Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 775 Invitation

Chapter 775 Invitation

The medical examination procedure is very simple.

First register at the Public Security Bureau, and then go to the hospital to get the medicine.

After the body is emptied the next day, you can go to the hospital for a comprehensive examination.

After tossing all morning the next day, the three of Luo Quan finally finished all the projects that should be carried out.

When they came out, the three of them walked in a somewhat unnatural posture.

When he got in the car and sat down, he also looked cautious.

"Look, I told you that it doesn't hurt much."

Su Yu gently put his butt on the seat, still chatting with Wen Xia about it.

Wen Xia glanced at her weakly, she didn't want to talk at all, and now she just wanted to eat quickly.

For the three of them, after the physical examination is over, the next thing basically has nothing to do with them, because they are in good health, and nothing can be found out at all.

As for some artists who are not in good health, what they face is either refusing the inspection and leaving the circle directly, or they are lucky enough to conduct the inspection, and the final result comes out, ruining their reputation.

As soon as possible, you can see relevant news tomorrow.

First went to the city center to have a simple breakfast, then the three of them went back to Hengdian by car, and went to the set separately.

Although a little uncomfortable, she did not choose to rest, but re-entered the shooting immediately.

Get the movie done as soon as possible, and she will have a more comfortable second half of the year.

But the sky failed, whenever Luo Quan wanted to concentrate on doing one thing, there would always be unexpected things happening, which made her have to divert her energy to deal with it.

In the evening, Luyao, who hadn't been in touch for a while, sent her a text message, saying that she was invited to a banquet held in Jiangnan.

This banquet is divided into two parts, the first half is drinking and socializing, and the second half is auctioning.

The banquet will be held tomorrow night. At that time, there will be young second generations of many big families in China. At that time, everyone will meet some new friends and develop a new friendship.

Luo Quan had originally sent a separate invitation letter to this banquet, but she never liked this occasion, and she had to film a movie, so she didn't watch it much.

But now Lu Yao specially sent her an invitation, wanting to participate together, and said that there are many good things in this auction, don't miss it.

Thinking that he and Lu Yao hadn't seen each other for a while, Luo Quan also missed him a little, so he agreed.

As for Zhang Yun and Lin Yizhu, one of them went to Germany to study philosophy, and the other went back to Nanyang to inherit the family business and start a business. They traveled far and wide, so it might not be so easy to meet again.

Stopping work every three to five times is actually a bit irresponsible for the entire crew.

Fortunately, the place where the banquet was held was not very far from the set, and the time was also at night, so we could rush back after it was over, which would not delay the next day's shooting, nor would it affect the progress too much.

It's just that Luo Quan finally entered the state of work, and he will be pulled out again after a while.

In the evening, after finishing his day's work, Luo Quan lay on the bed and read the news.

As I swiped, I saw a piece of news about my family.

"The Albert Group spent tens of billions of pounds to acquire the Minsk Real Estate Group, completely integrating the European real estate business!"

This should be the first action of the second uncle after he officially took over as the chairman, and it was such a big deal when he made the move. While people are amazed at the amazing courage, they also exclaim that the cash flow of the Albert Group is really terrifying.

Now that the only rival, Minsk Company, has been acquired, their family will dominate the whole of Europe, and it is estimated that they will not be able to escape from Albert Manufacturing.

In less than ten years, the Albert Group's ranking in the market capitalization of real estate companies in the world is estimated to be able to go one step further, reaching the second place in the world.

In comparison, the life of domestic real estate developers is not very easy.

A few days ago, a big real estate developer had a thunderstorm, one of the best capitals in China at its peak, and now it has been burdened with management, leaving a large number of unfinished buildings that cannot be delivered. It is basically determined that it is impossible to turn over.

Originally, this matter had nothing to do with her, but after seeing the amount owed, she felt dizzy and her back felt cold.

An astronomical figure of nearly two trillion!
Since her debut, she has earned so much money and invested so much, and her current net worth is only several billion dollars.

After conversion, it is less than a fraction of the debt.

If it is used for acquisition, it can buy [-] Minsk Groups!

You must know that this company is in Europe, but it is a giant second only to Albert!

