Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 766 I'm the Master of My Movie

Chapter 766 I'm the Master of My Movie

After the movie started warming up, Luo Quan himself posted a post:
"Because of force majeure, this filming will take place in China, so fans don't have to worry that I will be missing for another month."

The news here was originally just to give fans a reassurance, but in the end it attracted a lot of investment intentions for her.

When domestic capital and artists heard that Luo Quan had a new film to be made, they were all extremely excited, trying every means to join her boat.

We all know that Luo Quan's movies are now box office and award-winning. "The Silence of the Lambs" made her the queen of the movie, "Farewell My Concubine" won the best film in Cannes, and "Forrest Gump" has already booked an Oscar Golden statue award.

And the following "Joker" was starring Luo Quan himself, and it was an extremely complicated role, which tested acting skills and could also reflect acting skills.

If nothing else, this time Luoquan will once again bring fans a feast of performances.

The last two films in which she played the leading role, one won the box office champion so far this year, and the other helped her win the best actress.

Not sure which one it will be this time, or maybe both?

No one dares to jump to conclusions lightly, but there is no doubt that following Luo Quan to make movies will surely reap benefits.

Her crew not only pays well and pays well, but also has a huge bonus to personal resume.

If I can get her appreciation and play a good role that leaves an impression on the audience, what is waiting for me may skyrocket.

Zhao Xilin is a prime example.

Before acting in "The Queen Wearing Chanel", he was just a walk-on in Hengdian. Apart from having 10,000+ fans on station b, he hardly had any popularity.

But it was because Luo Quan fell in love with him during the audition, and played the supporting actor in "The Queen Wearing Chanel", and then became a hit.

After that, he continued to cooperate with Luo Quan and starred in Cheng Dieyi in "Farewell My Concubine". With his superb acting skills like a demon, he completely conquered the audience, and his status in the entertainment industry has also jumped to the top.

Compared with his worth when he was playing tricks in Hengdian, it has now been multiplied by more than ten thousand times, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he has reached the sky in one step.

Compared with the legendary rise of a migrant worker actor, Zhao Xilin's success is actually more replicable.

Because Luo Quan has always wanted to make movies, according to her character of not letting her fat and water go to outsiders, the heroine and heroine probably won't be able to turn to others.

But women two women three, men two men three always have a chance, even if it's just a trick to show their faces, it's not impossible.

Just being in one of her movies is a huge bonus to be honest.

The current Luoquan has a faint tendency to be compared with those famous directors of the older generation.

In the film and television industry, there used to be some girls and girls who said that women could easily become famous overnight by cooperating with these directors.

One of Luo Quan's current movies is released and one hits the other. It's hard not to be popular as the heroine in her movie, and she is completely qualified to be called Quan girl afterwards.

Now "Joker" is about to start filming. Although we don't know how many spots are left in this movie, there are still quite a few people in China who want to be spring girls.

In addition to people, capital is also very interested, but they don't want to be girls, but want to invest in cakes, or place an advertisement or something.

After all, this time it was filmed in China, so it's better to be near the water first.

It's a pity that this film has already set up investors for a long time ago, and it is almost impossible to get involved.

However, the matter of actors can be discussed.

There are so many people who have to appear in a movie, it is not impossible to arrange a few innocuous side roles.

By the way, it can also make the movie not only black and white, so that sometimes someone says she is racist or something.

Now foreign countries are watching this aspect very closely. They would rather kill their mistakes than let them go. No matter how hard Luo Quan is, he doesn't want to touch the brows of these people.

In short, there are only a few places for the extras, and foreigners in China are not too difficult to find, so there is no need to go to the United States to find extras.

As for the streets, many of them had to be well-arranged, and even shot under green cloth, with post-production special effects to present the effect.

Although it feels like taking off your pants and farting, since you can't shoot in the United States, you can only choose this troublesome way.

Early the next morning, Luo Quan's personal mailbox was already 99+.

Not wanting to audition, but recommending acquaintances to audition.

