Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 763 Cultural Reform Plan

Chapter 763 Cultural Reform Plan
"Can you finish the sentence in one go? One sentence at a time, gasping for breath, giving me hope and disappointing me."

Luo Quan blinked helplessly, and his expression became kind.

"Probably that's all. Although I don't know how the aura is revived, and it's related to the previous meteor shower, it won't change the world too much.

But a big star like you must be the biggest beneficiary, because your popularity can easily gain the love of the general public, and it can be more convenient to obtain energy. "

Luo Quan felt like a cat scratching in his heart: "Is it necessary to use this method? Can't there be other ways to absorb the energy between heaven and earth?"

"No, because the concentration is too low. If it is absorbed by humans, absorbed by other animals and plants, and then absorbed by some babies whose spiritual intelligence is still alive, there will not be much left."

"It's a pity..." Luo Quan shook his head lightly and sighed.

But after thinking about it, with her current popularity, even if she doesn't use exercises, she can probably harvest a lot of energy. In fact, there is not much difference.

It's just that she can't cultivate immortality, which is equivalent to further improving her physical quality in all aspects.

In the past, she could easily jump into the air for three consecutive flying kicks, and then improve again. It is estimated that four consecutive kicks or even five consecutive kicks would not be a dream.

If you think about it this way, it's a good thing.

I just don't know how many people in the world know about it.

There shouldn't be any. After all, there are geniuses every year, but it is estimated that she is the only one.

Thinking about it, Luo Quan fell asleep like this, because he was so exhausted......

The next day, I didn't wake up until ten o'clock.

I forgot to draw the curtains, the sun outside the window made the quilt very hot.

Luo Quan raised her hand and yawned, her plump figure almost tore through her clothes under her tense muscles.

I opened my mouth a few times and found that my voice was still a little hoarse.

But it's much better than the previous few times, at least my throat doesn't hurt, it's just a little dry.

Next, eat a few throat-moisturizing candies and drink more water. It is estimated that there will be no problem.

Taking advantage of being refreshed just after waking up in the morning, Luo Quan took a hot bath and thoroughly washed away all the tiredness on his body with the soft and warm water.

As soon as he came out of the bathroom wrapped in a bath towel, there was a knock on the door.

"Who?" Luo Quan asked, wiping his hair and ears.

"Me." Came a carefree voice
Luo Quan grinned: "Who am I?"

"Stop talking, I have something in my hand, open the door quickly!"

"Why are you so anxious." Luo Quan put down the towel, walked over and opened the door.

Who else could be standing outside besides Wen Xia?In the second half of last night's concert, there was basically no Girls' Generation scene, so the girls were in pretty good condition and not so tired.

After waking up today, I don't have back pain like Luo Quan's. I need to take a hot bath to relieve it.

"I guess you are about to wake up now. I ordered you a breakfast. Lean meat porridge, fried dough sticks, meat floss bread, and ham sausage are all your favorites."

Wen Xia walked in and put the breakfast on the table: "By the way, Leon went to record the show. He said that the show crew was going to do some kind of closed shooting. It probably won't come out for another week. Mia happened to be fine. Let's go in with him."

"That little day was quite nourishing." Luo Quan chuckled, lifted the lid and started to eat.

"Have you eaten?" Luo Quan gnawed on the fritters, his red lips gleaming and asked Wen Xia.

"Eat." Wen Xia sat on Luo Quan's bed, raised Erlang's legs and started playing with her mobile phone: "According to internal information, it seems that the higher authorities are about to promulgate a decree to rectify the cultural sector, which is a very big move."

"It's so sudden, why didn't there be any news before." Luo Quan was also a little surprised. Generally speaking, such a big move would get some rumors from outside before it was implemented.

Just like the previous actor ratings, the warm-up started more than a month earlier.

But this time it came very suddenly, without any preparation at all.

"It is said that the performance of the entire entertainment industry is really bad, with frequent scandals, tax evasion, messing around with men and women, and not making any achievements externally, so the higher ups are dissatisfied.

