Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 770: The True Owner of Chuan Guo Yuxi

Chapter 770: The True Owner of Chuan Guo Yuxi

The three members of the Zhao family left.

When he came, he was aggressive and arrogant.

When walking, he obviously restrained a lot and became cautious.

After fighting Li Shan, Luo Quan was discussing compensation with the owner of the fighting club.

How handsome Luo Quan was when she kicked the sandbag just now, and how embarrassed she was when facing the boss's complaints.

"How on earth did you fight? The sandbags were all broken, and the sand was scattered everywhere. It's very troublesome to clean up."

The boss said with a bitter face that the sandbags are worthless, but it is really troublesome to clean up the scattered sand.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't control the strength, and it was broken all at once."

Luo Quan, who was still majestic just now, couldn't help smiling apologetically at this time, and apologized repeatedly.

After finally dealt with it, everyone went back home.

In the car, Wen Xia was still caught in the shocking fight just now and did not recover.

Luo Bao's fighting power was really too powerful, that Li Shan danced his arms like a helicopter, as if he could take off a little faster.

But in front of Luo Bao, he was solved with a few tricks, and even kicked the sandbag at the end, showing that he didn't do his best.

What's even more frightening is that during this period of time, Luo Bao lost more than a dozen catties in order to make a movie, and his physical fitness is far from what he was at his peak.

That's it, it's already so fierce.

Wait until she regains weight, okay?

Therefore, even though she once again witnessed Luo Quan's powerful strength in fighting with others, Wen Xia still didn't know where her upper limit was.

When the afternoon was approaching the evening, a hot search appeared on Weibo:
Hao Liu and her family visit a disabled girl
Click on it and you can see a 5-minute video. Hao Liu and her family knocked on the door of the girl who was knocked into a disabled girl with smiles on her face.

The girl and her family obviously didn't expect Hao Liu's family to come to them, and their expressions were a little unnatural at first.

However, after Hao Liu and her parents sincerely apologized and expressed condolences, the faces of the girl's family improved a lot.

Hao Liu also promised to arrange a suitable job for the girl and provide help as much as possible.

After this hot search came out, Hao Liu's one-sided public opinion environment always said that there was some reversal.

Of course, many netizens still think that these are crocodile tears, scolding her for what she did earlier, she must have been sprayed too much to do so.

But regardless of whether it was the crocodile's tears or not, at least the tears flowed out, and I apologized on the surface, and the compensation that should be paid was also paid.

In general, Hao Liu has done a correct thing that is generally recognized by the public this time, and the reputation has improved a little.

On the other side, Luo Quan also deleted the previous post about singing against the scorching sun artist, and reposted a new one: I had some misunderstandings with the scorching sun artist before, but now it is resolved.

With this release, a group of marketing accounts and big Vs couldn't sit still, saying that this was the power behind the Sunshine artist, and Luo Quan was handed over to public relations.

Otherwise, how could Luo Quan, who is not afraid of anything, do things that make him lose face?

The misunderstanding has been cleared up. You can't see the slightest misunderstanding from your arrogant appearance of going to war with the scorching sun artist before.

Everyone thought that Luo Quan was intimidated, but the scorching sun artist took the initiative to post an announcement to help her out:
"I had a misunderstanding with Luoquan because of the mistakes of some employees before. This was a huge negligence of my company. Fortunately, through timely communication, our misunderstanding was resolved."

His tone didn't look like a winner, but he seemed a little low-key, which made the incident confusing.

The people who eat melons on the Internet are wondering, who is publicizing whom this time?
The truth of the matter is probably only known to a very small number of people.

However, the fight between Luo Quan and Li Shan has already spread in the Beijing circle.

Li Shan went to Shang Hai to fight Luo Quan, and many eyes were on him. He even knew when he left Hongqiao Airport, and it was no exception when he returned.

Especially after Li Shan returned to the capital, he went to a well-known old Chinese doctor in the capital not long after he stayed in his residence, and he didn't come out all night.

That place was not Foot Washing City or a nightclub, so if he didn't come out all night, he must have been seriously injured and was directly hospitalized.

