Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 780 Boiling

Chapter 780 Boiling
"What do you think of the Tenth Crusade?"

In the live broadcast room, Luo Quan, who hadn't shown up for a long time, couldn't help laughing at the fans' questions.

The Tenth Crusade was a nickname for the conflict in Paris by netizens on the Internet. In fact, the situation was far from a war. At most, it was just two groups of people fighting in the streets.

But because the identity of the partner is quite special, it can match the main force of the Crusades in history, so there is such a saying.

And in Huaxia on the other side of the ocean, a group of fun people also followed the trend of the incident closely, and even asked Luo Quan to make a sharp comment.

"How can I see it?" Luo Quan spread his small hands: "The root cause of this matter is the French government's own fault, and the people above have to pay for the crimes made by people below.

I can only be thankful that French guns are not as rampant as in the United States, otherwise today's incident may not be a conflict, but a tragedy. "

The fact is indeed like this, if it is just fighting with weapons, it is still possible to control the casualties.

If it was a fight, the consequences would be really serious.

At present, the organizers on both sides have been captured by the French police and will be prosecuted by the court for disturbing social order.

However, whether they are French natives or refugees from the Middle East, they all declare that they are innocent, and they just defend their rights from beginning to end.

Under the agitation of the media, this conflict has evolved into a dispute over human rights and values.

To sum up, it is impossible for France to calm down the turmoil by playing [-] big boards each.

Refugees from the Middle East are continuously entering European countries, and the war continues, and this situation will continue.

The number of registered users of the French Guard of Glory website is also increasing day by day. As the conflict between the two sides intensifies, the number of users will only increase.

When the number of people increases to a certain level, if something happens at that time, it will not be a skirmish that only hurts dozens of people.

"By the way, Luo Bao, before you clarified to Daochang Cheng, did you really watch his live broadcast?"

At this time, another fan asked about the past few days in the barrage.

"I did watch the live broadcast." Luo Quan nodded and admitted.

"Then who do you think is better than Cheng Daozhang? Can you do one of his triple jumps?"

This question made Luo Quan dumbfounded: "Brother, 28-meter hillside, if you want me to die, just say it, there is no need to be so euphemistic.

Daoist Cheng has practiced martial arts for decades, how can I, a weak woman, be able to match the strength of my muscles and bones. "

"If you are a weak woman, there will be no strong women in this world."

"You don't know who you are talking about, the humanoid female tyrannosaurus?"

"But don't call it a weak woman. You have nothing to do with the word weak."


"Haha, have I already reached this point now, making you so in awe?"

Luo Quan was also very surprised to see the overwhelming complaints on the bullet screen: "I repeat, I am usually a gentle and weak woman, and my force is only shown to those gangsters who want to hurt me and my family. "

"Then will I be beaten if I mention the giant mouth of the abyss?"

Suddenly, an indifferent guy said in the barrage.

"No." Luo Quan smiled and shook his head, "But you will be banned for a week."

After finishing speaking, right click on the name and click ban.


"Haha, the strong man has gone all the way."

"You want to leave after offending the abbot?"

"It's easy to talk about anything else, but this is Luo Bao's Ni Lin, whoever touches it will die."

"I said it a long time ago, don't challenge Luo Bao's bottom line, why is there someone who doesn't believe in evil?"


"Come on, who else wants to talk about this topic?" Luo Quan put his hand on the mouse directly, looking eager to try.

"Don't dare."

"The big guy dares to be angry but dare not speak."

"By the way, Luo Bao, do you have any quick martial arts cheats, the ones that you can see results after practicing for a month or two?"

"Don't always think about crooked ways. It is impossible to practice martial arts in a short time, even geniuses."

"People nowadays are too impetuous."


"There are actually martial arts that can be mastered in a short period of time." Luo Quan laughed: "But if you want to practice this skill, you must first go to the palace."

"If you don't come from the palace, you can succeed!?"

"Even if you come from the palace, you may not succeed."

"For details, please go to the palace cleaning room, Eunuch Luo."

"Isn't this just making fun of us?"