But most of Luo Quan had never heard of the names, so she still wanted to see more famous actors first.

"Sunshine entertainer..."

Luo Quan recited the email signed by this name.

This is one of the largest economic companies in China. Its artists mainly shoot movies and TV shows, and generally do not touch variety shows and music.

There is absolutely no professional level, and this company also releases one or two high-quality and popular works every year, and its reputation in the industry belongs to the first-tier existence.

This kind of well-known company in the industry came to recommend actors to play extras to her, and their attitude was too low.

Or is it that his status has reached this level now?

Opening the email, the scorching sun artist first made a good impression with a few greetings, and then talked about the role in the movie.

Basically, the company has a lot of good actors, and there are a few excellent seedlings who I want to recommend to her. If you have time, you can come for an interview.

Since there are quite a lot of good seedlings, Luo Quan intends to solve all the tricks at once, so he replied an email to ask who are the recommended actors.

Soon, the scorching sun artist sent a photo and a message.

"Hao Liu, masterpieces "Inaudible Music", "The Age of Struggle"..."

In the photo is a girl with a gentle and bright smile, very young, born in 00, with excellent appearance, and she is currently studying in Jingying.

And it should be quite famous, because when she saw this name, she still had an impression in her mind, as if she had seen it in some hot search news before.

Soon, she recalled specific memories about the actress.

Well-known indeed, but not a good one.

The negative news mainly happened to her family, because a girl's thigh was amputated due to a drunk driving many years ago.

After the court awarded full responsibility, it refused to perform, and it was not until it was enforced that it finally paid for compensation.

And the time to pay was just before Hao Liu's debut, obviously her family didn't want to add stains to her daughter's career as an actress.

But if you want people not to know, you have to do nothing. Now that the Internet is so developed, no one can live without traces, unless you and your family never use mobile phones or computers.

Otherwise, there will always be some clues.

What's more, Hao Liu is not a clue. He went to court, and he can find out after a search.

A while ago, because of this incident, it was revealed that it caused a wave of blackmail across the Internet.

Angry netizens wanted Hao Liu to apologize publicly to the girl, but she never responded.

Although she was indeed not the perpetrator, the principle of father's debt repayment by son is one of the simplest moral standards in China.

What Lao Tzu committed, future generations must be implicated more or less.

If she comes out to apologize sincerely and add some compensation, the rhythm can be calmed down, and even black spots can be washed away, becoming an act that can attract fans.

But probably the whole family didn't take that girl or even the public opinion on the Internet into consideration at all, and treated her coldly throughout the process.

Even after that, he appeared in an advertisement for prohibiting drunk driving and became an ambassador once.

This is tantamount to telling everyone, I know you don't like me, but I can challenge your nerves in the most ironic way.

It is said that this Hao Liu has a strong background. Since her debut, she has been cooperating with big names. Several famous directors have also taken turns to praise her. At the beginning of this year, she also won a quite valuable award. In terms of popularity alone, she is indeed the top of the current Huaxia post-00 florets. flow.

However, because of these things, the popularity of passers-by is extremely poor, and the box office of several movies he starred in is not very satisfactory.

Although it has something to do with the poor quality of the movies themselves, it is an indisputable fact that they ruin the popularity of passers-by. Many netizens said that they would never watch movies starring Liu Haoliu.

It can be said that no matter how high her resources in the film industry are, her reputation will be low.

Before that, Luo Quan only briefly read the process on Weibo, without any special in-depth understanding.

Because I can't change anything if I understand it, and it will just cause trouble for myself, so I just don't watch it.

But now they are all stuffed directly in front of her eyes, and if she can't see it, then she is not blind, but blind.

Luo Quan replied bluntly in the email: "Is this the perfect seedling for your company?"

The scorching sun artist originally wanted to send out the information of a few artists, but when they saw this, they were stunned and paused for a full minute before typing: "Recently there are indeed many rhythms about Hao Liu on the Internet, but most of them are It’s fake, if you don’t believe me, go search again, many of those who spread rumors have deleted their comments.”

