Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 768 Am I not the only one?

Chapter 768 Am I not the only one?

"Boss, something happened here in the company."

Different from the grumpy look of the reincarnated dominatrix just now, the female boss of Scorching Sun's tone was extremely docile at this time, and even her expression became respectful.

"What's the matter so late?"

The voice of the middle-aged man could not hear sadness and joy.

The female boss told her boss about the entanglement with Luo Quan and the current situation, and waited nervously for his reply.

On the other side of the phone, there could only be a sound of typing on the keyboard, as if searching for something.

After about 2 minutes, the voice of the middle-aged man finally sounded: "Who gave you the courage to provoke Luo Quan? Don't even talk about the forces behind her. With her current status in the entertainment industry at home and abroad, do you think your company Can I get any benefit from going against her?"

The woman's face turned pale in an instant: "I... I thought we weren't afraid of her, so we weren't too..."

"You're really stupid. I'm not afraid, but it doesn't mean you can't be afraid. Are you at the same level as me and her? Do you think you can do whatever you want if you work under my command? Not enough!"

The voice of the middle-aged man grew louder and louder, even revealing a touch of irritation.

It can be heard that he must have a good self-cultivation at ordinary times, even if he is so angry, he still controls himself not to swear.

"I don't care what method you use, apologize to her yourself, and don't say stupid things like someone above you, or you will bear the consequences."

The middle-aged man's tone was as stiff as ice, without a trace of emotion.

The woman gritted her teeth and said, "But she said that only when Hao Liu posted on Weibo and admitted all the mistakes before, would he think about other things."

"Hao Liu?"

"Yes, the core contradiction of the matter is Hao Liu, or Hao Liu's parents.

This Luo Quan has a sense of justice, probably for the sake of the girl who was bumped. "

The middle-aged man chuckled: "Young people are like this, full of enthusiasm and idealism, but don't know what reality is."

The woman also laughed catering to her: "I'm also quite strange, it's not worth it at all."

"But that's not the reason for you to offend her." The tone on the other end of the phone became stern again, "Find a solution for yourself, don't bother me if you have nothing to do, and if Hao Liu is angry, you can persuade her not to be serious .”

After speaking, the phone hangs up.

Originally, I wanted to call for help, but in the end I still had to solve it myself.

But at least one thing was clear after this phone call, that is, Luo Quan really couldn't be offended.

At least she and the scorching sun artist can't be offended, whether it's in the entertainment industry or in the whole of China......

"I really don't have any conflicts with anyone, I just don't want to cooperate with this company."

In the live broadcast room, faced with fans' questioning, Luo Quan tried to cover up the matter with lies.

"Thanks to the admiral who is still being stubborn... Oh, I'm not being stubborn." Luo Quan laughed directly when he saw this nickname.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Luo Bao must have her reasons for doing this, after all, she has never been the one who actively bullies others."

"I'm still very curious about how the two sides ended up grudges."


While the barrage was discussing, Luo Quan called from an unknown number.


"Hi, I'm Wang Xiu, the owner of Sunshine Artists."

Hearing this introduction, Luo Quan glanced at the camera in the live broadcast room: "I have some things to deal with here, and I will broadcast live later."

Turning off the live broadcast, Luo Quan's tone instantly changed from gentle to sharp: "What's the matter?"

"I think what happened this time was a misunderstanding. The person who made the remarks before was the resume of the vice president of Sunshine Artists. All of this is its own initiative, and I am completely unaware of it.

I fired him immediately after I found out. "

"Temporary workers, right?"

Luo Quan had heard similar rhetoric countless times, but he was just looking for someone to take the blame anyway.

But she didn't care who did it, whether she got fired or not.

"I made it very clear before. Hao Liu apologized, and the matter is understood. If you want to use other prices to calm down, I advise you not to bother."

After speaking, Luo Quan hung up the phone directly.

"It's really oily and salty!" Wang Xiu slapped the table again, really angry at Luo Quan's stubbornness.

She had no choice but to inform the boss about it.

But instead of making a phone call, he sent a WeChat message: "Boss, Luo Quan insists on Hao Liu apologizing, otherwise he won't settle."

"Understood, you don't need to worry about this matter." The middle-aged man quickly replied, which made Wang Xiu breathe a sigh of relief.

