Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 778 Chapter 7 White Chapter 80 You Must Believe in Science

Chapter 778 Chapter Seventh White Eighty You Must Believe in Science

ps. Although I didn't say it, but the book friends still paid a lot of monthly tickets, thank you all here.


The next day, the auction, which included half of China's rich second generation, became a hot search.

Not only were there so many rich second generations who attended, but the main reason was that the transaction price of this auction was too astonishing, with six or seven items exceeding [-] million yuan.

Especially the nameless ancient sword and longevity peach, which add up to 20 billion.

This can already be compared with those large international auctions.

If the auctions are all famous paintings and rare treasures, that's all. The key point is that most of these treasures are of relatively average quality.

Although it is old, it does not have much cultural value, and the materials and workmanship are just that. Except for the ancient sword, which is indeed a top-notch antique, the others are not very good.

This also makes netizens very confused, wondering why these tasteless antiques can be sold at prices far exceeding the market price.

Some people say that it may be for hype, while others say that simple people are stupid and have a lot of money.

But anyway, these are rich second-generation money, how to spoil it is their business, there is nothing else to say other than scolding vampires and evil capitalists.

Of course, Luo Quan was not scolded, she was not a vampire, not an evil capitalist, she deserved every penny she earned, and she deserved to be rich based on the money she donated every year.

As for her spending [-] million to buy a longevity peach this time, netizens also speculated whether there is another treasure of the country hidden in it.

After all, she has an old koi physique, and until now, there are still many fans who want her to visit the famous mountains and rivers in China, and maybe they will show Jiuding out after shopping.

Facts have proved that the eyes of the masses are discerning.

There is indeed a good treasure hidden in the birthday peach, which is a golden elixir refined by a master of Taoism. In ancient times, even the emperor might not be able to enjoy this fairy product.

But now, it only costs [-] million yuan to buy it, which is really a bargain.

Although it sounds like she doesn't regard money as money, but at her level, money is indeed just a string of numbers.

With so many rich people in the world, they are definitely more willing to exchange money for life, let alone such a golden elixir.

Of course, this matter must not be told to others, only silence can make a fortune.

"I don't know if you have noticed that many of these lots are related to Buddhism and Taoism."

"It seems to be the case. Either it is a tribute from a Taoist temple or it has been consecrated in a Buddhist temple."

"Is it cooperating with Buddhism and Taoism to create hype?"

"Probably just a coincidence. What's the hype about Buddhism and Taoism now?"

"There is still some heat in Chuanwu."


Many great detectives on the Internet have discovered blind spots, but because the samples are too small, not many people dare to draw conclusions.

And many Buddhist temples and Taoist temples in China have seen business opportunities in this hot search.

These people are definitely the first ones to notice the revival of spiritual energy, and they probably have already realized the effect of antiques, especially those that have been baptized by the power of incense for a long time.

It's just that most monks didn't expect to use the auction method to make profits, let alone earn so much.

Just a few slightly enlightened antiques can be auctioned for tens of millions of dollars. If it is a serious magic weapon, wouldn't everything go for a billion?

Money has always touched people's hearts, even monks, under the temptation of such huge benefits, will inevitably have some greedy thoughts.

Although it is said that the practice of becoming a monk pays attention to the purity of the six sense organs, but there are very few people who really do this.

Even the abbot of Shaolin Temple would not accept billions of dollars in donations from those rich people to buy real estate and repair the temple.

There were rumors before that the abbot eats vegetarian food and recites Buddha on the mountain, and when he gets down the mountain, he drives a sports car and eats meat. The business also includes Internet celebrities and illegitimate daughters.

Although there is no real hammer, but there are so many rumors that are speculative, it is already very clear.

So in today's society, being a monk is not a particularly good adjective.

Moreover, in many places, monks and Taoists have even become a profession, a profession with good benefits, a lot of money and leisure.

It can only be said that part of the mouse feces spoiled the whole pot of porridge.

But now, this broken porridge is thinking about how to maximize its own interests in this new era of change.

How about finding an excuse one day and taking a few photos of the ritual artifacts in the temple?

Compared with the second antiques at the auction, these in the temple are much more powerful!
Thinking of this, the minds of many abbots and priests became alive.

And Luo Quan happened to be watching the live broadcast of a priest at this time.

