Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 762 Concert

Chapter 762 Concert (Son)
"The cool morning dew wets the black dress

There is fog on the cobblestone road, and my father is whispering

Helpless awareness can only be more cruel
All for the way to the sanctuary

When Luo Quan reappeared, he had already changed into a pitch-black suit and a gentleman's hat on his head. This look was a bit like a British gangster movie.

Fortunately, the prelude to "In the Name of the Father" was long enough to give her enough time to change clothes.

The essence of this song is that in the rap stage, it is matched with ten girls' powerful five-rhythm dance, leading the atmosphere of the concert to the first peak.

All opened their mouths and shouted, "My merciful Father, I have fallen into the kingdom of sin that cannot see."

Those who knew it was a concert, but those who didn't know it thought it was a confessional scene for large believers.

The atmosphere was so intense, Luo Quan naturally didn't intend to let it cool down.

After "In the Name of the Father" ended, the Girls' Generation backup dancers had just left the stage, and everyone from the Philharmonic emerged from the lift.

Yun Jingxiao stretched out his index finger and little finger, and set off a surging wave with a classic rock gesture.

It's hard for Fan Luoquan not to like this band. Although she hasn't performed with the band a few times, every time everyone takes the stage together, it will definitely bring a wonderful performance to the audience.

And this time, the new song "The Moon's Trouble" was released a while ago.

Because of a meteor shower, Luo Quan released three Chinese songs one after another.

The most popular song must be "The Most Dazzling National Style". This song has already taken over half of China's squares, parks, and basketball courts in just a week.

All middle-aged and elderly people regard it as the most fashionable and emotional dance BGM.

In the past, didn’t you young people all say that our song selection was earthy and ugly?

Let's choose Luo Quan's song this time, is there anything else to say?This is your favorite goddess, an international star, this can't be said to be earthy and ugly, can it?
As a result, the style of square dance painting these days has become strange, falling into the duality of soil and tide.

In fact, grandpas and aunts don’t understand that the purpose of young people’s dislike of songs is not simply because they think the songs are not good.

The main reason is that these songs are too loud, and they always appear when young people want to be quiet and rest.

In addition, taking up sports land for dancing really makes many young people very upset.

Only when you hate the house and the black will you attack the selected songs.

With such a layer of contradiction, even if the song uses Luoquan, everyone should feel uncomfortable.

Unless Luo Quan went to the square to lead the dance in person, the young man might dance with him.

Of course, this is unlikely to happen.

Among the three songs, "The Most Dazzling Ethnic Style" is the most popular, but its popularity is offline, and it is more ridiculed online, and it is named the Divine Comedy.

When it first came out, everyone thought it was fresh and played it in a loop.

But after the novelty disappears, it may not be possible to listen to it every day.

What's more, it can be heard outside the window every day, and it doesn't take long to get tired of it.

So here is the easier to drive the rhythm of "The Moon's Trouble".

Compared with "The Most Dazzling Ethnic Style", which is so popular offline, "The Moon's Trouble" is also very popular online.

Love songs are not uncommon, 70.00% of the world's popular music is related to love.

But the lyrics are so touching and the melody is so melodious, there are really too few of them.

Even if it doesn't have the name Luoquan on it, it can still become popular overnight.

But with Luoquan's own enthusiasm as the basis, its starting point is already frighteningly high.

Coupled with the heat of the meteor shower that day, after singing, it directly landed the first new song on the major charts, and the second was "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky".

Half a month later, the popularity of "The Moon's Trouble" has not diminished. It has been sung by countless netizens, and even appeared on the stage of music variety shows, with various professional and non-professional versions appearing.

However, no matter who sang the version, there are some gaps with Luo Quan's own version.

This has always puzzled everyone.

Although Luo Quan's singing skills are rare in the world, he also likes to give himself strength and write some extremely difficult songs.

But the difficulty of this song is actually not so high that it cannot be sung, and there is not too much transition. It is a song that most people can sing.

But no matter who came to sing, it seemed that it lacked a little flavor.

Only Luo Quan knew that she deliberately made her voice thicker when she sang, making her voice thicker and more textured.