Later, according to an insider, Li Shan had an ugly loss, almost directly crushed by Luo Quan, and it was impossible to tell how much strength Luo Quan had used, because it was almost only two or three moves before the victory was decided. up.

This news was naturally released by the Zhao family.

It would have been very embarrassing and degrading for one's own military force to be seriously injured.

But after revealing Luo Quan's extraordinary combat power, it seemed to be much better.

As if to say: You see, Luo Quan is really fierce beyond imagination, it's not that Li Shan can't do it, everyone will be crushed.

That way, it wouldn't be so embarrassing.

Of course, it is an indisputable fact that the Zhao family was dismounted by Luo Quan, and Hao Liu's apology also showed that the Zhao family did not want to take any further revenge, but obediently admitted their cowardice.

This entire incident has also caused many families and forces in the capital to discuss it.

The focus was naturally on Luo Quan, and everyone was curious as to why she was so powerful.

In the capital, in the study of a certain family.

Yihe and the white-haired old man were holding a brush and writing slowly on the rice paper.

Beside him is a tall middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man lowered his hands and said excitedly: "It seems that high popularity can absorb the aura of the world better. Luoquan has been popular for several years. It is not surprising to have such strength."

The old man asked quietly: "The spiritual energy only appeared recently, what does it have to do with her previous strength?"

"Or is she really a martial arts prodigy? Then with the help of spiritual energy now, wouldn't she be able to soar into the sky in the future?" The middle-aged man said while shaking his head regretfully.

"Probably, popularity is definitely necessary for the promotion of stars. The Wu family's kid's strength has improved by leaps and bounds these days."

The old man lowered his head and wrote, and finally sighed: "Hey, the time cost of cultivating a star is too high now, and it is full of uncertainties. You don't know when he will become popular, and you don't know How long can he be hot.

In comparison, it is more efficient to rely on antiques to gather aura and then absorb it. "

"You are really far-sighted. You have been collecting all kinds of rare antiques these years, and your foundation is much stronger than other houses." The middle-aged man flattered him flatteringly.

"They're all leftover defective products." The old man shook his head lightly, "The real good ones are in the hands of the higher-ups. The ones in the capital museum are not thousands or even thousands of years old. The huge history and beliefs carried by it are amazing just thinking about it.

Especially the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, which carries the thousand-year dragon energy and the luck of half of China, even if you use it to practice for a day, the benefits you will get are immeasurable! "

"I heard that this Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom seems to have been borrowed for maintenance, but after the spiritual energy is revived, this kind of treasure, the ordinary sword and body, can't even leave a mark on the body, so there is no need to do any maintenance at all."

The old man smiled contemptuously: "No one can use it. There is no emperor in China long ago. Without the approval of the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, forcibly using it for cultivation is to seek death."

"The world is so big, I don't know who can get the approval of this treasure."

The old man sighed softly: "Probably no more, after all, the era of it and the emperor has long passed."


In the Palace Museum, the most prominent exhibition location in the hall, next to an extremely strong glass window, several elderly people who are almost seventy years old are sitting slumped.

The bulletproof glass that was supposed to store China's most precious treasure - the Chuan Guo Yuxi, was empty at this moment.

Several directors and vice presidents of the museum were trembling all over, and they kept breathing oxygen from the oxygen cylinders held by the assistants beside them.

Just now they got the bad news that the Chuanguo Yuxi, which was supposed to be maintained, disappeared.

It is said that it flew into the sky suddenly, and then disappeared.

Who can believe such nonsense?Whoever believes in him is the number one idiot in the world.

Either those people broke the eight jade seals when they were maintaining it, or they wanted to take it for themselves.

But no matter what the situation is, the consequences are extremely serious, and no one can afford the consequences of the disappearance of the national treasure.

"Tell those bastard bastards." Dean Liu poked a few times in the void with his fingertips that could shake enough to make a sketch for an EKG: "Let them find the Chuan Guo Yuxi no matter what before the museum opens tomorrow. Otherwise, even if each of them had nine lives, it would not be enough to shoot them!
Losing the national treasure and letting it go 100 years ago is a serious crime for punishing the nine clans. It is no different from rebellion. "

"Dean Liu, please don't say a few words, your heart rate is almost 160."

