Chapter 765
With the arrival of the new policy, countless people feel as if they are on a small sailboat sailing in rough seas.

Some people choose to go with the flow, not caring where the waves take them.

Some people choose to control the sails and become the trendsetters of the times.

Those who have the second kind of thinking are often "successful people" who have more resources.

Their capital gives them the power to see further and do more.

The more capital you have, the faster you can act.

It's like the sharks coming together after smelling the smell of blood. Only the fastest swimmer can eat the biggest bite of food, and the slowest ones only eat the leftovers.

The performance of the action is that art schools for primary and middle school students have begun to be built all over the country.

Education should start with babies, and art education is no exception.

The vast majority of children are like a blank sheet of paper with infinite possibilities and extremely high plasticity.

Excavating genius must be carried out in this group to be most efficient.

And Shanghai has just been built, and it was originally an aristocratic high school that only intended to accept children from wealthy families. The new policy also temporarily changed the enrollment requirements.

From an ordinary aristocratic middle school to an art middle school, half of the enrollment share was taken out, and it was prepared to recruit various art students.

Most ordinary middle schools have special students, such as sports, art, music, etc., but if half of the school has such special students, the nature is different.

Moreover, this supernatural headmaster invited Luo Quan to promote the school.

Although it was just a photo shoot, with her popularity, even if she walked around the admissions office, a large number of parents flocked to her.

As the only star who has gained great international fame since the new century, Luo Quan's name in the field of art is even better than many veteran professors and gentlemen.

Even if she doesn't work as a teacher at the school, the parents will naturally feel that the school has some contacts, and they may be able to invite her to give lectures at the school in the future.

Once you have this kind of thinking, the school's plan will be considered a success.

Although Luo Quan himself doesn't like to promote these things.

It would be fine if it was an ordinary art school, but the aristocratic school catered to the rich, as if it made her choose between the two classes.

If Principal Li of Shangyi hadn't called her to ask her to do a favor, she definitely wouldn't have done any publicity.

But there is no way, she studied in Shangyi for a year before, and Principal Li also helped her a lot, so it is not easy to refuse because of the worldly way, so he accepted it.

Fortunately, I heard that this elite middle school will lower the admission threshold as appropriate, and put more attention on the quality of the students rather than the family background. After admission, it will also focus on grades and cultivation abilities, and there will be no situation where the poor are the best.

Although I don't know if it can be realized, it is good to have such an attitude.

Luo Quan did his best to accept this job, and picked a good day to shoot a promotional video and posted it on the Internet.

The content of the publicity is to introduce the outstanding features of this school, such as how big the land is, how strong the teaching staff is, how advanced and complete the teaching equipment is, and so on.

Judging from the data on paper, this Shanghai Yingcai Middle School is at the first level in the country. As expected, it was planned to open a noble middle school at the beginning, and the hardware is not a problem.

As for the quality of teaching, we will have to wait until the school starts to know. She is not a teacher, so she cannot guarantee these uncertain things.

After the promotional video was released, the hits quickly exceeded one million.

If you put it in the past, this kind of enthusiasm can be easily searched.

But now there is not much movement.

Even if the popularity is indeed high from the number of clicks, other places don't know what happened here at all.

Originally, Luo Quan was a little strange, thinking why Weibo suddenly suppressed his trending searches.

Then she suddenly remembered that the new policy mentioned the need to reduce the exposure of entertainment stars.

Although she has many titles such as musician, national chef, philanthropist, and entrepreneur.

But she is most widely known as the world's most beautiful and entertainment superstar.

Since he is in the entertainment industry, his exposure will be reduced.

Although he was mentally prepared for this, when it really happened, Luo Quan still felt a little uncomfortable.

And the situation that leads to this unaccustomed will become the norm.

"I'll get used to it gradually in the future." Luo Quan stopped refreshing Weibo, comforting himself like this.