Five minutes later, Luo Quan's phone rang again.

Luo Quan seemed to have expected it, and did not turn on the live broadcast after the first call, but waited for the second call.

If the younger ones can't be dealt with, the older ones will definitely be notified. Fantasy novels all follow this pattern.

Of course, the voice on the phone wasn't very old.


"Hello, Luo Quan, I'm the real boss of Sunshine Artists. I heard that you have a grudge with Hao Liu? But I remember that she didn't offend you, right?"

"There is no grudge, I just think she should apologize to the girl who was bumped by her parents."

"But she didn't hit him, and the money has already been lost, so the matter should be over here."

"The judgment issued in 14 was delayed until the court enforced it in 18. During this period, the girl had no money for treatment and had to amputate her limbs. The whole family became subsistence allowances.

If this girl was your daughter, would you be willing to take the money? "

The middle-aged man on the phone smiled: "You must feel that you are just, but maybe these people don't need you to enforce justice, and your justice may even harm them."

Luo Quan had a disdainful expression on his face: "You want to come here, don't you? Then don't blame me for flipping the table. I'll post this on Weibo and let my fans comment on it."

She has always been soft but not tough. When she was threatened by the Sumiyoshi Society in Japan, she dared to take out the desert eagle and point it at the second in command surrounded by hundreds of gang members.

Now a person who doesn't know what his background dares to do this with her, then she can only expose all the content of the conversation, and let the netizens with great powers investigate and see how awesome this guy's background is. .

Hearing the sound of Luo Quan typing on the keyboard, the middle-aged man obviously panicked: "Luo Quan, don't get excited, I'm just joking, who would dare to engage in such a thing in a legal society?"

"I don't like to joke with people I don't know well, anyway, if something happens to that family in the future, I'll just flip the table over, I don't care if it has anything to do with you or not.

You can also give it a try and see if you can cover the sky with one hand in Huaxia, but before making a decision, think about the fate of the Huang family in the capital, and then think about how you are compared to the Huang family. "

The middle-aged man was speechless: "You are completely unreasonable, meaning that I should be responsible for the safety of the family?"

"Then I don't care, the words are here anyway, and the decision rests with you."

"It's true that we can't cover the sky with our hands in China, but it's not a place where you can do whatever you want.

I know you are very good at fighting, but don't think you are the only one, you have to know that there is still a mountain! "The voice of the middle-aged man trembled a little, apparently annoyed by the unreasonable Luo Quan.

If he didn't know that it was Luo Quan who was talking to him, the most beautiful in the world, otherwise he really thought that the person on the phone was a shrew with disheveled hair!

"Why, do you want to find someone to practice with me?"

Luo Quan immediately became interested. From the words of this middle-aged man, she immediately realized that this man might also know about the recovery of spiritual energy.

Even if he didn't know, he must know someone with extraordinary skills.

If I could meet and fight against this kind of person, maybe I could take the opportunity to find out what kind of fighting power I was after my spiritual energy recovered.

"That was not what I meant…………"

The middle-aged man thought that Luo Quan was going to lose his temper, so he quickly denied it, but was interrupted when he didn't realize it.

"It must mean that! Hurry up and send the most capable fighter over there, and let me see how powerful it is.

The venue is Shanghai Fighting Club. If I don't see anyone before twelve o'clock tomorrow, I will flip the table. If I win, I can say everything. "

"You... this..." The middle-aged man actually wanted to ask if you had some serious illness, but he didn't dare to say it.

"I don't mean to have an enmity with you, and it doesn't even matter if you have to deal with the scorching sun artist, but if Hao Liu apologizes, it doesn't agree with me, so it's impossible for me to press her head to make her apologize."

At this point, the middle-aged man had a showdown with Luo Quan.

Although he is the boss of the boss of Sunshine Artists, Hao Liu's status is even higher than him, and he can't make the decision about apologizing, so this is also the reason why Luo Quan will not let go no matter how forced he is.

But on the other hand, he could not agree to Luo Quan's request.

If anything good or bad is said about this aunt, it won't be a hot topic in the entertainment industry, but it will become international news [-]%.

The Huang family attempted to kidnap Luoquan before, and the excitement of the domestic and foreign media following the reports was like crazy. So many big shots were also extremely concerned, and they called several times to inquire about the situation.

