Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 773 The New Play Starts Shooting

Chapter 773 The New Play Starts Shooting

"Xiaoyu is a Huaxia cat. I really didn't pay attention to where it was produced."

Seeing that the fans were asking about the origin of the cats, Luo Quan just answered the questions with questions.

If we really want to talk about its place of origin, it should be in the state of Chu, which is now in the territory of Hubei.

But Henan does not have such a lion cat.

"By the way, besides the cat, I also have a dog here."

Luo Quan waved to Da Hei who was depressed in the corner, and the latter raised his head and ran over.

Xiaoyu on the table cast a disdainful glance, as if to say: This is a bitch.

"Come to Dahei, say hello to the audience." Luo Quan lifted Dahei's front legs and let him lie on the table.


Dahei let out a cry of excitement, and then gasped.

"What a husky with amazing bones."

"It looks very smart at first glance."

"The sofa at Luo Bao's house is in trouble."

"Not only the sofa, but also paper, table corners, and hangers."


"It's not as exaggerated as you say, Dahei is very good." Luo Quan stroked the dog's head, and the dog tilted its head very meekly, showing a look of enjoyment! .

"I really want to become a dog and be so rua by Luo Quan."

"Rat people, stop fantasizing all day long."

"Indeed, and dogs are also divided into breeds. We are also Chinese pastoral dogs."

"What type is this, I haven't heard of it before."

"It's a native dog. Every household in the countryside raises that kind."

"Haha, so the scientific name is this, I thought it was called a soil dog."


Because of the appearance of two cute pets, the initial topic in the live broadcast room has been forgotten by everyone unconsciously.

It took me a while to realize that I originally wanted Luo Quan to comment on "The Lion and the Boy".

"Is there anything else to comment on? If you like to watch it, go. If you are not used to it, don't go. Anyway, I won't watch it again."

Luo Quan thought that during the Chinese New Year, in order to see if the movie "Lion" was really private, he bought a movie ticket and watched the whole show.

The final conclusion is that she is pure and innocent, and there is nothing wrong with what the netizens sprayed, they just carry private goods, and the plot insults IQ.

She doesn't plan to watch the lion cartoon this time, it's enough to be wronged once.

After drawing conclusions, Luo Quan's words quickly spread on several other platforms.

"Those directors who want to please the West and use it to win a few awards, I suggest you learn more about Luo Quan and see why they win awards.

Look at your own garbage with private goods, and ask yourself if it matches?
Do you really think that one black and one black Chinese can win the prize?Then these awards are too cheap, no matter which side you stand on, at least you have to have some skills before talking about other things.

As for the rubbish movie "The Lion and the Boy", if the box office can exceed 3 million, I will screw my head off and kick it for you! "

This is a highlighted answer under Zhihu related questions.

It can be said that it has spoken out the aspirations of the majority of netizens.

If there were people who didn't know the truth last time, or those who wanted to see how bad the movie was, they supported the box office.

Then this time, it is estimated that there will not be so many iron-headed children who do not believe in evil.

But even so, many well-known actors and directors in the industry still sent Weibo calls to promote the movie.

Without exception, the comment area was immediately occupied by netizens, and then there was a scolding meal.

On the other hand, Luo Quan silently wrote down the names of these people in the notepad, and resolutely did not use them in the future.

After resting at home for a few days, the American crew finally arrived in Hengdian.

Because the pet's certificate has not yet come down, Xiaoyu and Dahei will not go with them on this far away trip, and stay to watch the house.

The other girls also ended this long vacation and began to devote themselves to work and study.

Those who should go to school go to school, and those who should go to filming go to the film crew. In such a big room, only Xiaoyu and Dahei are left in an instant.

"You two take good care of the house, don't fight."

Before Luo Quan left, he pulled the two enemies together and asked him seriously.



Xiaoyu Dahei answered quickly, with an obedient appearance promising to complete the task.

"Then I'll go." Luo Quan nodded in satisfaction, then closed the door and left in peace.

