Chapter 771

The people arranged by Qi Yuan arrived soon.

It wasn't police officers in police uniforms, but a group of young people in Chinese tunic suits.

The leader was carrying a big box in his hand, with a serious expression on his face.

Luo Quan made a phone call with Qi Yuan, confirmed the identity of the visitor, and then handed over the Chuan Guo Yuxi to the young man carrying the box.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the young man put the Chuan Guo Yuxi into the box and closed it, the whole box shook violently.

A few seconds later, with a crisp bang, Chuan Guo Yuxi knocked the special alloy box open a big hole and flew out, and then jumped into Luo Quan's arms as if he had found his mother's little tadpole.

Fortunately, Wen Xia and the others are still sleeping. If they see this scene, their jaws will drop in shock.

In fact, not only ordinary people, but also those youths in Chinese tunic suits who seemed to have extraordinary skills were also dumbfounded. They did not expect such a result at all.

"What... what should I do?" Luo Quan held the Chuan Guo Yuxi with one hand, and felt that he couldn't get rid of this treasure in a short time.

"I have to report the situation to Bureau Qi immediately."

The young man carrying the box said, and then made a call.

"What did you say? Chuan Guo Yuxi refused to leave, and even broke the box?"

Qi Yuan questioned loudly, and fell into deep thought after asking, and finally asked for a video call, and he wanted to witness it with his own eyes.

There was not only one box, the young man in the Chinese tunic quickly went downstairs and brought up another one.

But this time the Chuanguo Yuxi reacted even more intensely. It didn't even allow those people to touch it, and it directly shone with golden light, shaking everyone except Luo Quan away.

Luo Quan held up his mobile phone and took a close-up shot of the whole scene. Qi Yuan watched the whole process without blinking his eyes.

"It seems that I can't take it away." Qi Yuan showed a dumbfounding expression, "You guys wait for a while, I have to report this matter to see how to deal with it in the end."

Taking advantage of this gap, Luo Quan invited several young people who came to get the jade seal into the house.

"Brothers haven't had breakfast yet. There's still bread and milk in the room. Shall I get you some?" Luo Quan stood up and was about to walk to his four-square-meter eight-door refrigerator.

"Don't bother, we all came here after breakfast." The middle-aged man with the suitcase in his hand quickly waved his hand and declined. There was a scar on his left face, which was not deep, but very conspicuous.

The guest said no, but as the host, you still have to take out the things and put them on the coffee table. This is etiquette.

Because you don't know if people are being polite, or if they really eat it.

"By the way, you are not surprised by what happened to Yuxi just now."

Luo Quan took a carton of milk and sucked it up by himself, while testing them.

"There are confidentiality regulations on these matters. I'm sorry that I can't discuss them with you."

The young man with the scar looked at Luo Quan very seriously, and his tone was even more resolute when he refused Luo Quan's breakfast just now, there was no room for negotiation at all.

Hearing this, Luo Quan knew that there was nothing more to ask, so he didn't say anything more.

Ten minutes later, Qi Yuan made a video call.

"How's the situation? How are you going to deal with it?" Luo Quan answered the phone and asked.

"Treasures have spirits, as the owner of Chuan Guo Yuxi before it entered the museum, it probably depends on you.

You may not be able to take it with you, but it is actually a good thing for you. In short, it will be placed with you temporarily, but it must not be made public, or it may cause unnecessary public opinion troubles. "

Luo Quan was shocked: "Are you really letting me here? What about the museum? There are so many people who want to see the national treasure every day, so it can't be closed forever, right?"

Qi Yuan smiled helplessly: "I can only make a fake one to pretend to be fake, and there is no other way. I can't put you in the glass window of the museum, can I?"

There is one thing to say, if this is done, the daily visitor flow of the Palace Museum may at least triple.

Everyone has seen cultural relics from various countries, but I have never seen the big stars displayed in the glass windows.

"That's all right, but can you tell me what's going on? Why did it suddenly fly to me, and what happened?"

Luo Quan actually knew in her heart that the spiritual energy had probably recovered, but she just didn't know why. She needed to find out the specific reason for the recovery of the spiritual energy, or how to maximize the benefits of the spiritual recovery.