This kind of person, not to mention being law-abiding like a saint, even if he committed some catastrophic disaster, it is beyond his and his family's ability to deal with it.

Before being so strong, he just wanted to take advantage of Luo Quan's ignorance of his real identity and make a difference.

But I didn't expect Luo Quan to be so stubborn, and he didn't seem to be afraid at all.

In short, he was at a loss here, and even started to think about whether he should open his mouth to beg the aunt to stop, or pretend that he didn't make the call.

"Anyway, I've already set the time and place, and I've told you the consequences if you don't come, you can figure it out."

"To put it lightly, who in your status and status would dare to take action?" The middle-aged man also accepted his fate, and began to think of ways to pave the way for tomorrow's group arena.

"Don't worry, it's just a friendly sparring. Besides, it's inevitable for martial arts practitioners to get hurt a bit in sparring sparring. I can't blame anyone. I'm to blame for breaking me."

The middle-aged man grinned his teeth and said angrily, "You said that."

"It's what I said, remember to send the best fighter from your place!"

After speaking, Luo Quan hung up the phone.

"I'm not the only one?"

The appearance of this sentence was the turning point for Luo Quan to insist on it.

She knew that masters would emerge after the spirit energy revived, but she thought they would come out of the entertainment industry first, and the sudden entertainment reform was probably because of this.

I just don't know if the one sent tomorrow will be a certain celebrity or an unknown person.

As for whether he can beat it, Luo Quan is quite confident.

After all, before her aura was revived, she had surpassed her combat power to the peak of human beings with her extremely karate skills.

Now energy is gradually pouring into the body every day. Although the amount is not large, it is getting stronger every day.

It doesn't make sense that the world is invincible before the spiritual energy is revived, but after the spiritual energy is revived, no one can beat it.

Of course, although the chances of winning are great in theory, after all, it is the first battle after the recovery of spiritual energy, and she still attaches great importance to it, so she didn't stay up late tonight and went to rest early.

But in the capital, there are a group of people who can't sleep.

There is a news network among the aristocratic families that only people in this circle know.

Here, Luo Quan made a declaration of war, and it didn't take long for everyone to know about it.

"This is the case, what do you think?"

In the hall, a middle-aged man respectfully reported to a middle-aged man with a square face who was about his age in front of him.

If Luo Quan were here, he would definitely recognize that this humble middle-aged man was the one who spoke to her just now.

The middle-aged man with a square face is expressionless: "In the final analysis, it is because of Xiaohong's daughter-in-law, her parents are Xiaomin, who have too shallow thinking and vision, and it's not that they can't afford the little money, so they have to delay it for so many years." , leaving people with a handle."

"Then this Luo Quan?"

"Let Mr. Li do the work. Although my Zhao family doesn't want to cause trouble, I'm definitely not afraid of trouble. Now everyone wants to get involved in the entertainment industry and take advantage of the new era.

Sunshine artists are still very important, and they cannot be given up no matter what. "

"Then if we lose tomorrow..."

Guozi smiled: "Then let that Hao Liu apologize, isn't that what Luo Quan wants? If she is really so powerful, how about selling her face?"

"Okay, I'll make arrangements."


For a few hours, all the people in the entire capital knew that Mr. Li from the Zhao family was going to make a move, and the target was Luoquan, who had been in the limelight recently.

Although they don't know what conflicts she has with the Zhao family, but with the experience of the Huang family, many people think that the Zhao family is asking for trouble.

It's said to be a friendly exchange of ideas, but it's really easy to stop fighting.

Luo Quan's skill is not a fault, it was praised by many famous masters before.

And this Mr. Li is even more extraordinary. He used to be a bodyguard when he was young. As for who is protecting him, he can't even mention it.

In short, martial arts must be one in a million, and with the addition of several hundred-year-old antiques from Zhao's family nourishing him day and night, his skills must have improved.

No matter how you look at it, it feels like a bully when such a master deals with a tender-skinned little girl.

Although the fight has not yet started, many people feel that there is no suspense in the ending.

Of course, there are also many people who think that Luo Quan is so popular now and has absorbed the energy of so many fans, it is hard to say what level of combat power it has reached.

What the specific result is, you have to fight to know.

(End of this chapter)

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