Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 777 Jindan

Chapter 777 Jindan
"Sixty-eight million and nine million times!
90 times...

make a deal! "

Finally, this string of five emperor coins of extraordinary quality and significance was auctioned at a high price of nearly 7000 million, and was taken by a young man from Jiangnan.

His expression was very calm from the beginning to the end, as if he was just sprinkled with water.

But there is one thing to say, there are indeed many rich people in the southeast, whether it is on the surface or invisible.

For example, Luo Quan had never even heard of the young man who took the picture of the five emperors' money bracelet before. After looking at his face for a long time, he had no impression at all.

"There are still many rich people in China." Luo Quan sighed with a smile.

Luyao turned her head and looked over: "In terms of the money you earn, you are probably the one with the most money."

This is true. At present, most of the children of the super-rich in China spend their money on their parents' money.

There are also a few who have devoted themselves to the business world. At the beginning, they may have made a small profit by relying on their father's relationship, but in the end, no doubt, not all of them lost their money, and even asked their family members to help repay their debts.

In comparison, Luo Quan is now doing very well in the automobile and cultural relic industries, and it is no wonder that he will be included in the Forbes list of the most successful young billionaires in the new century.

The auction continued, and then another five or six antiques of fairly good quality appeared.

Not only is the age long, but the main background and experience are also quite extraordinary.

Either it came from a prosperous dynasty like Hanwu Tangzong, or it came out of a certain Taoist temple, with its own incense and vows.

As long as you get this kind of thing, you will definitely not lose money.

Therefore, the transaction price of each piece was more than 5000 million, and two of them were of particularly good quality, which directly sold for a sky-high price of 5000 million.

Of course, compared with the scenes of those international auctions, this can only be said to be ordinary.

But the following collections are not ordinary, and the rich second generations here basically come because of it.

"Everyone, I will ask my assistant to bring up the protagonist tonight."

When the main event started, the main shooter's tone became much more excited.

The female assistant in a cheongsam with a sexy figure raised her hands in front of her chest, holding a long wooden box in her hands.

The inside of the wooden box is made of red silk, and a long black sword is held on top of it.

Through the reflection of the light, you can see that the dark sword body is also covered with soft and beautiful cloud patterns. At first glance, it is a fine product that has gone through thousands of tempers!
The lead auctioneer cleared his throat, and then said in a deep voice: "This sword has no name, and its origin cannot be tested, but its age is not far from the age when Yue King Goujian's sword was built, and its shape is also the same.

So it can be concluded that this is a king's saber, which once carried the luck of a country, and the possibility of spiritual recovery is extremely high!
More importantly, this sword is not only exquisite in appearance, but also cuts iron like mud. It is a first-class conquest weapon, and it is definitely not a vase object that will break when touched!

Such a treasure, I believe that everyone here wants to get it in their pockets. Its starting price is 1000 million RMB, and each price increase is no less than [-] million. "

"One hundred and sixty million!"

As soon as the lead auctioneer finished speaking, someone raised the price by 50.00%.

Luo Quan looked over, and it was the servant who had been silent since the beginning of the auction, probably just running for the sword.

But in this auction, Si Cong was not the only one eyeing the sword.

"Two billion!"

The person holding the placard was a rich second generation unknown to Luo Quan, who was older than Si Cong, and his decree lines had already appeared.

Si Cong glanced at the rich second generation who bid with him, and once again held up the sign: "5000 million."

"Four hundred million!"

This time it was Ye Kai, who also joined the bidding.

Following Ye Kai's bid, the others didn't care about friendship or not. Let's talk about the road to the king first. No friendship can compare to antiques.

Don't you see, the last time Luoquan bought the Chuanguo Yuxi at an auction for only [-] million U.S. dollars, and donated it, although it seemed to be a loss, what he got in return was a benefit that could not be measured by money.

What she got in exchange was an extremely strong backer, a backer who would stand by her unconditionally as long as she didn't die!

Although the unnamed ancient sword this time is definitely not as good as the jade seal, it is still an antique for thousands of years. Whether it is used by oneself or donated, it can bring huge benefits.

Not to mention four hundred million, even one billion is worth it.

Of course, whether it is worth it is one thing, and whether it is worth it is another matter.

