Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 774 Deworming

Chapter 774 Deworming
"Before you said that this movie will be very different from the average Super British movie, can you tell us more about it?"

In the conference room where the interview was conducted, the reporter from Huaxia Film and Television Entertainment took the lead in asking Luo Quan questions.

Luo Quan replied with a smile: "Probably because this movie will not have too many scenes of fighting and special effects, and even superheroes will not appear, and the only protagonist is the clown."

"But if that's the case, can it still be called a superhero movie?"

"Of course not, because it's the story of the super villain Joker and why he became the Joker.

Of course, some settings will be different from those in the DC Superhero Universe, and it can be regarded as a parallel world. "

"Then after this movie is broadcast, will your version of the clown appear in future super-English movies?"

Immediately, a reporter asked this question, which is actually a matter of great concern to DC fans at home and abroad.

In this day and age, everything can be formed into a CP, not to mention Bertman and the Joker, two enemies who already love and hate each other.

If a super villain like the clown suddenly turned into a beautiful woman like Luo Quan, it would definitely add an unprecedented novelty to the stereotyped battle between justice and evil.

Although superhero fans don't like to watch superheroes fall in love, they just want to watch them defeat enemies in cool special effects, presenting you with a refreshing visual feast.

However, specific situations require specific analysis.

If Luo Quan came to act, it must be very interesting.

Therefore, DC fans are still looking forward to her female version of the clown to have a wonderful rivalry with Batman in the subsequent Batman movies.

"There is no such plan yet, DC currently has a lot of plans, and "Joker" is just an independent project, and I was told that I didn't see any follow-up when I first got it.

So fans can regard this movie as a side story, which has nothing to do with the main line of the DC universe. "

Luo Quan gave an answer that disappointed the fans, but it is the truth.

DC asked her to make this film, just wanting to use her name to earn a few bucks. As for the follow-up, we have to wait for the effect of the film to make plans.

"May I ask why you chose to shoot "Joker" in China this time? It stands to reason that this movie should be shot in the United States. After all, the prototype of Gotham is New York City."

"Actually, I have mentioned this issue on Twitter before." Luo Quan smiled helplessly: "Actually, it is out of safety considerations. Now that protests, shootings, and zero-dollar purchases are frequent in the United States, many production crews have stopped working directly. up.

If you want to finish filming without being affected and feel at ease, Huaxia is the best choice. "

"But didn't you say that "Forrest Gump" changed the entire American society? But why did it end up like this?"

A reporter wearing glasses asked a question aimed at Luo Quan.

In the past, in order to create momentum for the marketing of "Forrest Gump", it was said that it changed the chaotic society, promoted harmony, and increased the stock price.

It's as if it is a panacea for American social problems, and it can be cured as soon as it is released.

Although it was just released for a while, social problems have indeed been significantly improved.

But it didn't last like this. Within a month, everything was back to normal.

However, no one in foreign countries would be so stupid as to think that this is a problem with the movie, at most they would complain that the effect of the movie is too short.

Of course, the words used were exaggerated in the marketing campaign before, but now
You have to admit that you have been backlashed.

"I don't think the problems of American society can be solved by making a movie.

The slogan of "Forrest Gump" did say that it would have some positive impact on society, and it did.

However, you can't expect its influence to last forever.

It's like no matter how good a song is, it will always be tiresome to listen to, and no matter how philosophical a sentence is, it will always make people feel bored.

No amount of filming can help without addressing the root of the problem.

And this conclusion can also be applied to the "Joker" I am filming. Its plot will make people who know little about the movie feel very provocative, and it may even increase the crime rate after the movie is released.

But what I want to say is that a movie is a movie, and its essence is to help people escape from reality while reflecting reality, but the last attribute it should have is to be responsible for reality. "

After a long speech, Luo Quan explained his point of view very clearly.

To sum it up: she just made movies, how can she have such great ability to have a permanent impact on society.