The main reason is to get closer to the voice of the original singer who is unique in the music world.

Such an imitation naturally has some unique charm.

She doesn't know about the current Chinese music scene. There must be such a voice, but it is probably not well-known, and even if it is sung, few people can hear it.

This makes it impossible for anyone except Luo Quan to sing the cover of her original version.

Now the original singer has appeared again, and it is still in the concert. Better music equipment has made the experience of fans to a higher level, and the performance is even more exciting than once.

After singing four songs in a row, Luo Quan, who finished singing and dancing, stood on the stage and cheered excitedly: "Everyone's atmosphere is too enthusiastic, the screaming and cheering never stopped."

"You care about saving face so much, it won't do to make you cold!"

A fan in the audience shouted loudly.

"Who said I care about face? Don't slander me, am I the kind of woman who cares about vanity?"

"No—is—is it!"

The audience shouted in unison.

"As expected, he is a die-hard fan, so he knows how to run on me." Luo Quan put on an angry expression, turned around and left.

But after turning around on the stage, he returned the same way.

This back-and-forth operation made the fans laugh even more happily, and they were all teasing Luo Bao that you lost your integrity.

Luo Quan really has nothing to do with these fans.

There are too many live broadcasts, and there is no sense of mystery as a star at all. It's like becoming each other's best friend, the kind who doesn't bury a few words a day and feels uncomfortable all over the body.

After the teasing, the concert continued.

The classic songs from the previous albums took turns on the stage. In addition, Girls' Generation was a guest guest. When they performed their girl group's songs, they even caused a big chorus in the audience.

Now Luo Quan knows how much his fans overlap with Girls' Generation fans.

But it's normal to think about it, she has always been called a hidden member of Girls' Generation, and she has a very good relationship with the team members. In the past, when she was free, everyone lived together and often appeared in each other's live broadcast room .

It's just that now we get together less and leave more, and we all have our own careers to be busy, so it's really rare for the members to get together.

This also made many fans of Girls' Generation spend a lot of money to watch the live show, even if they are not the protagonists of this concert.

So among the [-] viewers, in addition to Luoquan Girls' Generation's double chefs, there are also many diehard Girls' Generation fans.

Of course, these diehard fans also have varying degrees of love for Luo Quan.

In comparison, there were slightly fewer Lyon fans who appeared later.

But what's interesting is that he has even received more cheers from the boys' group than the girls.

Apart from Luo Quan, he has the largest number of male fans. After his appearance, not only the audience was full of old men screaming, but also the words "Speed ​​up and fencing with me" were written densely on the barrage.

This surprised Leon a little.

In his cognition, his sister must have more male fans than female fans, and he has more female fans than male fans.

Opposites attract, it's human nature.

But he didn't expect that in Huaxia, the boys could show such enthusiasm, and the number of girls was second to none, which was really confusing.

But with such a warm atmosphere, Lyon was also very happy.

In order to film, he has not held a serious concert for a long time.

When I was in the United States, I used it almost every week, and I got used to it.

Now that he has rested for so long, he is still a little worried that his business will be a little rusty.

But when he stood on the stage, the worries in his heart were instantly wiped away, leaving only an overwhelming self-confidence and a stronger desire to express himself than Luo Quan.

After the three raps were sung, the scene was completely blown up by him, and even Luo Quan became a foil.

It can only be said that he deserves to be the new king of rap, and his live skills are really incredible.

Especially "Love the way you lie", the last collaboration between the two, directly brought the atmosphere of the scene to the highest peak.

Up to this point, Luo Quan's originally prepared program has basically been successfully completed. If the song continues, there will be no dance partner, specially produced background animation and live special effects.

And the fans, without exception, did not just let Luo Quan go. Like the fans in Tokyo last time, they chanted encore over and over again, wanting to continue this long-awaited concert.

Naturally, Luo Quan didn't intend to treat them differently. In Tokyo, she sang until the wee hours of the morning.

This time in Huaxia, naturally at the request of the fans, they continued to sing.