All the people here are rich, but they have a limit. After all, they cannot directly use the property of their parents, and the cash flow they can use is not as much as imagined.

After more than 13 rounds of alternate bidding, the sword was won by the servant at a price of 800 billion.

As expected of the son of the richest man in the past, even if it is not as good as it was then, the wealth in his hand is still very exaggerated. When he took pictures of this sword, he didn't even blink his eyelids.

The others looked at him with more or less helplessness.

Compared with Si Cong's wealth, it's really not enough.

After the nameless ancient sword was sold, this auction basically came to an end. Compared with the previous ones, the subsequent auctions were somewhat mediocre, and there were also cases of unsold auctions during the period.

Until a longevity peach-shaped carving handicraft appeared.

"This is a Tieshou peach with a fairy engraved on it. It was excavated from a collapsed Taoist temple in the southeast, and it is nearly 2000 years old.

What this year means is self-evident. The starting price is 2000 million, and each increase is no less than 200 million. "

"There are good things in here, buy them."

The system that had been silent for almost the entire auction spoke up, bluntly saying that there are good things in it.

So many treasures were sneered at by it before, but once this birthday peach came out, the system immediately couldn't sit still. It can be seen that the real value of this thing is not as simple as the starting price.

Luo Quan waited for a while, and found that no one seemed to be interested in this longevity peach, so he held up a sign: "2000 million."

Originally, the main auctioneer thought that the birthday peach was going to pass the auction, and wondered if his price was a bit high, but when he saw Luo Quan's bid, he immediately beamed with joy:
"This beautiful lady bids 2000 million! Is there anyone else who is taller than her? This is a Taoist relic from the year 2000. Maybe it's a magic weapon of a Taoist priest!"

It would be fine if someone else made a bid, but when the people present saw that Luo Quan was bidding, they instantly lost their composure.

Last time, she was allowed to make a simple Jade Seal of Chuanguo. Could it be that this longevity peach is also a big leak?
No one knew, but with the thought that he would rather kill the wrong than let it go, someone soon followed suit.

"3000 million!"

It was a girl, slightly older than Luo Quan, with light makeup and a delicate appearance.

According to Luyao, he seems to be a kid from a rich family in the capital.

"4000 million." Luo Quan was expressionless, not allowing anyone to read her inner thoughts, and the price she offered was also stable, and she didn't directly raise the price to more than [-] million like a nouveau riche.

But the moment she bid, she had already attracted everyone's attention.

There are many rich second generations in Huaxia, low-key and high-profile, but the most famous one must be Luoquan, and the old Guomin company has never been able to compare.

However, Luo Quan is not strictly a rich second generation, because her wealth is created by herself, and she does not rely on the towering tree of the Albert Group, which is fundamentally different from other rich second generations.

Therefore, when the price of Shoutao was raised to more than [-] million yuan, many rich second generations chose to give up.

The few who were still asking for prices also showed melancholy expressions.

As for Luo Quan, he was quite calm from the beginning to the end.

Most of her fortune went to Nikola's car company, but even the small amount that remained was more than half a billion dollars.

And if she wanted, she could easily borrow hundreds of millions more from her brother, Seifert.

That's not counting father and grandpa, they are the real big family.

Therefore, she is bound to get this birthday peach, and it is nothing more than spending a little more money.

With other people and Luo Quan taking turns to increase the price, this longevity peach, which was almost passed in the auction, was called for a price of [-] million RMB.

The [-] million was called by Luo Quan. After the price was set, the entire auction site fell into silence.

It's not that there is no money to add more, but to consider whether it is worth it.

After all, this peach does look very ordinary, and its size is not large. Even if there is really something inside, it cannot be a treasure like the Chuanguo Yuxi.

Generally speaking, this kind of national treasure is relatively large, far less than what can be accommodated by an iron birthday peach.

Besides, they don't know how much Luoquan's financial resources are, and if they continue to increase, there may not be any results.

Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons, everyone unanimously chose to give up, and Shou Tao was finally photographed by Luo Quan.

Although it took hundreds of millions more to get such a thing, she felt a little distressed.

But since the system is interested in it, it is worth spending a little more money.

After taking pictures of Shou Tao, Luyao didn't ask Luo Quan any more.