If I really want to have such an effect, I'm afraid she will have to appear on the screen, and the whole point will be done unprecedentedly.

After listening to Luo Quan's explanation, the reporter also knew that he was being unreasonable.

However, Luo Quan did not show any expression of dissatisfaction.

The entertainment reporter wanted to use such sharp topics to stir up heat, and what he asked was not considered offensive, so Luo Quan answered calmly.

Like many entertainment reporters nowadays, they will ask some questions that irritate the stars, and then take pictures of their gaffes or cursing, and then there will be traffic performance.

However, Luo Quan has never encountered such a blue reporter.

On the one hand, she has no dark history for reporters to mention.

On the other hand, it may also be that the reporters are afraid of what Luo Quan will do if he is really in a hurry.

If it's an ordinary star, it's fine to be beaten, and even the heat brought by the beating of a star will be even higher, and there will be no injuries.

But Luoquan is different. Many outlaws have already experienced her fighting power, and few of them can pass a move in her hands, and the final outcome is basically being carried directly into the ICU by an ambulance. .

So for the sake of her own life, reporters usually don't offend her too much by asking questions.

The interview is over here, and the movie has just started, so there is only so much that can be revealed.

If you want to know more details, you can only wait for the finalized press conference a month later.

After seeing off the reporters, the studio started working immediately.

Unlike other movies, the sequence of filming is what the plot of the clown is.

Most movies are shot in a different order than the sequence in which the movie was edited at the end.

Because a movie needs to shoot a lot of material, it is possible to shoot six or seven hours of material, and the final cut is only two hours long.

No one, including the director himself, has a clear idea of ​​what the final edited film will look like.

But Luo Quan knew.

This is why the outside world claims that she has a world in her mind.

Her films are all conceived in her mind and finished, and in the end she only needs to shoot them step by step, which is simple and trouble-free.

For those who have not witnessed the shooting scene of Luoquan, it may be impossible to imagine that the movie can be shot like this.

It seems that every shot and every plot is natural. The photographers only need to switch the machine according to Luo Quan's knowledge, and the actors only need to play their roles according to Luo Quan's command.

Then the filmed ones will not be much different from the final screened ones.

And those employees who have cooperated with Luoquan many times are no strangers to this miraculous situation.

After all, she is Luo Quan, Luo Quan who can always create miracles and turn the impossible into possible.

After the filming started, Luo Quan originally thought that there would be no impact. After all, she had explained almost all her personal affairs.

But the next day, she still had to temporarily stop filming her part, and could only ask the assistant director to take the crew to shoot the location.

The cause of the fact is not actually her problem. The main reason is that in the morning, a celebrity smuggled illegal drugs from abroad and was caught on the spot.

The entertainer has pleaded not guilty to the crime and faces a year in prison.

This artist can also be regarded as the lead singer of a well-known band in China. Before the accident, his reputation was quite good, and he hadn't heard any black material.

After being arrested, all her past was revealed.

It turned out that before she was arrested this time, she had already been in prison for eight months, and she committed another crime within less than a year after being out for prostitution, which can be said to be a habitual offender.

Moreover, this time it is related to illegal drugs, which are of a very serious nature. The above has always had zero tolerance for this aspect.

Originally, if he was arrested and sentenced, as a warning to others, the matter could be over.

But the filth behind this artist seems to have reminded the higher ups.

Many people would never have imagined that it would be so serious until it was exposed.

In the entertainment circle, everyone is glamorous, but the colors behind the scenes are probably even darker than the deep sea under [-] meters.

At this juncture, this artist reminded the higher authorities.

Don't think that reducing the exposure will work, you have to investigate and test it.

So, the investigation began.

From now on, the stars of the entertainment circle will report in the four major cities of Shanghai, Beijing, Jiangnan, and Guangdong, and they must complete their physical examinations within seven days.

Only after obtaining the health certificate can you continue to carry out artist activities, otherwise you will never want to appear on the Internet again.