Fortunately, the fans saw Luo Quan's sweat-drenched face, his T-shirt that turned from white to gray, and Shui Guanglinlin's long legs, and they knew that Luo Bao really put in a lot of effort tonight.

After En Ke repeatedly yelled three or four times, everyone told Luo Quan to go back and rest.

This made Luo Quan a little bit favored by the future, and let her rest in less than half an hour. She originally planned to sing for two or three hours.

Fans love her so much, Luo Quan was moved to smile, not forcing it out, but sincere and full of emotion.

"Then when we get here, we have to say goodbye to everyone... It won't be long, there will probably be a live broadcast tomorrow night.

In addition, at the last moment, I will send "my all" to everyone, thank you for your support, let me go all the way to today. "

As soon as the electric guitar prelude of "my all" sounded, many fans at the scene got wet eyes instantly.

This song can be regarded as Luo Quan's repertoire, and many performances will end with this song at the end.

And this song was created when she first debuted to express her gratitude to fans, and it has a special meaning.

There was a survey on the Internet before, and among so many Japanese songs in Luoquan, this song is the one that gets the most.

"Can we sing together?"

Luo Quan raised his arms and shouted loudly.

This time, fans from the entire Bird's Nest sang the song from beginning to end.

Such an exciting and shocking scene also put an end note on the hot search for Luoquan's concert tonight.

After half a month of preparation and a whole night of work, the staff of the concert, while cheering that it was finally over, packed up their things and prepared to go home.

The small items that can be brought are basically taken away. To dismantle the large items tomorrow, the logistics staff will have to work an extra day.

As for Luo Quan and the others, they were relieved. They took their clothes and went back to the hotel by car.

Because of being too tired, the big guys along the way are weak even to chat, and they have nothing to do with each other.

Lyon is the most energetic one, probably because he hasn't had a concert for a long time, and he feels that he hasn't enjoyed it yet.

"After a while, I will also hold a concert in Huaxia. I wonder if I can have so many fans by then."

Lyon looked at the bird's nest worrying about gains and losses, and had a strong desire to leave his own mark on this landmark building.

Luo Quan chuckled: "If you enlarge your selfie and hang it on the big screen, you can easily attract [-] girls."

Leon was immediately unconvinced: "Am I the kind of fresh meat that only depends on my face? I rely on my strength, okay?"

Luo Quan smiled: "It's not a conflict, and I'm just complimenting you. Do you think everyone is as handsome and talented as you?"

Leon curled his lips: "It's okay for others to say such things, but if you say it, it feels like you're mocking me."

"Cut, it's because you are too unconfident." Luo Quan turned his head away and stopped talking to his brother.

Back at the hotel, Luo Quan originally wanted to wash and rest directly.

But as soon as he lay down on the bed, the system spoke:

"It has been detected that the energy concentration in the air has increased significantly, the host, you may be about to take off!"

Hearing this, Luo Quan felt all the exhaustion in his body be swept away in an instant: "The energy concentration has increased?! Does that mean that I can cultivate immortality!"

"It shouldn't work, the energy concentration is not that high, but if there are no accidents, there will be news that many ordinary people's physical fitness will become the same as that of top athletes on the earth in the future."

"Is there such a thing? Could it be a meteor shower someday?" Luo Quan's sense is very keen and precise, or a woman's intuition is really powerful, and she almost guessed the correct answer.

"I don't know, but the current situation can be said to be that the spiritual energy has recovered, but the strength is pitifully small, and it is not enough for you to have the expressiveness in the Xianxia TV series, at most it is martial arts.

The most common ones are probably prolonging life and improving various functions of the body. "

The sound of the system sounded a little dispirited.

"However, if this energy shared by all of humanity can be concentrated in a few people, it will be slightly more expressive."

Luo Quan's eyes lit up: "Then how do we get together?"

"It's simple, by faith.

When people worship an idol, part of their energy will be gathered into the body of the idol.

That's how the ancient gods became gods! "

The systematic words made Luo Quan's breathing become short.

"Unfortunately, the current concentration of energy is far from enough to become a god."

(End of this chapter)

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