Once this kind of thing is obtained, it belongs to others, and the interest is related. If you keep asking, it will easily hurt your feelings.

After the auction was over, Luo Quan went to the backstage to pay and pick up the goods. By the way, there were a few certificates proving that the Tieshou peach was indeed genuine.

Originally, there would be a TV station interview later, but Luo Quan was not interested in this, so he returned to the hotel with birthday peaches and packed dishes.

Put the food in the refrigerator, go back to the bedroom, Luo Quan closed the door, and took out the birthday peach.

"Tell me, what's so special about this thing?"

"Simple, crush its outer shell first."

Luo Quan's eyes lit up, and sure enough, the appearance of this thing is just protection, and what's hidden inside is the key point.

Under her brute force, Tie Shoutao was split into two pieces from the middle by her.

It's not solid, and it's spliced ​​together, and the link is just in the middle, so Luo Quan didn't have much trouble breaking it off.

The birthday peach was broken open, and a golden elixir rolled out of it, and the strong medicinal fragrance rushed to the face immediately, mixed with an indescribable aroma.

"This is... Jin Dan?"

Luo Quan held the elixir in his hands with an inconceivable look.

Although many Taoist alchemists in ancient times could refine golden elixir, either for their own use or for the emperor, but this was the first time she had seen the real one.

"This is the golden elixir refined by Daoist Daoist, and it is wrapped in longevity peaches to reduce the loss of aura.

Although it is not comparable to when it was first released, the effect must be extraordinary! "

Luo Quan asked curiously: "What is the specific effect? ​​Will you become a fairy after eating it?"

"You are not a cultivator, eating Jindan is no different from eating a bunch of heavy metals, it is still expired heavy metals.

But you can let me absorb the aura above, then extract the effect and feed it back to you. "

"Don't tell me sooner."

Luo Quan heard that there was heavy metal, so he quickly put Jin Dan down.

It seems that this thing is not something that ordinary people can touch. Fortunately, it is in her hands. If someone else eats it, it will probably become a fairy.

Soon, the system started working.

Under Luo Quan's gaze, a wisp of white smoke seeped out from the inside of the golden core, and then poured into the center of her eyebrows.

After about 1 minute, the system beeps:
"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Wushou Golden Core, but there is a large gap between the cultivation level and the rigid requirements for directly obtaining the power of the Golden Core, so we can only settle for the second best and use part of the Golden Core's power to obtain the Golden Body.

Golden body Taoist body (primary), the advanced version of the pure yang body, is free from five evils and three disasters, and its physical defense power even surpasses the Buddha's Vajra Indestructibility! "

The golden body is the benefit that this golden elixir brought her.

And it's only part of it, because her cultivation realm is not enough to fully accept the power of Jindan.

But just a part of the power of the golden core improved her physique, which was already stronger than that of King Kong.

At this moment, Luo Quan's mind was full of the scene in "No. [-] Under Heaven" where Cheng Shifei was all covered in gold, fighting bang bang with others.

But when I took a look at the clothes, the skin didn't change color, it was still white.

After kneading, the feel is no different from before.

After blinking and thinking for a while, Luo Quan took out a fruit knife from his backpack.

Gently stroked on the arm, although the skin was sunken, and the sharpness of the blade could be felt, but there was no trace of blood.Not even the fine hairs on the skin were damaged in any way.

Seeing this scene, Luo Quan took the courage to use a little more strength, but there was still no damage.

"Damn, this is too fierce!"

Luo Quan burst out laughing straight away, this one is equivalent to having an extra human body armor!
"If it is not fierce, it will not be called a golden body. The ancient golden bell cover and the highest state of the iron cloth shirt are no more than this."

The system's answer made Luo Quan smile with satisfaction.

"I don't know if the weakness in the waist will be completely made up for. Let Wen Xia try it next time. If the weakness really disappears..."

Luo Quan laughed strangely, in that way, he would no longer have to be afraid of her tickling attacks.

With a huge sum of nearly one billion, he got a human body armor.

Moreover, it can still grow, and it can continue to improve when it reaches the realm of cultivation in the future.

For Luo Quan tonight, it was definitely a rewarding experience.

(End of this chapter)

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