"It seems that you understand." Luo Quan laughed twice, then became serious: "In this world, how can there be so many instant good things?

Behind any success, there must be years of practice, otherwise others have practiced for decades to get the ability, why do you think of it in a few months? "

"I understand the truth, but you are only in your early twenties, why?"

The bullet screens questioned one after another.

"Because I'm a genius." Luo Quan said calmly, as if stating a fact.

"Ah this..."

"I have no words to refute."

"Understood, the gap between people is sometimes bigger than that between humans and pigs."

"You talk so fucking hurtful, woo woo woo..."

"What Luo Bao means is that we ordinary people should not compare with her, there is no comparison at all."

"That's about it."


Seeing that the barrage understood her words so well, Luo Quan smiled: "Practicing martial arts can't be done quickly, but I think it's good for Cheng Daozhang to let everyone exercise. No matter whether you are interested in martial arts or not, exercising is always a must." That's right.

After the body is well trained, no matter what to do next, it will be more handy. "

"That's true."

"So you still didn't say who you and Cheng Daochang are..." Martial arts are high. "

"I think Cheng Daochang should be taller, after all, he is a professional martial arts practitioner."

"Void comparison is meaningless, you have to fight to know."

"In a society governed by the rule of law, don't beat and kill people at every turn, it's better to learn from each other."

"It's probably not possible. I feel that Cheng Daochang and Luo Quan are not the kind of people who like to compete for fame."



In the self-talk of the fans, the topic of the strength of the two gradually died down.

In fact, different from what the fans think, Luo Quan himself still really wants to know who is better between himself and Cheng Daozhang.

The 28-meter triple jump is really good, but it's not impossible for her to do it.

I said this during the live broadcast mainly because I didn't want to reveal my strength.

As for the strength of Cheng Daozhang, it's really hard to draw conclusions without a fight.

In addition, Daochang Cheng has his master, Daoist Yunlong behind him, and it is said that his martial arts are much higher.

And there are still quite a few Chinese masters like this who live in seclusion in famous mountains and rivers, and the upper limit of their strength is unknown.

After the spiritual energy recovers, the strength of these people will inevitably skyrocket.

I don't know if these people will be quiet and think about moving, and enter this world of mortals to practice.

I don't know what kind of changes will be brought about by the arrival of these people.

The answers to these questions, Luo Quan will definitely not know in a short time.

But in comparison, the changes in the West are coming faster.

As soon as she woke up the next day, she received the news that Notre Dame de Paris was on fire, and the 800-year-old landmark building was burned down by the fire, including many works of art collected in Notre Dame de Paris.

This loss is so great that foreign people feel distressed.

Up to now, the fire is still going on. The live broadcast on Youtube and Twitter has more than 1000 million simultaneous online viewers. It can be said that the whole world has set its sights on this treasure of human history and civilization.

It can be seen from the live broadcast that the night in the early hours of the morning was lit by raging flames. Most of the iconic spire of Notre Dame de Paris has collapsed, and the rest is like a torch, still standing upright in the flames.

But I guess it won't be too long
The fire trucks had already arrived, and there were hundreds of people there. It could be seen that the Parisian authorities attached great importance to it, but the response speed was a little slow.

It was almost two-thirds of the fire before arriving. When the flames were extinguished, there was probably nothing left.

But the fire still has to be extinguished. After all, this is Notre Dame de Paris, a French business card on the same level as Fontainebleau Palace and the Eiffel Tower.

Most importantly, the whole world is watching live.

It took nearly an hour to put out the fire, and finally the raging fire was extinguished, and the once magnificent and beautiful Notre Dame de Paris was left with only the dark ruins, and the ferocious burn marks were really shocking.

Not long after, "Notre Dame de Paris collapsed in the fire" became the number one hot search on several major platforms, and the number of discussions exceeded [-] million. For a while, countless netizens posted texts expressing shock and heartache.

Some also launched a call for donations, calling on citizens to contribute to the reconstruction of Notre Dame de Paris and the treasures of human civilization, reflecting the generosity of the Chinese people and their love for art.

