Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 779 National Fitness?

Chapter 779 National Fitness?

Because the special effects of the question were too conspicuous, Cheng Daozhang saw it at a glance.

"Who is better, Luo Quan or me..."

Cheng Daozhang didn't speak, and fell into thinking.

Netizens also joked:

"The priest probably doesn't know Luo Quan."

"You can Baidu, this girl is very powerful."

"It's still an international star, but it doesn't look particularly like a Chinese."


Seeing the netizen's introduction, the Taoist priest of Chengdu smiled: "Although I am indeed practicing on Wudang Mountain, I am not a caveman, and I can surf the Internet.

Moreover, Luo Quan is so famous, even if she doesn't surf the Internet, some people know about her deeds.

As for the netizen who asked me who is better, Luo Quan or me.

I can't answer this, because I think that practicing martial arts is first of all to strengthen one's body and improve one's spiritual realm, not to compete with others.

So I have never advocated martial arts for the purpose of fighting.

But there is one thing I can tell everyone, Luo Quan's martial arts is definitely real, and when I was her age, I was far inferior to her. "

Cheng Daozhang's words immediately established his image as a cultivator who stands aloof from the world.

At the same time, the evaluation of Luo Quan was also very tactful. He didn't say who was strong and who was weak, but then he praised her.

This high EQ is definitely at the textbook level.

After evaluating Luoquan, the audience in the live broadcast room continued to ask questions:
"Cheng Daozhang, how can we ordinary people reach your level? Does martial arts require talent?"

"You don't need talent to practice martial arts, as long as you don't have heart disease, asthma and other diseases, you can practice.

In fact, practicing martial arts can also be regarded as a kind of physical exercise. The ultimate goal is to make us have a taller, stronger and faster body.

However, compared to children with higher plasticity, adults need to lay the foundation again if they want to practice martial arts. The way to build a foundation is also very simple, that is, to keep exercising every day, first come out of this sub-healthy state, and then talk about martial arts training Son. "

Cheng Daochang's words were very pragmatic, he didn't directly tell everyone about martial arts secrets, and he didn't ask everyone to come to Wudang Mountain directly, and he taught in person.

Instead, it is very simple to ask everyone to exercise more and let the body get better first.

After all, as the old saying goes, poor culture and rich martial arts.

Scholars in ancient times could be poorer, as long as they could read and write, because mental work would not consume too much physical energy.

But practicing martial arts is not enough. If you want to practice it, you must be in good health, eat well, how can you practice if you are as thin as a stick?
Of course, from the current point of view, whether it is civil or military, it needs good physical conditions to support it. After all, the body is the capital of the revolution.

In short, Cheng Daozhang has already told the netizens about the foundation building steps of martial arts, and all of them said that they will practice, but only God knows how much they can stick to.

Anyway, those martial arts teaching videos recorded by Luo Quan before have been played several million times, but there are not many in the comment area who can memorize a complete set of circle movements, let alone persist in practicing until now .

Cheng Daozhang came and went quickly, and the broadcast was closed within an hour after it started.

But the content of this live broadcast left an indelible impression on all viewers.

They saw a Taoist leader who said to believe in science, then turned around and jumped down from a hillside of more than 20 meters.

If this is not considered light work, then what else is light work?
The kind of flying on the grass and floating on the water in the TV series does not conform to the laws of science at all, and everyone knows that it cannot appear in reality.

In comparison, Cheng Daozhang is more reliable.

After a while, the content of Cheng Daochang's live broadcast was listed on Weibo's hot search. At first, there were more than 20 people, but soon rushed to the top five positions.

"A priest who believes in science!"

This is the title of the hot search, and you can see his "30-meter downhill" demonstration on the hillside when you click it.

Netizens in the comment area who have never watched the live broadcast were shocked and surprised, and some questioned whether it was a fake video with special effects or edited.

"It's fake at first glance, more than 20 meters in a row, and the average one is eight or nine. Even the knees made of iron and the ankles made of copper will have to be scrapped."

"The current monks are really not like monks at all. For the sake of popularity, such fake videos are made, and the smell of copper is all over the body. How can we talk about cultivating the truth?"