If there is a problem with the inspection, the entire network will be blocked directly.

It sounds like it's to check your health, but everyone knows what the real plan is.

As long as you touch illegal drugs, you can find out even after a year.

And this kind of thing, as long as you touch it once, it is basically impossible to quit in a short time, and it will inevitably show your feet during the inspection.

Therefore, netizens called this physical examination the "deworming plan", and finally they can clean up the pests in the entertainment circle.

I heard before that the entertainment industry is the hardest-hit area for contraband, and from time to time, it is true that artists touch this thing and get banned.

But the number is actually relatively limited, and most of them are not found out, but people around them broke the news.

Now that the higher authorities uniformly require a physical examination, it is not easy to get away with it.

It is conceivable how lively the Chinese entertainment industry will be after the results of the physical examination come out, and there will definitely be many fans who collapsed on that day.

As for Luo Quan, he seemed a little helpless.

A comprehensive physical examination must include a set of various items.

Blood drawing, CT, B-ultrasound and so on are nothing, but gastroscopy and colonoscopy are really torture.

Especially she doesn't like anesthesia to make it painless.

The last time I finished it in the United States, I felt hot and uncomfortable all day long.

And before doing it, you have to drink water and take laxatives.

In short, the physical examination is definitely a good thing, but she really doesn't like the process of the physical examination.

Moreover, the results of the last physical examination did not find any problems, and his body was as strong as a cow. This time the examination may be different. After all, he only took diet pills and lost dozens of catties.

After a doctor's examination, it may be difficult to think of suspicion.

After all, no normal person can lose so much weight in half a month.

Either a serious illness, or some other reason.

But this time, this is what the doctor will focus on investigating.

Of course, she was actually very calm in her heart, and she acted upright and sat upright.

The main reason is that I am afraid that there will be some misunderstandings at that time, which will delay the filming of the movie here.

But the policy has come down, and it is impossible not to abide by it.

After Luo Quan finished filming at noon, he went directly to the designated Public Security Bureau to register first.

Wen Xia and Su Yu were also filming in Hengdian at this time, and the three girls went to the Public Security Bureau together.

In the conference room where you signed up, it can be said that there are many stars.

Hengdian can be said to be the place with the highest concentration of Chinese performing arts stars, and you can meet first-, second- and third-tier stars at any time.

As soon as the request for physical examination was issued, most of the stars in Hengdian also chose to respond positively at the first time.

There is no way not to be active. If you don’t check for seven days, you will be half-blocked.

In the meeting room, most of the celebrities were chatting and laughing happily, treating this physical examination as a social gathering, after all, there is usually no such good opportunity to gather so many big celebrities together.

And in the corner of the conference room, a few artists with sad faces can also be seen, looking frightened.

I don't know what happened to cause the mental tension. The big dark circles under the eyes obviously didn't sleep all night. I hope the anesthetics during the colonoscopy can help them relieve the pressure.

"Luo Bao, what does this gastroscope and colonoscopy feel like? I heard it will be very painful."

Wen Xia asked nervously.

Although she is in her 20s, Wen Xia has never had such a comprehensive physical examination before. The examination before the college entrance examination is the physical examination with the most items she has done, and it is just a blood test and a CT scan.

I checked the Internet last night, and I heard that the colonoscopy will be a little painful, and such a big tube goes in, I am afraid to think about it.

"Actually, it doesn't hurt that much. There must be some discomfort, but it's probably not as good as menstruation. If you're afraid, you can take an anesthetic."

Luo Quan rubbed his ID card in his hand, and swiped his phone with the other hand.

Su Yu pressed Wen Xia's shoulder and comforted him: "Relax, it's just a simple inspection and it will be over soon."

"I'm not nervous, I just haven't been through this, so..."

Wen Xia didn't finish speaking, but she was still nervous.

But in the meeting room, there are many more nervous stars than her.

Not even nervous, but anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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