Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 776 Auction and Shabby

Chapter 776 Auction and Shabby

When he came in, Si Cong saw Luo Quan and nodded slightly in greeting.

Although he had never met before and had no friendship, but out of politeness, Luo Quan responded with a smile when he took the initiative to greet him.

As for Ye Kai who was next to him, he also saw Luo Quan, but it was probably because of some conflicts between the two of them before, so he didn't pay attention to it, just took a look and then lowered his head to play with his phone.

After finding a seat in the corner with Luyao, Luo Quan asked her about the banquet and auction.

Luyao took a sip of the red wine and said softly: "Actually, the protagonist of today is the auction, but because the people invited are all from rich families, we added a dinner foreplay.

The main reason is that there are relatively few opportunities for everyone to gather together, so they took this opportunity to hold such a banquet. "

"So what are the good things in this auction that can attract so many rich kids to the auction?" Luo Quan also took a sip of the liquid in the glass, but it wasn't red wine, it was orange juice.

"This auction is organized by the sons and daughters of an old gentleman who loves to collect antiques.

There were some accidents in the old man's children's family, and they wanted to take out some collections to cash in for emergency, so they organized such an auction through the old man's previous contacts.

As for the items collected by this old man, they are indeed very precious. Many of them are treasures with a history of thousands of years, and this auction also includes an unnamed sword from the Warring States Period. According to the standard, it should be a king's sword... ..."

Speaking of this, Lu Yao lowered her voice again, with a mysterious expression on her face: "Speaking of which, after your last battle with Li Shan, you should have some understanding of the recovery of spiritual energy, right?"

Luo Quan was a little surprised: "You also know? I thought that after the fight that day, only a few people knew about it."

Lu Yao smiled: "It has already been spread, and everyone in the capital does not know that you abused the iron-armed monkey king Li Shan."

Iron Arm Monkey King, this nickname is really...

Luo Quan got stuck in his throat and didn't know how to spit it out.

"It is true that I learned some things from him. In short, some people can become stronger through fame or antiques, but the range of strength is limited."

"That's much better than ordinary people, and just prolonging life is a temptation that no one can refuse. After all, who doesn't live a few more years among the rich now?

In this era of entertainment to death, if you don't pay attention, you can sit in the air and become popular all over the Internet.

But if you really want to become famous overnight, it is still very difficult, and the luck component is relatively large.

Therefore, these ancient antiques are quite precious. The older they are, the more likely they are to produce wisdom. If they are lucky enough to be a famous baby, they can directly preserve the prosperity of a big family for hundreds of years! "

"Is there such a mysterious thing? Then you can collect two more of these antiques." Luo Quan blinked, thinking of the two treasures at home.

I don't know if Xiaoyu and Dahei are good at home or if they fight behind her back.

"That's why, this auction can attract so many wealthy second generations. It's because antiques are so sought-after now, and those with a little name are either bought long ago, or they have a price and no market, and they can't be bought at all.

The old gentleman's collection is not bad. In the past, there must not be so many people who care about it, but today it is different from the past. "

Luyao took another sip of red wine, and talked about the current situation.

"What about you, are you also planning to buy that ancient sword this time?" Luo Quan asked curiously.

Luyao leaned her head on the sofa: "No, I already have one at home, so I don't need to buy more for the time being. I came out this time mainly to see the world, and I also heard that you are here, so I specially asked you out Let’s talk about the past together.”

Luo Quan was puzzled: "What's so good about an auction? Aren't they all rich second generations?"

"These rich second generations are just credit card machines. What really needs to be seen is the group of people."

Lu Yao raised her hand and pointed to the other side of the banquet.

It is a group of people in various costumes, ranging from fifteen to sixty-seven years old.

They have different appearances and figures, but they all have one thing in common, that is, their eyes are like lightning, and they are full of energy.

To put it simply, it looks like a Lianjiazi at first glance, very good at fighting.

Lu Yao introduced to Luo Quan: "Those people are all masters recruited by these rich second-generation families, some have practiced martial arts for decades, and some are geniuses who have just awakened recently, but they all have one thing in common, that is, the compatibility with aura The speed is very high, and the speed of absorbing spiritual energy is several times that of ordinary people.