The comment was indeed deleted, and even the news could not be found.

However, this is not the conscience of the rumormongers, but an act of deception by some people in order to cover up their own stains.

"Don't use these words to fool me, your company praises Hao Liu so much, I think we should talk about the cooperation later.

When did Hao Liu apologize for this incident and make additional compensation, and then talk about cooperation. "

After the email was sent, there was no response from the scorching sun artist.

I don't know whether to arrange for Hao Liu to apologize, or to just retreat in spite of the difficulties.

However, Luo Quan guessed it would be the latter, and the whole network could pretend to be the one who didn't see it, because how could he apologize with a single sentence?
If I really apologized, wouldn't the previous scolding be in vain?Wasn’t the deleted hot search deleted in vain?

She and the people behind her will not do such self-deprecating things.

He just didn't know if he would be hated by scorching sun artists if he did so.

This company produced a lot of good dramas, and as long as it was a good drama, artists from Luoquan would not miss it.

I checked the notepad, Su Yu and Yun'er did have a play each, and they cooperated with the scorching sun artist.

Fortunately, it was just accepted and the filming had not started yet. Both of them were reading the script, so there was no loss even if they rejected it.

Of course, this matter has to wait for the scorching sun artist to raise it first, and if they want to breach the contract, they will also breach the contract.

Afterwards, Luo Quan told Su Yu and Yun'er about the matter, so that they could have a mental preparation in advance.

Hearing that the boss said that he had offended the Sunshine artist, Su Yu laughed directly: "No matter how you look at it, they offended you, the boss. In your current position, you point at them and scold them, and you have to smile even if you spit on your face."

Luo Quan chuckled: "How can I be so vulgar, and I'm afraid my saliva will be dirty."

Yun'er was a little worried: "However, this company is indeed very powerful. Among the high-scoring dramas in the past few years, three out of ten were filmed by them, and the other three were participated in the production. If they can't cooperate in the future, wouldn't it be Need a lot less good resources?"

"It doesn't matter, the big deal is that we will film it ourselves." Luo Quan comforted the girls indifferently, "If your boss can come up with the script of the movie, can't he come up with the script of the TV series?
It's just that I'm lazy, and I also want you to practice your acting skills, so that even if the script is difficult, you can easily handle it. "

Wen Xia opened her mouth and yawned: "It's really not easy to hear you say that you are lazy."

Luo Quan spread his hands and said plausibly: "I just don't want to make you too tired, now that there are ready-made resources, you can rest for a long time after shooting for a month, isn't it wonderful?

Are you all workaholics, and you feel unhappy if you don't film for a day? "

Su Yu immediately shook his head: "That's definitely not the case. Who doesn't want to play if they can play?"

"Me too." Yun'er nodded in agreement.

Luo Quan laughed: "That's right.

But since the topic is here, I will also give you a reassurance.

I'm sure I have the book, and I'll make it up for you when you finish filming the drama at hand. "

"Is this a good conception?" Wen Xia's eyes lit up, "But there are a lot of girls in our company, can we go together? It seems that only Qing palace dramas can meet this requirement."

Luo Quan nodded: "It is indeed possible, but it seems that this genre is not very popular now, so I plan to shoot a modern drama, and the title of the drama is tentatively named "Ode to Joy"."

Su Yu blinked: "Ode to Joy? It sounds like singing, isn't it a musical?"

If it is music, then "Ode to Joy" is definitely one of the best.

But there is no such thing as "Ode to Joy" in this world, whether it is music or TV dramas, so naturally there is no fear of misunderstandings.

And this TV series is indeed a female group portrait. The portrayal of several female protagonists is quite popular. The evaluation and popularity in the previous life are very good. It is a good drama that will become popular when it is shot.

Originally, Luo Quan planned to tell Wen Xia and the others later, but now that it's time to catch up, he told everyone in advance.

Right after the meeting here, the scorching sun artist's revenge came.

It was faster than Luo Quan imagined, and also weaker than imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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