Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 769 When did you become the number one in the world?

Chapter 769 When will you become number one in the world?
The late summer sun was still blindingly hot, pouring through the glass doors onto the leather floors of the fight club.

Junko sat kneeling aside, with a bamboo knife on her right hand.

As a descendant of a family of kendo, she used to kneel and watch the battle every time her grandfather competed with others.

But that was a long time ago. In the past few years, most of her energy has been devoted to her idol career. Although the swordsmanship has not been abandoned, she has not practiced much.

This time pretending to put on a sword, in fact, it was just to support the scene for Quan Jiang.

It is said that the opponent this time is a master from a family in the capital, and their martial arts must be very good. Apart from Quan Jiang, they are the best at fighting on their own.

In order to maintain her aura, she also turned out the bamboo knife that she hadn't touched for a long time.

Although the possibility of coming in handy is not very great.

"Your grandfather sent me a message before, asking you to go back to Tokyo when you have time. Your parents miss you very much."

Luo Quan was sitting on the chair next to him, crossing his legs, with a very calm expression.

Comparing with Junzi's sad little face, those who didn't know thought she was going to play later instead of Luo Quan.

"Didn't you just go back in March?" Junko was stunned. The last time I went back to report last year's results to my grandfather, I was praised for a while, and said to work hard, don't worry about them, I must make a name for myself.

Why did you miss her again after only a few months?

There are obviously video calls every week.

Luo Quan shook his head: "Then I don't know, anyway, it's right to listen to the elders."

"Luo Bao, are you sure this time? How do I see that all the doctors and nurses are here?"

Wen Xia asked her friend nervously, she saw four medical staff in white coats walking in from the back door, carrying a lot of emergency medical equipment, including defibrillators, portable pacemakers and stretchers .

This posture means that one of the two must lie down and go out today.

Luo Quan patted Wen Xia's shoulder lightly: "There is a high probability that you won't need it, but you should be prepared."

While talking, the door was pushed open.

Three people, two men and one woman, walked in.

The female Luo Quan still has some impressions, that is, Wang Xiu, the boss of Sunshine Artists, who met on Weibo night before, came here today and put on the same thick makeup as last time.

The other two men were both wearing Chinese tunic suits.

One is short and fat, and looks fine, but his feet are sloppy and his breath is short. It seems that he is often sensual, and it will only be a matter of time before his body becomes weak.

And the other one is not so simple.

He is about 1.7 meters tall, slightly shorter than Luo Quan.

But the physique is lean, the left and right temples are bulging high, the face is angular, the eyes are full of vigor, the backs of the two long hands are covered with thick dark calluses, and every step when walking leaves a shallow line on the floor. print.

This is a master!
Before that, the only master Luo Quan had ever met was Junko's grandfather.

At that time, the two had a discussion because of Junko being an idol, and it seemed to be a [-]-[-] split.

But later, after her strength improved by leaps and bounds, she realized how much water Junko's grandfather put in at that time.

It's a pity that he didn't have the chance to fight this Japanese sword master again, otherwise Luo Quan would have a clearer understanding of the peak of human combat power.

And the one in front of him looks much younger than Junko's grandfather, definitely less than 40 years old.

But the aura of the whole body is not inferior to the old Liu Sheng.

And the boxing is afraid of the young, this young man does not have a weapon, and he is obviously good at boxing and kicking. This age group is definitely at the peak of combat power.

Luo Quan stood up, tied the thick hair behind him into a golden ponytail with a rubber band, then kicked the chair under him very smoothly to the wall, and stabilized when the back of the chair was still a millimeter away from the wall. stopped steadily.

A simple kick made the young man's pupils shrink.

Before he came here, he only knew that Luo Quan was stronger than many weightlifters, but he never expected that his grasp of strength could be so superb.

This has almost entered the realm of perfection!
"Li Shan!"

The young man stopped ten meters away from Luoquan, bowed his hands and saluted.

Generally speaking, one would report one's own sect before the sparring, but it was not mentioned here, and there was a high probability that one did not or did not want others to know.

"Luo Quan."

Luo Quan followed suit and returned one.

"I think there is really no need to develop to this stage, after all, we have no grudges in the past and no grudges in the present."

Another chunky middle-aged man spoke, and Luo Quan immediately recognized that it was the boss of the scorching sun artist boss last night.