The school work here is over, Luo Quan opened the notepad and started to prepare for the new movie.

Although the United States is now in chaos like a pot of boiled eight-treasure porridge, zero-dollar purchases, shootings, and even cases of Internet celebrities being shot in the street have occurred in many places.

However, no matter how chaotic the world is, you still have to make money.

Warner can't wait.

It was originally agreed that the new movie will be released during the summer vacation, but it has not been turned on until now.

Luo Quan promised to hand over business within this year, but seeing that August is almost over, there is still no movement, and the management is already a little anxious.

Now the film market is changing every day, and the end of the first phase of Marvel is a great opportunity that I have exhausted and have not yet realized.

If we don’t take advantage of a few more good films to occupy the market now, and wait until the second phase of the film comes out, DC will probably be trampled by others in the next ten years.

Therefore, it is no wonder that these managements are anxious.

Although they didn't do much personnel when running DC, as long as it was related to making money, there was no need to question their enthusiasm.

So during this period, I sent Luo Quan every day condolence emails, asking her how her health and mood are, whether she has any plans to come to the United States, and whether she should book a plane ticket for her and so on.

She thought it was funny at first, but it got annoying as the number of times increased.

If it wasn't for breaching the contract and having to pay for it, she really wanted to just quit.

Because no one in this world can force her to do something she doesn't like.

However, Warner gave too much money, and he would have to pay even more after breaching the contract.

Therefore, Luo Quan, who was overwhelmed by the disturbance, replied directly to the other party:
"I don't plan to go to the United States for the time being. If you insist on filming, bring people to Huaxia. I will finish filming it in Huaxia!"

This compromise was unanimously agreed by Warner management.

Anyway, they are all shooting movies, where is it different?It's nothing more than spending more money on air tickets and travel expenses.

The wool comes from the sheep. When the movie is released, with Luo Quan's reputation, won't it be easy to get back the money?
In this way, the start of filming was decided, and Warner also quickly started the teaser promotion.

As the director and leading actor, Luo Quan is finally about to get busy.

Needless to say, the shooting plan needs to be done before every film is shot, and after it is written, it is shown to the rest of the crew to let them know how the film should be shot.

As for himself, in order to fit the thin figure of the protagonist, Luo Quan exchanged some quick weight loss pills from the system mall.

This weight-loss medicine works quickly, and the next day after taking it, it will lose a certain amount of weight according to the amount of medicine taken.

However, this kind of medicine has a duration. Once the effect of the medicine is over, the weight will rebound immediately, and taking it for a period of time will have no effect.

This kind of weight-loss drug that treats the symptoms but not the root cause is also the reason why Luo Quan didn't choose it when he wanted to maintain a good figure.

However, it only takes one month to make a movie, and what is needed is to treat the symptoms rather than the root cause.

I lost weight during the shoot, and returned to the original shape after the shoot, which is simply perfect.

At that time, it will even be possible to market dedicated people, to lose weight for filming and so on.

Oh no, this environment seems to be unworkable now, celebrities can no longer over-market, which is a little pity.

After exchanging the diet pills, Luo Quan didn't eat enough to lose the amount immediately, but took a little every day, so that he could lose weight every day and not look so obtrusive.

Unless it is a serious illness, no one will lose more than ten pounds overnight.

Luo Quan would not do such a thoughtless thing.

And during this period, Luo Quan also spent more time in the exercise room pretending to make Wen Xia and the others think that they lost weight because of increased exercise.

With a few measures in place, it is basically seamless.

The next night, the movie's poster was released online.

This time it was a hot search, but it was a hot search on foreign twitter.

There is only one half of Luo Quan's upper body in the poster.

She was wearing a burgundy woolen coat, and her face was transformed into a clown's makeup with red, white and blue oil paint.

The red paint outlines a wide grin on the corner of her mouth, but her closed lips and downcast eyes reflect her sad mood at the moment.