Moreover, the strength is very strong. "

Luo Quan looked at those people carefully, and asked: "How strong is it, how is it better than Li Shan?"

Lu Yao laughed: "It must have been Li Shanqiang in the past, after all, he was a national-level bodyguard.

But it will be hard to say after a while, after all, the influence of aura is too great
But Lolo, you are so fierce, no matter how much those people can absorb, they can't compare to you. "

Cowhide is not blown, and trains are not pushed.

Previously, the reputation of "the world's number one female boxer" and "the pinnacle of human combat power" was too popular. In addition, she just crushed Li Shan not long ago. Now Lu Yao trusts Luoquan unconditionally, and she doesn't think anyone can be her opponent.

Luo Quan also felt that it was true, so he was not humble.

It's the same as when others praise her as the most beautiful in the world, except that sometimes she says that her mother is the most beautiful, but in other cases, she accepts it calmly and never says that I am unworthy.

If she doesn't deserve it, who else can?
They are all beautiful like this, how can I do without a bit of domineering?
Being too modest will appear hypocritical and hypocritical.

After chatting for a while, the banquet officially began, and steaming dishes were brought up plate by plate. Under the light, the rich second generations toasted and chatted happily.

And most of the dishes on the table are only touching a few chopsticks and then disappear. Seventy percent of a table of delicacies from mountains and seas will be thrown away immediately.

Waste is shameful, Luo Quan can only eat as much food as possible after the banquet.

But she and Lu Yao were the only ones at their table, and the other rich second generations didn't know if they were afraid of her fists, or they were reminded by the adults not to provoke her, and everyone who dared to sit over during the meal.

As for striking up a conversation, there is nothing more, at most it is to smile and greet after seeing it.

Although Luo Quan liked this look quite a lot, it also caused her and Lu Yao to eat and drink, and there were still a dozen dishes on the table that were not touched at all.

Luo Quan couldn't see such a waste, so he asked the hotel waiter to pack up all these untouched dishes, and take them back later for supper and tomorrow's breakfast.

"You're still as frugal as you were in school." Lu Yao looked at Luo Quan's serious packing, with a look of nostalgia.

When they were in the school cafeteria, Luo Quan was the one who had the best appetite among the four sisters and the one with the cleanest plates after meals.

After others finished eating, there would be more or less food left over, only Luoquan, except oil, ginger and garlic, basically ate everything that could be eaten.

Of course, Lu Yao didn't mean to laugh at Luo Quan when she said this, she just lamented that after so long, even though Luo Quan's net worth has increased so many times, his habits are still so simple and excellent.

However, for Lu Yao's compliment, Luo Quan just laughed:
"For me, it doesn't make much sense to be frugal or not, what's the use of saving those things?
Frugality has always been a false proposition. My spending on non-essentials is thousands of times the value of frugality.

I just simply can't bear to see these dishes come out of the kitchen and be dumped into the slop bucket intact, that would be such a waste. "

Lu Yao didn't speak, but felt that Luo Quan lived a more transparent life than she imagined.

When Luoquan was packing, other people had already gone upstairs under the leadership of the waiter, and today's main action began.

After a delay of 5 minutes, Luo Quan ran upstairs with Lu Yao carrying two big plastic bags.

The auction place is slightly smaller than the one below, it is a stepped meeting room.

The personnel of the TV station are already in place, and the machine is also on, but it is not a live broadcast. After the recording, it will be edited and dubbed, and then it will be on tomorrow's news.

Although everyone present knew that there might be something extraordinary about these old antiques, the public did not.

In case of any unexpected situation during the auction, it is easy to go wrong.

So there is no live broadcast.

This is also the reason why most cultural relic museums in China choose to close.

The unified reply to the outside world is to inspect and restore the cultural relics. In fact, they are thinking about how to keep these antiques in a stable state for a long time.

After Luo Quan and Lu Yao sat down, a middle-aged man in a black gown came onto the stage.

This middle-aged man had a bitter look on his face, and his eyes were full of fatigue. It seemed that he had encountered a great change in his life. Everyone guessed his identity almost immediately.

"Welcome everyone to participate in this auction. Here, on behalf of my deceased father, I would like to thank you for your appreciation of his collection."

