Chapter 767
"Have you had a conflict with the scorching sun artist?"

In the afternoon, Zhou Yangwen made a special phone call to inquire.

"You found out so soon?" Luo Quan was a little surprised, thinking that Zhou Yangwen was not a leader, and those people could not sue him.

"Your news is really not well-informed." Zhou Yangwen laughed: "Scorching Sun artists have already let the word out in the circle, from now on all TV dramas and variety shows with your company's artists will not be accepted.

In addition, the films and TV series produced by myself will definitely not require people from your company. "

"Where did you post this post? I didn't see it in Weibo hot searches."

This time Luo Quan was not trying to be weird, but asking questions sincerely.

In her memory, if the scorching sun artist really planned to take revenge, he would first post an announcement on Weibo, and then start a car-to-car-cannon-cannon battle.

In the end, the actual situation was just to say such a sentence secretly, and it was not as violent as she imagined.

It can be considered that they are sensible and dare not make this kind of thing public.

If all the netizens on the whole network really participated in eating melons, then she would not pretend that she hadn't seen it, and would definitely do her best to win this face.

For some things, exposure or exposure are two concepts.

Zhou Yangwen explained: "The entertainment industry is having a hard time right now, and the scorching sun probably doesn't want to make a big deal out of it, and just let the words out through the mouths of those big Vs and entertainment reporters.

The trending search probably won't be on the top, but it won't be long before similar news comes out. In the end, everyone knows about TV dramas, with you without him, with him without you. "

"Without Zhang Butcher, why don't you eat hairy pigs?" Luo Quan smiled slightly, "It doesn't matter, the big deal is that the well water doesn't violate the river water, and they were stupid in the first place, trying to stuff a bad box office poison into it." Come on, if I say no, they will be impatient."

"Box office poison?"

Zhou Yangwen was a little puzzled. He knew that Luo Quan was going to make a new movie soon, and there were still a few roles that were left unplayed. Many domestic actors were watching closely.

"It's that Hao Liu."

"Oh——" Zhou Yangwen dragged his voice meaningfully, "No wonder, then the person who said that probably wasn't the artist Sunshine."

"What do you mean, you mean..."

In a similar situation, Luo Quan thought of offending the flower company before.

It is also the so-called gang of rich second generations who let white gloves set up entertainment companies to make money for themselves or do other things.

Originally thought that the previous major rectification had already banned similar companies.

Now it seems that what was banned before is only part of it.

"So besides not cooperating with us, is he planning to do something else?" Luo Quan asked with a smile.

Zhou Yangwen denied: "That's definitely not dare, they don't have the guts to offend you to death, they just want to show you an attitude, meaning don't think they are easy to bully."

Luo Quan sighed softly: "Indeed, that little girl who lost a leg is the one who is easy to bully."

Zhou Yangwen knew who Luo Quan was talking about.

A while ago, there was a lot of news about Hao Liu's parents on the Internet, and the whole Internet was criticizing.

But it didn't take long for the news to be almost deleted, which was done by Hao Liu or the forces behind the scorching sun artist.

In comparison, penguins are certainly not afraid of these.

But he is just the general manager of a subsidiary company of Penguin, so there is no need to participate in this kind of grievance.

As for Luo Quan, to be honest, he still can't do it and she is worried.

The last one who thought he was very energetic and dared to provoke her had been in prison for several years.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhou, for calling and telling me about it."

After understanding the situation, Luo Quan thanked Zhou Yangwen.

"It's just a small matter. I mainly want to ask what's going on with you and there. It's actually not a big deal. There's no need to make things so rigid."

After speaking, Zhou Yangwen hung up the phone.

Luo Quan's face was expressionless, but he was thinking in his heart, if the girl who was bumped was himself, could this matter be reduced?
The answer is definitely no.

If he really loses a leg by a drunk driving, God knows what his father and grandfather will do.

Not to mention Hao Liu's parents, even the so-called second generation behind her has to find a way to resolve the matter.

But what is certain is that Hao Liu will never be a star again.

Because as long as there are works by her, they will be bombarded by her own huge fan base, and the wind critics don't want to have another good place.

This is the difference.

