Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 764: Big Changes in the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 764: Big Changes in the Entertainment Industry
Just like what she told Wen Xia before, as long as they have the ability, no matter how the policy changes, they won't affect them.

Even the current policy is conducive to their future development.

Because of all the signed artists, Luo Quan's biggest requirement for them is to learn.

Music, acting, script, as long as it is related to entertainment, choose one you like for systematic professional study.

It doesn't matter if you make more money or less, but you must not become a star with only traffic but no strength.

Although it will be a bit more difficult than other colleagues, but because the boss demonstrates personally, other artists in the company also strive to follow her and never stop learning.

Now the big change is coming. When most of the colleagues are worrying about how to go in the future, the girls of Quanshui Entertainment find that they don’t need to make any changes, just do what they have been doing step by step. .

The boss's foresight really made a lot of girls admire him.

And what's even more rare is that from the time I met my boss until now, I never seem to miss a single thing.

I don't know how else to describe it other than awesome...

"Reading is still the best way out!"

In the live broadcast room, Luo Quan cooled down a group of agitated fans.

After the new policy comes out, it seems that it has given more opportunities to get ahead, not only to increase the exposure of other art practitioners, but also the talent training plan for art talents that will be launched in the near future. The words are written on the face.

In this environment, of course, more people are given the opportunity to move upwards, and even netizens who have already laid down are a little tempted.

But Luo Quan's words are always very realistic:

"To engage in art requires talent as the foundation, not everyone can be famous.

If you are fit to eat this bowl of rice and love it, then of course you can go all out.

But if you don't meet the above conditions, then studying hard and preparing for the college entrance examination is still the only choice. "

As she spoke, she found a foreign young man with a big orange beard: "This man's name is Van Gogh, I believe many people know it.

So how many people can tell his characteristics and his status in the history of painting? "

As soon as the problem came out, the barrage immediately became rare, and only a few could say: the mastery of color has reached an unparalleled level, and the key information such as the status of the artist has been completely improved.

It is such a great and well-known artist, there are very few people who can understand his life in the barrage.

If you want to eat this bowl of rice on such a basis, it is indeed a bit difficult.

Of course, it doesn't mean that you can eat this bowl of rice if you know the knowledge in these books. After all, talent is more needed to engage in art.

But because there are so few talents, most people still need to learn knowledge first.

So to sum up, no matter what you want to do next, reading cannot be avoided anyway.

After talking about this, the fans moved the topic to Luo Quan.

"It is said that the treatment and exposure of celebrities will be weakened intentionally. Will it have any impact on you?"

"There will definitely be. It seems that the regulations for celebrities this time are quite strict."

"Even a star of Luo Bao's level won't get any preferential treatment?"

"I don't know, but from now on, Chinese stars probably won't be as superior as before, and they may be on par with Korean and Japanese artists."

"It should be like this, why should someone with no talent but a face be treated so well?

I'm not saying you, Luo Bao, you belong to the goddess who jumped out of the Three Realms and is not in the Five Elements! "

"Haha, you fans are too real, you are strict when talking about other celebrities, why are you so lenient when it comes to Luo Bao?"

"Because I have double standards."

"Ah... I don't even know how to refute it."

"If a tree doesn't need its bark, it will surely die. If a person is shameless, he is invincible in the world."


The fans joked about Luo Quan's upcoming situation in a relaxed tone.

Compared with other stars' super talk, the atmosphere here is so good that it's a little heartless, as if they don't worry about their own stars' losses in this big change.

In fact, there really won't be much loss.

After the policy is implemented, it will be nothing more than fewer popular searches and reports of celebrities, further reduction of salaries, and direct banning of those who lack personal morality.

The above points are nothing to Luo Quan.

Last year, she had more than 100 hot searches, and even with a [-]% discount, she could still maintain the frequency of the last hot search a month.

As for the salary, all the movies she filmed were invested by herself, and she didn't get much variety shows, so the salary didn't restrict her at all.

As for the lack of personal morality, she is now a role model for the new generation of young artists in China, and it is already obvious what image she is in the eyes of the above people.

Therefore, these three restrictions that make a group of stars feel dizzy when they see it are even like a special commendation for her, making her stand out from the countless stars.

"I heard that the artist training plan in the future will have a very large investment, not only from the top, but also from the capital side, adding up to tens of billions."

"So much? It's a bit exaggerated!"

"I don't know what's going on, anyway, many big capitalists are now interested in art, and all of them are scrambling to cultivate talents and stars."

"It's normal. What is the most important thing in the 21st century? Isn't it talent."

"By the way, besides music, what else is Luo Bao doing? New fans, I don't know much about Luo Bao."

"Let's dance. Luo Bao's dancing is really unique. On the flat ground, we can experience the ups and downs of the peaks and the majesty of the mountains."

"Haha, there seems to be nothing wrong."

"Let me be an honest person. Luo Quan's calligraphy is quite good. It is said that the essence of face and body has scored seven points!"

"Actually, this question shouldn't be asked. Which Luo Bao can't play the piano, violin, or cello? If you're in a hurry, you can play the suona a few times."

"Then I appointed to be sent away."

"Do you think the Almighty Goddess is called for nothing? Haven't you carefully read the list of producers for each song in Luoquan? From the beginning to the end, you can find out the second name, I and your surname!"

"It is true that Luoquan has a lot of choral songs, but the production of the songs is not fake at all."

"Old miser, she is determined not to let others take away a penny from her, and do it by herself if she can."

"No wonder you are so calm, it turns out you have nothing to fear."


Amidst the praise from fans, Luo Quan showed a smug smile.

She loves the compliments, the way fans repeat their "great feats" to new ones.

