeed disgusting to countless people.

Even the profiteers who brought those rare goods to live in were also popularized by netizens.

But scolding is all scolding, fans who really want to see the concert still have to spend money to see it.

On August 21, outside the Bird's Nest Stadium today, the crowd was like a monster with its mouth wide open, as if it wanted to eat the stadium in one bite.

Everyone knows that Luo Quan and a large group of celebrities are inside, but only 10 people who have bought tickets can enter the vast crowd outside.

It has been a long time since such a large-scale crowd gathered in Beijing. Hundreds of police officers stood at every intersection with serious expressions to maintain order.

Although there are concerts to be held almost every day this month, it is the first time that so many people are needed to keep the restless crowd.

In fact, the 10,000+ people could not be guarded by such a small amount of police force. The situation improved a lot after the security guards from the organizer came up.

The vast majority of fans come here to see Luo Quan.

The last time there was a concert in Tokyo, everyone really didn't have the conditions to go, so they could only watch the live broadcast on their mobile phones and computers.

But this time the venue was right in front of our house, and although we didn't get tickets, at least it was the closest way to Luoquan besides buying tickets.

What excited the fans was that Luo Quan seemed to know everyone's arrival, and played the picture of the previous concert on the big screen outside the stadium, and the singing was melodious and clear.

And just seeing her sweet smile from the clear spring in the valley, I immediately feel a breeze coming, no matter how hot the weather is, I still feel how difficult it is.

"Ticket checking has started. Audiences who have purchased tickets, please line up and check tickets in an orderly manner."

Here comes the first test.

The huge crowd who had been notified of entering immediately gathered in the direction of the bird's nest. Looking down from a high level, it was like a huge five fingers quickly clenched into a fist.

In it, there are countless people who want to fish in troubled waters.

Some didn't buy tickets, but took out all Luoquan's physical records to show their status as old fans.

Some tried to get away with fake tickets.

Or just forcefully break through.

In just 10 minutes, more than 20 such fans have been screened out.

One of them was taken away by the police to calm down because he was too fanatical.

In fact, Luo Quan also encountered these problems when he held a concert in Tokyo before, and they were even more serious.

Those otaku in Tokyo who don't necessarily go out once a few months, in order to make a good impression on the goddess, specially washed their greasy hair, shaved off their embarrassing beards, and put on clean and handsome clothes.

But they couldn't enter without a ticket, and they lost all their dignity. They cried and rolled like children at the ticket gate, which caused great trouble to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department that night.

In comparison, the quality of fans in Beijing is much higher.

At least so far, there have been no giant babies who are splashing and rolling, but there are several who sneaked in and sneaked, but they were all stopped.

This also made many fans who did not have tickets in the back give up such thoughts.

Although they really wanted to face Luo Quan face to face, it would be too embarrassing if they were photographed and publicly executed online.

So stay outside obediently and watch the broadcast on the big screen in the stadium.

Inside the Bird's Nest, all the rehearsals for tonight's concert have been completed, and the lighting and props are all in place.

Luo Quan was wearing a pure white ancient dress with steel cables all over his body. At the beginning of the concert, he would be lifted into the air and then float down from the heads of all the fans.

"Look again, there must be no mistakes." Wen Xia said while checking the buttons on Luo Quan's body.

Just watching, but not afraid, mainly because I am afraid that something will go wrong if I touch it.

Luo Quan comforted Wen Xia with a smile: "Don't worry, the person in charge of this is a professional specially invited from Cirque du Soleil, who is among the top in the industry."

"Speaking of which, the moon is so big and bright tonight." Su Yu sighed, pointing to the shining jade plate in the sky.

Although there is still more than a month before the Mid-Autumn Festival, the moon these days is brighter and rounder than usual, as if there is a flashlight behind it.

Many people on the Internet are discussing this, but there is no hot search.

I don't know why things on the moon are so hot. Could it be that the moon people are coming out?
Of course, these are just jokes.

In fact, with the development of science and technology and the update of observation technology, netizens have seen too many astronomical wonders, and there is nothing worth paying attention to just because the moon becomes bigger and rounder.