It is said that some people abroad are already organizing it, and tens of millions of dollars in charitable funds have been raised in no time.

Once it is forwarded in China, a large group of people donate generously.

This phenomenon has also been on the hot search, ranking second only to "Notre Dame de Paris burned down".

Some netizens think that the places of interest in France have been destroyed, why are you a Chinese so anxious to get angry?
It's not that your house is on fire, and you still have to donate money to rebuild it. The children in poor mountainous areas can't afford to eat and go to school. Why didn't I see you donate money?

It belongs to eating salty radish and light worrying, and foreigners don't necessarily accept your love.

But other people feel that Notre Dame de Paris does not belong to a certain country, but a treasure of mankind, so citizens should not be so narrow-minded.

This pattern opened up all of a sudden, standing at the highest point of morality.

The people on the other side think this is hypocrisy and double standards. There are more places of interest in the Middle East, and the West is bombing when they say it is bombing. At that time, no one came out to donate money?
The two sides are now arguing, as long as there is news about Notre Dame de Paris, you can see the fierce confrontation between the two factions.

Probably the people of France would not have imagined that the destruction of their national treasure would cause such heated discussions among the people of a big country thousands of miles away.

I still remember that a hundred years ago, the national treasure of the same country was destroyed, and it was vandalized and looted. Only a few people in France issued a document condemning it.

It has to be said that with the development of the times, people have "progressed" a lot.

Luo Quan watched the arguments for a while, and felt that there was really nothing to argue about.

I just sent the donations in the first half of the year and the information about the poor families who have been helped to the news, and attached the following text:

"Notre Dame de Paris was destroyed by someone's government. If there is too much money and no place to burn it, please help these families who can't afford to go to school and look down on diseases.

Compared with the treasures of human civilization that have been destroyed, these people who still have a chance are worth saving. "

This news can be said to have poured a large pot of oil into the already boiling public opinion, and it immediately exploded.

Those who were originally opposed to the donation directly found the backbone, and taunted those people in the Luoquan comment area.

And those who advocate empathy seem to have found a gathering place, and come here one after another for "team building".

One of them asked a question, which was highly regarded.

"Luo Quan, if the Forbidden City was burned down, would you still hang on like this?"

Luo Quan replied immediately: "Of course not. The Forbidden City is so important that it must be repaired, but we ordinary people don't need to donate money to repair it."

"Since you said you wanted to repair it, why did you object so much when the object was changed to Notre Dame de Paris?"

"Because I have double standards."

Luo Quan's answer was beyond everyone's expectation.

Because I have double standards, what a blunt and uncritical answer.

I am a double standard, I just stand on my own side without thinking.

If one day the Forbidden City and the Louvre must be burned down, Luo Quan would definitely choose the Louvre without hesitation.

This is a question that does not require thinking at all, and most Chinese people can make the right choice.

As for the wrong choice, it is self-evident what the ingredients are.

Regarding Luo Quan's answer, the netizen who questioned her didn't know how to continue, and could only say: "Since you have such a double standard, how can you evaluate this matter neutrally?"

"I never said I was neutral. I just thought I should help these poor people. Do you think I was wrong?"

As soon as this was said, no one argued with her anymore.

This is an outright heartbreaking statement.

Compared with the people of China, what is there to worry about about the life and death of Notre Dame de Paris?
This is basically a question that can't be chosen wrong unless the person doing the question is not a Chinese.

Luo Quan's question and answer also made the relevant debates disappear.

It wasn't such a big deal at first. No matter how good Notre Dame de Paris is, it's still a foreign country.

The only warning to Huaxia from this incident is that it is necessary to strengthen the safety management of places of interest, especially in the area of ​​fire and personnel.

The cause of the fire in Notre Dame de Paris has come out, and the probability is not an accident, but a man-made disaster.

It is now said on the Internet that after the refugees were beaten, they retaliated by setting fire to Notre Dame de Paris, and this is the first one, and the next one is the Louvre.

For a time, rumors spread everywhere, and the impact was extremely bad.

(End of this chapter)

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