Therefore, Luo Quan has never believed in the nonsense that everyone is equal. Except that everyone is mortal, there are very few things in the world that are equal.

Normally, she wouldn't think so much, because she couldn't change the status quo, so no matter how much anger and resentment she had in her heart, it would only turn into a sense of powerlessness in the face of reality, adding to her frustration for nothing.

But Zhou Yangwen's sentence "it's not really a big deal" really sounds harsh.

If possible, she would like to be justice, to punish all the evil in this world, and to praise all the good in the world.

It's a pity that she is not a hero, nor does she have such great abilities.

But at least she can deal with the scorching sun artist.

Now that someone has made a move, if he doesn't give some response, wouldn't he be a shrinking turtle?

Since her debut, she has never had the habit of playing dead when encountering any rhythm.

In the evening, Luo Quan posted a news:
"At the end of the year, I will establish Quanshui International Pictures, focusing on the development of high-quality high-quality films and TV series.

At present, there are actually quite a few works that have shooting plans, and they are also revealed here to give fans a fresh taste.

First came Resident Evil fans' most anticipated TV series, "The Walking Dead," and then a new IP, "Harry Potter," about a magical world with magic, but still set in modern times.

In addition, there is also a domestic TV series with the same worldview as "Harry Potter". The theme is our own "magic", that is, Taoism.

That's all the information that can be announced, and I will tell you as soon as there are new plans in the future. In short, you will definitely be able to feast your eyes from next year. "

After this announcement, Luo Quan became the first entertainment star to be searched for in three days.

No way, her plan is too explosive.

Not only the news of the TV series derived from Resident Evil was announced, but also a brand new IP.

Although I can't see any concept drawings at present, the saying that Luoquan's products must be high-quality goods is not just for fun.

In the past few years, there are so many classics in her hands that I can't count them on one hand.

Perhaps she will eventually have a day when her talents are completely lost to everyone, but fans believe that it will definitely not be today.

At the age of 21, she is at the golden age of her own creation. There should be overflowing inspiration and talent in her mind, and she can arouse the exclamation and pursuit of everyone if she takes it out.

Undoubtedly, after this news was released, the movie stars who were already jealous and wanted to cooperate with Luo Quan became even more enthusiastic.

With new IP and new opportunities, everyone knows how much traffic Luo Quan's movies can bring.

The two Resident Evil movies directly promoted several unknown [-]-line actors to become internationally famous.

No matter how bad the new IP "Harry Potter" is, it won't be so bad.

And looking at Luo Quan's determined tone, she knew that she attached great importance to this project and was confident.

Luo Quan usually doesn't make any promises, but as long as she praises them, it's definitely not ordinary.

One can imagine how good "Harry Potter" will be.

Of course, compared to this movie with a foreign name, Huaxia fans are still looking forward to its derivative TV series.

Although it doesn't have a name yet, the theme has already been decided, which is Huaxia Fantasy and Taoism.

Although I don't know which school of Taoism Luoquan will use as material, Laoshan Tao, Dragon and Tiger Tao, and Wudang Tao are all quite famous, and if they can become popular all over the world, they can definitely become a great weapon for China to export to the outside world.

Ancestral money can be accepted abroad, and it is popular all over the world. There is no reason why Taoism and the cultural connotation behind it cannot be accepted.

Of course, these are still on paper at the moment. According to Luo Quan's habit, it is estimated that he just created a folder. I don't know when it will be real.

But this sense of expectation is definitely something that the current domestic film and television manufacturers cannot provide.

At present, in China, there is either fairy-xia love or martial arts love, love in ancient costumes, and love in modern times.

In short, it is on the bar with love, as if it is impossible to shoot TV dramas without love and romance.

And let’s just shoot, Fuhuadao’s special effects are full of cheapness, and you can’t see a few good ones throughout the year, and you can’t find any bright spots at all.

As soon as Luo Quan shot it, it was a subject that no one had ever photographed before.

But when it comes to Taoism, it is inevitable that there will be things like gods, gods and ghosts.

I don't know if it will pass the review when it is filmed.

Just when the fans were in the excitement and joy and a little bit of worry, Luo Quan followed up with another post.