Today is the weekend, and Luoquan gave half a day off to the employees who have been busy for a week.

After filming in the morning, they disbanded in the afternoon.

After editing the materials she had taken in the past few days, she also stayed in the room and played with her mobile phone to relax.

The system said it was because her morality was not enough.Can't fully absorb the power of Jindan.

So she specifically found a Taoist priest's live broadcast room, and wanted to learn how to practice Taoism and how to improve her cultivation level.

And what she was looking for was Daoist Cheng Shixing, who has been very popular on the Internet recently.

This Taoist priest is from Wudang Mountain, and he learned from Taoist Yunlong. He gained some fame in his early years because of his promotion of martial arts.

Different from those liars, this Taoist master has real kung fu, his fists are fast and ruthless, and three or four people can't get close to him, but his most powerful is Wudang swordsmanship, his skills are quite exquisite.

The recent rise to popularity is mainly due to the fact that the current monks have begun to try the Internet, hoping to increase the popularity of their sect through this platform that communicates with the world.

Not only Wudang Mountain, Longhu Mountain, Maoshan Mountain, Shaoshi Mountain, Zhongnan Mountain, as long as it is a famous mountain with a name, there are such live broadcasts.

But not all of them are popular, because not all Taoists and eminent monks can be as active as Cheng Daozhang, and they are all hard workers.

A while ago, the Taoist priest said that he wanted to show everyone Chuanburi's lightness kung fu. After speaking, he stepped on the straight wall for eight steps with a run-up, and finally climbed directly on the wall several meters high.

According to the Taoist priest, this is eight-step catching cicadas, but he hasn't practiced well yet, otherwise he can directly fly to the outside of the wall with eight steps.

But even just clinging to the edge of the wall is already very powerful.

Even if the jumping ability of the Olympic high jump champion is to achieve Cheng Daozhang's level, it is quite difficult.

Cheng Daochang has never experienced any scientific professional training, but he has only practiced Wudang martial arts for nearly 40 years since he was a child.

After the live broadcast, the video became popular. Douyin Kuaishou was full of shouts of "Huaxia has magical skills", and Cheng Daochang's early martial arts videos were also dug out. It can be seen that martial arts are indeed quite sharp.

The only pity is that Cheng Daochang has too little live broadcast time. The last live broadcast was ten days ago.

After it became popular, fans all over the Internet asked them to live broadcast Qinggong or other martial arts.

Unable to withstand the enthusiastic invitation of fans, Cheng Daochang also started broadcasting again ten days later.

The first broadcast was on Douyin. Because there is no contract, Station B can also rebroadcast it here, but it is not possible to reward gifts.

But even if it was a live broadcast, Cheng Daochang had more than 400 million popularity in the live broadcast room of station B, and the barrage was densely packed, all to see what kind of job Daochang would be doing today.

Luo Quan originally wanted to learn Taoism, but after hearing what these fans said about how powerful this Taoist priest is, he also became curious, and wanted to see what level his lightness kung fu was.

She has seen the eight-step catching cicada before, and she can do it, even without eight steps.

But Dao Chang's kung fu of making muffled sounds by swinging his fists is indeed very sharp.

If you can do this, you can blow up the leaves with your fist wind in a short distance.

But now that the spiritual energy is recovering, I'm afraid it's not just as simple as rolling up the leaves.

Just thinking about it, Cheng Daochang walked into the camera.

Dao Chang is not tall, only about 1.7 meters, and his figure is relatively thin.

But after seeing his naked upper body when he was practicing, he knew that Daochang was actually full of tendons, but he was not as exaggerated as those who specialized in fitness, and belonged to the lean type.

In UFC, many of those lightweight players have such a figure.

It looks thin and small, but one punch can really kill a person.

Today's Taoist priest is the same as before, still wearing a soapy blue Taoist robe, cloth shoes on his feet, and his legs wrapped in white cloth, just like the ancients.

"In the past few days, fans have been urging me to show off my qinggong again.

As a martial arts practitioner, one shouldn't use one's skills as a capital to show off to gain attention, but since everyone is so interested, I will show you the lightness kung fu of Wudang Mountain again today. "

While speaking, Cheng Daozhang came to a piece of wild grass with the camera blacked out: "However, the lightness kung fu that is going to be performed today is extremely dangerous, so I would like to tell all fans in advance, do not imitate it no matter what."