Dusk was over, the moon was shining brightly, and hundreds of thousands of fans had already entered the Bird's Nest one after another, everyone holding a light stick for support.

Not long after, the entire bird's nest became a sea of ​​red and blue.

I don't know who started the organization, and the originally extremely noisy auditorium began to shout in unison:

"Luo Quan!
Luo Quan!

Luo Quan! "


"The boss's popularity is so high." Shen Xingyu was half surprised and half envious in the background.

Because she doesn't have much talent, she has no plan to go on stage this time, and she will observe the whole process in the background.

"Luoquan's popularity has always been like this. Now almost all the major platforms on the Internet are broadcasting live, and even the three channels of literature and art are also the scene of the concert."

Wen Xia looked at Luo Quan in the sky with a smile, with a look of pride on her face.

A singer holds a concert and broadcasts it in so many places. Is there anything more to say about how popular it is?

Simply invincible!
But because she is Luo Quan, it seems too normal.

"10, 9, 8, 7..."

Amidst the long-awaited calls of the fans, the huge LED screen on the stage of the stadium began the countdown.

Everyone immediately started counting down.




When the countdown ended, the lights suddenly dimmed, leaving only a column of white light shining from above to the floor.

While the music was playing, a peerless beauty in fluttering white clothes appeared under the beam of the spotlight.

At this moment, everyone raised their heads, showing surprised and touched smiles.

Right above the bird's nest, a bright moon hangs in the background of the vast sea of ​​stars.

Luoquan descends slowly, like a fairy Chang'e descending from the moon palace, so beautiful that it shocks the heart.

(BGM "Unparalleled World" here, originally sung by Jane Zhang)
"The joys and sorrows of passing through the red dust

Wandering with you intimately

Pierced through the green hills and desolation

With your dream flying with the fragrance of flowers

People are like fairies descending from the mortal world, and the ethereal singing is even more beautiful, making the audience feel like they are in a fairyland.

Surrounded by the boundless sea of ​​flowers, the endless fragrance wraps itself, and there is no other emotion except enjoyment.

"This life is crazy because of you

This love is unparalleled in the world
The shadow of the sword, the wave of water
just the past is the past

The dolphin sound in the climax part instantly opened up fans' dusty memories.

In the previous live broadcasts and variety shows, Luo Quan once had the title of Siren.

Her singing is frighteningly high and unbelievably beautiful, just like the siren in ancient mythology, her singing voice can penetrate all barriers, making every listener involuntarily fascinated.

Fans expected that Luo Quan would make a big splash at the beginning of the concert, but they didn't expect to use such a ecstatic way.

Her beauty is indeed beyond imagination.

Obviously dressed so coldly, with an inviolable sanctity, but the audience saw it, and their hearts beat faster and faster, stirring blood to rush to the brain, making people unable to help but show an expression of obsession and intoxication.

It was as if everyone was charmed by this independent fairy.

"What kind of fairy sister is this~~"

"The picture is so beautiful, I dare not look at it."

"It's so beautiful. The idea of ​​Chang'e coming out of the moon is really amazing."

"Luo Bao, is even the big moon tonight in your calculations?"

"In the future, the heroine of the costume drama Fairy Girl will just follow Luo Quan's style, and she will be so beautiful!"

"Ah, it's too bad, I'm going to die, Luo Quan is so beautiful!"


In the barrage, all fans are expressing their inner excitement and joy fiercely.

They are cheering for the appearance of Luo Quan's amazing time, and they are also offering the most reverent praise to the beautiful terminal in this world.

In just 5 minutes, before Luo Quan finished singing the song, "Luo Quan Immortal Model" rushed to the fifth most searched topic on Weibo, and it won't be long before the prefix will be added with a hit.

After the first song was sung, Luo Quan finally fell to the ground peacefully and leisurely like an autumn leaf.

Everyone in the backstage breathed a sigh of relief the moment they saw her feet on the ground.

Although it is said that a professional team was used this time, and it has been checked many times, it stands to reason that there will be no problems.

However, everyone is concerned about it, and they are still afraid that an accident will happen.