After the sound of Luoquan's footsteps disappeared, Xiaoyu and Dahei glanced at each other, their bodies immediately glowed with golden light, and then rushed towards each other.

The golden light suddenly became a ball, and the two national treasures scuffled into the courtyard, causing the soil to churn up and the fallen leaves to be wiped away...

Two and a half hours later, when Luo Quan arrived in Hengdian, he first met with the assistant director arranged by Warner, and then the cameraman, lighting engineer and prop artist.

These people are the ones that Luoquan works with the most in the United States, and most of them are from Universal.

Warner originally wanted to say that using their own crew would save a lot of cost, but Luo Quan said that he was not used to it, so he gave up.

Apart from Luo Quan himself, there is no big name in this movie.

Although there are quite a lot of characters on the stage, there are actually very few scenes, and all the scenes are concentrated on her.

The two Asian group performers in the plan have also been found, both are Chinese, and they are both well-known second-tier stars.

The interview was conducted online. Because the role was not too important, she didn't choose it for too long. After investigating, there was no negative news, so she nodded and signed on to the crew.

As for Hao Liu.

Although she has apologized and has a good attitude, she will definitely not be able to use her in a short time.

Not to mention that her reputation has not been completely reversed, Luo Quan does not know whether Hao Liu has any resentment in her heart.

If there is, it will definitely be embarrassing for the two to meet if they start collaborating directly.

In addition, the scorching sun artist didn't mention this matter again, so Luo Quan and you naturally omitted Hao Liu.

"The opening ceremony of the film will be held tomorrow, everyone should rest early."

After Luo Quan gave instructions to the crew, he returned to the hotel room and took the fast weight loss pills that he had redeemed from the system earlier.

The duration of this medicine is one month, which is almost just enough to finish the filming.

After eating it, Luo Quan only felt that his body was much lighter, but he didn't feel any discomfort.

"It's not changed at all." Luo Quan looked in the mirror and found that there was no change on his face.

After opening the hem of the T-shirt, I discovered a miraculous scene.

Luo Quan's figure before was actually tall and fleshy, stronger than the popular slim style now, especially the abdomen, when he lifts up the clothes and exerts force on the abdomen, shallow abdominal muscles can even be seen.

But now, her abdominal cavity looked very hollow, with two rows of bony ribs spreading out like shark teeth, and the depressions and connections of the flesh and bones between the bones were also clearly visible.

Looking at the back again, you can see a very obvious spine line when the body is slightly arched.

"Perfect." Luo Quan put down his clothes in satisfaction.

Don't look at how thin she is now, but this is the effect she wants.

Movies often use the protagonist's shockingly thin body to reflect his inner pain, sorrow and struggle.

Without such a figure, the visual impact brought by that time will definitely not meet the standard.

Compared with the professional behavior of the original film's lead actor who lost [-] pounds before the filming started in order to fit the role, Luo Quan actually took a lot of shortcuts.

Including many scenes in the movie where the upper body is naked, she couldn't shoot them.

At least not from the front.

In other cases, a vest is also required.

If it is other Hollywood actresses, knowing that this movie has a chance of winning the Olympics, it is estimated that they can do any large-scale shooting for art.

Don't just take off your shirt, it's probably not a problem to take it all off.

However, Luo Quan felt that the specific situation required specific analysis.

The main plot of this movie is the same, and the acting skills of the protagonist are also interesting, so there is no need for large-scale shots.

In fact, this is also the reason why she has not accepted other people's movies.

Because she can't control how her character performs in other people's movies, if the character really has such a need, if she insists on not acting, it will be a great harm to the reputation.

But if she is the director of the movie, then she has the final say on how to make the film, and no one else can make irresponsible remarks.

Just like it is now.

In short, there must be large-scale shots in this movie, but it probably won't be the kind of large-scale shots that her fans think.

After all, bloody violence is also called large scale.

On the second day, Luo Quan lined up with all the staff of the film crew. Several long tables were put together in front of them, with fruit offerings and joss sticks on them.

Just now, Luo Quan personally butchered a big rooster that was alive and kicking. When the knife was wiped on the neck, it sprayed out from the wound.