"Yeah, yeah, it's not good no matter where it hurts." Wang Xiu quickly nodded in agreement.

"It's okay if you don't fight, then let Hao Liu apologize immediately." This is Luo Quan's long-standing request.

She really didn't have any enmity with Artist Sun, she just wanted to seek justice for that disabled girl.

After saying this, everyone knew that there was no room for change.

The middle-aged man and Wang Xiu stepped back to the wall, and the people on Luoquan's side also stepped back more than ten meters.

"What's the rule?"

Li Shan has been living in the Zhao family since he retired, and has received a lot of favors from the Zhao family.

Over the years, he has rarely been serious with others, but his kung fu has never dropped for a moment.

Although he had heard that Luo Quan was very good, he felt that he would not lose.

After all, even the entire Forty-Nine City is stronger than him, and they can't make up two slaps, and there isn't a single woman in it.

"Let's finish it."

Luo Quan said a conservative rule, after all, it's just a discussion, if there is a problem, she will have to sue.

In fact, at the end of the story, the Zhao family must have told Li Shan that Xu Sheng is not allowed to lose, and it may not be able to stop the fight.


Li Shan took a deep breath, then kicked his left foot suddenly, and his body flew towards Luoquan.

The distance of ten meters was almost swept by him in an instant.

Luo Quan frowned, only feeling a gust of wind coming towards him, and it was Li Shan's big palm blowing from top to bottom.

The typical whip hanging from one arm to the other, Luo Quan reckoned that the blow would hit hard, and the bones of a normal person would be about to burst.

The enemy's awareness is higher than she imagined, show no mercy and no mercy.

"In this case……"

Luo Quan pursed his lips, and pressed his shoulders directly into Li Shan's arms, using the Tieshan leaning in Bajiquan.

Male fans all over the world are probably longing for a day when they can embrace Luo Quan.

But if it was Luo Quan in this form running towards him, it might not be a good thing.

Even though Li Shan had already reacted and stopped his move in time and put his arms sideways to block in front of him, he still felt as if he had been hit by a running rhino.

Stepping back several steps in disorder, Li Shan's face was as red and swollen as a lantern on New Year's Eve, and his coughs were like firecrackers.

"If you have real skills, show them all, or you will lose badly."

Luo Quan's eyes were full of excitement. Ever since her combat power soared, she had never displayed her abilities so recklessly as today.

Today I finally found a sandbag that is not so easy to rot.

"Mr. Lee."

The middle-aged man of the Zhao family yelled at him worriedly.

"It's okay." Li Shan raised his hand, signaling that he was fine.

"I'm careless. I didn't expect a girl to be able to practice Bajiquan to this level." Li Shan took a few deep breaths to calm down the turbulent Qi and blood, and his face returned to normal.

If he guessed correctly, Luo Quan should also be a transcendent.

This kind of strength cannot be obtained by any talent or exercise, and she is still so young.

"Don't underestimate girls, women can also hold up half the sky." Luo Quan stretched out his right hand forward, this posture is exactly the questioning hand in Wing Chun.

If there is another sentence of Wing Chun Luoquan, it is almost the same as in the movie.

The boxing created by women is naturally the most suitable for women to use.

Seeing Luo Quan's posture, Li Shan also had a headache.

Compared with the fierce Bajiquan, Wing Chun's darker boxing method is actually more difficult to deal with.

Especially when Luo Quan possessed such strange power.

It seems that if you don't show your real skills today, you will die.

There was a vertical line between Li Shan's eyebrows, his expression was very solemn, his big palm was squeezed into a fist, and he rushed towards Luo Quan again.

This time his movement was as swift as a spirit snake, and his shadow on the ground flashed across the sunlight, almost impossible to catch.

But Luo Quan saw all of this, including the two arms he swung like an electric fan.

Li Shan displayed the speed and strength of the through-arm fist to the fullest. Every swing of his arm would squeeze the air and make a muffled whirring sound.

It's a pity that every time I hit, there is an unattainable distance from Luoquan.

The powerful dynamic vision made Li Shan's movements that were so fast that they produced phantoms were slowed down several times in her eyes.

Just like the bullet time in The Matrix, everything she looked at became slow motion, allowing her to deal with it calmly.

Li Shan's attack was indeed fast and ruthless. When he met an ordinary strong man, even fifteen or six of them couldn't beat him.