"Everyone misunderstood, Cheng Daochang really did it, it was definitely not a fake!"

"Even if you ask the world's number one parkour master to jump, there is only a 90.00% chance of getting a hemiplegia, and the other [-]% will fall to your death on the spot!"

"It's outrageous, there are still people washing it."


Obviously, many netizens do not believe that this video is real.

After all, it is too easy to fake videos now. Special effects, editing, and the illusion of distance can all create the effects in the video.

Moreover, Cheng Daozhang's demonstration is indeed beyond the scope of ordinary people's comprehension, so few netizens who haven't watched the live broadcast believe it.

It wasn't until Luo Quan posted a Weibo that public opinion turned around.

"I watched Cheng Daochang's live broadcast, he didn't fake it, he really danced."

As soon as the fans saw Luo Quan's comments, they were delighted and thought that it was about to come out to sharply comment on hot spots. The first comment should be just a shrewd thing, and it was about to fire.

However, the netizens waited for a long time but did not get Luo Quan's second Weibo, so they came to the comment area of ​​the first Weibo:
"Are you posting this Weibo to be smart?"

"Are you serious? Did you really watch the live broadcast of this Daoist Cheng?"

"Damn it, Luoquan, why did you wash the ground for this kind of rivers and lakes a while ago?"

"Liar? Daoist Cheng is the true biography of Wudang Mountain!"

"Is there a mistake, even with your skill, you shouldn't be able to dance, right?"


Until now, netizens still don't believe this is true.

Luo Quan smiled helplessly after reading the comments, and replied in the comment area:
"There is no one who can't dance, everyone can dance, but it's not necessarily true if you have to live.

Cheng Daozhang is very skilled, and he will be safe and sound when he jumps down to luck. If ordinary people go to learn, at least they will be permanently disabled.

The video must be true, and there will definitely be many fans who want to learn martial arts in the future, but my suggestion is to read what Cheng Daozhang said later, and talk about other things after training your body well. "

With Luoquan's strong platform and the exposure of Cheng Daochang's complete live broadcast, netizens finally believed it.

It turns out that in this world, there are really people who can do 28 meters three times without getting hurt.

The word "martial arts" once again appeared in the public's field of vision, causing a huge upsurge of discussion on all major platforms.

If anyone says now that Chuanwu is a scam or something, it is a typical case of being blind.

There is Luoquan in the distance, and Taoist Cheng in the near. Both of them have proved that they will indeed have physical fitness and combat effectiveness far superior to ordinary people after practicing martial arts to a certain level.

But the question that follows is, how can one practice like Luo Quan and Cheng Daochang?
The other two have already said the steps to solve the problem, that is, exercise first.

Therefore, when martial arts is still only in the stage of heated discussions, many netizens have already put fitness exercises into action, in order to quickly improve the body to the stage where martial arts can be practiced, and enter the next level as soon as possible.

Interestingly, this craze was obviously started by Cheng Daozhang, but in the end it was not him who became popular, but a fitness blogger who was also live streaming on Douyin.

In order to learn how to exercise, everyone is looking for material on the Internet.

And this fitness blogger who was originally an entertainer but later changed his career to live broadcast, because of the magic of his movements, the husband and wife appeared on camera together, and often accompanied by some dynamic music, quickly became popular in the circle.

In less than three days, the whole internet was full of news about this fitness blogger, and it was trending three or four times a day.

The speed at which she became popular is simply unbelievable.

And this blogger named Hong Jun also felt that he was inexplicably popular.

But this is the case in the Internet age, and chance is too great.

A retired artist who was not popular three days ago, the number of fans on each platform exceeded 4000 million three days later, and it is completely impossible to use common sense to do any analysis.

Interestingly, when fitness became popular, many netizens forgot that they wanted to practice martial arts in the first place, and they all seriously danced aerobics with Hong Jun.

There are also many imitators, jumping up in squares, streets, and schools, and a wave of fitness seems to have hit.

On the other hand, Cheng Daozhang, who was supposed to be on fire, was not much hotter than before.

Before the triple jump, the popularity was more than 400 million, but after the jump, it only rose to more than 600 million.

Compared with Hong Jun's popularity of 6000 to [-] million every time he broadcasts, it's nothing worth mentioning.

