Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 772 The Lion Dance and the Teenager

Chapter 772 The Lion Dance and the Teenager


Under Xiaoyu's gaze, the sword in Luo Quan's hand also trembled, looking eager to try.

Luo Quan hurriedly pressed Xiaoyu's head, and the other hand clenched the hilt of the sword: "Don't fight."

As soon as the master spoke, the two treasures who were at war with each other just now stopped immediately.

"It seems to be obedient." Luo Quan showed a satisfied smile, "It has to be like this, and we must get along well in the future and don't fight."

After finishing speaking, let the system inject the power of transformation into the long sword.

After the golden light flashed, a purebred husky more than one meter long squatted on the ground, panting with its big tongue out.

After having a cat, Luo Quan will definitely not have a second cat, so he arranged a dog shape for Wuming Longjian.

"I'll call you Dahei from now on." Luo Quan said kindly, stroking the dog's head.

"Woof!" Husky raised his head and called out, very excited.

And Xiaoyu next to it glanced at it, snorted disdainfully, and leaned down to Luoquan's pillow.

As if seeing Xiaoyu's contempt for him, Dahei immediately bared his teeth and howled loudly at it.

"I told you to get along well!" Luo Quan frowned and slapped it down, but he didn't use any force.

Being fierce by the master, Dahei immediately lowered his head sobbing, and then turned over to reveal his belly.

For dogs, this means surrender.

"That's right." After solving the problem of the harmonious coexistence of the two pets, Luo Quan nodded in satisfaction.

At this time, the door was pushed open, Wen Xia rubbed her eyes and walked in: "I seem to have heard a dog barking just now, did I hear it wrong?"

"No, it's Dahei who is calling." Luo Quan explained, rubbing Dahei's soft belly.

"My God, when did you buy the pet?!" Wen Xia's eyes seemed to have turned into stars, and she came forward with a look of surprise and joy.

"Just bought it this morning."

"Can you touch it?" Wen Xia stretched out her hand, but she was a little scared.

"Okay, Dahei is ruthless, right?" Luo Quan said with a smile, rubbing its head.

Dahei understood what the master meant, and simply lay down on the ground with his legs upturned, expressing that he was not aggressive at all.

Wen Xia stretched out her hand to press Dahei's body, and slid along its soft and shiny fur.

"This husky is so obedient. Didn't you read the news before saying that they are all kings of destruction? Why doesn't this husky not move at all?" Wen Xia looked at Luo Quan curiously while stroking.

Luo Quan smiled slightly: "Our Dahei is not that skinny."

If it is a serious husky, it will definitely destroy furniture because of its excessive energy.

But Dahei is not a husky, it just borrowed the appearance of a husky.

"By the way, besides the dog, I also bought a cat named Xiaoyu." Luo Quan raised his finger to the white cat on the bed.

Wen Xia looked at it, and it was impossible at that time.

Compared with the black and white husky, the snow-white lion cat is undoubtedly cuter and more attractive to girls.

In terms of appearance alone, Xiaoyu is several grades better than Dahei.

Wen Xia also immediately stepped over the big black head and sat on the bed, reaching out to touch Xiaoyu.

Unexpectedly, Xiaoyu opened her eyes and jumped back extremely quickly, never giving Wen Xia a chance to touch it.

"Ah..." Seeing this, Wen Xia could only withdraw her hand pitifully.

"Maybe Xiaoyu is a little scared..."

Luo Quan looked at Xiaoyu: "Everyone will be a family from now on, let Wen Xia touch it."


Xiaoyu raised her head, as if to say that this body is so noble, how can these mortals touch it?

"One click, just one click." Luo Quan raised a finger and said in an almost begging tone.

"Meow..." Xiaoyu lowered her haughty head. The master's words have reached this point, and it is really hard to refuse.

Finally, under Wen Xia's eagerly looking eyes, Xiaoyu jumped over with her legs wide open, curled up into a ball and slept next to Wen Xia's buttocks.

Wen Xia stretched out her hand and stroked it, only to feel it was extremely soft, and felt satisfied in her heart.

"No wonder so many people like to suck cats. It feels so comfortable." Wen Xia smiled like an idiot, and didn't even see Dahei beside her.

Resentful eyes.

Sure enough, what is easy to get is not cherished.

It is so obedient, let me touch it.

As a result, that woman prefers to touch it, obviously she won't let you touch it at first!