In the afternoon, after all the follow-up matters of the concert were settled, Luo Quan took a large group of girls to have a meal at the Capital Hotel, and then went back to their respective homes.

This time I left Shang Hai for more than ten days, and I was so tired that my joints creaked, as if my old age and frailty had arrived earlier.

Although I exercise every day, I always feel that I am not particularly energetic.

It is said that this is a sub-health state, that is, the body does not seem to have any major problems, but in fact, there are more or less minor problems in the organs, which need to be recuperated.

However, Luo Quan felt that there was nothing that could not be adjusted by fishing.

If there is, it means that the touch is not thorough enough.

Back in Tan Palace, just as Luo Quan walked into the living room with her luggage, she found her phone rang, reminding her that the courier had arrived.

Luo Quan put down his luggage, turned his head and went downstairs again.

When they came back, everyone had gone back to their rooms, only Wen Xia and Su Yu were left in the living room.

"What did you buy?" Wen Xia looked up and asked casually.

"Skin care products and cosmetics." Luo Quan replied quickly, but his expression looked a little nervous.

"Well, it's weird." Wen Xia raised her brows, thinking that Luo Quan was born beautiful, so she rarely used these things, and the ones that Aunt Luo Ni gave before have not been used up, so why buy new ones for no reason?

Could it be?

Thinking of this, Wen Xia hiahia laughed strangely: "The store I recommended last time is quite useful, right?"

"It's okay..." Luo Quan replied subconsciously, but quickly stopped the tone, "Why are you asking these questions, I really bought cosmetics."

Wen Xia couldn't hold back anymore: "I didn't say no, aren't you just calling yourself out?
Besides, this is not a contraband, there is no need to hide it, you can be more generous. "

After speaking, he gave Luo Quan another look that everyone understood.

"Cut, you know what a fart." Luo Quan gave Wen Xia a blank look, twisted his hair and went upstairs.

In the evening, the live broadcast continued.

After the policy came out, live broadcast platforms like Douyin and Kuaishou stopped broadcasting to avoid the limelight, and wanted to see what the wind direction was, and then came out after it was confirmed, so as not to shoot the first bird.

As for Luo Quan, he committed the crime completely against the wind. The live broadcast was broadcast, and the bragging continued.

There are not many stars with confidence like her in the whole of China.

At about 09:30, Weibo once again posted a trending search: "Building a Star of China"

This is a national draft, and it can also be said to be a variety show.

And it lasted for a very long time, a full five years.

Taking the province as the unit, each province competes for ten talented young people, and then drags them to the capital for the final qualifying competition to select the real star of China.

Anyone under the age of 25 can sign up. The deadline for registration is at the end of the year, but the competition will last for five full years.

The first four years will be used to cultivate talent candidates in each province, and the final qualifying competition will not be held until the last year.

This is the [-] billion plan of the Internet, to cultivate cultural talents and cultivate artists.

Although it sounds a little unreliable, it is definitely a good thing to be willing to spend money and spend a lot of effort on training.

Luo Quan said before that creating an environment that loves art is actually more important than finding a few artistic talents.

To put it bluntly, it is to increase the population of artists. When the base number increases, the chances of producing talents will naturally increase.

Just like Chinese football, it seems that there are more than one billion people in China, but there are no eleven who can play football.

But the truth is that China's football population is only a mere 20-30, while Thailand alone has a football population of [-], and Japan's football population exceeds one million!
With such a big gap, it is quite normal to not be able to beat others.

Of course, this is only one aspect. Football strength is not only limited by population. There are actually many reasons why skills are not as good as people.

But the population base is definitely the biggest reason.

Without this atmosphere, it is really difficult to produce talents.

This time building China Star is not so much a matter of spending money to cultivate talents, but rather a matter of spending money to create an environment.

By spending money, let the people of Huaxia know that it is possible to get ahead in art.

As long as you have talent in this area, contact this program group for training, and you will make a lot of money one day.

Although combining art and money will make people feel a little coppery and not elegant enough.

But for most people in Huaxia, being able to make money is the last word.

Not everyone can be born with no worries about food and clothing, and can do what they want to do.

Common people think more about making money.

And through this program, we can let the common people know that if you do a good job in art, you can also make money.

It can also give those talented children who are trapped by their livelihood families the opportunity to develop and learn.

Overall, it's certainly a good thing.

But after it came out, it was also questioned by many people.

Is it really worth spending so much money just to create art and create an environment?
We all know that we will pursue spiritual prosperity only when we have no worries about food and clothing. Now most ordinary people should not have reached the level of developed countries in Europe. Is it too early to do this?
But the sound disappeared automatically after a while.

After all, the plan has already come out and its implementation has begun, so these voices of doubt seem unnecessary.

And Luo Quan, after seeing all the changes that day, had such an idea in his mind.

Could it be that the higher-ups already knew about the recovery of spiritual energy?
Celebrities can become stronger by collecting the admiration of fans, but this group is really mixed, and most of them are even of average quality.

So simply reduce their influence and re-cultivate stars.

The thinking of adults has been fixed, and it will be simpler and more reliable if it is cultivated from children.

If this is the case, then these sudden and unreasonable operations make sense.

It seems that the higher authorities intend to train a whole group of outstanding talents to master this new and special power.

In addition, since Huaxia already knows, there is no reason for foreign countries not to know.

If nothing else, foreign countries will also carry out drastic reforms in the entertainment industry.

Thinking of this, Luo Quan's mood became a little complicated.

Originally, she thought that only she knew the secrets of these energies. In the future, by building her own entertainment empire, she could absorb most of the power in her own hands.

It turned out that she was not the only insider.

And in the near future, there will be a large number of "art stars" to compete with him.

However, although the situation is much more serious than expected, she believes that she will still be the final winner.

(End of this chapter)

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