For this reason, many fans of Cheng Daochang are complaining about him, asking why Douyin suppresses his popularity.

However, Daoist Cheng himself is very open-minded, and in turn comforts fans, not to get angry because of these false names.

It is said that Cheng Daochang did not sign a contract with Douyin, so he was suppressed.

If this is the case, there is really no good solution, because the live broadcast platform is not doing charity, and the first priority must be to make money, which is understandable.

But Douyin is indeed a bit short-sighted if it is so popular. Isn't it offending Cheng Daozhang by doing this?
Although the Taoist leader said not to care too much, but he has not really become a fairy, he will definitely feel a little uncomfortable in his heart. If he really goes to the platform in the future, the loss will still be Douyin himself.

In short, Luo Quan felt that there was something wrong with the decision-making of Douyin. If it was her, she would have already dumped publicity resources on this talented Taoist priest.

But if you think about it carefully, maybe it's not that Douyin doesn't want to give popularity, but on top of Douyin, does someone want to be popular?

Compared with practicing martial arts for all, fitness for all is undoubtedly more in line with the overall environment of the current society.

When a large number of individuals have the power to easily threaten others, it is very likely to cause very serious and bad consequences.

The proliferation of guns in the United States is a manifestation.

And if martial arts are flooded, the harm is no less than that of guns.

If you think about it this way, it is understandable that Cheng Daochang was overwhelmed and Hong Jun became popular all over the Internet for no reason.

I looked at Bilibili, Weibo, and Zhihu. I was talking about Chuanwu in full swing a few days ago, but now there is no movement. Many posts and videos can’t be found directly, and I need to click on the link in the comment area.

After realizing it, Luo Quan didn't have much opinion on this way of handling it.

The fewer people who know martial arts, the better.

Especially in the context of reiki recovery.

Martial arts are much stronger, and that is an unstable factor.

Luo Quan didn't want the news in the future to become like a country on the other side of the ocean, where someone injured how many people with a certain punch every now and then.

Just like today's news, there is another big riot in the West.

But not in the United States, this time it happened in France.

Because the acceptance of a large number of refugees from the Middle East led to a rapid decline in the level of law and order, the disturbed French nationals finally organized and began to retaliate against these unruly outsiders.

This organization was originally known as the French Honorary Guard, and called on locals on the Internet to carry out marches and protests.

It has developed to a considerable scale, with more than 20 registered users, and the behavior has changed from non-violent marches to violent expulsions.

The objects of deportation are those refugees who occupy the magpie's nest.

Because French guns are not as easy to buy as they are in the United States, these people go to contact fighting clubs in various countries and buy various heavy weapons from them, including murder weapons such as two-handed swords, sledgehammers, flails, and large axes.

What's more, they even customized their own personal armor and helmets, and after wearing them, they took to the streets to expel them.

In the beginning, it was just a personal behavior, at most a dozen or so people's actions, and it was just a small conflict.

But this morning, more than [-] "Guardians" wearing heavy armor and holding heavy metal weapons on the streets of Paris expelled refugees wandering on the streets and told them to get out of Paris.

Some of the refugees who were attacked escaped by chance, quickly entangled with their companions, held wooden sticks and steel bars, and fought back without showing any weakness.

There were more than 200 people on both sides, and both sides had bad tempers, so the expulsion directly turned into a large-scale fighting.

By the time the police arrived, the fighting was almost over.

The French Glory Guard suffered a bit, and more than 40 were injured and more than 50 were beaten away.

Among the injured, there are five more serious ones, but fortunately they have been sent to the hospital for emergency treatment.

The situation on the refugee side has not improved much, and there are still a lot of injured people. The government still needs to deal with the aftermath.

Because this conflict is too big, the government can no longer cover it up as a small problem, and soon the media all over the world began to rush to report.

Related tweets directly exceeded 50 on Twitter. Netizens who watched the excitement called this conflict the tenth crusade of the Crusades, and even encouraged the French guards to fight to Jerusalem.

Few people care about the issues behind this conflict, and most of the Internet is just watching and joking.

After all, this didn't happen in their own country, and it's not their turn to worry about people in other countries.

(End of this chapter)

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