This violent appearance almost matched the role she was about to play. Those who didn't know it thought she was trying it out in advance to get into the play, implying that she was a butcher who killed people like chickens.

Later, after explaining by the local Huaxia actors next to it, it turned out that this was a ceremony that the Huaxia crew had to perform before the filming started.

It is to use livestock fruits and incense candles to pray to a certain god in charge, hoping that the next filming work will be smooth sailing.

The original intention must be good, but the scene of Luoquan killing the chicken really had a huge impact on the young minds of the crew members.

Don't look at the people nowadays who have endured all kinds of heavy-flavored plasma tablets, and can eat while watching these without blinking their eyes.

But the scene where they really let them kill chickens and pigs will also make their legs weak.

Few people are born with a heart of stone. Most people have respect and kindness for life. Even if they just deprive livestock of their lives, they still can't bear it.

Of course, if you see them on the dining table, it's another matter.

It can only be said that the kitchen and the dining room are two completely different worlds.

If one is heaven, the other is estimated to be hell.

After the ceremony, Luo Quan lit three incense sticks and bowed.

A few knowledgeable foreign employees behind them also put their hands together and began to bow.

After Luo Quan plugged in the incense and turned around, he saw that several employees knelt down and kowtowed, and he was stunned: "What are you doing? How can you worship such a big gift if you are a movie god."

"Isn't this the case in China? We are doing as the Romans do."

Those foreigners were also a little confused, didn't they say they had to kneel down to show respect?

"And we bought ancestor money, and we had to kneel and kowtow when we burned it." Another foreign employee explained.

Luo Quan didn't know whether to laugh or cry after hearing this: "Of course you have to kneel to burn money and offer incense to your ancestors, but if it's something else, there's no need for that, bowing down is enough pious enough.

Of course, there is no problem in kneeling, the more pious you may be, the easier it is to manifest. "

"So that's the case." Several foreign employees scratched their heads embarrassingly.

This is a smattering of knowledge, which finally led to such a fool.

Of course, Luo Quan also said that kneeling is not a big problem, only being pious enough can be blessed.

At the earliest time, she didn't really believe in these things.

But when I was filming in Hengdian, I saw too many crews doing this kind of ceremony, so I followed the trend.

Although it may not be useful, it can give you peace of mind if you do it.

Especially in the context of this kind of aura that has been revived, it is definitely better to worship than not to worship.

The ceremony is over and the film is turned on, but it cannot be shot directly.

To conduct an interview.

Although this film is not strictly a domestic film, most of the filming locations are in China, and the director and starring actors are also Chinese, so the domestic media is still very concerned.

Especially when Luo Quan said in the live broadcast before, she is very confident that this movie can hit the Oscar.

Although I don't know which award I can win yet, but the actress must have a very good chance.

In fact, she has starred in quite a few movies this year, such as "Lord of the Rings 3", "Resident Evil 2", and this "Joker".

Her part in "Lord of the Rings 3" is pitifully small, only two or three minutes, and the only eye-catching victory kiss is the special effects synthesis, which directly reduces the gimmick by more than half, and it is impossible to win the award.

Although "Resident Evil 2" has many scenes and stunning looks, the large-scale leading and fighting scenes are also personally in the battle.

But the Oscars have never liked commercial films. This film wants to win the award, unless the selection committee's brains are collectively wattled.

After all the calculations, only "Joker" is left.

It's a pity that its character is another big villain of Ultra Miles.

Superheroes and commercial films are almost inseparable, and it is extremely difficult to win Oscars.

Although Luo Quan said that this time "Joker" has nothing to do with superheroes, and he can't even see any sci-fi special effects, the style of painting is more realistic.

But that being the case, then why make "Joker"?

Everyone wants to see, isn't it the "love and kill" between him and Batman?

Luo Quan has not answered these questions during the live broadcast for the time being, because spoilers are involved.

But now that the movie is turned on, some plots can be released a little bit, especially with so much media attention focused on it.

(End of this chapter)

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