In fact, I think the higher-ups should have been dissatisfied a long time ago, but they have never made up their minds to carry out thorough reforms, but this time they probably can't bear it anymore. "

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, for us, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. As long as we have the ability, we can adapt to any rules."

While speaking, Luo Quan stuffed a large fried dough stick into his mouth and chewed it up, then swallowed it with a thud, his slender, white neck slid up and down.

Wen Xia smiled: "Pay attention to how you eat, how come you are reincarnated like a starving ghost?"

Luo Quan didn't take it seriously: "I've been hungry for more than ten hours, what's wrong with eating more?"

"Someday I'll take a photo of you eating and post it to see if your fans don't complain about you." Wen Xia sneered, got up and went back to her room.

Luo Quan curled his lips: "I'm not afraid of the abyss, but why are you afraid of this?"

After talking about a gust of wind and clouds, he finished the breakfast on the plate, then dried his hair and put on his clothes.

Turn on the live broadcast, and the popularity quickly climbed to around 2000 million.

"Good morning, fans, I said we can meet soon, right?" Luo Quan said hello as he tied his hair with a rubber band.

"It's still morning? It's almost noon."

"After all, I exercised too long last night, so it's understandable to wake up later. (Shy)"

"Good guy, what's the matter with you, little brother?"

"Will you sing live today? (Dog head)"

"Isn't it enough to sing all night yesterday?"

"Luo Bao's singing voice will never get tired of listening to it."

"That's true."


"I won't sing today, I need to pay attention to my voice." Luo Quan smiled and shook his head, "It is estimated that I will have to improve my voice during this time, and I can sing for a longer time by maintaining a scientific habit of using my voice.

In addition, those fans who won the lottery last night also need to fill in the receiving address carefully, and we will arrange to deliver the gifts soon. "

Luo Quan said winning the lottery means that halfway through the concert, lucky audiences will be drawn to give gifts.

The gifts included signed photobooks, signed records, and signed T-shirts sponsored by Chanel, which are the same as what she is wearing now.

There are a total of [-] gifts, with various types, and they are relatively rich. The main one is Luo Quan's signature, which is what fans most want.

The result of the lottery has already come out, and fans can claim it with the QR code printed on their tickets when entering the venue.

This can be regarded as a sigh of relief for real fans, because several of the winners bought tickets from scalpers. If they received them according to the personal information on the tickets, the things would have to be taken away by scalpers.

Luo Quan also considered this point before proposing such a plan, and the result was unanimously praised and did not lead to any disputes.

Of course, after knowing that one signature in Luoquan could be worth a house, those scalpers also got a little angry.

But the water spilled out of the sold things, the ticket is not in hand, and even if there is a proof of purchase, the gift cannot be received.

After chatting with fans for a while, Luo Quan stopped talking and played World of Warcraft quietly.

The update of Blizzard Studios is very powerful. Basically, some new things will be added every half a month. Now half past, the game has also been updated from 1.0 to 1.10, including 1.05 in the middle, that is to say, two full major versions have been updated.

For a game like World of Warcraft that requires a lot of time to develop slowly, two major versions in half a year are a bit fast.

However, some liver emperors are clamoring that the update can be faster, and it is not enough to play.

But for a point card game, the voices of most players must be considered.

According to the questionnaire survey, more than 50.00% of the players feel that the game version is faster. It is often because the equipment of the previous version has not been completely upgraded, and the new version will arrive, and it is necessary to start all over again.

This feeling is just like going to work, it is really tiring.

Although the best equipment and materials generated in World of Warcraft can be traded, you can also earn a lot of money.

But most people play games just to have fun, and there are still a few people who use games as a tool to make money.

Therefore, after fully considering the opinions of players, Blizzard Studio announced that it will slow down the version update, and then carefully polish the game quality to improve the playability of each version.

As soon as this announcement came out, it naturally won the favor of players at home and abroad. A studio that is humble and good at listening to players' opinions will naturally be sought after by players.

Moreover, what Luo Quan did was not a one-shot deal, and he didn't want to make a fortune and run away. If he wanted to maintain a high popularity, he couldn't be too arrogant.