Dahei lowered his head and sighed, walked to the corner alone and shrank into a circle.

After petting the cat for about 2 minutes, Wen Xia finally stopped.

Not enough masturbation, but a little hungry.

Just now, I was sleepy, and suddenly I heard a dog barking. When I woke up, I realized that it was Luo Quan's new pet.

"By the way, didn't you dislike raising these things before? They said they smelled bad, lost hair, and were troublesome."

Wen Xia and Luo Quan went downstairs to prepare breakfast, and asked curiously on the way.

"Xiaoyu is different from Dahei, they are very smart, and because they are a good breed, they are easy to raise." Luo Quan said such lies without blushing.

"Did you get the pet license? Have you been vaccinated against rabies?" Wen Xia asked a very important question.

Urban areas are no better than rural areas, where cats, dogs, chickens and ducks are raised, and no certificates are required.

But if you want these pets, you must apply for relevant certificates and get vaccinated, otherwise they will be taken away immediately if they are found by the dog catch team.

Luo Quan shook his head: "Not yet, I'm going to find some time to do it."

Not only do you have to find time, but you also have to find a relationship.

After all, Xiaoyu Dahei is not of flesh and blood, so he can deceive the sense of sight and touch, but he certainly cannot deceive electronic equipment. If he uses high-tech inspection, he will probably be exposed.

So I have to find a relationship and issue certificates to them directly, saving the link of checking and getting some injections.

"Then we have to hurry up." After Wen Xia finished speaking, she walked to the refrigerator and opened the door to take out a few eggs, ready to boil poached eggs for breakfast.

Soon, several girls woke up one after another. When Wen Xia said that there were two more pets in the house, they ran to Luoquan's room like curious babies to have a look.

There are still a few who want to reach out and touch it, but Dahei is okay, basically anyone who comes is welcome.

And Xiaoyu was very arrogant, she was reluctant to give Wen Xia rua a few times just now, and said that the master Luo Quan made an exception only once after begging repeatedly.

How can it be touched by so many people again, so do you want its majesty?

You know, it is the supreme symbol of China's imperial power, engraved on its body "Ordered by the sky, longevity will last forever"!
When it was placed in the Palace Museum, which tourist didn't come to see it as soon as he arrived?

Counting back 1000 years, it would be difficult for ordinary people to see him once, except for the emperor, who would dare to touch it?

But seeing Dahei being masturbated by a group of girls, Xiaoyu was still a little envious.

Arrogance is one thing, but it also likes the feeling of being surrounded by stars.

As a result, everyone has gone to pet the dog now, and no one cares about it.

Jealousy drives Guobao crazy.

After looking at it for a while, Xiaoyu finally took the initiative to lean over.

When the girls saw Mao Mao being so active, they immediately put down the big black circle and went to Xiaoyu's side.

"Sure enough, will love disappear?" Dahei looked at this scene, wanting to cry but not crying.

After tossing the two pets all morning, the girl was also a little tired, so she finally put them back in the room.

Luo Quan started the live broadcast after lunch.

In a few days, the crew of "Joker" will fly over from the United States. When the time comes, they will go directly to Hengdian to start filming, and the number of live broadcasts will not be so frequent. Therefore, Luo Quan is hurrying up and broadcasting it to fans for a while.

"Luo Quan, please comment on the latest new movie."

After chatting with Danmaku for a while, we came to the "Luoquan Sharp Review" segment that is very popular among fans.

Because of his straightforward heart and not afraid of offending others, fans like to ask Luo Quan to comment on current hot events.

Today's topic is an upcoming animated film that caused a lot of controversy last night - "The Lion Dance and the Boy".

It stands to reason that in the current environment, audiences are quite supportive of domestic 3D animation films. The previous "Nezha" and "The Return of the Great Sage" have achieved great success.

On the one hand, the quality of these movies is really high, and on the other hand, the people are willing to spend money to support the domestic animation industry.

Just like domestic stand-alone games, although the production is not as good as 3A, but every time it comes out, a large number of people will spend money to support it, even if they don't play for a minute after buying it.

If the quality of "The Lion Dance and the Boy" is above the passing line, at least it will have a box office of several hundred million.

However, the producer of this film is the same as the producer of the previous "Lion Dance".

At the beginning of the year, a biographical film "Lion Dance" was released in China. It was well-produced, but the casting controversy was huge.