Unfortunately, her opponent is herself.

"Be careful!"

After dispelling Li Shan's [-] or so whips, Luo Quan opened his mouth softly, and the latitude of his right arm suddenly bulged in a big circle.

If he wasn't wearing long sleeves, everyone could see the sharp muscles of Luo Quan's entire right arm.

Like a spring, her right fist was accelerated in a very short space.

Fortunately, with this reminder, coupled with Li Shan's keen intuition, he stopped in time to block, so he didn't allow his chest to hard-press Luo Quan's one-inch punch.

But even with his palms folded in front of his body, Li Shan tried his best to defuse it, but it still didn't help.

It is said that Wing Chun is famous for its femininity, but it is most famous for its extremely vigorous Cun Quan.

It claims that you don't need to swing your arms, you can break stones, bricks and boards with just a lift of your elbows. The power cycle is very short, but the power is very powerful.

Li Shan doesn't know much about Wing Chun, he just knows how powerful the Cun Quan is, but he doesn't know how powerful it is.

But after his body bent like a boiled shrimp and his back arched back and flew upside down for several meters, he finally knew.

After landing on the ground, Li Shan retreated a few more steps before he managed to stabilize his figure. His legs trembled for a while, but finally he couldn't stand it anymore, and knelt down on the ground.

After this punch, his body was really uncomfortable, and his internal organs were in severe pain like boiling, which was a sign of internal injury.

It's also fortunate that Luo Quan reminded him, otherwise he would not be as simple as kneeling now.


Seeing that the winner was already divided, Luo Quan called the doctor next to him to come over to rescue him, but Li Shan raised his hand to stop him.

"No, it's not serious enough to require a doctor, and Western medicine can't heal internal injuries."

Li Shan waited for a long time, and finally stood up tremblingly, looking at Luo Quan with complicated expressions in his eyes: "You are really a formidable young man, not only you have the appearance of a master in Bajiquan, but also in Wing Chun. A once-in-a-century martial arts prodigy."

"Thank you for the compliment. In fact, I just have great strength and fast speed." Luo Quan smiled modestly.

But there is actually nothing wrong with her saying that, after all, martial arts in the world are invincible, only speed can't be broken.

With enough strength and speed, even a master can beat a master.

And these martial arts are just to maximize the advantages of her strength and speed.

"By the way, in your circle, what level is your strength?"

After the fight, Luo Quan asked about the one thing he was most concerned about.

"It was in the top ten before, but it will be difficult to say after a while." Li Shan replied with a bitter face, and then coughed violently.

"How do you say that?" Luo Quan felt that she was getting close to the answer she wanted, but Li Shan's answer made her face darken.

"Secret it, don't let outsiders tell it."

"Outsider?" Luo Quan's eyes widened, "What does this mean? Am I not from Huaxia?"

"That's not what I mean. The outsider I mean is another thing... In short, I can't say it." Li Shan kept his mouth shut and refused to reveal any useful information.

Faced with this situation, Luo Quan definitely couldn't engage in torture to extract a confession, so he could only wave his hands: "Forget it, forget it, you can go to recuperate."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and looked at the chunky middle-aged man aside: "What's your surname?"

"Free, Zhao Liqiang." The middle-aged man replied with a very bad expression.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Li actually lost, and he lost so badly, he was completely crushed, this Luo Quan is simply too strong, it turned out that the so-called strongest female boxing before was not a fan's bragging, but a fact!

"Do you know what to do next? Let Hao Liu and her parents make a sincere apology to that girl, and then make it public.

Once we're done with our business, we'll write it off. "

Zhao Liqiang didn't speak, his forehead was covered with beads of sweat.

Luo Quan frowned: "Why, is this request difficult? Or do you plan to deny it if you lose?"

"I can't decide this matter, I need to go back and discuss it."

"Then go back and discuss it, but it's best to have a result tomorrow."

Luo Quan didn't say anything threatening, just ran to the sandbag next to him, and then kicked sideways with his leg high.

Junko's eyes lit up, this is a classic move in karate.

Then there was a loud "bang", and she kicked the thick sandbag that was hugged by one person into two pieces, and the sand flew more than ten meters away in a jet shape.

Li Shan swallowed hard seeing this scene, it turned out that this was her full strength!
(End of this chapter)

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