"Starting from the end of the year, Quanshui Films will no longer cooperate with all the artists who have cooperated with Sunshine Artists and new ones."

There is a saying that the fewer words, the bigger the matter.

Just a few dozen words intensified the conflict between Luo Quan and the scorching sun artist to the point of being completely irreconcilable.

Don't you want to make things big?Coincidentally, I like excitement. I haven’t been on the hot search for a few days. Speaking of it, I still miss it. It’s just a double hit.

If the previous hot search attracted a lot of attention, then this time the hot search will explode the entire Internet.

Compared with foreign stars who will fight each other personally, the relationship between domestic stars has always been very harmonious in recent years.

No matter how fierce the competition is, secretly wishing that the opposite party would collapse the house and quit the circle, but when they really met, they still smiled, as if they were old friends who hadn't seen each other for a long time.

No matter how serious the conflict is, it is usually to let the fans do swear words, or spend money to buy the navy to release the black material of the opponent, and fight a proxy war.

It is really rare for someone like Luo Quan to fire a cannon in person. For this, a crowd of melon eaters gathered on Weibo to watch.

"How can you say that you are an international superstar? Even the way to resolve conflicts is in line with international standards. If you can do it yourself, you will never ask others."

"Luo Quan is still a gangster. If there is something wrong with her, she is telling the truth."

"I don't know what the scorching sun artist thinks, why do you say you provoke her out of nowhere?"

"Is it possible that Luo Quan took the initiative to deal with the scorching sun artist?"

"Certainly not. Luo Bao is not the one who is just looking for trouble. It must be the scorching sun artist who started the fire first."

"I think so too, let's see how the scorching sun artist fights back."

"How else can I go back? Is it possible to block Luoquan? It's not that powerful yet."

"One thing to say, this company's TV dramas this year are really not very good. They are all garbage TV dramas used to promote traffic stars."

"Eat melons and you're done."


In the office of the owner of the scorching sun artist, a plump woman angrily pushed everything on the table to the ground.

"This Luo Quan should tear her face apart, doesn't she understand the rules of the game!"

The so-called rules of the game are actually no matter how serious the conflicts among celebrities are, don't use this method to make a scene known to the entire Internet.

Because this is forcing everyone else to stand in line, it is a taboo behavior.

No one can guarantee that they will get most of the support. If they do this, they will either lose everything, or kill three thousand enemies and lose eight hundred.

For profit-seeking capital, it is completely unnecessary and very stupid to do so.

The Huaxia market is said to be huge, with a population of more than one billion, and the profits of entertainment-related industries are in the trillions every year.

But to say small is actually very small, if you don't look up and look down, there will always be times when you can't help but collaborate on the same stage.

Therefore, in order to make money, even if most celebrities are unhappy with each other, they can meet each other and smile away their grievances.

Even if the contradictions cannot be reconciled, the big deal is that they will not communicate with each other forever.

But Luo Quan actually made this contradiction clear.

Moreover, the boss of Sunshine Artists was surprised to find that he didn't even have the confidence to gain much advantage over Luo Quan.

Although Sunshine Artist has produced many good dramas before.

But a good drama may not be a hit, nor does it mean that it will definitely make a lot of money.

Although as one of the leading TV dramas in China, he has indeed made a lot of money over the years.

But compared to a gold-absorbing beast like Luo Quan, it's nothing worth mentioning.

A multi-million-dollar Resident Evil finally earned nearly 20 billion at the box office.

This conversion rate is simply sky-high.

If it is really for making money, it is not too simple who the capital will choose.

"Damn it, is this woman crazy? Just for such a thing, she overturned the table."

The boss of Sunshine Artists gritted his teeth and pounded the table, his fat body trembling with anger.

Because she was dizzy with anger, she even forgot that the scorching sun artist himself started the war first.

It's just that she thought that Luo Quan would abide by the rules of the game, and at worst they would not interact with each other in the future.

But I didn't expect her to come directly to the bottom of the pot.

Now the whole internet knows that the scorching sun artist and Luo Quan have fallen out.

If it is not calmed down quickly, the consequences will be quite serious.

You know, Sunshine Artists is a listed company.

With this in mind, she hurriedly called her boss.


There was a middle-aged man's voice on the other end of the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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