"If it's you, it's not impossible to say." Qi Yuan hesitated, and his voice sank:

"You had such a high force before, and you should have felt some changes in your body recently, right?"

"Some of them have become stronger." Luo Quan admitted this.

"The cause of this incident has to be told from more than 5000 years ago.

According to some ancient documents, the earth at that time still used aura, and humans could master supernatural power and use it.

But because this power is too powerful, it gave birth to the ambition of some people, which led to frequent wars and heavy human casualties.

Therefore, in order to prevent human beings from being destroyed by themselves, the strongest Mayan civilization at that time completely stripped off the extraordinary energy source of the earth and sent it to the moon to seal it.

Without the source of extraordinary energy, the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth will gradually be exhausted, until it was completely exhausted hundreds of years ago, no one can have extraordinary power anymore.

But the Mayans once predicted that after more than 5000 years, that is, in 2012, the seal they set would be broken by the meteor shower from outside the sky, the spiritual energy would be revived, and human beings would also go to destruction because of these forces.

This is where the end of the world comes from.

However, there were some deviations in the Maya's prophecy. The meteor shower came seven years late, and it didn't completely destroy the seal, but only opened a small hole.

But just the revival of spiritual energy coming out of this small hole is enough to have a considerable impact on the earth.

The most intuitive change is that those who are enshrined in the belief of the people will gain a superhuman physique, and their lifespan, appearance, and strength will all be greatly improved.

Then, it was these ancient cultural relics that regained their sanity.

These treasures were all created before the aura had not died out. At that time, all of them were treasures that carried thousands of incense and vows and awakened the soul of the weapon.

Although the aura was exhausted, they had to go into hibernation, but now that the aura was revived, they woke up one after another.

Compared with humans, these babies can absorb aura faster, and humans can also increase their absorption speed by holding them.

The only pity is that the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth is too thin, and it can only make some changes to the physical fitness, and has no other special abilities. "

Qi Yuan told Luo Quan all the ins and outs of the future, and most of them were no different from what the system said, but there was one more reason why the aura disappeared and why it appeared.

"So you're saying that a popular star can easily become a Superman?"

"Yes, this is also the reason for cultivating excellent entertainment talents, the previous ones were really bad.

It's fine if you don't have aura, but now that you have this special power, you must arrange another group of better and higher-quality people to master it.

In fact, you are the ideal candidate. If there are no accidents, you will also be a leader in the entertainment industry in the future. "

"I'm not that good." Luo Quan smiled humbly.

Qi Yuan smiled and did not speak.

"Then I will keep the Jade Seal of Chuanguo first, and wait for a while to see if I can send it back to the museum."

At this point in the conversation, Luo Quan basically asked what he wanted to know, and wanted to end the topic.

"Speaking of which, are there any precautions? For example, this jade seal should not be exposed to the sun, or should it be wiped after a while?"

"That's not true. If you store it, just wrap it in a silk cushion, and don't take it abroad." Qi Yuan explained the precautions to Luo Quan.

"Okay, I remember all these."

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Several middle-aged people in the living room also got up, turned their heads and went downstairs.

They didn't touch any of the breakfast on the coffee table
After everyone had left, Luo Quan returned to the room and held the Chuan Guo Yuxi in his hands to examine it carefully.

To be honest, after dismantling it from layers of gold, she never had the chance to appreciate this national treasure.

After confirming the real identity, it was also handed over to the country as soon as possible.

On the one hand, I don't want to cause trouble, on the other hand, I also want to vote for a certificate.

Facts have proved that the effect of voting for the certificate is very good. From now on, no matter what movie or game she is, even if the scale is relatively large, the review will be passed in seconds.

She just didn't expect that this treasure would return to her hands one day.

Although I have been its nominal owner, it's only a few dozen hours.

It is said that treasures have spirits, not to mention such treasures as Chuanguo Yuxi.

I don't know if what I did at the beginning will make it feel resentful?
"So you blame me for donating you back then?" Luo Quan brought the Chuanguo Yuxi close to his eyes and asked seriously.