Fortunately, now that they landed smoothly, they no longer have to worry about it.

After the first song was sung, Luo Quan didn't say hello to the fans.

Instead, she continued to sing in the same ancient costume as the fairy girl.

Picking up the long sword that had been placed on the ground a long time ago, Luoquan Canglang pulled it out with a sound.

A chilling flute sounded suddenly.

Fans who often listen to Luoquan songs only hear this prelude, and they know that the song she will sing next is "Don't Say Heroes".

This is the most chivalrous song among her several Chinese albums. The lyrics are chic and freehand, fully reflecting the free and easy nature of a hero.

Luo Quan's singing voice has also been slightly adjusted here.

When I sang "Unparalleled World" before, I used more head voice, and my voice would be thinner.

But "Not Calling Heroes" resonates in the chest cavity, which is thicker and more mellow.

Not only did her singing voice change, she even sang and danced with her sword.

It is rare to see someone who can dance a one-meter-long sword so elegantly and nimbly. With the cooperation of Luo Quan's wrist and arms, clusters of sword flowers bloomed, making fans dazzled.

Even without music, just a sword dance is enough to win her applause.

Luo Quan's martial arts can also be regarded as world-renowned, and he has long been known as a Kung Fu master abroad.

And in China, many old-timers who passed on martial arts also said that Luo Quan's kung fu has entered the realm of perfection.

At such a young age, the level of martial arts is like a master who has practiced for decades. This talent really shocked a group of martial arts masters.

Today's sword dance just reminded the audience once again.

Not only is she invincible with her fists, but she is also unstoppable with weapons in her hand.

Even with this impenetrable sword flower, even ten big men can't get into her body.

Of course, for the performance, Luo Quan modified many movements to make them softer and more enjoyable.

With the cooperation of the songs, the two complement each other, presenting the audience with a visual feast full of China's unique beauty.

After playing a set of sword skills, the song just stopped here.

Luo Quan panted lightly, trying to adjust his breath to the best.

Singing and dancing is really exhausting.

But her body is no longer what it used to be.

If you keep exercising and improve your system, you won't feel tired even if you dance like this for an hour.

But the fans will definitely not let her go so easily tonight, and no one will leave until midnight.

At the end of the two song and dance performances, the head start effect was very good.

Luo Quan also waved to the fans: "It seems that this is the first time I meet you in the Bird's Nest. It really feels very different from the live broadcast."

"You weren't so active during the live broadcast!"

A fan in the audience howled at the top of his voice, and it was transmitted directly from the microphone, causing the whole concert to laugh out loud.

"Isn't it me that Jingruo is a virgin and moves like a rabbit? And the concert is to be high." Luo Quan tilted his head innocently and smiled.

Seeing this cute appearance, the hearts of a bunch of rough guys almost melted, and the girls directly expressed their inner excitement with screams.

Seeing this scene, Luo Quan smiled and said, "Everyone protect your throats, because the time to scream and cheer tonight has just begun."

As soon as the words fell, the nine members of Girls' Generation had already appeared on the stage.

They lined up at both ends of Luoquan, wearing black suits.

The lights on the stage dimmed again, and the faint violin floated gently in the air.

"In the name of the father!"

Whether it is the audience at the scene or the fans in the barrage, they all heard the accompaniment of the song in an instant.

As the recognized top three in Luoquan's Chinese songs, they have heard it countless times.

This is a perfect piece of music that is completely impeccable from singing to lyrics to melody to arrangement.

It is the pioneering work of the dark Chinese genre, together with "Chapter 7 of the Night" and "Nocturne", it is called the three insurmountable mountains in this genre. It has been imitated no less than a hundred times so far, but no song has appeared yet. Songs that can be compared to it.

In the hearts of many fans, it is the well-deserved king of Luoquan music and their love.

So it was only the first second of the prelude, and I heard it immediately, because I have heard it countless times, and I am so familiar with it.

Taking advantage of the long prelude to the song, Luo Quan went backstage and quickly took off his skirt and changed into the next dance outfit.

(End of this chapter)

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