The first online game is still in a steady upward stage, and the new project of Blizzard Studio has already started again.

This time it is a stand-alone game made using the IP of "Resident Evil".

As for the movie adaptation game, there has always been a lot of voices on the Internet. This time, it has finally started to create a new folder, but fans don't know it yet. When it is announced, it will definitely attract a lot of attention.

Now that the stage has been set, the next step is to run the "Resident Evil" universe well and keep adding bricks and tiles. It is definitely not a dream to make money every day.

But before this dream came true, something unexpected happened to Luo Quan.

On the afternoon of August 8nd, a trending news item appeared on Weibo without warning, which was signed by Optoelectronics.

There are a lot of content in the news, which can be roughly interpreted as follows:

In order to rectify the chaos in the entertainment industry, we are going to issue a lot of laws and regulations.

The first is to reduce the treatment of celebrities, especially celebrities with traffic stars and celebrities with bad reputations.

In addition, the cultural level of stars in the future also needs to be improved to a certain extent. They can't have nothing but a face. They don't require comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, physique, art and labor, but at least they can't be anti-intellectual...

If these are relatively normal and will not hurt the entertainment industry, then the second half of the news is a blockbuster:

Improve the treatment of artists with both virtue and art, including but not limited to painting, music, sculpture, dance and so on.

Improving treatment of athletes...

Improve the pay of scientists...

Improving the salary of writers...  

Give exposure, so that the public can see more of these outstanding talents, instead of just being with traffic stars all day long.

In addition, in order to enhance cultural output, the state will invest a large sum of money in excavating and cultivating cultural talents, and specific plans will be announced later.

The report of thousands of words in eloquence can be summed up like this.

For domestic stars, the days when they could earn tens of millions of dollars by making a movie and appearing on a variety show are probably gone forever.

Talents from other entertainment, technology, and sports industries will fill this vacancy and get the treatment they deserve.

Hundreds of millions of ordinary people always need idols to worship to pass their spare time. In this case, it is better to let better talents with higher quality to obtain these worship.

After all, it is undoubtedly much more pleasing to the ears to hear words like being a writer, a scientist, or a musician than being an Internet celebrity or a star.

All in all, this is a huge plan that involves numerous interest groups.

At present, only a general direction has been proposed, but doubts have already been overwhelming.

Most of them are people from the entertainment industry, and there are also many people who rely on the entertainment industry to make a living. In short, they are all interested parties.

There are doubts, and of course there are applause.

Not only art practitioners who can finally improve their salaries, but also many netizens and people who eat melons.

In fact, they have long been displeased with the super-standard treatment of many stars in the entertainment industry.

He obviously has no skills, but he can earn more than [-] million a year with just a single face, and even evades taxes.

What's more, without even a good-looking face, relying directly on capital speculation, using overwhelming marketing to promote popularity, it is simply unbearable for uncles and aunts.

Therefore, after this policy came out, those netizens who were heavily abused by traffic stars naturally agreed with it.

Anyway, there are not a few good works in China all year round, and no matter how blue they are, they can't be bad.

It's like people have reached the bottom of the valley, and no matter how they go next, they will be upward, so as long as there is a change, it must be a good thing.

As for how many celebrities' salaries will plummet due to such a change, most netizens probably won't be too happy.

After the document came out, it was posted on Weibo for a whole day, and the number of comments rarely exceeded 50.

No matter how dull people are, they also know that when the contents of this document are fully implemented, it will definitely have an earth-shaking impact on the Chinese cultural circle.

When celebrities are suppressed, other art practitioners will naturally rise up.

In the past, it was a pursuit of Xiao Xianrou, but now it is clearly stated that it wants to give more exposure to art creators other than celebrities. Obviously, it wants to promote stars besides entertainment stars.

Some people are still thinking about how to adapt to the unprecedented changes in decades.

However, some people have already seen business opportunities and are even ready to take action.

As for Luo Quan, she belongs to the third party, the kind that has nothing to do with herself.

(End of this chapter)

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