The boys who play the leading roles almost all have squinting eyes with the distance between them as wide as the road. They use this image to describe the traditional Chinese culture.

At that time, when the movie came out, it was attacked by many netizens, thinking that it was a naked RH.

However, the director was very hard-spoken, saying that the selection was based on the appearance of Cantonese people, and that many people over there looked like this, which was an average face.

Then a lot of sailors came out to wash it, saying that this is a high-end face abroad, and if you can't appreciate it, it means that the domestic aesthetics are not good.

In short, there is no problem with the casting, but domestic netizens reacted too much and engaged in appearance discrimination.

But no matter how they quibble, it turns out that most citizens are not stupid enough to be brainwashed after hearing a few words of nonsense from the navy.

The cost of the film was [-] million, and the final box office was [-] million, which was a blood loss.

In this, Luo Quan actually made great efforts.

Because after she knew about "Lion", she contacted Seifert and director Carnathan online to ask for their opinions.

One is the head of the marketing department of Universal Corporation, a well-known director, and the creator of "Titanic".

Who dares to question this professionalism?
Then they commented that if this kind of casting happened in the United States, from the director to the producer, they would be washed away by Asians.

If you dare to treat black people like this, your personal safety may be threatened.

In short, those who dare to do this are purely stupid and bad, there is no second possibility.

After being evaluated in this way by authority figures, the sailors have no good position to clean up. They can only delete comments and news as much as possible, trying to reduce the popularity of public opinion as much as possible.

But in the end, it didn't save the fate of "Lion" hitting the street.

Originally, the movie hit the street, investors lost money, and word-of-mouth collapsed, but it was over here.

But no one thought that the director of this movie, after filming a live-action movie, stopped for more than half a year, and then produced an animated movie called "Lion Dance and Boy".

Casting is still their consistent feature, and even intensified.

If the previous real people only had a relatively large eye distance, then the male protagonists in the animation are simply deformed, as if they have some rare genetic disease, and they don't look like human beings horizontally or vertically.

As soon as the movie trailer came out, netizens were immediately stunned.

This is the live-action version that disgusts adults, and then uses the animated version to disgust children, right?

So it was sprayed on the hot search that night.

Now that most of the day has passed, the popularity is still undiminished, and the fans asked Luo Quan to comment again.

After watching the trailer of this animation, Luo Quan felt a little complicated.

"I have to admit that the production of this animation is really good, and it belongs to the top level in China.

However, that character's appearance is too outrageous, and he is completely in two worlds with normal people.

If you say that this is an inspirational story about a disabled person who is physically and mentally strong, then it makes sense, but the director said that this is what a normal person looks like, then I can only say that I deserve to be criticized. "

After watching the trailer, Luo Quan made the above evaluation.

"This movie has an investment of 2.5 million yuan, and the production team also said that it will break the record of "Nezha"."

"It's because the toad wants to eat swan meat."

"A lot of up cooks are making recommendations on the whole network now, so I don't know who to trust."

"I didn't have any doubts about my aesthetics in the morning, until I saw Luo Bao, and I regained my standards."

"It's not easy to confirm the aesthetics? Among the artists of Luobao Company, which appearance is not the top of the list?"

"As long as the director can set roles according to them, he won't be criticized."

"Maybe they did it on purpose?"

"It is recommended to investigate."


The fans in the barrage seemed excited, and Luo Quan also smiled helplessly: "To be honest, the box office of the last movie was 1.5 million, which is outrageous.

These few castings are not even as good-looking as my cat. "

"Cat? Do you have a cat?"

"I really want to be Luo Bao's dog, but she likes cats."

"Shushu, I'm starting to feel depressed."

"Can you take it out to see?"

"I want to become a cat and be hugged and kneaded by Luo Bao."

"Almost got it."


Amidst the abstract chatter of the fans, Luo Quan snapped his fingers at Xiao Yu, motioning for it to come over.

For most of the master's requests, Xiaoyu responded unconditionally. She jumped on the table with her legs and appeared in the camera.

"Damn, what a handsome cat!"

"Jun's Japanese book should be mastered."

"Is this a Maine Coon cat or a Qilu lion cat?"

"It's really handsome, especially the golden hair."

"Look, this is the lion!"


Undoubtedly, Xiaoyu's handsome appearance conquered all the audience in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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