The assistant rubbed the old man's vest to give him a smooth breath, for fear that it would not be able to go up in one breath.

"If the Chuan Guo Yuxi can't be found, I don't want this old life anymore." Dean Liu looked at the empty glass window with a look of lovelessness.

It's not just these old people in the museum who have nothing to love, a certain family who is bold and about to face catastrophe is also in chaos at this time.

The well-crafted Jade Seal of Chuanguo suddenly flew away as soon as I got it, and even knocked a big hole in the ceiling. Anyone who tells this matter will definitely think they are sick.

But that is indeed the case.

But Chuan Guo Yuxi disappeared in their hands, and everyone would only ask them for it.

If this can't be taken out, then the problem is really not a big one.

Although copying homes is not popular now, you can buy bottoms in the stock market, and the effect is not much worse.

It was dark at night, and when most of the common people were sleeping, a large group of "residents" who couldn't sleep suddenly came to the streets in groups, wandering in the corners, alleys, and deep alleys.

In one night, half of the capital city was turned upside down by these people.

No one knew what they were looking for, and ordinary people only noticed that the Palace Museum was closed for some reason.

In the morning, Luo Quan woke up from his sleep, and was about to open his arms and stretch his waist, but found that there was something hard in his arms against her.

Looking down, I found that it was actually Chuan Guo Yuxi.

"Damn, how did this get into my arms?!"

Luo Quan thought he was dreaming, so he quickly pinched his thigh.

Pain means it's not a dream.

However, why is the national treasure that should be in the museum here?

I took out my mobile phone and searched the Internet, and it took me a long time to find the news that the museum was closed for a day, but there was no news of the disappearance of the Guo Yuxi.

But it's normal. The national treasure suddenly disappeared. It is estimated that no one can bear the responsibility, so we must hide it.

But these people probably never dreamed that the Chuan Guo Yuxi would be in her hands, in fact, even she herself could not have imagined it.

Could it be that the spiritual energy was revived, Yuxi suddenly regained her sanity, and then took the initiative to come to me?

Luo Quan's thinking has always been divergent, and she quickly thought of this possibility, which she thought was the most reasonable possibility.

Otherwise, it couldn't explain why it appeared in his arms.

Her perception is quite sharp, and unless she is drunk, no one can approach her one meter without being noticed.

Scratching his head, Luo Quan planned to call Dean Liu of the museum first.

The national treasure disappeared inexplicably, and they must be very anxious.

The call was quickly connected.

"Hey, Dean Liu, I have something to tell you... I didn't come to Xingshi to inquire about the crime, the Jade Seal of Chuanguo is in my hands... I didn't steal it, oops, I don't know how to explain it, just say it You may not even believe it..."

Luo Quan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he just said that Yuxi was with her, and he immediately regarded it as a thief, obviously it was originally donated by her, so no matter what, there is no reason to steal it.

Although the current situation is quite magical, it is really hard to explain.

When she was considering whether to tell Dean Liu the truth that even she herself didn't believe, another voice came from the phone, a rather majestic and resonant voice:

"Is it Luo Quan? I'm Qi Yuan. Do you remember me?"

"Captain Qi, oh no, it should be Chief Qi."

Luo Quan's memory is excellent, and he remembered that this Qi Yuan was the commander who commanded the operation of closing the net against Huang's family.

He was the captain before, but because of this credit, he is already the director.

"The jade seal is indeed with me, and it flew to my house inexplicably. I don't know what happened."

Luo Quan truthfully explained the situation without any concealment.

Qi Yuan had already turned off the speakerphone at this time: "I know this, it is true that something happened that you can't understand.

I will send the police to the door later, just give him Yuxi. "

"Okay." Hearing what Qi Yuan said, Luo Quan was [-]% sure, the higher-ups definitely knew that the spiritual energy had recovered, otherwise he wouldn't use such a tone.

"It's okay, Yuxi will be sent back right away. No one should know what happened today, and don't discuss it again."

After hanging up the phone, Qi Yuan looked at everyone seriously and gave some orders.

"Then the Zheng family..." Dean Liu raised his mouth, his eyes full of revenge.

"Someone will take care of them." Qi Yuan waved his hand, indicating that there is no need to mention it.

(End of this chapter)

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