Luo Quan didn't know how many people would go bankrupt after the company went bankrupt and construction in progress worth trillions couldn't be delivered, but just thinking about it, it would be shocking.

The news of his company's big acquisition quickly became a hot search.

In the comment section, many fans naturally extended the topic to the domestic real estate company that was hit by a thunderstorm.

Although the thunderstorm happened at the end of last year, there is no discussion until now, and I don't know how far it has developed.

But that debt, which is as big as a sci-fi number, makes people feel that reality is outrageous than fiction every time it is brought forward.

And this real estate group named Yinheng is also destined to leave a strong mark in the history of Huaxia real estate.

Of course, most of this sum must be scolding.

Luo Quan looked at the comment section, there were those who scolded Yin Heng, some who ridiculed, some who ate melons, and quite a few mentioned her.

"How much property can Luo Quan inherit in the future?"

"Before she said that if conditions permit, she will build affordable houses in Huaxia and sell them to young people at the lowest price in the market."

"There are tens of thousands of mansions in An De Guang, which shelters the world's poor and happy people?"

"The idea is beautiful and noble, but it can only be done in third- and fourth-tier cities in the west, otherwise you will lose all your money, and selling yourself may not be enough to pay."

"I'm not sleepy after talking here. (funny)"

"This idea can only be an idea. The water in real estate is very deep. She wants to come in without any foundational relationship. It is simply whimsical."

"One thing to say, indeed."


Luo Quan still approves of the rational analysis of netizens.

When she said that at the beginning, it was mainly because she had a hot head and subconsciously wanted to do some good things to repay the society.

The ancestors said that if you are poor, you will be good for yourself, and if you are rich, you will benefit the world.

But in this day and age, even doing good deeds is not so easy to do.

Because you don't know when you will touch other people's cakes and cut off other people's money.

Therefore, the idea of ​​building low-cost housing can only be an idea in a short period of time, and the difficulty in realizing it is not one or two.

It is a good thing that the Albert Group acquires competitors and unifies the European real estate market.

But her father said long ago that she would not compete with her second uncle for the company's assets, and it has nothing to do with them no matter how big they are.

But grandpa also gave them a lot of real estate in the United Kingdom and the United States, as well as jewelry, cars, and shares in some other companies, which add up to billions of dollars.

Compared with the company's property inherited by the second uncle, it is certainly nothing, but it is certainly not small.

Anyway, the whole family is quite satisfied, the key point is that the siblings can make a lot of money themselves, and the shipping company of the father is also in full swing. After more than ten or twenty years of operation, it may not be impossible to create a maritime shipping that does not belong to the Albert Group. empire.

No one can say for sure what will happen in the future, but Luo Quan will always have warm expectations and sufficient confidence.

The next afternoon, after finishing filming, Luo Quan went back to the hotel to take a shower and changed into a clean T-shirt.

The best choice for a banquet is an evening dress, but she didn't bring this kind of dress in her suitcase when she was going out, and she didn't bother to borrow or buy it, so she just dressed casually.

After all, the banquet was not formal enough to say it was official.

Although there will be a TV station to film, it is mainly the scene of the auction after the filming, because 5.00% of the total transaction amount of this auction will be donated to domestic charities.

Considering that the few auction items revealed so far are all treasures worth millions or even tens of millions, the final transaction price will definitely be quite exaggerated, so even a 5.00% charitable donation is not a small amount.

For such a good deed, the TV station must publicize and reward.

And at the auction, it's not impossible to dress casually, so Luo Quan didn't worry too much about what he was wearing.

Arriving in the city center by car, Luo Quan found the Jiangnan Hotel where the banquet was held, waited in the rest area of ​​the lobby for about 10 minutes, and finally arrived at Lu Yao.

She guessed it right, Luyao also came here wearing a casual everyday dress.

I haven't seen her for more than half a year, Luyao is much more mature than when she was in school, and her makeup is more youthful and gorgeous.

I remember that when she was in school, she didn't wear much makeup, and like Luo Quan, she mostly wore plain makeup.

It can only be said that when a person enters society, there are indeed many places in his body that will be changed.

"Wow Luoluo, I haven't seen you for so long, you look so much more beautiful!"