After speaking, the camera was lifted and pointed to the hillside in the distance.

There are two platforms between the hillside and the barren grass where Cheng Daochang is standing. Except for stones, there are grass, and there are some shrubs that are not particularly tall.

"Wait a minute, I will jump from that hillside to the place I am standing in three times. I measured it yesterday. The straight-line vertical distance from the hillside to the grass is about 28 meters. Because I jumped down obliquely, the distance will only be farther." .”

After Cheng Daochang finished speaking, he asked his assistant to hold the camera, and then walked up the hillside alone.

Hearing what Cheng Daozhang said, the audience in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded.

A 30-meter triple jump without any means of protection. Throughout the ages, only Brother Chen Long dared to risk his life like this.

However, every time Brother Chen Long did this, he basically ended up with serious injuries, and almost lost his life several times.

Therefore, the audience in the live broadcast room immediately persuaded:
"It's not about Cheng Daozhang, there are many ways to show lightness kung fu, there is no need to use such a dangerous way."

"Cheng Daochang jumped like this, I'm afraid he would go directly to the ICU if he didn't jump off!"

"I'm afraid I can't get into the ICU."

"Indeed, maybe I went directly to Sanfeng Patriarch."

"Master Dao, you have to believe in science. Flesh and blood can't stand it. In conversion, this is equivalent to the ninth floor!"


But no matter what the fans tried to persuade, Cheng Daochang couldn't see it now.

Looking at the hillside, Luo Quan was also thinking about whether he could jump three times in a row without any damage before taking the golden pill.

After thinking about it for a while, she felt that she could jump down, but it was estimated that her feet would be uncomfortable for a while, and it was impossible to have no effect at all.

In just such a short time, Cheng Daochang had already climbed up the hillside and stood at the highest point of the camera.

Behind him is the courtyard wall of the Taoist temple, and above that is a blue sky and white clouds.

"I'm a little afraid to watch it."

"It is recommended to call 120 immediately."

"Don't go, Master Cheng!"

"If you don't succeed today, you will be benevolent!"


Daozhang Cheng raised his hand luckily, took a few deep breaths, and then jumped forward.

His posture is like an eagle, with his arms spread out and his knees raised towards the front of his chest. He doesn't intend to use the way of landing and rolling to release his strength like a master in parkour.

Clearly, the priest is very confident in his knees and ankles.

With a soft "bang", Dao Chang landed smoothly, his body just squatted down slightly, without too much shaking, as if he jumped off the half-meter step.

An even more shocking scene happened. Cheng Daochang didn't stop after landing, and immediately jumped forward again, continuing to do parabolic motion in the air.

The distance between this middle platform is the farthest, falling for more than a second!
After Cheng Daochang landed, he was still as stable as Mount Tai, and he jumped forward again!
A person who cultivates the Tao must do what he says.

Cheng Daochang said that jumping from the hillside to the grass, he really jumped in front of the fans.

A triple jump of more than 20 meters, without any breath adjustment or unloading in the middle.

After the dance, Cheng Daozhang even gave everyone a poss in a reductive way, and finally raised his hand for a little luck, and heaved a long sigh of relief.

"See, this is light work.

If I am an actor in action movies in the future, there will be no need for Wia to jump to a lower floor. "Cheng Daochang smiled and joked with the fans.

"But everyone still has to believe in science. Not everyone can do light work like me. If you imitate me rashly, you will easily get injured. Only with a strong body can you have a chance to become a master."

"You showed me this and told me to trust the science?"

"What you are showing now is already very unscientific."

"Coach, I want to learn this!"

"Coach: I can't fucking know!"

"It's a long story, how can you get down and go up?"

"Haha, this is a bit outrageous. How could it be possible to jump over 20 meters? Pole vaulting is about the same."

"It's already very good. It's worthy of being a master of Wudang Mountain. This physical fitness probably makes us unable to move the sculls standing up."

"So Huaxia's martial arts is still very powerful, but we haven't encountered Cheng Daozhang's real kung fu before."

"Isn't Luo Quan also a master of martial arts? It's not because of her strange power."

"It's a long story, who is better, you or Luo Quan?"

At this moment, in the Douyin live broadcast room, a local tyrant raised a very eye-catching question with a reward of [-].

(End of this chapter)

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