Just a pre-release poster reflects the complex inner world of the protagonist Joker so vividly that a lot of DC fans shouted long live for it.

As the most popular villain in DC and even the entire history of American comics, the Joker has always appeared in related movies as the image of Batman's old enemy.

Of the ten Batman films, he is the villain in five, and he will definitely be mentioned in the other four.

As a synonym for high IQ, madness, and doing whatever he wants, the clown actually represents the character of many DC fans.

They don't go with the secular world, hate this world full of injustice, want to fight to the death with the so-called justice, and then move towards great destruction with an extremely tragic attitude.

It sounds shocking, but also very secondary.

However, this is also the charm of the role of the clown.

Of course, in the eyes of most people, this is a butcher who regards human life as nothing. He is cunning and cruel, and can always make Batman suffer, but in the end he must be defeated by justice.

The ending of the story is clear to all from the beginning.

But Luo Quan this time, because it is the clown's personal movie, and it is an independent parallel universe, so those fans who want to see the clown defeated by Batman will probably be disappointed.

What this movie is about is why a clown becomes a clown.

There will be few special effects, no other superheroes, and the plot will be dull and flat most of the time.

The only thing to watch is the clown alone.

Such a movie is definitely unacceptable to most DC fans.

And this matter, Luo Quan also told everyone immediately after the project came out.

Now that the movie posters came out, she mentioned it again, so that fans would not expect too much and only realize after watching the movie that it was not what she wanted.

However, although the truth was told, many DC fans thought that this was a smoke bomb deliberately thrown by Luo Quan to keep the movie suspenseful.

Many directors and actors will do this before the movie is released. Because of the confidentiality regulations, they must not disclose too much movie-related information, so as not to make fans lose their sense of expectation after spoilers.

Luo Quan's reminder is obviously considered by fans to be saying this because of confidentiality regulations.

It's okay not to remind, but after the reminder, the fans look forward to it even more.

The clown is a very popular villain, and many actors have put in a lot of effort before playing it.

Some are portrayed quite extensively, as if possessed by the clown himself.

And some of them acted in a more general way, appearing exaggerated and embarrassing.

This is a very difficult role, but in various versions before this, the clown was played by men.

Luo Quan is currently the only female clown.

Quite a number of fans are even looking forward to her and Batman's entire cp movie, a real love and killing each other, and even a real couple in the end is completely acceptable to everyone.

If the movie is shot like this, let alone, the box office is estimated to be really not low.

Now the society is used to watching conventional superheroes save the world. It is quite novel to watch a drama where a sissy villain fights against superheroes for a change of taste.

Luo Quan himself also likes to watch this kind of innovative movies.

But "Joker" is not such a story.

The female version of the clown is just a gimmick, and the core of the movie is to expose the contradictions of the entire society by portraying the birth of the clown.

Its gender is actually not important, whether it is male or female is not very important.

However, because the female version of the clown is the only one for Scorpion Baba, fans of Meiman are looking forward to it.

They want to see a different villain, a sickly girl, and a crazy beauty.

It really sounds very attractive, but Luo Quan can only say to them apologetically: You are going to be disappointed.

There is a high probability that the final effect of the movie will not be like this.

If the Batman universe is restarted in the future, there may be a chance to shoot like this.

But now Warner's DC universe has been rotten into a puddle of mud, and many of the films that were shot have hit the street, and the Justice League, which has gathered many big names, has hit the street even more.

So much so that the management directly cut off the plan for the second part and planned to restart the DC universe.

Screenwriters, directors and even actors are expected to be replaced.

Because Luoquan is a project independent of the main universe, it has not been greatly affected.

But when she really waits for this version of the Joker and Batman to appear in a rivalry, it is estimated that it will be several years or even ten years later.

For now, Warner does not have the extra human and financial resources to realize this plan.

Therefore, the love and killing that fans are looking forward to may only become a lifetime series.

(End of this chapter)

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