Chuan Guo Yuxi trembled slightly, and he didn't know whether he was saying yes or no.

"In this way, if you have resentment, shake it a few more times, if you don't resent, stop."

As soon as the words fell, Chuan Guo Yuxi stopped immediately.

"Damn, you really understand what I'm saying." Luo Quan showed a surprised smile, "Since you don't complain, then I will still be your master from now on, just stay with me during this time, waiting for you In the future, I want to go back to the museum to receive the respect of the common people before sending you back."

Chuan Guo Yuxi trembled again, as if to say ok again.

"How about calling you Xiaoyu from now on?" Luo Quan held the bottom of the Chuan Guo Yuxi and gave it a code name without thinking.

How to say Chuanguo Yuxi also followed dozens of emperors, and witnessed the rise and fall of the Huaxia Dynasty for thousands of years, including the first emperor, empress, time traveler, and son of the plane.

It stands to reason that there is no problem in giving it any noble and domineering nickname.

The result is only a "Xiaoyu", which sounds like a cat.

"Isn't this name too gentle? It sounds like the name of a domestic cat. It doesn't fit your identity at all."

Luo Quan couldn't help laughing, while Xiao Yu swayed from side to side, as if saying that it wasn't the case.

"Wait a minute, cat."

Luo Quan suddenly had a wild idea.

"System, these millennium treasures have more aura than humans, so can we use this aura to shape their bodies?

You are not good at fighting, but these life-like special abilities should be able to do it, right? "

The system quickly replied: "Yes, it is possible, but the energy in Xiaoyu's body may not be enough now, if only half of it is remolded, the style of painting will be too weird.

Moreover, the body shaped by spiritual energy is not real flesh and blood, and has no particularly great value. "

Luo Quan didn't care about this: "It doesn't matter if it's true or not, at least the image of a kitten is much more normal than a jade seal, right?"

"Then I will leave the method of illusion to it."

After finishing speaking, a ray of light shot out from Luo Quan's eyes and injected into Chuan Guo Yuxi's body.

The latter trembled all over, and then a white light covered it.

When the light dissipated, Chuan Guo Yuxi had been turned into a handsome cat with a snow-white body and a strand of golden hair on its forehead by the aura.

Meow Meow is about forty centimeters long, with a moderate build. The head and neck have denser and longer fur than the body, and it looks like a lion.

Luo Quan remembered that this appearance should be a famous breed of cat "lion cat", especially this kind of snow-white one, which is the best of the best.

"This is too domineering, it is indeed a cat transformed by the treasure."

Luo Quan hugged Xiaoyu back into his arms, stroked its head, and found that the touch was no different from that of a real cat, with a little coldness in its softness.

Although Xiaoyu in this form is really handsome and good-looking, it is still somewhat different from what Luo Quan imagined.

The Xiaoyu in her imagination is as naive as a chinchilla, after all, the emperor of China is also called the real dragon emperor.

But after thinking about it carefully, her idea is really nonsense.

The only pity is that although Xiaoyu can understand her words, her intelligence is not particularly high, and she probably looks like a seven or eight-year-old child.

A little taller than the average animal, but not to the point of an adult.

But that's good too, it's like having an extra pet.

However, when Luo Quan was having a great time holding Xiaoyu up high, he suddenly remembered that besides it, he had another treasure with a mysterious origin in his hand.

It is the nameless iron sword brought back from the back mountain of my grandfather.

It was an iron-cutting magic weapon that even the system admired, and after identification, it was very likely to be the legendary King Arthur's sword.

It's a pity that Luo Quan practiced with it for a long time, but he couldn't use the curry stick, so she put it in the cabinet.

Now that the aura is recovering, if it is also a treasure, it should be recovering too!
Thinking of this, Luo Quan put Xiaoyu down, turned over and got up to the closet, and found the nameless iron sword from a pile of messy underwear on the bottom floor.

With a sound of "clang", Luo Quan drew his sword out of its sheath.

Xiaoyu's back on the bed suddenly bulged, and she let out a vigilant cry, her fur all over her body exploded like a puffer fish.

(End of this chapter)

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