The middle-aged man bowed to the guests in the audience.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's start the auction directly."

After the opening remarks were finished quickly, a young man in a tunic suit took his place, followed by a young girl in a cheongsam.

The girl holds a box covered in red cloth in her hand.

The young man stood in front of the lecture table, picked up a hammer in one hand, and slowly tore off the red cloth on the box with the other, revealing a blue and white porcelain bowl with flowers, birds, fish and insects painted on it.

"Dear photographers, although this Yuan blue and white painting is not so good, it is very well preserved, and it is also very old, nearly 700 years ago.

The most important point is that this bowl has been bathed in incense in Buddhist temples for hundreds of years. I don’t need to say more about what this year means.

The starting price is 500 million, and each price increase is not less than 50! "

The first lot is really heavyweight, and it is beyond everyone's expectations.

According to what we know so far, the more people's wishes, the stronger the aura.

But in ancient times, the Buddhist and Taoist families obtained the people's vows, probably only a lot more than the royal family.

After all, dynasties will always change, but Buddhism and Taoism have been passed down on the land of China for thousands of years, and their influence is not ordinary.

Compared with the people's awe of the emperor, their respect and devotion to the gods and Buddhas in the sky are more likely to make the antiques be born with spiritual wisdom.

Moreover, those eminent monks and immortal masters who have obtained the Tao can also consecrate these items with their own Taoism.

Therefore, if it is an antique from an ancient temple or Taoist temple, the quality is generally very good.

After whispering briefly with the "bodyguards" around them, the rich second generations confirmed that there was no problem with this item, and then began to raise placards to bid.

"700 million!"

The first call directly added 200 million, and breaking 2000 million is estimated to be easy.

"Is this bowl useful?" Luo Quan asked the system.

For these antique treasures, the system hasn't looked at them once.

When the Chuan Guo Yuxi was still wrapped in gold foil, the system caught its eye at a glance, thinking that the things inside were not ordinary things, so Luo Quan had to buy it.

The final result is known, and Huaxia has welcomed back this possibly one of the most important and precious treasures in thousands of years of history.

So this time, Luo Quan also wanted to listen to the system's opinion, to see if there was anything good to buy, or to catch a leak.


The system only replied with two words, concise and to the point.

Glancing at most of the people, they were still unmoved, obviously knowing that the bowl was not as good as the main shooter described.

The one who came out of the ancient temple may be true, but it is not certain whether it has such a long time.

Soon, the bidding for the first lot ended, and the final transaction price was 350 million RMB.

For an ordinary Yuan blue and white flower, this greatly exceeds its original value.

But for the son who bought this bowl, it is definitely a good deal to buy a physical life booster for 2000 million.

I just don't know how much this booster can boost.

After the Yuan blue and white bowl was sold, the main auctioneer asked the female assistant to take out the second lot without stopping.

This time it was a bracelet made of copper coins.

It is said that it was made by collecting copper coins from five prosperous dynasties, that is, the five emperors' money bracelet.

In the past, this kind of feng shui jewelry cost tens of thousands of dollars.

But it's different now.

As soon as the bracelet was taken out, under the direct light of the incandescent lamp, it shone with a faint and strange luster, revealing its own extraordinaryness.

Compared with the bowl just now, the quality of this string of bracelets is undoubtedly much higher, which can be seen from the greedy eyes of the rich second generations in the audience.

"System, what do you think?"

Luo Quan was a little eager to try it, she felt that this thing is very domineering just by its name, so it must be a good thing.

"You already have the Jade Seal of the Kingdom, and if you hear anything about the emperor in the future, just treat it as rubbish.

Among the treasures in the imperial city, there is no one that can compare to the golden-haired white cat at home. "

Luo Quan was taken aback by the system's complaints, but after thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is really the case.

The Chuanguo Yuxi is the symbol of the power of the feudal dynasty in China in 2000. It is orthodox, and to a certain extent, the emperor cannot compare with it.

After all, there have been hundreds of emperors throughout the ages, and there is only one Chuanguo Yuxi.

Thinking of this, Luo Quan completely lay back and became indifferent to the world.

(End of this chapter)

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