As soon as Luyao came over, she took Luo Quan's hand, her face was full of surprise to reunite with her good friend after a long absence.

Her words were not flattering at all, she really felt that Luo Quan was much more beautiful than when she was in Shangyi.

"You have also changed a lot, especially your figure, which is much plumper than before." Luo Quan smiled and looked at Luyao's uneven figure, and teased.

"I have to thank you for this." Luyao showed a smile, "I also have to thank you for the few sets of health exercises you taught me. I have been doing them all the time, and the effect is really very obvious."

Hearing Luyao mention this, Luo Quan remembered it all at once.

At the beginning, the whole dormitory traveled to the Maldives with Girls’ Generation.

At that time, Luo Quan's figure had not yet reached the level of E, but he was already quite large. After wearing a swimsuit, it also had a huge impact on the young hearts of more than a dozen girls.

After returning, everyone in the dormitory asked her tips for getting a good figure, such as what she usually eats, what exercises she does and so on.

But Luo Quan has never done these things at all, purely because of his talent.

But seeing the expectant eyes of all the roommates, Luo Quan couldn't say that, so he could only change a few sets of aerobics from the system and give them to everyone.

She doesn't know if it's useful or not, but it's definitely good for the body.

As for the changes that Luyao has undergone, it is probably because she herself has such potential.

After exchanging pleasantries, the two went upstairs and entered the banquet hall.

Compared with rich second-generation gatherings in Europe and America, Luo Quan doesn't know much about second-generation gatherings in China.

On the one hand, she didn't have much contact with this circle, and usually stayed at home, so she didn't have much chance to know this group of people.

On the other hand, many of these rich second generations are relatively low-key and rarely appear on the Internet, so naturally they have no way of knowing them.

Of course, there are low-key rich second generations, and there must be high-profile rich second generations.

At the position near the door, Luo Quan saw two familiar faces at a glance.

It's Ye Kai and Si Cong, they are known as "Shuang Shao" on the Internet, rich and famous
The former had some one-sided emotional entanglements with Junzi before, but when there was a trend of love and hatred, Luo Quan came forward to resolve it in time.

Not long after that, I set my sights on another female celebrity. It is said that she has already got it, and I don't know how long the novelty will last.

Compared with Ye Kai, Si Cong is much more famous.

His father is also in real estate, and was once the richest man in China.

Before the Yinheng storm, Si Cong's family Yida Company actually sold off its assets wantonly because of capital chain problems.

At that time, the whole network felt that Si Cong's family was going bankrupt and would soon become a billionaire.

But he didn't expect that this big difficulty was overcome by his father.

Now Yida's situation is getting better and better, which is in stark contrast with Yinheng.

After this incident, Si Cong also restrained himself a lot on the Internet.

Before, he was like a big speaker, he was very keen on commenting on all kinds of secrets in the entertainment industry, and many celebrities' scandals came from him.

So in the early days, he was also called the discipline inspection committee of the entertainment industry.

In addition, Dad is the richest man, and he was once called the husband of the nation.

But now there are definitely not many people shouting like that anymore.

The main reason is that Si Cong's appearance is really average, but if he has a seven-point face, the nickname "National Husband" can definitely be called until now.

Compared with Ye Kai who likes to find female celebrities in the entertainment industry, Si Cong's romantic partners are more popular. Nine out of ten are Internet celebrities, or Internet celebrity faces.

There are even many that look like they have undergone plastic surgery, and the quality is really stretching the hips.

It stands to reason that with his conditions, his vision should not be so bad.

But no one knows what rich people like. Maybe ordinary people think it is good, and maybe they are tired of it.

In short, this "national husband" who likes the face of Internet celebrities has recently had a lot of entanglements with Internet celebrities.

At the beginning, it was said that it was intimidating and luring a girl, which attracted many netizens to speak up.

But the latter girl made her live broadcast at the speed of light, and started to live broadcast and bring goods for marketing after she became popular, and her speaking quality is really worrying.

It feels like a dog eats a dog.

Therefore, Si Cong's reputation did not completely collapse because of this dispute.

But it's definitely not as good as it was back then.

(End of this chapter)

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